Obama Campaign Attacking Stay At Home Mothers!!! Smooth Move!

What is very sad and falls under the headline of hypocrisy in the first degree is how the left loves to claim the right is waging this war on women and they are the defenders of women yet there defense does not extend beyond women who support their ideology and viewpoints. Basically the left has women's backs as long as they support them if not it's the gloves are off and your fair game. That sounds like a war on women as well to me.

Tell that to the women on the left. They don't want rich white male politicians fucking with their birth control just because they want the relgious vote. There are a lot more women who want birth control than don't. Which is why you are losing their votes.

This faux outrage isn't going to stick. My buddy thought the catholic vote thing was going to be the BIG ISSUE and see, you lost that one too.

Righties, you are not winning! :lol:

LOL, you trying to convince yourself? you should...If your alls made UP war on women was working, the Obama's approvals should be OVER 50%..But I'll be damned it ISN'T...tsk tsk
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What is very sad and falls under the headline of hypocrisy in the first degree is how the left loves to claim the right is waging this war on women and they are the defenders of women yet there defense does not extend beyond women who support their ideology and viewpoints. Basically the left has women's backs as long as they support them if not it's the gloves are off and your fair game. That sounds like a war on women as well to me.

Tell that to the women on the left. They don't want rich white male politicians fucking with their birth control just because they want the relgious vote. There are a lot more women who want birth control than don't. Which is why you are losing their votes.

This faux outrage isn't going to stick. My buddy thought the catholic vote thing was going to be the BIG ISSUE and see, you lost that one too.

Righties, you are not winning! :lol:
We agree on one thing this phony outrage won't last all the backtracking from the Obama people Today is proof of that the left's phony war on women talking point has run it's course guess Obama will have to run on his record now. Funny that he has not been doing that so far.
Statist is a correct definition, not sure why you don't like the word, what do you think would be a more correct word? Not much can be less offensive the the words you spew because you feel that is the only way to communicate.

Correct definition for what exactly?


I'm a Liberal/Libertarian, which you can see from the chart is nowhere near "Statist".

Nor have I said anything in this thread that smacks of being a "Statist".

Here's a fun, and relatively accurate test that you can use to find out where you lie on the Nolan Chart:

The Political Compass - Test
What is very sad and falls under the headline of hypocrisy in the first degree is how the left loves to claim the right is waging this war on women and they are the defenders of women yet there defense does not extend beyond women who support their ideology and viewpoints. Basically the left has women's backs as long as they support them if not it's the gloves are off and your fair game. That sounds like a war on women as well to me.

Tell that to the women on the left. They don't want rich white male politicians fucking with their birth control just because they want the relgious vote. There are a lot more women who want birth control than don't. Which is why you are losing their votes.

This faux outrage isn't going to stick. My buddy thought the catholic vote thing was going to be the BIG ISSUE and see, you lost that one too.

Righties, you are not winning! :lol:

LOL, you trying to convince yourself? you should...If your alls made UP war on women was working, the Obama's approvals should be OVER 50%..But I'll be damned it ISN'T...tsk tsk

He's not?

An ABC News/Washington Post poll showed female voters play a significant role in President Barack Obama's current lead over Mitt Romney among 2012 voters. Tuesday's poll is the second major national poll in recent weeks pointing to a gender gap.

Obama led Romney 57 to 38 percent among registered female voters surveyed, the president's largest margin among women to date, according to Langer Research Associates ( pdf), which produced the April 5-8 poll for ABC.

Romney led Obama among men, 52 to 44 percent, but that wasn't enough to blunt the edge provided by the president's female support. When voters of both genders surveyed were grouped together, Obama led Romney 51 to 44 percent.

Now a day after this fake Romney issue and Fox is showing that Romney is now winning? Ok. :eusa_liar:
Since stay at home moms don't make any money, their votes should only count as half a vote. LOL.

Fucking gold diggers. LOL. Did I just say that?

Thanks for pointing out that you are total slimewad.

Looks to me like he was referring to the fact that stay-at-home moms aren't "Job Creators", and therefore count for nothing to the Ayn Rand rightie types.

And it would also appear that he is employing a tactic known as "sarcasm" to do so.
So, to review- OP is a total lie and a fairly typical Pub bumper sticker argument, total Pubcrappe.
Sorry bout that,

1. *Head Shit Stirrer* strikes again.
2. Obama's wife actually has to work?
3. Thats just sad.
4. Poor bastard has to send his wife out to make his living, what a chump ass loser.

