Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs

Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs

The Obama administration is claiming executive privilege over more than 15,000 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious, including correspondence between Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife, according to records received Wednesday night by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Last month, a federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release to Judicial Watch the list of documents, known as a “Vaughn index,” that it is withholding from the public, calling its requests for further delays “unconvincing.”

The 1,307-page Vaughn index lists 15,662 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that the Obama administration is asserting executive privilege over—the first time that full list and description of the records has been released.

Obama claims executive privilege over 15 000 Fast and Furious docs Fox News

nothing to see here....most transparent administration ever

what is he hiding?

Obama is a black Richard Nixon. I mean think about it

Stupid war that we should have been out of years ago? Check
Secretive government operatives doing shady shit? Check
Proclaiming that he is being picked on? Check
Stupid ass dog ? Check
Worthless wife? Check
Pampered kids? Check

Look everyone it's Barrack Nixon.

soetoro makes nixon look like a child on a playground compared to his antics in office.

They just HAD to have their "black" president, though.
What does being "black" have to do with Obama's incompentence?

Do you think blacks are inferior to whites?
The point is we hired our first AA president... and he was not qualified to manage a Burger King let alone the USA.
Wow...I just put one and one together.

Blacks...the stars and bars.......you're a neo-confederate huh?
I'm a southerner.

Please secede, make our day

collapse or secession...Sooner or later...one or the other
Southerner's in favor of secession are neo-Confederates.

You could have just said "yes"

God I hope we don't waste northern lives trying to stop the south if they get going this time.

If dixie seceedes...you be a very poor country without New England and the west coast
Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs

The Obama administration is claiming executive privilege over more than 15,000 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious, including correspondence between Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife, according to records received Wednesday night by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Last month, a federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release to Judicial Watch the list of documents, known as a “Vaughn index,” that it is withholding from the public, calling its requests for further delays “unconvincing.”

The 1,307-page Vaughn index lists 15,662 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that the Obama administration is asserting executive privilege over—the first time that full list and description of the records has been released.

Obama claims executive privilege over 15 000 Fast and Furious docs Fox News

nothing to see here....most transparent administration ever

what is he hiding?

Obama is a black Richard Nixon. I mean think about it

Stupid war that we should have been out of years ago? Check
Secretive government operatives doing shady shit? Check
Proclaiming that he is being picked on? Check
Stupid ass dog ? Check
Worthless wife? Check
Pampered kids? Check

Look everyone it's Barrack Nixon.

soetoro makes nixon look like a child on a playground compared to his antics in office.

They just HAD to have their "black" president, though.
What does being "black" have to do with Obama's incompentence?

Do you think blacks are inferior to whites?
The point is we hired our first AA president... and he was not qualified to manage a Burger King let alone the USA.
Huh...the majority of Presidents had law degrees, and Obama was a law professor. Consitutional law at that.

So far....nobody who says Obama used affirmative action to his advantage can point to any instances of Obama getting a job for whch somone else was more qualified.

Its just like these emails.......presumption of guilt prior to examination
Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs

The Obama administration is claiming executive privilege over more than 15,000 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious, including correspondence between Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife, according to records received Wednesday night by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Last month, a federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release to Judicial Watch the list of documents, known as a “Vaughn index,” that it is withholding from the public, calling its requests for further delays “unconvincing.”

The 1,307-page Vaughn index lists 15,662 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that the Obama administration is asserting executive privilege over—the first time that full list and description of the records has been released.

Obama claims executive privilege over 15 000 Fast and Furious docs Fox News

nothing to see here....most transparent administration ever

what is he hiding?

Obama is a black Richard Nixon. I mean think about it

Stupid war that we should have been out of years ago? Check
Secretive government operatives doing shady shit? Check
Proclaiming that he is being picked on? Check
Stupid ass dog ? Check
Worthless wife? Check
Pampered kids? Check

Look everyone it's Barrack Nixon.

soetoro makes nixon look like a child on a playground compared to his antics in office.

They just HAD to have their "black" president, though.
What does being "black" have to do with Obama's incompentence?

