Obama Campaign Violations 2008- Fined 375K


AHHH YES!!!!! It was the ROOSKIES that conspired to steal a fixed election for the Hildebeast! They conspired with all the networks to claim that he was waaaaay ahead in the polls! And they paid people to start shit at the infrequent rallies of the Hildebeast! And they gave Trump the debate questions ahead of time AND they had a secret plan to bus voters from one poling place to another to illegally cast ballots PLUS encouraging non-eligible voters to vote and vote often! Those dam ROOSKIES tried to undermine our DEEEE MOCK-RACY!!!!!

Oh wait, nevermind....that was the DNC...

The DNC are supposed to participate in our elections... the Russians are not.

Sorry, you don't get this point, Stewbum Dale.
Then why did the DNC, Hillary, go to the Russians for opposition research? aka, the dirty dossier?

Found nothing?

It was found security that was asked for was denied, and actually reduced. There is much more, but will concentrate on Comey’s interview.
It was found, from the Comey interview-
Mr. Gowdy: Right. I really am going to let John go now. He lied to the FBI; that is a crime. Lying to the public is not, as we've established. But is it not evidence of intent and/or
consciousness of guilt? I mean, Secretary Clinton told the public that no classified information traversed her server, and that was false, right?
Mr. Comey: She maintained that -- as I recall, that she did not -- she thought she had successfully talked around the classified subjects. And the challenge for the prosecutors and investigators was proving that is false.
Mr. Gowdy: Well, and it would have been really interesting had she phrased it to the public: I did my best to avoid talking around any documents that may have been classified.
But that is not what she said. She said: No classified
information was either sent or received.
Do you recall that?
Mr. Comey: Generally. I think that's right. And, as you said, during her interview, she maintained that: I believed we had successfully talked -- we had not crossed the line. We had
talked around these subjects and were sufficiently vague as to not implicate the classification requirements.
Mr. Gowdy:. She also said that no records were destroyed, that they were all retained. Do you recall her saying that?
Mr. Comey: I don't remember. I believe you, but I don't remember that.
Mr. Gowdy: Do you recall her saying her attorneys were overly inclusive in what they considered to be public as opposed to private?
Mr. Comey: No, I don't remember that one.
Mr. Gowdy: You agree false statements sometimes is as much evidence of intent as you're going to get?
Mr. Comey: In some cases.
Mr. Gowdy: Demonstrably false exculpatory statements.
Mr. Comey: Hard to answer in the abstract, but in some
cases it can be your best evidence.

Every time Mueller drops another bombshell we get flooded with What about Obama? What about Hillary ? threads

That’s right, don’t you want all criminals charged, or maybe you only want Trump charged?

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Didn’t Republicans go through seven years of investigations that found nothing?
Last edited:
So old Jockey Boy Obama had campaign violation in 2008 and his campaign was fined 375K.

Another nothing burger for Trump


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President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

Exactly. And NOTHING was done to O except a fine.
So old Jockey Boy Obama had campaign violation in 2008 and his campaign was fined 375K.

Another nothing burger for Trump


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President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000
But...but...but... Obama!

Desperation is sometimes funny.

Yes, O already committed these violations.
So old Jockey Boy Obama had campaign violation in 2008 and his campaign was fined 375K.

Another nothing burger for Trump


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President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000
<sob> But, But ....What about Owe-bama?

And.....translation.....I got nothing.

But here's O raking in illegal monies but nary a peep out of the libs when O was committing these violations.

Obama Campaign Rakes In Millions In Illegal Foreign Cash | Investor's Business Daily
Obama fined $375k?

