Obama Called A 'Imposter' Serving In The White House Today (White House Livid)

How is he generalizing seeing what Obama has said and done?

No hatred required. These are facts.

Are your reading along, and you can't comprehend what he said? I just gave two examples of why he is generalizing and wrong about Obama. Do you understand the ALL conclusiveness of the word "generalization?" For he is beyond "seeing" and "hearing" what Obama said and did. He has no clue to Obama thought processes, an illogical assumption at best.

He says Obama "doesn't care about this country." That is a generalization and fabrication of unknown facts, as he has no idea what Obama cares about. Do you understand the fallacy now??

And i know what Bammy and the Statists are up to.

Case closed in that regard.

-Go fish-

Oh, so enter the crystal ball reader. Do you charge by the hour for such knowledge? Fact is, you have no idea what Obama is up to, so there is no case closed, check mate.
Has anyone noticed that since the Republicans took back the house that more and more tidbits of information of his eligibility issue is getting out? I think this is happening for a purpose. I believe James Carville is leaking information about the DNC and Hawaii Democratic certification form with ties to Pelosi in order to clear them out for a possible Clinton presidential run. I believe he is the next 'Deep Throat'. There is a reason Rush did this today.

Rush Limbaugh: 'Impostor' serving in White House

Radio host Rush Limbaugh is again calling into question the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as president, declaring him to be a phony.

"We have an impostor for all intents and purposes serving in the White House," Limbaugh said today.

The comment from the top-rated host came during his analysis of the disclosure that Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour, a purported representative of the Taliban negotiating with the Afghan government, actually turned out to be an impersonator.

Limbaugh said: "The impostor got into the equivalent of the White House in Afghanistan. Did they not ask this guy for some kind of identification? They clearly didn't. They clearly didn't ask this guy for his birth certificate. How in the world could they trust in a leader and even give money to somebody who has not been properly vetted? Well, because it happened here in the United States. We have an impostor for all intents and purposes serving in the White House."
Media tweak of the week.

I'd like to come up with a better explanation as to why they keep falling for it, other than that they're all a bunch of thin-skinned, reactionary, knee-jerk fools...But I can't.

Keep up the good work, Rush. :lol::lol::lol:
Great show today! Rush out did himself. ;) :lol:
Ah, yes.....the convenience of hiding-behind a call-screener!

How manly!!!

What was great about that video is when Stuttering LimpTard got the Teabagger treatment he played the victim and accused them of trying to restrict HIS free speech rights, but when the Dems got teabagged at the town hall meetings he said the Baggers were expressing THEIR free speech rights.

Some of these people like Rush & Palin should just be summed up as loonies of the right, kind of a special category of known crack pots like Ann Coulter. Just sum them up, and discard them in a box and stop giving them any attention or credit. Like that loony Dr. laura, they just fade away and never come to mind again. It is interesting how the rightys turned Beck into the nest huggy bear, and discarded O'Rielly. He became irrelevant and faded into the sunset.
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This is much worse for Obama that I first thought. No way Soros goes public as his first salvo. He must have had a Come To Allah discussion with Obama first, telling him that he should not run again in 2012 and Obama must have told him no. Then Soros went public and Obama's toast, stick a fork in him
So typical of CON$, when they know they're wrong they change the subject. Nowhere in LimpTard's Indians are mass murderers rant did he say he was being absurd, simply take a completely different rant out of context and use that.

The fact remains your MessiahRushie was dead serious in his attempt to relieve the white man of his responsibility for the genocide of the native American Indians.

White Man v. Native Americans
November 24, 2010
CALLER: Well, it's the truth. I'm a smoker but I'm not going to blame Native Americans for me smoking cigarettes.

RUSH: Look, it's a think piece out there. I mean we're bombarded every day with how we committed genocide on these people. The white man is being blamed for every evil on this planet.

Your quote came from this rant below, and the absurdity was the crap about socialism and capitalism since the caller and LimpTard both agree the Pilgrims were thankful for the help of the Indians. Basically LimpTard's objection was Obama said it.

Obama Gives Cliched Proclamation
November 24, 2010
CALLER: We study the Pilgrims intently in our home, and one of the things that you said this morning I took a big issue with. I think I understand where you're coming from. The first Thanksgiving, as we understand it, that the Pilgrim fathers gave and held was not giving thanks to the Indians. It wasn't giving thanks necessarily for the Indians. But it was giving thanks to God -- and one of the benefits and blessings they saw as coming from him was the relationship they enjoyed with the Indians. And so when they held their feast, of course, they invited the Indians to join them --

RUSH: Right!

