Obama Campaign Attacking Stay At Home Mothers!!! Smooth Move!

My opinion is that if you have a record to be proud of, you don't have to attack other candidates wives for the choices they are making..:(

Which is why the Obama White House is pushing this whole "war on women" nonsense in the first place. They're desperate to make this discussion about anything but Barry's failed economic policies, his total abdication on making tough budget cuts, unemployment still being above 8% 3 years after he took office and trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.

It's why the main stream media is pushing a non-story like Zimmerman/Martin and this absolute baloney about a conservative "war on women" when the American publics concerns are the economy, the deficit and JOBS. The struggle for Romney this year will be to keep the focus on what's really important and off of the side issues that the Democrats will try to divert the country's attention to.

Your so right.

What the hell has Barry got that he can run on??

He did give the order to kill UBL. The Seals did the work but he gave the order. One for Barry.

His crappy policies have done squat for the economy and jobs so no bragging rights there.

Guess that leaves racism and the GOP's supposed war on women.

Somehow I don't think the voting public is going to be paying much attention to that bs come Nov. They will however be looking at jobs and the economy and what its costing them to live.

Despite Barry and the DNC's best efforts its gonna be all about the economy stupid.
I'm sorry....where did OBAMA say ANYTHING?

Wait...so political candidates ARE responsible or are NOT responsible for what their strategists or representatives and acquaintances say?? ....cause it seems like Dems are all about believing in the "lie down with dogs wake up with fleas" motto...just so long as they're referring to Republicans. But when a consultant with ties to the President dismisses stay-at-home parents on television, and then continues to do so on her twitter feed and elsewhere...well thats just fine and has nothing to do with Obama???

He should have come out and stated flat out that being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job, one of the most important jobs on earth and certainly one of the most difficult. He should have complimented Ann Romney and what she has accomplished in raising five successful children. He should have asked for the media to stay the hell away from candidate's families....and he should have stopped talking. Instead...he saddled his horse right up next to Rosen by stating that having Michelle stay home with the kids was a "luxury" they couldn't afford.

Please show me the "ties" you speak of...

Hilary Rosen, Frequent White House Visitor - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

A Democratic consultant with ties to the Obama administration sneering that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life” is an opportunity for the Romney campaign, but a small problem in the big picture. In the big picture, women who are unable to find work in Obama’s economy are a bigger one.

Having said that, White House visitor logs indicate that “Hilary Rosen” visited the White House 35 times.

Gen. David Petraeus, head of our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the current CIA director, nine times.

Further perspective: Energy Secretary Stephen/Steve Chu visited 16 times. (Guests are listed by name, not by title, so it is theoretically possible these totals count a separate person with the same name. In the case of Chu, I’m presuming he is the one listing of “Steve Chu” as well as the 15 “Stephen Chu” listings.)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki has visited 19 times.

Former CIA director and current Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, 12 times.

Perhaps most surprisingly, the name “Joseph R. Biden” appears . . . 6 times.

At least Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner managed to get into the White House more frequently than Rosen, but not by much. He has visited 40 times.

So the notion that Rosen is just some Democrat talking head, completely disconnected from the Obama administration and campaign is . . . not plausible.
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Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

This tactic was used by attacking a courageous breast cancer survivor Ann Romney!!! First Mrs. Romney raised FIVE amazing kids! All are HARD-WORKING, highly moral, clean-cut, intelligent, kids that managed to stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, alcohol and become well-rounded adults! Of course liberals will attack and say of course it was easy because they have tens of millions in the bank! Ignoring the fact that when the Romney's had their first child, Mitt was right out of college and they lived in a crappy basement apartment! "Mr. Romney describes the time as “his glory days,” Tagg Romney said. Mitt and Ann settled into a $75-a-month basement apartment." http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/15/us/politics/15romney.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Then she goes on to toss up a weak red herring when Cooper asks, "The economy is the most important to women, why not stick to that." She says, "Well Ann Romney never worked a day in her life!" Nice weak attack on great women!

So, the real war on women has begun. Liberals seem to loathe tradition. Being a stay at home mom means having a more difficult job than most, but without the pay. I raised my three children myself as a stay on home mom married to a military member. I heard so many snide comments over the years, from my liberal relatives and friends. They can be so mean.

