Obama Campaign Attacking Stay At Home Mothers!!! Smooth Move!

I'm sorry....where did OBAMA say ANYTHING?

Nice strawman! I never stated Obama himself, not in the title or the post! A top advisor stated this, that is why I stated Obama Campaign and Obama talking head!
Records show White House health care talks - politics - White House - msnbc.com

Demonstrating the political element of the health care debate, the records show that senior adviser Axelrod held what was described as a "communications message meeting" on March 13 with 18 people, including prominent Democratic strategists Brad Woodhouse, the party's communications director, and his predecessor Karen Finney; Steve McMahon, a campaign veteran and media strategist; Hilary Rosen, the former top lobbyist for the music industry; Jennifer Palmieri of the liberal Center for American Progress, John Edwards' former press secretary and a veteran of the Clinton White House; Maria Cardona, a specialist in Hispanic outreach at the Dewey Square Group; and Simon Rosenberg a founder of the centrist New Democrat Network.
My opinion is that if you have a record to be proud of, you don't have to attack other candidates wives for the choices they are making..:(

Which is why the Obama White House is pushing this whole "war on women" nonsense in the first place. They're desperate to make this discussion about anything but Barry's failed economic policies, his total abdication on making tough budget cuts, unemployment still being above 8% 3 years after he took office and trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.

It's why the main stream media is pushing a non-story like Zimmerman/Martin and this absolute baloney about a conservative "war on women" when the American publics concerns are the economy, the deficit and JOBS. The struggle for Romney this year will be to keep the focus on what's really important and off of the side issues that the Democrats will try to divert the country's attention to.
For as long as I can remember, feminists have belittled stay-at-home mothers. You even heard the woman in the OP deride such as a thing as "old-fashioned".

That kind of talk will certainly piss off a number of stay-at-home moms.

Stay-at-home moms run the household. You have to be an idiot to believe they are not concerned with economic issues. They know how much a gallon of milk costs and how much it has risen over the past year, and they know how much money is coming into the house, and they can see which one is outpacing the other.

I bet Obama doesn't have a clue how much a gallon of milk costs.

Not only that, every First Lady has taken on public issues when their husbands moved into the White House. So the dumb broad in the OP is belittling Mrs. Obama as much as Mrs. Romney.
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Folks it's just the latest iteration from the Class Warfare arm of the Obama campaign. The clear implication being only the wealthy can afford to have Mom stay at home and take care of the kids. And then, predictably and right on cue, Barry gets quoted saying he and the old lady couldn't afford the "luxury" of having her stay at home with their children. Luxury, yeah there's a word that goes nicely with wealthy and will help keep their moron followers ginned up about how unfair it is that others have more than they do. So the nitwits swallow this type of Barry b.s. hook, line, and sinker.
Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

This tactic was used by attacking a courageous breast cancer survivor Ann Romney!!! First Mrs. Romney raised FIVE amazing kids! All are HARD-WORKING, highly moral, clean-cut, intelligent, kids that managed to stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, alcohol and become well-rounded adults! Of course liberals will attack and say of course it was easy because they have tens of millions in the bank! Ignoring the fact that when the Romney's had their first child, Mitt was right out of college and they lived in a crappy basement apartment! "Mr. Romney describes the time as “his glory days,” Tagg Romney said. Mitt and Ann settled into a $75-a-month basement apartment." http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/15/us/politics/15romney.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Then she goes on to toss up a weak red herring when Cooper asks, "The economy is the most important to women, why not stick to that." She says, "Well Ann Romney never worked a day in her life!" Nice weak attack on great women!

Did you listen to what she said?

It's nice that Mitten's wife can afford to stay at home. Most women can't. Most families depend on 2 incomes. That's because while things have been going up over the last 20 years or so..wages have not. Well not for the middle class. The top 1% have seen their compensation raise like as much as 400%. Most Americans will never make as much in their lifetimes..as Mittens has made in 1 year.