Sorry bout that,

1. *Head Shit Stirrer* strikes again.
2. Obama's wife actually has to work?
3. Thats just sad.
4. Poor bastard has to send his wife out to make his living, what a chump ass loser.


If we were like you, we'd take what you just said and say that "republicans are attacking men who's wives work."

And that would be most men.
What is very sad and falls under the headline of hypocrisy in the first degree is how the left loves to claim the right is waging this war on women and they are the defenders of women yet there defense does not extend beyond women who support their ideology and viewpoints. Basically the left has women's backs as long as they support them if not it's the gloves are off and your fair game. That sounds like a war on women as well to me.

Tell that to the women on the left. They don't want rich white male politicians fucking with their birth control just because they want the relgious vote. There are a lot more women who want birth control than don't. Which is why you are losing their votes.

This faux outrage isn't going to stick. My buddy thought the catholic vote thing was going to be the BIG ISSUE and see, you lost that one too.

Righties, you are not winning! :lol:
We agree on one thing this phony outrage won't last all the backtracking from the Obama people Today is proof of that the left's phony war on women talking point has run it's course guess Obama will have to run on his record now. Funny that he has not been doing that so far.
Yep. They have been unmasked...just when it got going. :badgrin:
Tell that to the women on the left. They don't want rich white male politicians fucking with their birth control just because they want the relgious vote. There are a lot more women who want birth control than don't. Which is why you are losing their votes.

This faux outrage isn't going to stick. My buddy thought the catholic vote thing was going to be the BIG ISSUE and see, you lost that one too.

Righties, you are not winning! :lol:

LOL, you trying to convince yourself? you should...If your alls made UP war on women was working, the Obama's approvals should be OVER 50%..But I'll be damned it ISN'T...tsk tsk

He's not?

An ABC News/Washington Post poll showed female voters play a significant role in President Barack Obama's current lead over Mitt Romney among 2012 voters. Tuesday's poll is the second major national poll in recent weeks pointing to a gender gap.

Obama led Romney 57 to 38 percent among registered female voters surveyed, the president's largest margin among women to date, according to Langer Research Associates ( pdf), which produced the April 5-8 poll for ABC.

Romney led Obama among men, 52 to 44 percent, but that wasn't enough to blunt the edge provided by the president's female support. When voters of both genders surveyed were grouped together, Obama led Romney 51 to 44 percent.

Now a day after this fake Romney issue and Fox is showing that Romney is now winning? Ok. :eusa_liar:

Whatever YOU say Statist .
ROTFL at the stupidity of the original poster in thinking that a random democrat strategists is the Obama campaign
Since stay at home moms don't make any money, their votes should only count as half a vote. LOL.

Fucking gold diggers. LOL. Did I just say that?

Thanks for pointing out that you are total slimewad.

Looks to me like he was referring to the fact that stay-at-home moms aren't "Job Creators", and therefore count for nothing to the Ayn Rand rightie types.

And it would also appear that he is employing a tactic known as "sarcasm" to do so.

I'm watching Overboard on AMC right now with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. What a rich bitch that Goldie character is. Is that what Mrs. Romney is like to her servants? It is what I imagine John McCain's wife is like.

Mitt said he likes firing people. He must be an asshole to the people that work for him, like gardeners. Didn't he hire illegals? What a dick. :lol:
Or in Cadieshack, Romney is the Ted Knight character and Democrats were represented by Rodney Dangerfield.
ROTFL at the stupidity of the original poster in thinking that a random democrat strategists is the Obama campaign

Not any more stupid than you people thinking and saying Rush (a radio host) is the head of the Republican party..

Rosen is connected with Obama and Democrats, and that sucks for them...

way to go Democrat party..way to go
Thanks for pointing out that you are total slimewad.

Looks to me like he was referring to the fact that stay-at-home moms aren't "Job Creators", and therefore count for nothing to the Ayn Rand rightie types.

And it would also appear that he is employing a tactic known as "sarcasm" to do so.

I'm watching Overboard on AMC right now with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. What a rich bitch that Goldie character is. Is that what Mrs. Romney is like to her servants? It is what I imagine John McCain's wife is like.

Mitt said he likes firing people. He must be an asshole to the people that work for him, like gardeners. Didn't he hire illegals? What a dick. :lol:

If Romney's wife is half as cool as Goldie Hawn she's better than any lib out there.

You just like living in your little fantasy world like all of the other libratards. You can't tell the difference between an elitist prick like Obama and a decent human-being like Mitt Romney.

And I think he married up when he married Anne Romney......even though the Obama Administration thinks she doesn't know anything about the economy.
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