Obama Calls For Gun Control In Wake Of Florida Shooting? What is wrong with is traitor?


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Obama Calls For Gun Control In Wake Of Florida Shooting

Obama loves seeing Americans die. That was the point of his Iran deal, to help Iran nuke America. His plan in releasing 5 senior Taliban, to help them kill more Americans. He killed 4 in Benghazi. He was disappointed other Americans survived. Obama bragged to the NY Times how he personally selected people to die with drones. Obama loved watching veterans die on secret VA waiting lists. Obama gave guns to Mexican drug cartels to kill American border patrol agents, in Fast & Furious. Now Obama is disappointed, not enough died in Parkland. Obama wants to make sure no future victim can defend themselves. Disarm schools so mass murderers can kill more, that's Obama's plan. He's so proud of it. Then again, he's just reading scripts off teleprompters, and may have no clue what he's saying, especially after another cocaine night. When you're high, that's your excuse. For murder, mass murder & serial murder. Obama's excuse. Worn a little thin. Obama killed the Rev. Wright choir director, and helped Hillary kill Seth Rich. Killing Americans is in his DNA. Obama's only tears over Parkland's high school mass shooting is that not enough died.

Obama doesn't care. If he did, he would have signed one of his Executive Decrees banning assault weapons, just like he did with DACA. Always remember, if their are no votes to be gained, the Democrats DON'T CARE. Berrys legacy is Sandy hook, And he never gave a shit about those kids all he cares about is control...

Easy for him to say that now, even though he didn't even write a single executive order pertaining to firearms, while he was in office.

Obama Calls For Gun Control In Wake Of Florida Shooting

Obama loves seeing Americans die. That was the point of his Iran deal, to help Iran nuke America. His plan in releasing 5 senior Taliban, to help them kill more Americans. He killed 4 in Benghazi. He was disappointed other Americans survived. Obama bragged to the NY Times how he personally selected people to die with drones. Obama loved watching veterans die on secret VA waiting lists. Obama gave guns to Mexican drug cartels to kill American border patrol agents, in Fast & Furious. Now Obama is disappointed, not enough died in Parkland. Obama wants to make sure no future victim can defend themselves. Disarm schools so mass murderers can kill more, that's Obama's plan. He's so proud of it. Then again, he's just reading scripts off teleprompters, and may have no clue what he's saying, especially after another cocaine night. When you're high, that's your excuse. For murder, mass murder & serial murder. Obama's excuse. Worn a little thin. Obama killed the Rev. Wright choir director, and helped Hillary kill Seth Rich. Killing Americans is in his DNA. Obama's only tears over Parkland's high school mass shooting is that not enough died.

Obama doesn't care. If he did, he would have signed one of his Executive Decrees banning assault weapons, just like he did with DACA. Always remember, if their are no votes to be gained, the Democrats DON'T CARE. Berrys legacy is Sandy hook, And he never gave a shit about those kids all he cares about is control...

Barry can not help it, He’s a fucking shit stain

The murder of 17 innocent high school students in Parkland, Florida reminds us that public schools are dangerous. Too dangerous for children.

Yet there are pro-public school ideologues who refuse to face the facts. They shut their eyes to reality. They spout their slogan: “Public schools don’t kill public students. Killers kill public school students.” We have heard this for 50 years. Yet the killers are always one of these: (1) enrolled public school students, (2) public school graduates, or (3) expelled public school students. It’s time to turn a deaf ear on the refrain about public schools not killing public school students.

When was the last time you heard of a mass execution of students in a private school? The next time will be the first.

Obama Calls For Gun Control In Wake Of Florida Shooting

Obama loves seeing Americans die. That was the point of his Iran deal, to help Iran nuke America. His plan in releasing 5 senior Taliban, to help them kill more Americans. He killed 4 in Benghazi. He was disappointed other Americans survived. Obama bragged to the NY Times how he personally selected people to die with drones. Obama loved watching veterans die on secret VA waiting lists. Obama gave guns to Mexican drug cartels to kill American border patrol agents, in Fast & Furious. Now Obama is disappointed, not enough died in Parkland. Obama wants to make sure no future victim can defend themselves. Disarm schools so mass murderers can kill more, that's Obama's plan. He's so proud of it. Then again, he's just reading scripts off teleprompters, and may have no clue what he's saying, especially after another cocaine night. When you're high, that's your excuse. For murder, mass murder & serial murder. Obama's excuse. Worn a little thin. Obama killed the Rev. Wright choir director, and helped Hillary kill Seth Rich. Killing Americans is in his DNA. Obama's only tears over Parkland's high school mass shooting is that not enough died.

Obama doesn't care. If he did, he would have signed one of his Executive Decrees banning assault weapons, just like he did with DACA. Always remember, if their are no votes to be gained, the Democrats DON'T CARE. Berrys legacy is Sandy hook, And he never gave a shit about those kids all he cares about is control...


you forget his administration gave away over 2000 firearms to dangerous criminals during fast n furious

did he do it in hopes they would raise hell with them so he could call for more gun control

to bad they got caught in the act

when one of his "fast n furious" firearms showed up by the dead body of a border guard

on the same day holder was to make his gun control pitch

what bad timing
We need to change culture and gun laws won't do a damn thing. We need parents that are real parents, that will work with the child and give them real world discipline instead of coddling the kids. If Jimmy screws up at school, the parents need to own up to it and make the kid take responsibility for their mistakes.

Teachers aren't the enemy, they can help parents and students focus on taking responsibility for their life and help them to quit making excuses for kids.

Guns have been around for many centuries, this coddling and spoiling kids is getting out of control. Lets have people man up, take responsibility for their mistakes, have consequences for bad behavior instead of ignoring problems before they become bigger problems.
Obama Calls For Gun Control In Wake Of Florida Shooting

Obama loves seeing Americans die. That was the point of his Iran deal, to help Iran nuke America. His plan in releasing 5 senior Taliban, to help them kill more Americans. He killed 4 in Benghazi. He was disappointed other Americans survived. Obama bragged to the NY Times how he personally selected people to die with drones. Obama loved watching veterans die on secret VA waiting lists. Obama gave guns to Mexican drug cartels to kill American border patrol agents, in Fast & Furious. Now Obama is disappointed, not enough died in Parkland. Obama wants to make sure no future victim can defend themselves. Disarm schools so mass murderers can kill more, that's Obama's plan. He's so proud of it. Then again, he's just reading scripts off teleprompters, and may have no clue what he's saying, especially after another cocaine night. When you're high, that's your excuse. For murder, mass murder & serial murder. Obama's excuse. Worn a little thin. Obama killed the Rev. Wright choir director, and helped Hillary kill Seth Rich. Killing Americans is in his DNA. Obama's only tears over Parkland's high school mass shooting is that not enough died.

Obama doesn't care. If he did, he would have signed one of his Executive Decrees banning assault weapons, just like he did with DACA. Always remember, if their are no votes to be gained, the Democrats DON'T CARE. Berrys legacy is Sandy hook, And he never gave a shit about those kids all he cares about is control...

Let it be known I am officially calling for
" Obama Control", using Obamas own
blame game,
we can blame Obama and the Dems for the shootings, because he and they tied up the FBI with his Obama-gate mischief Russia redirect and spread their attentions in every direction but real national & community needs.

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