Obama Challenges the 2nd Amendment!

A conservative would say: "If you didnt vote, you can't complain. "

I prefer: "If you voted, you can't complain"

yes you can complain,because when you vote,at least you took part in the process....when you dont vote,WILLINGLY,then you are not taking part in the process....HENCE.....dont complain.....♠♠
Oh my gosh! The second Amendment is under attack.


and again,

and again.

Grow up, you so-called conservatives. You can still go buy guns and bullets in preparation for the End of Times that you are sure is to come any minute (although, if you were true Christians the End Times wouldn't scare you).

Right Wingers are (in perfectly accurate terms): dumb.

You spew this crap and tell someone else to grow up? How about if you don't have anything intelligent to add to the conversation, you SHUT up? Telling an obamabot to grow up is an oxymoron so I won't bother.
Gunny....remember....your addressing a WISE OLD MAN.....know what i mean?..
More frightening bullshit from the right.

There are 200 million guns in private hands in this country.

No one is going to take your precious guns away, you pussies.

Of course it is. More attempting to sweep a big red brick under a rug by a lefty.

Don't you have some global warming fearmongering to attend to?

Once again, no one is taking any guns away. It's a strawman to stir up the redneck base of the Republican Party.

And it's working.

It's not fearmongering, you dumb fuck. People like you have no respect for the Constitution. You want to live in a European society, move to Europe, fuckwad.
Chris ...what I wrote was directly from Obama NOT some right wing news or media blog. Dude...it's our rights that are at risk. I guess I never realized how many people don't care about our constitution and our free liberties. This has nothing to do with left or right. It's all about a free America for both of us.
Of course it is. More attempting to sweep a big red brick under a rug by a lefty.

Don't you have some global warming fearmongering to attend to?

Once again, no one is taking any guns away. It's a strawman to stir up the redneck base of the Republican Party.

And it's working.

It's not fearmongering, you dumb fuck. People like you have no respect for the Constitution. You want to live in a European society, move to Europe, fuckwad.
well you know as well as i El....Chriss is a big fucking PUSSY....a Bobo wannabe....the little turd that will not flush.....
No one will take my guns because I'll kill them first. If I don't kill them, then they will have to kill me.
Owning weapons is one of those right that you don't mess with. It allows the populous to defend itself against tyranny. Sadly enough, I was one of those saps that thought Obama might do something good. I was wrong. Some will say he hasn't had enough time. Bullshit. I have resigned myself to the belief that the world is truly ruled by in economist terms the "power elite". It makes perfect sense and is the most reasonable assumption for the current events that our going on in the great U S of A.

The air is ripe for revolution. The question is how many people are willing to sacrifice.
Chris ...what I wrote was directly from Obama NOT some right wing news or media blog. Dude...it's our rights that are at risk. I guess I never realized how many people don't care about our constitution and our free liberties. This has nothing to do with left or right. It's all about a free America for both of us.

Chris, and others want the constitution rewritten. They feel it should be a living document, meant to be changed with the latest polls
Chris ...what I wrote was directly from Obama NOT some right wing news or media blog. Dude...it's our rights that are at risk. I guess I never realized how many people don't care about our constitution and our free liberties. This has nothing to do with left or right. It's all about a free America for both of us.

Chris, and others want the constitution rewritten. They feel it should be a living document, meant to be changed with the latest polls
Hell some believe the constitution is already a living document, whch is nuts.
Chris The people of Australia and Canada would have said the same nonsense twenty years ago, and now fire arms are all but illegal in both places.
Chris The people of Australia and Canada would have said the same nonsense twenty years ago, and now fire arms are all but illegal in both places.

Pussy Boy has to check in w. old man Brady first.....to see if your telling the truth....

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