Obama Campaign Attacking Stay At Home Mothers!!! Smooth Move!

Here is Hilary Rosen's reply:

My Twitter feed was on fire after an appearance last night on CNN's AC360, where I said that I thought it was wrong for Mitt Romney to be using his wife as his guide to women's economic struggles when she "had never worked a day in her life." Oh my, you should read the tweets and the hate mail I got after that.

Spare me the faux anger from the right. When it comes to supporting policies that would actually help women, their silence has been deafening. I don't need lectures from the RNC on supporting women and fighting to increase opportunities for women; I've been doing it my whole career. If they want to attack me and distract the public's attention away from their nominee's woeful record, it just demonstrates how much they just don't get it.

I admire women who can stay home and raise their kids full-time. I even envy them sometimes. It is a wonderful luxury to have the choice. But let's stipulate that it is NOT a choice that most women have in America today.

I have nothing against Ann Romney. She seems like a nice lady who has raised nice boys, struggled with illness, and handles its long-term effects with grace and dignity. I admire her grit in talking about her illness publicly.

Read the whole thing if you want here:

Hilary Rosen: Ann Romney and Working Moms

too bad..FAKE apology NOT ACCETPED..

Rush must be loving this..:lol::lol:

You mean the actual GOP spokesman who called women who use birth control sluts? Yea, Hilary Rosen ='s Rush. :cuckoo:


what sad pathetic people some of you are who has to lie for an agenda
I'd ask if any of you felt any shame for lying..but I can already guess.
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Since stay at home moms don't make any money, their votes should only count as half a vote. LOL.

Fucking gold diggers. LOL. Did I just say that?
Ooops she screwed up. She let out of the bag what the liberal elitist think of stay at home mothers.

You know, you guys always bitching about "Liberal Elitists" and how beneath you they are, it comes off as kind of... elitist.
QUIZ: Hilary Rosen Kerfuffle Means: A) Nothing; B) Less Than Nothing; C) Doodlysquat To Election

All she said was at Mitt Romney's wife, Ann, "has actually never worked a day in her life ... she's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing."

And you think that's an attack on stay at home moms? Stretch.

It's pretty stupid and represents a total lack of understanding on the part of those who claim to be so high on the side of those who struggle.

My wife was a stay-at-home mom, by choice and pennies were tight because of that. You can bet your ass we were aware of finances and economic issues that might throw of our fragile budget.

Besides, how many flight attendends, admin assistants, and nurses "understand" the economic issues of the day. And what the hell makes you think their having jobs makes them more qualified to "understand".

It is precicely the kind of argument you put forth that I hope the dems and Rosen ride on because it's gonna piss off a whole lot of stay-at-home moms.

Please keep up the good work.

Of course. This is why you guys manufactured this topic.

Your wife wasn't rich like Mrs. Romney. Trust me, you should be voting Democratic you idiot.

And I think it is funny you think this issue is going to win you over middle class stay at home moms. Its not. Its just a pathetic attempt to try to win back some of the female votes you have lost recently.

I will not come back to this thread again. So don't bother replying. Watch, this story will be dead in a week. But the GOP's attack on women, birth control and equal pay will not be over.

You can have the stay at home moms. We'll take the working women. Lot more of them.

Pay attention, moron, she was a stay at home mom when it would have been economically advantageous for her to go into the workforce.

What is funny is that you may not realize that a great many working moms wish they were stay at home moms.

You don't have the working moms BTW: A great many of them are conservatives because they know you are screwing up the families they are working so hard to preserve.
Never heard of her. The dupes really know how to miss the point, just LOVE being screwed by their greedy, lying heroes...

In Arizona, Republicans voted in legislation that makes doctors to lie to women about their pregnancies.In Texas, Republicans shut down ALL women's health clinics, because they don't approve of abortion (which was not even done in said clinics) or Planned Parenthood.In Wisconsin, the Republican Governor revoked equal protection laws for women.In Virginia, the Republican state legislature voted to make doctors rape women with a sonic dildo before they can get an abortion.In Washington, Republicans are trying to make sure insurance companies don't cover contraception, even though insurance companies are happy to provide said contraception.And that's just the tip of the iceberg..

Enjoy the tax cuts for the bloated rich and losing Medicare/aid, morons.

