Obama camp looking to expand the map?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2010
New England
Now that they're looking pretty good in nearly all of Obama's '08 states, there are some murmurs that the Obama camp is considering going after a McCain state--and not just any McCain state, McCain's state.

Signaling confidence, Obama's team is considering competing in Arizona.

Obama looked at competing in Arizona in 2008, but decided against it because of the support there for home state Sen. John McCain, the GOP nominee. Obama still won 45 percent of the vote.

This year, Obama's team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did. Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney, Obama's team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years.

Buying television time in Phoenix, the state's largest city, is expensive and Obama advisers are closely watching their finances.

That's not to say that competing in Arizona would be all about winning: going up on the air in the state — or sending the president in to campaign there, could force Romney to spend valuable resources defending a state he should be able to count on in the quest to reach 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory.
What are you saying, that Obama will do better this time than he did in 08?


Doesn't make any sense at all.
I encourage them to try for Arizona. They arent going to vote for him. He can waste his money there.
What are you saying, that Obama will do better this time than he did in 08?


Doesn't make any sense at all.

It makes a bunch of sense. McCain was their native son in '08. McCain got a good percentage of the Hispanic vote. Mitt has alienated and energized Hispanic voters. Mitt's threats to medicare and his stupid statement about writing off 47% of the country that he considers moochers are driving down his numbers among the elderly. Arizona's demographics are also changing. More Hispanic and older. I don't know if he'll be able to win it in this cycle, but he should give it a shot.

I also think he should put on the full court press in Missouri. Hell, with Romney in free fall, he might as well take a shot at Montana as well.
well why not, Obama is never at work anymore anyway..Not that he was that much to begin with
Now that they're looking pretty good in nearly all of Obama's '08 states, there are some murmurs that the Obama camp is considering going after a McCain state--and not just any McCain state, McCain's state.

Signaling confidence, Obama's team is considering competing in Arizona.

Obama looked at competing in Arizona in 2008, but decided against it because of the support there for home state Sen. John McCain, the GOP nominee. Obama still won 45 percent of the vote.

This year, Obama's team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did. Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney, Obama's team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years.

Buying television time in Phoenix, the state's largest city, is expensive and Obama advisers are closely watching their finances.

That's not to say that competing in Arizona would be all about winning: going up on the air in the state — or sending the president in to campaign there, could force Romney to spend valuable resources defending a state he should be able to count on in the quest to reach 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory.

It makes sense;

If you look at the seniors that Ryan is alienating
If you look at the 47% that Romney is alienating
If you look at the Hispanic vote that the GOP has alienated

There is ample evidence for Obama being able to compete there. With this new revelation about Romney having financial woes, forcing him to respond in Arizona is a pretty Machiavellian move.
It would be a smart move on the part of the Obama team – keeping his supporters well-energized and signaling confidence to the GOP and Nation as a whole. And as the article notes, It could also force Romney to defend a state he considered ‘safe,’ further depleting the republican’s resources and perhaps causing further disarray in an already poorly run campaign.
lol, Obama sued the people of Arizona, so I imagine they will welcome him with open arms, well the illegal immigrants he showed favor over you American citizens will I suppose
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Now that they're looking pretty good in nearly all of Obama's '08 states, there are some murmurs that the Obama camp is considering going after a McCain state--and not just any McCain state, McCain's state.

Signaling confidence, Obama's team is considering competing in Arizona.

Obama looked at competing in Arizona in 2008, but decided against it because of the support there for home state Sen. John McCain, the GOP nominee. Obama still won 45 percent of the vote.

This year, Obama's team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did. Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney, Obama's team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years.

Buying television time in Phoenix, the state's largest city, is expensive and Obama advisers are closely watching their finances.

That's not to say that competing in Arizona would be all about winning: going up on the air in the state — or sending the president in to campaign there, could force Romney to spend valuable resources defending a state he should be able to count on in the quest to reach 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory.

It makes sense;

If you look at the seniors that Ryan is alienating
If you look at the 47% that Romney is alienating
If you look at the Hispanic vote that the GOP has alienated

There is ample evidence for Obama being able to compete there. With this new revelation about Romney having financial woes, forcing him to respond in Arizona is a pretty Machiavellian move.

Just looking at the '08 Arizona exit polls, McCain got 41% of the Hispanic vote, and in that election they were 16% of the electorate. McCain also got 56% of those over 65. It won't take much to move those numbers.
Now that they're looking pretty good in nearly all of Obama's '08 states, there are some murmurs that the Obama camp is considering going after a McCain state--and not just any McCain state, McCain's state.

Signaling confidence, Obama's team is considering competing in Arizona.

Obama looked at competing in Arizona in 2008, but decided against it because of the support there for home state Sen. John McCain, the GOP nominee. Obama still won 45 percent of the vote.

This year, Obama's team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did. Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney, Obama's team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years.

Buying television time in Phoenix, the state's largest city, is expensive and Obama advisers are closely watching their finances.

That's not to say that competing in Arizona would be all about winning: going up on the air in the state — or sending the president in to campaign there, could force Romney to spend valuable resources defending a state he should be able to count on in the quest to reach 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory.

:D Ok now they're just showing off..
It would be a smart move on the part of the Obama team – keeping his supporters well-energized and signaling confidence to the GOP and Nation as a whole. And as the article notes, It could also force Romney to defend a state he considered ‘safe,’ further depleting the republican’s resources and perhaps causing further disarray in an already poorly run campaign.

Don't forget the increasingly competitive Senate race in the state. Arizona would be a fine Senate pickup, regardless of where the state's electoral votes go.
Now that they're looking pretty good in nearly all of Obama's '08 states, there are some murmurs that the Obama camp is considering going after a McCain state--and not just any McCain state, McCain's state.

It makes sense;

If you look at the seniors that Ryan is alienating
If you look at the 47% that Romney is alienating
If you look at the Hispanic vote that the GOP has alienated

There is ample evidence for Obama being able to compete there. With this new revelation about Romney having financial woes, forcing him to respond in Arizona is a pretty Machiavellian move.

Just looking at the '08 Arizona exit polls, McCain got 41% of the Hispanic vote, and in that election they were 16% of the electorate. McCain also got 56% of those over 65. It won't take much to move those numbers.

Especially considering that McCain is from there.
What are you saying, that Obama will do better this time than he did in 08?


Doesn't make any sense at all.


President Obama 4.0...........7 polls, Obama leading in 6, one tied

President Obama 265 ............. Governor Romney 191

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Colorado................................President Obama 2.5 ..............8 polls, Obama leading 7

Florida...................................Presiden t Obama 3.1.............11 polls, Obama leading in 9

Iowa......................................Presiden t Obama 4.7..............4 polls, Obama leading in 3

Nevada...................................President Obama 4.2...............5 polls, Obama leading in 4

New Hampshire.......................President Obama 1.0...............3 polls, Obama leading in 2

North Carolina.........................President Obama 1.0...............5 polls, Obama leading in 4

Virgina...................................Presiden t Obama 4.5................7 polls, Obama leading in all

Reality is biting the 'Conservatives' in the ass.

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