Obama Campaign Attacking Stay At Home Mothers!!! Smooth Move!

It's pretty stupid and represents a total lack of understanding on the part of those who claim to be so high on the side of those who struggle.

My wife was a stay-at-home mom, by choice and pennies were tight because of that. You can bet your ass we were aware of finances and economic issues that might throw of our fragile budget.

Besides, how many flight attendends, admin assistants, and nurses "understand" the economic issues of the day. And what the hell makes you think their having jobs makes them more qualified to "understand".

It is precicely the kind of argument you put forth that I hope the dems and Rosen ride on because it's gonna piss off a whole lot of stay-at-home moms.

Please keep up the good work.

Of course. This is why you guys manufactured this topic.

Your wife wasn't rich like Mrs. Romney. Trust me, you should be voting Democratic you idiot.

And I think it is funny you think this issue is going to win you over middle class stay at home moms. Its not. Its just a pathetic attempt to try to win back some of the female votes you have lost recently.

I will not come back to this thread again. So don't bother replying. Watch, this story will be dead in a week. But the GOP's attack on women, birth control and equal pay will not be over.

You can have the stay at home moms. We'll take the working women. Lot more of them.

Pay attention, moron, she was a stay at home mom when it would have been economically advantageous for her to go into the workforce.

What is funny is that you may not realize that a great many working moms wish they were stay at home moms.

You don't have the working moms BTW: A great many of them are conservatives because they know you are screwing up the families they are working so hard to preserve.

Latest polls, except the Fox one, say Romney is suffering a 19 point gender gap with women. For every 2 women voting for Obama, 1 are voting for Romney. That's HUGE. Largest lead in a poll so far. And Romney isn't even the official nominee yet. Just wait. He's a horrible candidate. Arguing this from now until NOvember is pointless. Reminds me of McCain in 08 or Dole in 96. No chance. Everyone knows it. We are laughing at you. But we have to stay vigile because you guys are relentless.

Do you think this is the last issue you guys will manufacture between now and November?

Don't forget that Obama is a masterful campaigner. Nothing you throw at him will stick. You seem to forget you guys don't even like Romney. What makes you think independents will?
Here it comes folks, now Rosen is the VICTIM..

. Politics Democrats Respond: Conservatives Are Attacking Rosen For Lesbian Parenting

This is only getting uglier. The Democratic National Committee forwards a ThinkProgress story under the subject line: “Conservatives Attack Hilary Rosen For Raising Children As A Lesbian”

Democrats Respond: Conservatives Are Attacking Rosen For Lesbian Parenting

Yes,, I posted this earlier. oh the painful contortions they go through..
Of course. This is why you guys manufactured this topic.

Your wife wasn't rich like Mrs. Romney. Trust me, you should be voting Democratic you idiot.

And I think it is funny you think this issue is going to win you over middle class stay at home moms. Its not. Its just a pathetic attempt to try to win back some of the female votes you have lost recently.

I will not come back to this thread again. So don't bother replying. Watch, this story will be dead in a week. But the GOP's attack on women, birth control and equal pay will not be over.

You can have the stay at home moms. We'll take the working women. Lot more of them.

Pay attention, moron, she was a stay at home mom when it would have been economically advantageous for her to go into the workforce.

What is funny is that you may not realize that a great many working moms wish they were stay at home moms.

You don't have the working moms BTW: A great many of them are conservatives because they know you are screwing up the families they are working so hard to preserve.

Latest polls, except the Fox one, say Romney is suffering a 19 point gender gap with women. For every 2 women voting for Obama, 1 are voting for Romney. That's HUGE. Largest lead in a poll so far. And Romney isn't even the official nominee yet. Just wait. He's a horrible candidate. Arguing this from now until NOvember is pointless. Reminds me of McCain in 08 or Dole in 96. No chance. Everyone knows it. We are laughing at you. But we have to stay vigile because you guys are relentless.