Please try and recognize the power of your fascist Pub Propaganda Machine. A stupid , imaginary distraction for the dupes/haters...
too bad..FAKE apology NOT ACCETPED..

Rush must be loving this..:lol::lol:

You mean the actual GOP spokesman who called women who use birth control sluts? Yea, Hilary Rosen ='s Rush. :cuckoo:


what sad pathetic people some of you are who has to lie for an agenda
I'd ask if any of you felt any shame for lying..but I can already guess.

You know the perfect wife? Did you ever see Jeremia Johnson? Robert Redford was given an Indian wife and she couldn't speak english so Jeremia taught her how to say YES. He asked her, "am I good looking"? And she said YES. He said, "GREAT, THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW, FOR NOW". :clap2:

You mean the actual GOP spokesman who called women who use birth control sluts? Yea, Hilary Rosen ='s Rush. :cuckoo:


what sad pathetic people some of you are who has to lie for an agenda
I'd ask if any of you felt any shame for lying..but I can already guess.

You know the perfect wife? Did you ever see Jeremia Johnson? Robert Redford was given an Indian wife and she couldn't speak english so Jeremia taught her how to say YES. He asked her, "am I good looking"? And she said YES. He said, "GREAT, THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW, FOR NOW". :clap2:


Not coming back to the thread ?

Just don't understand the wisdom of going after the wife of a candidate for any reason....

Mitt keeps bringing her up. Is he sure she should be the spokesperson for struggling stay at home moms?

And tell that to the righties who attack Michelle O.
Never heard of her. The dupes really know how to miss the point, just LOVE being screwed by their greedy, lying heroes...

In Arizona, Republicans voted in legislation that makes doctors to lie to women about their pregnancies.In Texas, Republicans shut down ALL women's health clinics, because they don't approve of abortion (which was not even done in said clinics) or Planned Parenthood.In Wisconsin, the Republican Governor revoked equal protection laws for women.In Virginia, the Republican state legislature voted to make doctors rape women with a sonic dildo before they can get an abortion.In Washington, Republicans are trying to make sure insurance companies don't cover contraception, even though insurance companies are happy to provide said contraception.And that's just the tip of the iceberg..

Enjoy the tax cuts for the bloated rich and losing Medicare/aid, morons.

Please try and recognize the power of your fascist Pub Propaganda Machine. A stupid , imaginary distraction for the dupes/haters...

what sad pathetic people some of you are who has to lie for an agenda
I'd ask if any of you felt any shame for lying..but I can already guess.

You know the perfect wife? Did you ever see Jeremia Johnson? Robert Redford was given an Indian wife and she couldn't speak english so Jeremia taught her how to say YES. He asked her, "am I good looking"? And she said YES. He said, "GREAT, THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW, FOR NOW". :clap2:


Not coming back to the thread ?


You DO know better.

QUIZ: Hilary Rosen Kerfuffle Means: A) Nothing; B) Less Than Nothing; C) Doodlysquat To Election

All she said was at Mitt Romney's wife, Ann, "has actually never worked a day in her life ... she's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing."

And you think that's an attack on stay at home moms? Stretch.

It's pretty stupid and represents a total lack of understanding on the part of those who claim to be so high on the side of those who struggle.

My wife was a stay-at-home mom, by choice and pennies were tight because of that. You can bet your ass we were aware of finances and economic issues that might throw of our fragile budget.

Besides, how many flight attendends, admin assistants, and nurses "understand" the economic issues of the day. And what the hell makes you think their having jobs makes them more qualified to "understand".

It is precicely the kind of argument you put forth that I hope the dems and Rosen ride on because it's gonna piss off a whole lot of stay-at-home moms.

Please keep up the good work.

Of course. This is why you guys manufactured this topic.

Your wife wasn't rich like Mrs. Romney. Trust me, you should be voting Democratic you idiot.

And I think it is funny you think this issue is going to win you over middle class stay at home moms. Its not. Its just a pathetic attempt to try to win back some of the female votes you have lost recently.

I will not come back to this thread again. So don't bother replying. Watch, this story will be dead in a week. But the GOP's attack on women, birth control and equal pay will not be over.

You can have the stay at home moms. We'll take the working women. Lot more of them.

so you have a big mouthed bird brain on your side who said stupid shit about Mrs. Romney and you say "it was manufactured?" do I hear you right you big dumb ass?

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