I have no regrets. And I won't take shit from liberals and Romney shouldn't either.

Oh please....MY mother was a stay at home Mom married to a military man. She managed to raise three children, but also still managed to get a job.

Yea, asshole, I could have gotten a job, but would have had to put my children in daycare. I wanted to raise them, got it? I never said I couldn't get a job, just that I felt raising my own children was more important. I had chosen not to work until they were all in school.

But, I see I'm still taking shit for my decision from liberals. People like living their own lives and making their own decisions. It's obvious that liberals don't like that concept and will continue to belittle women who chose a more tradition lifestyle. This is a war on women because they are attacking Romney for being a stay at home mom.

BTW, you can't work outside the home and still be a stay at home mom. It's daycare workers doing most of the work raising your children if you are at work all day.
So, the real war on women has begun. Liberals seem to loathe tradition. Being a stay at home mom means having a more difficult job than most, but without the pay. I raised my three children myself as a stay on home mom married to a military member. I heard so many snide comments over the years, from my liberal relatives and friends. They can be so mean.

I have no regrets. And I won't take shit from liberals and Romney shouldn't either.

Oh please....MY mother was a stay at home Mom married to a military man. She managed to raise three children, but also still managed to get a job.

Yea, asshole, I could have gotten a job, but would have had to put my children in daycare. I wanted to raise them, got it? I never said I couldn't get a job, just that I felt raising my own children was more important. I had chosen not to work until they were all in school.

But, I see I'm still taking shit for my decision from liberals. People like living their own lives and making their own decisions. It's obvious that liberals don't like that concept and will continue to belittle women who chose a more tradition lifestyle. This is a war on women because they are attacking Romney for being a stay at home mom.

BTW, you can't work outside the home and still be a stay at home mom. It's daycare workers doing most of the work raising your children if you are at work all day.

I can only assume you married an officer, if you had the choice to be a stay at home Mom...
Oh please....MY mother was a stay at home Mom married to a military man. She managed to raise three children, but also still managed to get a job.

Damned if ya do.... and damned if ya dont (if you happen to be a female conservative)

Vanity Fair attacks Sarah Palin's mothering choices - Austin Stay-at-Home Moms | Examiner.com

Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury | Politics | Vanity Fair

Remember that? All these mother fucking turtle people be screaming about how Sarah Palin should stay at home with her children.. Now they don't seem to want that..
Oh please....MY mother was a stay at home Mom married to a military man. She managed to raise three children, but also still managed to get a job.

Damned if ya do.... and damned if ya dont (if you happen to be a female conservative)

Vanity Fair attacks Sarah Palin's mothering choices - Austin Stay-at-Home Moms | Examiner.com

Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury | Politics | Vanity Fair

Remember that? All these mother fucking turtle people be screaming about how Sarah Palin should stay at home with her children.. Now they don't seem to want that..

:omg: imagine that huh???
It's good to see obama's loyalty to the woman who just put a hole in his campaign. He's not going to comment. Ignore it and keep lying to the people.

Meanwhile, pay women less than men. Refuse to allow women into the good old boy's group.

And think that women cannot put the pieces together.
It's good to see obama's loyalty to the woman who just put a hole in his campaign. He's not going to comment. Ignore it and keep lying to the people.

Meanwhile, pay women less than men. Refuse to allow women into the good old boy's group.

And think that women cannot put the pieces together.

This is the worst part of the entire issue...!

Remember that? All these mother fucking turtle people be screaming about how Sarah Palin should stay at home with her children.. Now they don't seem to want that..

:omg: imagine that huh???

I think most, simply felt her trying to use her handicapped child as a prop on the campiagn trial was out of line...
My opinion is that if you have a record to be proud of, you don't have to attack other candidates wives for the choices they are making..:(

Which is why the Obama White House is pushing this whole "war on women" nonsense in the first place. They're desperate to make this discussion about anything but Barry's failed economic policies, his total abdication on making tough budget cuts, unemployment still being above 8% 3 years after he took office and trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.

It's why the main stream media is pushing a non-story like Zimmerman/Martin and this absolute baloney about a conservative "war on women" when the American publics concerns are the economy, the deficit and JOBS. The struggle for Romney this year will be to keep the focus on what's really important and off of the side issues that the Democrats will try to divert the country's attention to.

