Obama Campaign Attacking Stay At Home Mothers!!! Smooth Move!


Apr 22, 2007
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vrE7DG1OWc&feature=player_embedded]Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube[/ame]

This tactic was used by attacking a courageous breast cancer survivor Ann Romney!!! First Mrs. Romney raised FIVE amazing kids! All are HARD-WORKING, highly moral, clean-cut, intelligent, kids that managed to stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, alcohol and become well-rounded adults! Of course liberals will attack and say of course it was easy because they have tens of millions in the bank! Ignoring the fact that when the Romney's had their first child, Mitt was right out of college and they lived in a crappy basement apartment! "Mr. Romney describes the time as “his glory days,” Tagg Romney said. Mitt and Ann settled into a $75-a-month basement apartment." http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/15/us/politics/15romney.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Then she goes on to toss up a weak red herring when Cooper asks, "The economy is the most important to women, why not stick to that." She says, "Well Ann Romney never worked a day in her life!" Nice weak attack on great women!
Ooops she screwed up. She let out of the bag what the liberal elitist think of stay at home mothers.
I'm sorry....where did OBAMA say ANYTHING?

Some of his campaign people. I guess they felt they had to help even out the gender gap by making a few stupid remarks.

Really? When did she join Obama's campaign?

Rosen presided over the RIAA during the period of the music industry that coincided with the rise of internet technology. She was a major lobbying force on Capitol Hill and a regular presence on behalf of the industry in the media. She raised RIAA's profile from a little known trade group to the most visible and influential music industry voice in Washington and around the country. Her longtime close relationship with Democratic members of Congress led to the passage of several pieces of legislation. During her tenure, the RIAA achieved a number of victories in the United States, including:

The dismantling of the Napster and Audiogalaxy Internet file-trading services. Rosen has publicly expressed regret at the result of the Napster litigation. Not from a legal perspective, which she defended, but for the way it limited the debate over online music.
Passage of the controversial Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Initiating the Grokster lawsuit on which the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the record industry
Passage of the Performance Rights Act creating a public performance right for the first time for sound recordings[citation needed]To administer the Act, Rosen created the Sound Exchange, anon-profit collective for performing artists and record companies who receive money from webcasting and other digital music services. As of 2010, Sound Exchange had collected over $350 million dollars on behalf of its members.
Passage of the Record Rental Act providing additional rental protection for sound recordings
Passage of numerous trade treaties providing increased protection for US intellectual property abroad
Rosen also launched initiatives to encourage industry-wide standards of new digital copyright protection technologies, including copy protected CDs and a number of digital rights management-enabled media formats for personal computers. Copy-protected CDs have not been popular with consumers because they cannot be played in most car CD players or on PCs, and only a few pilot titles were ever distributed with the technology. RIAA advanced a legal and public relations campaign to limit the digital file swapping of copyrighted music, a practice whose popularity increased dramatically with improved personal computer multimedia capabilities and expanded broadband Internet access. Rosen left RIAA before the start of a controversial program to sue individuals for file swapping. RIAA was the enforcement arm of the industry. Many say that despite Rosen's public loyalty to the industry, much of her last few years were spent privately encouraging the member companies to embrace internet distribution. The slow pace resulted in her ultimate frustration and desire to leave and in the industry being unable to catch up with the phenomenon of free file sharing.

On January 22, 2003, Rosen announced that she would resign as head of the RIAA at the end of 2003, in order to spend more time with her partner, Elizabeth Birch, and the couple's twins (a boy and a girl). She began a television commentator career first with CNBC and then with MSNBC. She signed with CNN in early 2008. Rosen and Birch separated in 2006.

On November 30, 2004, Rosen became the interim director for the Human Rights Campaign, a leading GLBT lobbyist organization, following the ouster of Cheryl Jacques. Hilary's partner, Elizabeth, was the executive director of HRC for eight years prior to Jacques' assumption of the post. In December 2006 Rosen founded a consulting firm specializing in digital media and the entertainment industry with Jason Berman, former Chairman of the International Recording Industry Association (IFPI) called Berman Rosen Global Strategies. That firm closed when Rosen joined Brunswick. In January 2007, she launched OurChart.com with business partner Ilene Chaiken, creator of the L Word. OurChart.com was a social networking and entertainment site targeted to lesbians and their friends based on the Showtime series, The L Word. Showtime Networks was a financial partner in the website and now controls its content through the L Word TV show website. Her activities with Showtime, coincided with her career in political communications.

Rosen was born and raised in West Orange, NJ. She received her BBA degree from George Washington University.

On April 11, 2012, speaking on CNN with regard to the difficulties of women in a continued difficult economy, Rosen stated: "Guess what, (Romney’s) wife has actually never worked a day in her life." Democratic strategists almost immediately attempted to distance themselves from Rosen.
I'm sorry....where did OBAMA say ANYTHING?

Wait...so political candidates ARE responsible or are NOT responsible for what their strategists or representatives and acquaintances say?? ....cause it seems like Dems are all about believing in the "lie down with dogs wake up with fleas" motto...just so long as they're referring to Republicans. But when a consultant with ties to the President dismisses stay-at-home parents on television, and then continues to do so on her twitter feed and elsewhere...well thats just fine and has nothing to do with Obama???