So..most people can't afford to have "stay at home" wives.

Thanks to conservatives.
I woud have have been delighted to have the incomes of the Romney's or Obama's household when I was a single parent. I can gurantee they both get outside help.
Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

This tactic was used by attacking a courageous breast cancer survivor Ann Romney!!! First Mrs. Romney raised FIVE amazing kids! All are HARD-WORKING, highly moral, clean-cut, intelligent, kids that managed to stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, alcohol and become well-rounded adults! Of course liberals will attack and say of course it was easy because they have tens of millions in the bank! Ignoring the fact that when the Romney's had their first child, Mitt was right out of college and they lived in a crappy basement apartment! "Mr. Romney describes the time as “his glory days,” Tagg Romney said. Mitt and Ann settled into a $75-a-month basement apartment." http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/15/us/politics/15romney.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Then she goes on to toss up a weak red herring when Cooper asks, "The economy is the most important to women, why not stick to that." She says, "Well Ann Romney never worked a day in her life!" Nice weak attack on great women!

Did you listen to what she said?

It's nice that Mitten's wife can afford to stay at home. Most women can't. Most families depend on 2 incomes. That's because while things have been going up over the last 20 years or so..wages have not. Well not for the middle class. The top 1% have seen their compensation raise like as much as 400%. Most Americans will never make as much in their lifetimes..as Mittens has made in 1 year.

So..most people can't afford to have "stay at home" wives.

Thanks to conservatives.

The last time Conservatives actually controlled the government was 1920-28.
Romney is too old-fashioned........

His wife, according to them, is an object of scorn.

Great move!!!!!

Think women will love you for saying that????
Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

This tactic was used by attacking a courageous breast cancer survivor Ann Romney!!! First Mrs. Romney raised FIVE amazing kids! All are HARD-WORKING, highly moral, clean-cut, intelligent, kids that managed to stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, alcohol and become well-rounded adults! Of course liberals will attack and say of course it was easy because they have tens of millions in the bank! Ignoring the fact that when the Romney's had their first child, Mitt was right out of college and they lived in a crappy basement apartment! "Mr. Romney describes the time as “his glory days,” Tagg Romney said. Mitt and Ann settled into a $75-a-month basement apartment." http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/15/us/politics/15romney.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Then she goes on to toss up a weak red herring when Cooper asks, "The economy is the most important to women, why not stick to that." She says, "Well Ann Romney never worked a day in her life!" Nice weak attack on great women!

Did you listen to what she said?

It's nice that Mitten's wife can afford to stay at home. Most women can't. Most families depend on 2 incomes. That's because while things have been going up over the last 20 years or so..wages have not. Well not for the middle class. The top 1% have seen their compensation raise like as much as 400%. Most Americans will never make as much in their lifetimes..as Mittens has made in 1 year.

So..most people can't afford to have "stay at home" wives.

Thanks to conservatives.

The last time Conservatives actually controlled the government was 1920-28.

And we saw how that ended, badly
Did you listen to what she said?

It's nice that Mitten's wife can afford to stay at home. Most women can't. Most families depend on 2 incomes. That's because while things have been going up over the last 20 years or so..wages have not. Well not for the middle class. The top 1% have seen their compensation raise like as much as 400%. Most Americans will never make as much in their lifetimes..as Mittens has made in 1 year.

So..most people can't afford to have "stay at home" wives.

Thanks to conservatives.

The last time Conservatives actually controlled the government was 1920-28.

And we saw how that ended, badly

You meant after Progressive Hoover took over and the Fed choked the US economy nearly to death by draining 1/3 of the money out?

I said 1920-8. Can you stay on topic?
Did you listen to what she said?

It's nice that Mitten's wife can afford to stay at home. Most women can't. Most families depend on 2 incomes. That's because while things have been going up over the last 20 years or so..wages have not. Well not for the middle class. The top 1% have seen their compensation raise like as much as 400%. Most Americans will never make as much in their lifetimes..as Mittens has made in 1 year.