Your so right.

What the hell has Barry got that he can run on??

He did give the order to kill UBL. The Seals did the work but he gave the order. One for Barry.

His crappy policies have done squat for the economy and jobs so no bragging rights there.

Guess that leaves racism and the GOP's supposed war on women.

Somehow I don't think the voting public is going to be paying much attention to that bs come Nov. They will however be looking at jobs and the economy and what its costing them to live.

Despite Barry and the DNC's best efforts its gonna be all about the economy stupid.

No...no...no.....the Dems think women are too stupid to see through their lies....and their media agrees with them.
Which is why the Obama White House is pushing this whole "war on women" nonsense in the first place. They're desperate to make this discussion about anything but Barry's failed economic policies, his total abdication on making tough budget cuts, unemployment still being above 8% 3 years after he took office and trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.

It's why the main stream media is pushing a non-story like Zimmerman/Martin and this absolute baloney about a conservative "war on women" when the American publics concerns are the economy, the deficit and JOBS. The struggle for Romney this year will be to keep the focus on what's really important and off of the side issues that the Democrats will try to divert the country's attention to.

Your so right.

What the hell has Barry got that he can run on??

He did give the order to kill UBL. The Seals did the work but he gave the order. One for Barry.

His crappy policies have done squat for the economy and jobs so no bragging rights there.

Guess that leaves racism and the GOP's supposed war on women.

Somehow I don't think the voting public is going to be paying much attention to that bs come Nov. They will however be looking at jobs and the economy and what its costing them to live.

Despite Barry and the DNC's best efforts its gonna be all about the economy stupid.

No...no...no.....the Dems think women are too stupid to see through their lies....and their media agrees with them.

And not to mention the Obama Administration is underpaying women in the White House...imagine that?
Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Did you listen to what she said?

It's nice that Mitten's wife can afford to stay at home. Most women can't. Most families depend on 2 incomes. That's because while things have been going up over the last 20 years or so..wages have not. Well not for the middle class. The top 1% have seen their compensation raise like as much as 400%. Most Americans will never make as much in their lifetimes..as Mittens has made in 1 year.

So..most people can't afford to have "stay at home" wives.

Thanks to conservatives.

Thank you Shallow we have a winner! Of course the liberal attack comes from one of the most clueless liberals on the board! The rich can stay home and raising kids is easy that teaches nothing about life's lessons. Tell that to Al Gore, I think his son was just arrested again for another drug charge!

Also foolish little man, the Romney's had their first kid in 1970, the second in 1971, third in 1975. During this time they were poor just out of college married couple renting a $75 a month basement apartment, scraping by like the rest of us!

Romney got a consult job after law school in 1975 and made decent money, but was part of the middle class!

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

It wasn't until 1977 that be joined Bain & Company. He worked hard and making in the $100Ks. Upper middle class)

He finally stated his own company in 1983 (not his son's were 13, 12, 8, 5 & 2), but he didn't start to see real success from it until 1986 (his son's were 16, 15, 11, 8 & 5)!

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

After that Romney's Bain Capital went on to make him tens of millions of dollars. Yet for a good chunk of the time, the Romney's were raising their children from modest beginnings and in middle (later upper middle) class settings!

Lastly I would bet 100 to 1 that VAST VAST majority of stay at home moms are from MIDDLE CLASS families. Heck even if you did it by percentage, but I bet the percentage of stay at home moms in the middle class beats the upper class!
It's good to see obama's loyalty to the woman who just put a hole in his campaign. He's not going to comment. Ignore it and keep lying to the people.

Meanwhile, pay women less than men. Refuse to allow women into the good old boy's group.

And think that women cannot put the pieces together.

This is the worst part of the entire issue...!

The left are the true misogynists of women...
I woud have have been delighted to have the incomes of the Romney's or Obama's household when I was a single parent. I can gurantee they both get outside help.

They don't pay the much on welfare, regardless of how much you want that to change! You have to work hard to get there, something I am sure you have never done!

As stated in another email for much of the Romney's lives as parents (throughout the 70s and to 86) they were middle class!

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