CALLER: -- and they held it with them, and I think you may be reading too much into it by saying that Obama's trying to perpetuate that entire myth, although I wouldn't put it past him.

RUSH: No! I'm just reading what he wrote in there!

CALLER: Sure. Sure.

RUSH: He said that Thanksgiving is about the Indians saving us, with their agriculture and everything else. The true story of Thanksgiving is socialism failed. Of course we showed them gratitude! We shared our bounty with them, not because we didn't know how to make it. It was because we first failed as socialists. Only when we turned capitalists did we have plenty. The Indians didn't teach us capitalism.

CALLER: That's true. That's true.

RUSH: They did look at Massasoit... Bradford called Massasoit the protector of the Pilgrims and they did recognize that without his protection they might have been toast with the other tribes around, and Massasoit did show great courage in welcoming the Pilgrims. You know, he'd been burned before by a pirate named Black that had stolen away a lot of his tribes members, so for Massasoit to not come in immediately and attack the Pilgrims was a blessing from God, and they recognize that, and so they were thankful. But there also came a time when Massasoit was truly thankful for the Pilgrims, and they actually saved his life on more than one occasion --

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: -- and he was grateful for them. So they enjoyed peaceful relations for 50 years.

RUSH: What have I said that you gives you the idea that I disagree with this. I mean, after all the Indians had to show the Pilgrims where the water sources were. They didn't know any of that stuff.


RUSH: There had there to be mutual sharing. What did I say that gives you the...?

CALLER: Well, I think to imply that they weren't thankful at all for the Indians or what the Indians had done for them or to say that the Indians did not protect them and weren't in some ways (garbled).

RUSH: No! I didn't say that. They clearly were because they shared the first feast with them. They shared all the bounty with them.

CALLER: Then we have no disagreement.

RUSH: It was free range turkey!

CALLER: You're 99.7% rating is still intact, then.

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: Look, I enjoy the scrutiny. I'm always interested to know how people hear what I say. Because I'm a professional communicator, and if I fail to communicate what I mean, I need to know that. So you've served a very valuable purpose here because I did not mean to imply that we steamrollered over these people.

CALLER: Well, and I know that much of what you say is also designed to provoke thought and to make people think, to be absurd sometimes and make people go to the limits of absurdity and look at their own beliefs.

RUSH: Well, that's exactly right. We do illustrate absurdity by being absurd here. Those who forget that quickly can lose their minds. http://img.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_112410/content/01125109.guest.html Edited/Added Link

Not out of context. It was one of the callers during the very same show. Nice try though. :lol:

Rush has explained this "highlighting the Absurd" by being absurd many times before anyway...not my fault you are constantly duped. :)
So then you are saying that everything your MessiahRushie says on every day is ABSURD!

So when Stuttering LimpTard says CON$ believe in small government he's being ABSURD. When he says Libs always lie he's being ABSURD. When he says he hopes Obama fails he's being ABSURD. There is no time on any day when LimnpTard is not being ABSURD. :cuckoo:
That's ABSURD! :rofl:

Did u forget to take ur medication?
Obama is the anti-Christ devil incarnate and my baby-daddy. Rush says so.
So then you are saying that everything your MessiahRushie says on every day is ABSURD!

So when Stuttering LimpTard says CON$ believe in small government he's being ABSURD. When he says Libs always lie he's being ABSURD. When he says he hopes Obama fails he's being ABSURD. There is no time on any day when LimnpTard is not being ABSURD. :cuckoo:
That's ABSURD! :rofl:

So your way of doing battle is by taking everyone out of context and misrepresenting what they say. :rolleyes:

That's ABSURD.....but that is what you do.

Get a new act.....this one is getting boring.:lame2:
So then you are saying that everything your MessiahRushie says on every day is ABSURD!

So when Stuttering LimpTard says CON$ believe in small government he's being ABSURD. When he says Libs always lie he's being ABSURD. When he says he hopes Obama fails he's being ABSURD. There is no time on any day when LimnpTard is not being ABSURD. :cuckoo:
That's ABSURD! :rofl:

So your way of doing battle is by taking everyone out of context and misrepresenting what they say. :rolleyes:

That's ABSURD.....but that is what you do.

Get a new act.....this one is getting boring.:lame2:
Don't drop the revelation yet that many Communists want an end to government too, that would make his head explode.

Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a stateless and classless society structured upon common ownership of the means of production, free access to articles of consumption, the end of wage labour and private property on the means of production and real estate.[1]
In Marxist theory, communism is a specific stage of historical development that inevitably emerges from the development of the productive forces that leads to a superabundance of material wealth, allowing for distribution based on need and social relations based on freely-associated individuals.[2][3]
Anarchist communism (also known as anarcho-communism or libertarian communism) is a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state, private property, and capitalism in favor of common ownership of the means of production,[1][2] direct democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations and workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle: "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need".[3][4]
Anarchist communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collectivist anarchism (also known as anarcho-collectivism) is a revolutionary[1] doctrine that advocates the abolition of the state and private ownership of the means of production. Instead, it envisions the means of production being owned collectively and controlled and managed by the producers themselves.
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Great show today! Rush out did himself. ;) :lol:
Ah, yes.....the convenience of hiding-behind a call-screener!

How manly!!!

What was great about that video is when Stuttering LimpTard got the Teabagger treatment he played the victim and accused them of trying to restrict HIS free speech rights.....
....Pretty-much the reason he cleared the audience, and (eventually) decided T.V. was too-interactive.....now-referred-to as The Palin Doctrine.

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Ah, yes.....the convenience of hiding-behind a call-screener!

How manly!!!

What was great about that video is when Stuttering LimpTard got the Teabagger treatment he played the victim and accused them of trying to restrict HIS free speech rights.....
....Pretty-much the reason he cleared the audience, and (eventually) decided T.V. was too-interactive.....now-referred-to as The Palin Doctrine.


he treated the audience, as he would an unruly third grade class, which he wouldn't have had to have done, if it weren't for people like you. he did the right thing, i felt sorry for the people enjoying the show and not acting churlish. he is always a gentleman, he's no racist either.
the kouric thing is ancient
What was great about that video is when Stuttering LimpTard got the Teabagger treatment he played the victim and accused them of trying to restrict HIS free speech rights.....
....Pretty-much the reason he cleared the audience, and (eventually) decided T.V. was too-interactive.....now-referred-to as The Palin Doctrine.


he treated the audience, as he would an unruly third grade class, which he wouldn't have had to have done, if it weren't for people like you. he did the right thing, i felt sorry for the people enjoying the show and not acting churlish. he is always a gentleman, he's no racist either.
the kouric thing is ancient
Your racist MessiahRushie is a racist by his OWN definition of a racist, and you can't get any more racist than that!

March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society, Ted, are these white liberals. They're the ones that notice your skin color before anything else, and they're the ones deciding whose skin color is dark enough and therefore who's authentic enough and who's been down for the struggle. It's those people doing this. It's not me. It's not "talk radio."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: * The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

August 20, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's just that you can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism has taken us, you can't hit the girl, and you can't criticize the little black man child, you just can't do it because it's not right, it's unfair, he's such a victim.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. "As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans," Obama said. He didn't say it, but -- anyway

May 2, 2007
RUSH: I don't look at Barack Obama and say, "Is he black enough?"

January 16, 2007
RUSH : And for Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half-minority --

September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American.

September 16, 2009
RUSH: Obama is not black to me.*
So typical of CON$, when they know they're wrong they change the subject. Nowhere in LimpTard's Indians are mass murderers rant did he say he was being absurd, simply take a completely different rant out of context and use that.

The fact remains your MessiahRushie was dead serious in his attempt to relieve the white man of his responsibility for the genocide of the native American Indians.

White Man v. Native Americans
November 24, 2010
CALLER: Well, it's the truth. I'm a smoker but I'm not going to blame Native Americans for me smoking cigarettes.

RUSH: Look, it's a think piece out there. I mean we're bombarded every day with how we committed genocide on these people. The white man is being blamed for every evil on this planet.

Your quote came from this rant below, and the absurdity was the crap about socialism and capitalism since the caller and LimpTard both agree the Pilgrims were thankful for the help of the Indians. Basically LimpTard's objection was Obama said it.

Obama Gives Cliched Proclamation
November 24, 2010
CALLER: We study the Pilgrims intently in our home, and one of the things that you said this morning I took a big issue with. I think I understand where you're coming from. The first Thanksgiving, as we understand it, that the Pilgrim fathers gave and held was not giving thanks to the Indians. It wasn't giving thanks necessarily for the Indians. But it was giving thanks to God -- and one of the benefits and blessings they saw as coming from him was the relationship they enjoyed with the Indians. And so when they held their feast, of course, they invited the Indians to join them --

RUSH: Right!

CALLER: -- and they held it with them, and I think you may be reading too much into it by saying that Obama's trying to perpetuate that entire myth, although I wouldn't put it past him.