So..most people can't afford to have "stay at home" wives.

Thanks to conservatives.
Yeah, it takes two incomes to make ends meet....One to provide for the family and the other to pay all the damned taxes, to pay for all the "free" stuff from da gubmint.

Thanks to liberoidals.
Wait...so political candidates ARE responsible or are NOT responsible for what their strategists or representatives and acquaintances say?? ....cause it seems like Dems are all about believing in the "lie down with dogs wake up with fleas" motto...just so long as they're referring to Republicans. But when a consultant with ties to the President dismisses stay-at-home parents on television, and then continues to do so on her twitter feed and elsewhere...well thats just fine and has nothing to do with Obama???

He should have come out and stated flat out that being a stay-at-home parent is a full-time job, one of the most important jobs on earth and certainly one of the most difficult. He should have complimented Ann Romney and what she has accomplished in raising five successful children. He should have asked for the media to stay the hell away from candidate's families....and he should have stopped talking. Instead...he saddled his horse right up next to Rosen by stating that having Michelle stay home with the kids was a "luxury" they couldn't afford.

Please show me the "ties" you speak of...

That's the best you've got? Weak.

Rosen is a pundit. Much like Carville or Rush if you will....does Rush speak for Romney too?
Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

This tactic was used by attacking a courageous breast cancer survivor Ann Romney!!! First Mrs. Romney raised FIVE amazing kids! All are HARD-WORKING, highly moral, clean-cut, intelligent, kids that managed to stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, alcohol and become well-rounded adults! Of course liberals will attack and say of course it was easy because they have tens of millions in the bank! Ignoring the fact that when the Romney's had their first child, Mitt was right out of college and they lived in a crappy basement apartment! "Mr. Romney describes the time as “his glory days,” Tagg Romney said. Mitt and Ann settled into a $75-a-month basement apartment." http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/15/us/politics/15romney.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Then she goes on to toss up a weak red herring when Cooper asks, "The economy is the most important to women, why not stick to that." She says, "Well Ann Romney never worked a day in her life!" Nice weak attack on great women!

So, the real war on women has begun. Liberals seem to loathe tradition. Being a stay at home mom means having a more difficult job than most, but without the pay. I raised my three children myself as a stay on home mom married to a military member. I heard so many snide comments over the years, from my liberal relatives and friends. They can be so mean.

I have no regrets. And I won't take shit from liberals and Romney shouldn't either.
Obama and DNC advisor Hilary Rosen Attacks Ann Romney - YouTube

This tactic was used by attacking a courageous breast cancer survivor Ann Romney!!! First Mrs. Romney raised FIVE amazing kids! All are HARD-WORKING, highly moral, clean-cut, intelligent, kids that managed to stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, alcohol and become well-rounded adults! Of course liberals will attack and say of course it was easy because they have tens of millions in the bank! Ignoring the fact that when the Romney's had their first child, Mitt was right out of college and they lived in a crappy basement apartment! "Mr. Romney describes the time as “his glory days,” Tagg Romney said. Mitt and Ann settled into a $75-a-month basement apartment." http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/15/us/politics/15romney.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Then she goes on to toss up a weak red herring when Cooper asks, "The economy is the most important to women, why not stick to that." She says, "Well Ann Romney never worked a day in her life!" Nice weak attack on great women!

So, the real war on women has begun. Liberals seem to loathe tradition. Being a stay at home mom means having a more difficult job than most, but without the pay. I raised my three children myself as a stay on home mom married to a military member. I heard so many snide comments over the years, from my liberal relatives and friends. They can be so mean.

I have no regrets. And I won't take shit from liberals and Romney shouldn't either.

Oh please....MY mother was a stay at home Mom married to a military man. She managed to raise three children, but also still managed to get a job.

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