Same amount Trump used to pay off his hookers
From Time-
The Obama campaign has shattered all fund-raising records, raking in $458 million so far, with about half the bounty coming from donors who contribute $200 or less. Aides say that's an illustration of a truly democratic campaign. To critics, though, it can be an invitation for fraud and illegal foreign cash because donors giving individual sums of $200 or less don't have to be publicly reported. Consider the cases of Obama donors "Doodad Pro" of Nunda, N.Y., who gave $17,130, and "Good Will" of Austin, Texas, who gave more than $11,000—both in excess of the $2,300-per-person federal limit. In two recent letters to the Obama campaign, Federal Election Commission auditors flagged those (and other) donors and informed the campaign that the sums had to be returned. Neither name had ever been publicly reported because both individuals made online donations in $10 and $25 increments. "Good Will" listed his employer as "Loving" and his occupation as "You," while supplying as his address 1015 Norwood Park Boulevard, which is shared by the Austin nonprofit Goodwill Industries. Suzanha Burmeister, marketing director for Goodwill, said the group had "no clue" who the donor was. She added, however, that the group had received five puzzling thank-you letters from the Obama campaign this year, prompting it to send the campaign an e-mail in September pointing out the apparent fraudulent use of its name.

"Doodad Pro" listed no occupation or employer; the contributor's listed address is shared by Lloyd and Lynn's Liquor Store in Nunda. "I have never heard of such an individual," says Diane Beardsley, who works at the store and is the mother of one of the owners. "Nobody at this store has that much money to contribute." (She added that a Doodad's Boutique, located next door, had closed a year ago, before the donations were made.)

Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said the campaign has no idea who the individuals are and has returned all the donations, using the credit-card numbers they gave to the campaign. (In a similar case earlier this year, the campaign returned $33,000 to two Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip who had bought T shirts in bulk from the campaign's online store. They had listed their address as "Ga.," which the campaign took to mean Georgia rather than Gaza.) "While no organization is completely protected from Internet fraud, we will continue to review our fund-raising procedures," LaBolt said. Some critics say the campaign hasn't done enough.

This summer, watchdog groups asked both campaigns to share more information about its small donors. The McCain campaign agreed; the Obama campaign did not. "They could've done themselves a service" by heeding the suggestions, said Massie Ritsch of the Center for Responsive Politics.
That’s right, don’t you want all criminals charged, or maybe you only want Trump charged?

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Obama is not a criminal.
While it is true that President Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined a significant amount of money by the FEC, those fines covered civil violations that were different than the criminal infractions admitted to by Cohen.
Election Law Violations Compared: Obama 2008 vs. Trump 2016
Trump didn't commit a violation, dumbass.

MUST SEE: Former Head of Federal Elections Says Cohen Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution (AUDIO)
Cohen already plead guilty to what you call a non-violation.
Citing the Gateway Pundit will never end well.
And the article isn't even about Trump.

What a moron. The article is about exactly the kind of violation turds like you claim Trump committed, and the former chairman of the FEC says you're full of shit.

Attacking the source is a typical snowflake tactic when they don't have the facts on their side, which is almost all the time.
Here's the problem, my unintelligent friend:

"In court, Cohen told the judge he arranged the payoffs "for the principal purpose of influencing the election." Trump, Cohen and campaign finance: Who's right and what you need to know about elections, money
He told the judge what Mueller told him to say. Mueller told him to lie. A plea bargain is not admissible as evidence in any trial. That's why you won't ever hear anything about that again in a court of law.
So old Jockey Boy Obama had campaign violation in 2008 and his campaign was fined 375K.

Another nothing burger for Trump


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President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000
But...but...but... Obama!

Desperation is sometimes funny.
Just showing how the precedent has been set

A giant nothing burger

No real comparison here.
Campaign finance law does not have levels of severity, It is, or it isn't

A late filing does not equate to conspiring with your lawyer to pay off mistresses.

Keep trying my goofy friend.
It's illegal to pay off mistresses?
Yet, the Clinton campaign and dnc hired Christopher Steele who hired the Russians for a fake dossier.

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier


AHHH YES!!!!! It was the ROOSKIES that conspired to steal a fixed election for the Hildebeast! They conspired with all the networks to claim that he was waaaaay ahead in the polls! And they paid people to start shit at the infrequent rallies of the Hildebeast! And they gave Trump the debate questions ahead of time AND they had a secret plan to bus voters from one poling place to another to illegally cast ballots PLUS encouraging non-eligible voters to vote and vote often! Those dam ROOSKIES tried to undermine our DEEEE MOCK-RACY!!!!!

Oh wait, nevermind....that was the DNC...

The DNC are supposed to participate in our elections... the Russians are not.

Sorry, you don't get this point, Stewbum Dale.

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