RUSH: No! I'm just reading what he wrote in there!

CALLER: Sure. Sure.

RUSH: He said that Thanksgiving is about the Indians saving us, with their agriculture and everything else. The true story of Thanksgiving is socialism failed. Of course we showed them gratitude! We shared our bounty with them, not because we didn't know how to make it. It was because we first failed as socialists. Only when we turned capitalists did we have plenty. The Indians didn't teach us capitalism.

CALLER: That's true. That's true.

RUSH: They did look at Massasoit... Bradford called Massasoit the protector of the Pilgrims and they did recognize that without his protection they might have been toast with the other tribes around, and Massasoit did show great courage in welcoming the Pilgrims. You know, he'd been burned before by a pirate named Black that had stolen away a lot of his tribes members, so for Massasoit to not come in immediately and attack the Pilgrims was a blessing from God, and they recognize that, and so they were thankful. But there also came a time when Massasoit was truly thankful for the Pilgrims, and they actually saved his life on more than one occasion --

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: -- and he was grateful for them. So they enjoyed peaceful relations for 50 years.

RUSH: What have I said that you gives you the idea that I disagree with this. I mean, after all the Indians had to show the Pilgrims where the water sources were. They didn't know any of that stuff.


RUSH: There had there to be mutual sharing. What did I say that gives you the...?

CALLER: Well, I think to imply that they weren't thankful at all for the Indians or what the Indians had done for them or to say that the Indians did not protect them and weren't in some ways (garbled).

RUSH: No! I didn't say that. They clearly were because they shared the first feast with them. They shared all the bounty with them.

CALLER: Then we have no disagreement.

RUSH: It was free range turkey!

CALLER: You're 99.7% rating is still intact, then.

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: Look, I enjoy the scrutiny. I'm always interested to know how people hear what I say. Because I'm a professional communicator, and if I fail to communicate what I mean, I need to know that. So you've served a very valuable purpose here because I did not mean to imply that we steamrollered over these people.

CALLER: Well, and I know that much of what you say is also designed to provoke thought and to make people think, to be absurd sometimes and make people go to the limits of absurdity and look at their own beliefs.

RUSH: Well, that's exactly right. We do illustrate absurdity by being absurd here. Those who forget that quickly can lose their minds. Obama Gives Cliched Proclamation Edited/Added Link

Not out of context. It was one of the callers during the very same show. Nice try though. :lol:

Rush has explained this "highlighting the Absurd" by being absurd many times before anyway...not my fault you are constantly duped. :)
So then you are saying that everything your MessiahRushie says on every day is ABSURD!

So when Stuttering LimpTard says CON$ believe in small government he's being ABSURD. When he says Libs always lie he's being ABSURD. When he says he hopes Obama fails he's being ABSURD. There is no time on any day when LimnpTard is not being ABSURD. :cuckoo:
That's ABSURD! :rofl:

"Rush said that he thought most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous is was, the more they would believe it."

Not out of context. It was one of the callers during the very same show. Nice try though. :lol:

Rush has explained this "highlighting the Absurd" by being absurd many times before anyway...not my fault you are constantly duped. :)
So then you are saying that everything your MessiahRushie says on every day is ABSURD!

So when Stuttering LimpTard says CON$ believe in small government he's being ABSURD. When he says Libs always lie he's being ABSURD. When he says he hopes Obama fails he's being ABSURD. There is no time on any day when LimnpTard is not being ABSURD. :cuckoo:
That's ABSURD! :rofl:

"Rush said that he thought most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous is was, the more they would believe it."


i'd have to call you "the blinding wall of text guy" on this board. you and cyberphotospacepixleboy (skooks) should team up, then you'd win every thread, by cyberspace utilization default
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U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility
Is president a 'natural-born citizen' as Constitution requires?

WASHINGTON – Is this the case that will break the presidential eligibility question wide open?

The Supreme Court conferred today on whether arguments should be heard on the merits of Kerchner v. Obama, a case challenging whether President Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president because he may not be a "natural-born citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

Unlike other eligibility cases that have reached the Supreme Court, Kerchner vs. Obama focuses on the "Vattel theory," which argues that the writers of the Constitution believed the term "natural-born citizen" to mean a person born in the United States to parents who were both American citizens.

"This case is unprecedented," said Mario Apuzzo, the attorney bringing the suit. "I believe we presented an ironclad case. We've shown standing, and we've shown the importance of the issue for the Supreme Court. There's nothing standing in their way to grant us a writ of certiorari."