Do you think this is the last issue you guys will manufacture between now and November?

Don't forget that Obama is a masterful campaigner. Nothing you throw at him will stick. You seem to forget you guys don't even like Romney. What makes you think independents will?

Hello. We all know that the polls haven't absorbed the democrats take. Wait. for. it.
It's pretty stupid and represents a total lack of understanding on the part of those who claim to be so high on the side of those who struggle.

My wife was a stay-at-home mom, by choice and pennies were tight because of that. You can bet your ass we were aware of finances and economic issues that might throw of our fragile budget.

Besides, how many flight attendends, admin assistants, and nurses "understand" the economic issues of the day. And what the hell makes you think their having jobs makes them more qualified to "understand".

It is precicely the kind of argument you put forth that I hope the dems and Rosen ride on because it's gonna piss off a whole lot of stay-at-home moms.

Please keep up the good work.

Of course. This is why you guys manufactured this topic.

Your wife wasn't rich like Mrs. Romney. Trust me, you should be voting Democratic you idiot.

And I think it is funny you think this issue is going to win you over middle class stay at home moms. Its not. Its just a pathetic attempt to try to win back some of the female votes you have lost recently.

I will not come back to this thread again. So don't bother replying. Watch, this story will be dead in a week. But the GOP's attack on women, birth control and equal pay will not be over.

You can have the stay at home moms. We'll take the working women. Lot more of them.

so you have a big mouthed bird brain on your side who said stupid shit about Mrs. Romney and you say "it was manufactured?" do I hear you right you big dumb ass?

For once you have it right. She did attack Mrs. Romney. But she did not attack stay at home moms.
Here it comes folks, now Rosen is the VICTIM..

. Politics Democrats Respond: Conservatives Are Attacking Rosen For Lesbian Parenting

This is only getting uglier. The Democratic National Committee forwards a ThinkProgress story under the subject line: “Conservatives Attack Hilary Rosen For Raising Children As A Lesbian”

Democrats Respond: Conservatives Are Attacking Rosen For Lesbian Parenting

Yes,, I posted this earlier. oh the painful contortions they go through..

Sorry dear, didn't see it.
are democrats predictable OR WHAT.? What a sad Party
Pay attention, moron, she was a stay at home mom when it would have been economically advantageous for her to go into the workforce.

What is funny is that you may not realize that a great many working moms wish they were stay at home moms.

You don't have the working moms BTW: A great many of them are conservatives because they know you are screwing up the families they are working so hard to preserve.

Latest polls, except the Fox one, say Romney is suffering a 19 point gender gap with women. For every 2 women voting for Obama, 1 are voting for Romney. That's HUGE. Largest lead in a poll so far. And Romney isn't even the official nominee yet. Just wait. He's a horrible candidate. Arguing this from now until NOvember is pointless. Reminds me of McCain in 08 or Dole in 96. No chance. Everyone knows it. We are laughing at you. But we have to stay vigile because you guys are relentless.

Do you think this is the last issue you guys will manufacture between now and November?

Don't forget that Obama is a masterful campaigner. Nothing you throw at him will stick. You seem to forget you guys don't even like Romney. What makes you think independents will?

Hello. We all know that the polls haven't absorbed the democrats take. Wait. for. it.

Exactly. Lets wait a week and see how much of an impact this faux story has. Instead of Obama beating Romney by 9 percentage points it will be 8.
Of course. This is why you guys manufactured this topic.

Your wife wasn't rich like Mrs. Romney. Trust me, you should be voting Democratic you idiot.

And I think it is funny you think this issue is going to win you over middle class stay at home moms. Its not. Its just a pathetic attempt to try to win back some of the female votes you have lost recently.

I will not come back to this thread again. So don't bother replying. Watch, this story will be dead in a week. But the GOP's attack on women, birth control and equal pay will not be over.

