Obama calls Supreme Court EPA ruling "backwards"

Which trees? Where? deciduous trees turn brown every autumn, moron
Pines do not, and certainly not remaining brown through the spring and summer. Stop in at the visitors center near Gatlinburg, close to park entrance.
Trees turned brown because of CO2?
Trees turned brown a partial kills due to exposure to dilute carbonic acid rain or in The Smokies case, mist that often shrouds upper elevations.
I don't think climate change was any more the reason for the clean air act than you do.
Then we are in agreement that Congress should have passed a climate act instead of administrations forcing the EPA into using the clean air act as a Trojan horse for climate legislation.
Pines do not, and certainly not remaining brown through the spring and summer. Stop in at the visitors center near Gatlinburg, close to park entrance.
I see pines all around me that are a luscious green.
Trees turned brown a partial kills due to exposure to dilute carbonic acid rain or in The Smokies case, mist that often shrouds upper elevations.
Is it really too much to ask our legislature to follow the constitution? Because the EPA is more than willing to regulate abortion after deciding that fetus' are pollution.
Go look at the trees, that grew tall, healthy and strong, turned brown, and decide. You don't have to take my word for it. It's a free country.


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Trees turned brown a partial kills due to exposure to dilute carbonic acid rain or in The Smokies case, mist that often shrouds upper elevations.

You seem confused ... carbonic acid won't do that ... pour out a can of soda on your lawn ... see? ... no damage ...

You're thinking of sulfuric acid, from burning high-sulfur coal etc ... pour out a car battery on your lawn ... see? ... it's dead now ...
According to National Park Service. Not as bad as it was in the 60s and 70s, but still present.

Hey fella you keep spreading LIES about CO2 causing Acid rain which I exploded yesterday in page 2 that you have ignored:

POST 30:

LOL, you really should slow down because CO2 doesn't cause Acid Rain from the EPA,

What Causes Acid Rain?​

Acid rain results when sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are emitted into the atmosphere and transported by wind and air currents. The SO2 and NOX react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids. These then mix with water and other materials before falling to the ground.

While a small portion of the SO2 and NOX that cause acid rain is from natural sources such as volcanoes, most of it comes from the burning of fossil fuels. The major sources of SO2 and NOX in the atmosphere are:



You also ignored what the EPA says about Acid rain again exposing your lies.

POST 31:

Again, you are incorrect since CO2 does NOT create acid rain, you should stop promoting this nonsense it is a lie which should stop.

Increased CO2 in the air doesn't kill plants they grow more efficiently on less water.

Why did you ignore the two links from NASA showing that CO2 is a big booster to life on the planet?

Care to acknowledge them at POST 21

You foolishly call CO2 a pollutant which you provided exactly ZERO evidence to support your absurd assertion CO2 a building block of life and essential for the Photosynthesis process yet gets demonized by ignorant stupid people.

From the EPA

Measuring Acid Rain​

Acidity and alkalinity are measured using a pH scale for which 7.0 is neutral. The lower a substance's pH (less than 7), the more acidic it is; the higher a substance's pH (greater than 7), the more alkaline it is. Normal rain has a pH of about 5.6; it is slightly acidic because carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves into it forming weak carbonic acid. Acid rain usually has a pH between 4.2 and 4.4.

Hey fella you keep spreading LIES about CO2 causing Acid rain which I exploded yesterday in page 2 that you have ignored:

POST 30:

LOL, you really should slow down because CO2 doesn't cause Acid Rain from the EPA,

What Causes Acid Rain?​

Acid rain results when sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are emitted into the atmosphere and transported by wind and air currents. The SO2 and NOX react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids. These then mix with water and other materials before falling to the ground.

While a small portion of the SO2 and NOX that cause acid rain is from natural sources such as volcanoes, most of it comes from the burning of fossil fuels. The major sources of SO2 and NOX in the atmosphere are:



You also ignored what the EPA says about Acid rain again exposing your lies.

POST 31:

Again, you are incorrect since CO2 does NOT create acid rain, you should stop promoting this nonsense it is a lie which should stop.

Increased CO2 in the air doesn't kill plants they grow more efficiently on less water.

Why did you ignore the two links from NASA showing that CO2 is a big booster to life on the planet?

Care to acknowledge them at POST 21

You foolishly call CO2 a pollutant which you provided exactly ZERO evidence to support your absurd assertion CO2 a building block of life and essential for the Photosynthesis process yet gets demonized by ignorant stupid people.

From the EPA

Measuring Acid Rain​

Acidity and alkalinity are measured using a pH scale for which 7.0 is neutral. The lower a substance's pH (less than 7), the more acidic it is; the higher a substance's pH (greater than 7), the more alkaline it is. Normal rain has a pH of about 5.6; it is slightly acidic because carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves into it forming weak carbonic acid. Acid rain usually has a pH between 4.2 and 4.4.


Not to belabor the point ... but the most likely reason for the Permian Extinction Event was the huge flood basalt event in Siberia and all the released SO2 ... which wound up in the oceans poisoning most of the life there ... which explains why this particular extinction event was primarily in the oceans rather than on land ...

I remember driving through upstate Connecticut and Rhode Island on Hwy 6 ... the devastation from acid rain was horrible ... and we outlawed the burning of high sulfur fuels, coal and oil both ... this had to be a Federal effort because it was New York who was burning the sulfur ... the bastards ...
You seem confused ... carbonic acid won't do that ... pour out a can of soda on your lawn ... see? ... no damage ...

You're thinking of sulfuric acid, from burning high-sulfur coal etc ... pour out a car battery on your lawn ... see? ... it's dead now ...
Esplain it to the National Park Services. Be advised, it is unlikely you will have a soda pop coating part of your laws for hours at a time, replaced daily with more, but whatever.
Esplain it to the National Park Services. Be advised, it is unlikely you will have a soda pop coating part of your laws for hours at a time, replaced daily with more, but whatever.

Forest rangers? ... I try to keep my distance if you don't mine ...

My point is that super-saturated carbonic acid is rated as "safe" for human consumption ... the concentration in rain water will be vanishing small compared to soda pop ...

You can't do that with even weak sulfuric acid ... burn your flesh right off your bones it will ... don't you remember this from your chemistry class? ...

ETA: Do you have a link where the NPS claims carbonic acid causes extensive tree die-off ... like the die-offs blamed on sulfuric acid ...
Forest rangers? ... I try to keep my distance if you don't mine ...

My point is that super-saturated carbonic acid is rated as "safe" for human consumption ... the concentration in rain water will be vanishing small compared to soda pop ...

You can't do that with even weak sulfuric acid ... burn your flesh right off your bones it will ... don't you remember this from your chemistry class? ...

ETA: Do you have a link where the NPS claims carbonic acid causes extensive tree die-off ... like the die-offs blamed on sulfuric acid ...

He won't do that since he is allergic to science, I posted about Acid Rain and CO2 weak acidic reaction with rainwater.
Good, if you are talking upper elevations, it shows efforts have been successful.
I live in Florida. My brother lives in Florida, and everything is green there. I've never seen these brown trees you speak of. That's an enviro-wacko myth.
I live in Florida. My brother lives in Florida, and everything is green there. I've never seen these brown trees you speak of. That's an enviro-wacko myth.

We outlawed high-sulfur coal before you were born ... all the shrubs you see in Florida sprouted and grew since then ... I've been to Florida, if it ain't over 200 foot tall, it ain't a tree ... it's a bush ... so, any tree in Florida would be the highest point in the State ...

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