To read the entire article:

U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility
....Pretty-much the reason he cleared the audience, and (eventually) decided T.V. was too-interactive.....now-referred-to as The Palin Doctrine.


he treated the audience, as he would an unruly third grade class, which he wouldn't have had to have done, if it weren't for people like you. he did the right thing, i felt sorry for the people enjoying the show and not acting churlish. he is always a gentleman, he's no racist either.
the kouric thing is ancient
Your racist MessiahRushie is a racist by his OWN definition of a racist, and you can't get any more racist than that!

March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society, Ted, are these white liberals. They're the ones that notice your skin color before anything else, and they're the ones deciding whose skin color is dark enough and therefore who's authentic enough and who's been down for the struggle. It's those people doing this. It's not me. It's not "talk radio."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: * The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

August 20, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's just that you can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism has taken us, you can't hit the girl, and you can't criticize the little black man child, you just can't do it because it's not right, it's unfair, he's such a victim.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. "As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans," Obama said. He didn't say it, but -- anyway

May 2, 2007
RUSH: I don't look at Barack Obama and say, "Is he black enough?"

January 16, 2007
RUSH : And for Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half-minority --

September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American.

September 16, 2009
RUSH: Obama is not black to me.*

all within the discussion about racism, much like harry reid's, "he's not black enough", or bidens, "he looks clean and sounds articulate". lol
rush isn't racist.
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Ms. Sheman seems to think that if heshe hilights, marks up, uses different colors, that somehow hishers posts will be taken serious. IN fact, you look at them, you start getting a migrain... and then when you actually read them your IQ starts heading south. I haven't read a post of hershis in some time. It's pointless.
U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility
Is president a 'natural-born citizen' as Constitution requires?

WASHINGTON – Is this the case that will break the presidential eligibility question wide open?

The Supreme Court conferred today on whether arguments should be heard on the merits of Kerchner v. Obama, a case challenging whether President Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president because he may not be a "natural-born citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

Unlike other eligibility cases that have reached the Supreme Court, Kerchner vs. Obama focuses on the "Vattel theory," which argues that the writers of the Constitution believed the term "natural-born citizen" to mean a person born in the United States to parents who were both American citizens.

"This case is unprecedented," said Mario Apuzzo, the attorney bringing the suit. "I believe we presented an ironclad case. We've shown standing, and we've shown the importance of the issue for the Supreme Court. There's nothing standing in their way to grant us a writ of certiorari."

To read the entire article:

U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility

Bullshit. If they had meant that, they would have written it into the constitution. Next?
U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility
Is president a 'natural-born citizen' as Constitution requires?

WASHINGTON – Is this the case that will break the presidential eligibility question wide open?

The Supreme Court conferred today on whether arguments should be heard on the merits of Kerchner v. Obama, a case challenging whether President Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president because he may not be a "natural-born citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

Unlike other eligibility cases that have reached the Supreme Court, Kerchner vs. Obama focuses on the "Vattel theory," which argues that the writers of the Constitution believed the term "natural-born citizen" to mean a person born in the United States to parents who were both American citizens.

"This case is unprecedented," said Mario Apuzzo, the attorney bringing the suit. "I believe we presented an ironclad case. We've shown standing, and we've shown the importance of the issue for the Supreme Court. There's nothing standing in their way to grant us a writ of certiorari."

To read the entire article:

U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility

Bullshit. If they had meant that, they would have written it into the constitution. Next?

would they have written it as clear as SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Certain elements dont mind ignoring the written word.
U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility
Is president a 'natural-born citizen' as Constitution requires?

WASHINGTON – Is this the case that will break the presidential eligibility question wide open?

The Supreme Court conferred today on whether arguments should be heard on the merits of Kerchner v. Obama, a case challenging whether President Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president because he may not be a "natural-born citizen" as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

Unlike other eligibility cases that have reached the Supreme Court, Kerchner vs. Obama focuses on the "Vattel theory," which argues that the writers of the Constitution believed the term "natural-born citizen" to mean a person born in the United States to parents who were both American citizens.

"This case is unprecedented," said Mario Apuzzo, the attorney bringing the suit. "I believe we presented an ironclad case. We've shown standing, and we've shown the importance of the issue for the Supreme Court. There's nothing standing in their way to grant us a writ of certiorari."

To read the entire article:

U.S. Supreme Court confers on Obama eligibility

this is bigger than the nbc story or the pledge of allegienc on a beercan story... my first thought is "hillary"

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