You can have the stay at home moms. We'll take the working women. Lot more of them.

so you have a big mouthed bird brain on your side who said stupid shit about Mrs. Romney and you say "it was manufactured?" do I hear you right you big dumb ass?

For once you have it right. She did attack Mrs. Romney. But she did not attack stay at home moms.


Won't be the first time either.
BTW, she said Anne was not qualified to be an advisor on women's economic issues....and she was right, DUH. Unbelievable LOL Anything to avoid the actual issue LOL
What is very sad and falls under the headline of hypocrisy in the first degree is how the left loves to claim the right is waging this war on women and they are the defenders of women yet there defense does not extend beyond women who support their ideology and viewpoints. Basically the left has women's backs as long as they support them if not it's the gloves are off and your fair game. That sounds like a war on women as well to me.
Of course. This is why you guys manufactured this topic.

Your wife wasn't rich like Mrs. Romney. Trust me, you should be voting Democratic you idiot.

And I think it is funny you think this issue is going to win you over middle class stay at home moms. Its not. Its just a pathetic attempt to try to win back some of the female votes you have lost recently.

I will not come back to this thread again. So don't bother replying. Watch, this story will be dead in a week. But the GOP's attack on women, birth control and equal pay will not be over.

You can have the stay at home moms. We'll take the working women. Lot more of them.

so you have a big mouthed bird brain on your side who said stupid shit about Mrs. Romney and you say "it was manufactured?" do I hear you right you big dumb ass?

For once you have it right. She did attack Mrs. Romney. But she did not attack stay at home moms.

sure she did,, and all the stay at home moms knew it and got pissed and now we have a MANufactured lesbian victim.. omg!
I want to see Stepanie, Annie & Willow in a 3 way. It would be like 3 pigs fighting under a blanket.

As a misogynist I objectify women.
so you have a big mouthed bird brain on your side who said stupid shit about Mrs. Romney and you say "it was manufactured?" do I hear you right you big dumb ass?

For once you have it right. She did attack Mrs. Romney. But she did not attack stay at home moms.

sure she did,, and all the stay at home moms knew it and got pissed and now we have a MANufactured lesbian victim.. omg!

That's funny because the outrage came from the RNC and Romney campaign, not stay at home moms.
I want to see Stepanie, Annie & Willow in a 3 way. It would be like 3 pigs fighting under a blanket.

As a misogynist I objectify women.

typical hateful lefty...Are you related to Rosen?
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What is very sad and falls under the headline of hypocrisy in the first degree is how the left loves to claim the right is waging this war on women and they are the defenders of women yet there defense does not extend beyond women who support their ideology and viewpoints. Basically the left has women's backs as long as they support them if not it's the gloves are off and your fair game. That sounds like a war on women as well to me.

Tell that to the women on the left. They don't want rich white male politicians fucking with their birth control just because they want the relgious vote. There are a lot more women who want birth control than don't. Which is why you are losing their votes.

This faux outrage isn't going to stick. My buddy thought the catholic vote thing was going to be the BIG ISSUE and see, you lost that one too.

Righties, you are not winning! :lol:
Vast LWC is projecting Statism again. *And a LIAR*

I'm a Liberal/Libertarian on the Nolan Chart. About midway to centrist from the edge.

I'm beginning to think you don't really know what the word "Statist" means, except that it applies to something you don't like...
I want to see Stepanie, Annie & Willow in a 3 way. It would be like 3 pigs fighting under a blanket.

As a misogynist I objectify women.

Now don't you already know we'd come out from under that blanket and kick your cowardly greek ass?
Vast LWC is projecting Statism again. *And a LIAR*

I'm a Liberal/Libertarian on the Nolan Chart. About midway to centrist from the edge.

I'm beginning to think you don't really know what the word "Statist" means, except that it applies to something you don't like...

Thank you. :clap2:

Reminds me of that movie Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan. The girl kept trying to say Fetch and the mean girl said, "stop saying fetch, its not going to catch on!"

Neither is statist.

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