He should have come out and stated flat out that being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job, one of the most important jobs on earth and certainly one of the most difficult. He should have complimented Ann Romney and what she has accomplished in raising five successful children. He should have asked for the media to stay the hell away from candidate's families....and he should have stopped talking. Instead...he saddled his horse right up next to Rosen by stating that having Michelle stay home with the kids was a "luxury" they couldn't afford.
I'm sorry....where did OBAMA say ANYTHING?

Wait...so political candidates ARE responsible or are NOT responsible for what their strategists or representatives and acquaintances say?? ....cause it seems like Dems are all about believing in the "lie down with dogs wake up with fleas" motto...just so long as they're referring to Republicans. But when a consultant with ties to the President dismisses stay-at-home parents on television, and then continues to do so on her twitter feed and elsewhere...well thats just fine and has nothing to do with Obama???

He should have come out and stated flat out that being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job, one of the most important jobs on earth and certainly one of the most difficult. He should have complimented Ann Romney and what she has accomplished in raising five successful children. He should have asked for the media to stay the hell away from candidate's families....and he should have stopped talking. Instead...he saddled his horse right up next to Rosen by stating that having Michelle stay home with the kids was a "luxury" they couldn't afford.

Please show me the "ties" you speak of...
I'm sorry....where did OBAMA say ANYTHING?

Wait...so political candidates ARE responsible or are NOT responsible for what their strategists or representatives and acquaintances say?? ....cause it seems like Dems are all about believing in the "lie down with dogs wake up with fleas" motto...just so long as they're referring to Republicans. But when a consultant with ties to the President dismisses stay-at-home parents on television, and then continues to do so on her twitter feed and elsewhere...well thats just fine and has nothing to do with Obama???

He should have come out and stated flat out that being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job, one of the most important jobs on earth and certainly one of the most difficult. He should have complimented Ann Romney and what she has accomplished in raising five successful children. He should have asked for the media to stay the hell away from candidate's families....and he should have stopped talking. Instead...he saddled his horse right up next to Rosen by stating that having Michelle stay home with the kids was a "luxury" they couldn't afford.

Please show me the "ties" you speak of...

Wait, you need evidence of Obama's ties to the DNC?

I'm sorry....where did OBAMA say ANYTHING?

Wait...so political candidates ARE responsible or are NOT responsible for what their strategists or representatives and acquaintances say?? ....cause it seems like Dems are all about believing in the "lie down with dogs wake up with fleas" motto...just so long as they're referring to Republicans. But when a consultant with ties to the President dismisses stay-at-home parents on television, and then continues to do so on her twitter feed and elsewhere...well thats just fine and has nothing to do with Obama???

He should have come out and stated flat out that being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job, one of the most important jobs on earth and certainly one of the most difficult. He should have complimented Ann Romney and what she has accomplished in raising five successful children. He should have asked for the media to stay the hell away from candidate's families....and he should have stopped talking. Instead...he saddled his horse right up next to Rosen by stating that having Michelle stay home with the kids was a "luxury" they couldn't afford.

Please show me the "ties" you speak of...

That's the best you've got? Weak.
Wait...so political candidates ARE responsible or are NOT responsible for what their strategists or representatives and acquaintances say?? ....cause it seems like Dems are all about believing in the "lie down with dogs wake up with fleas" motto...just so long as they're referring to Republicans. But when a consultant with ties to the President dismisses stay-at-home parents on television, and then continues to do so on her twitter feed and elsewhere...well thats just fine and has nothing to do with Obama???

He should have come out and stated flat out that being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job, one of the most important jobs on earth and certainly one of the most difficult. He should have complimented Ann Romney and what she has accomplished in raising five successful children. He should have asked for the media to stay the hell away from candidate's families....and he should have stopped talking. Instead...he saddled his horse right up next to Rosen by stating that having Michelle stay home with the kids was a "luxury" they couldn't afford.

Please show me the "ties" you speak of...

Wait, you need evidence of Obama's ties to the DNC?


Oh my God! Obama is a Democrat? Why didn't anybody tell me!

She's been to the White House 35 times. Over 20 times more than Gen. Petraeus, Energy Secretary Stephen Chu, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and only 5 times less than Treasury Secretary, Tim Geitner.

Is she Obama's best friend who he consults with before deciding anything? Probably not. But anyone with even a modicum of intellectual honesty will admit that she certainly is associated with the administration.

If someone with similar ties to a Republican candidate came out with a similar attack on working mothers Romney would be hounded relentlessly until he came out and completely disavowed what that person had said...and after he did that, the Left would still claim that it was further evidence of how the Right wants all women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

But someone who visits the White House more than several incredibly high-ranking member of Obama's team says something remarkably dismissive of a huge number of parents in this nation...and instead of asking Obama to address it...you immediately jump in to say that he has nothing to do with it and has no responsibility to address it at all.

And you know what...thats fine. Obama did not say it personally (although he did jump into the conversation by saying that his salary and book-earnings,etc. was not enough to allow Michelle to stay at home...which is an interesting tactic to take when so many American's are making it work with one parent at home without hundreds of thousands of dollars)...so if you want to say that Obama doesn't need to address something someone associated with his administration said...thats fine.

Just please remember that this was your opinion throughout this campaign when someone on the right says something inflammatory and you really want to jump on the board to state that Romney should address it.

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