Do you think blacks are inferior to whites?

He certainly was not elected for his "competence".

Incompetence was the bonus america got for electing someone for their skin color..
Too bad you're driven by racial resentments.

No evidence of anything like that. I just said he was elected not for his competency...but for his skin color. You guys are the ones driven by race.

That must be hard to tolerate such intellectually repulsive notions bubbling through the brackish goo in your psyche.

verbosity and stringing adverbs and adjectives together doesn't really make you look smarter...chatter away, though, it's comical.


I guess I have my own resentments. So hey...nobody is perfect. But at least my resentments are discriminate, and not prone to foolish generalizations.


Perhaps the answer to my question is that you are not a racist and secessionist
I couldn't care less if you call me a "racist"..you guys have used the word up. It doesn't work any more on most people...chant and chirp in unison all you like...

A "secessionist"?..ok..whatever...I guess you people have to have your labels.

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction are the next three phases the u.s. will go through.
Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs

The Obama administration is claiming executive privilege over more than 15,000 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious, including correspondence between Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife, according to records received Wednesday night by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Last month, a federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release to Judicial Watch the list of documents, known as a “Vaughn index,” that it is withholding from the public, calling its requests for further delays “unconvincing.”

The 1,307-page Vaughn index lists 15,662 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that the Obama administration is asserting executive privilege over—the first time that full list and description of the records has been released.

Obama claims executive privilege over 15 000 Fast and Furious docs Fox News

nothing to see here....most transparent administration ever

what is he hiding?
I always love how we've decided they're hiding something, before we even know what it is.

it doesn't matter what it is, they are in fact hiding it behind executive privilege....it can't be good for them or else they would release it
It's more like what and WHO is he hiding?? Someone in the DOJ comes to mind. :eusa_think:
Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs

The Obama administration is claiming executive privilege over more than 15,000 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious, including correspondence between Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife, according to records received Wednesday night by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Last month, a federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release to Judicial Watch the list of documents, known as a “Vaughn index,” that it is withholding from the public, calling its requests for further delays “unconvincing.”

The 1,307-page Vaughn index lists 15,662 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that the Obama administration is asserting executive privilege over—the first time that full list and description of the records has been released.

Obama claims executive privilege over 15 000 Fast and Furious docs Fox News

nothing to see here....most transparent administration ever

what is he hiding?

Obama is a black Richard Nixon. I mean think about it

Stupid war that we should have been out of years ago? Check
Secretive government operatives doing shady shit? Check
Proclaiming that he is being picked on? Check
Stupid ass dog ? Check
Worthless wife? Check
Pampered kids? Check

Look everyone it's Barrack Nixon.

soetoro makes nixon look like a child on a playground compared to his antics in office.

They just HAD to have their "black" president, though.
What does being "black" have to do with Obama's incompentence?

Do you think blacks are inferior to whites?
The point is we hired our first AA president... and he was not qualified to manage a Burger King let alone the USA.
Huh...the majority of Presidents had law degrees, and Obama was a law professor. Consitutional law at that.

So far....nobody who says Obama used affirmative action to his advantage can point to any instances of Obama getting a job for whch somone else was more qualified.

Its just like these emails.......presumption of guilt prior to examination
ROFL law professor... ROFL

Obama can't even read. He still thinks shall not means will. All that education and all he got out of it was the view that the founders royally screwed up and the opinion that he was put here on this planet to rewrite it. Obama's education was on the streets of hawaii selling drugs with his uncle out of an ice-cream cart and the streets of chicago as a slum lord redirecting tax dollars for the poor into his pocket.
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.

OP- There's no EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing that would make them necessary. Only in Haterdupeworld. BTW, the ATF chief in AZ said neither the Boosh nor Obama administration ever knew about the gun walking.

....and yet he claimed EP, nope nothing to see here,move along (rolling eyes)
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.

Bullshit :)

Integrity, get some.
Huh...the majority of Presidents had law degrees, and Obama was a law professor. Consitutional law at that.

Yeah..he knows so much about the constitution that he thought it was written TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO..LMFAO...yeah...the great "constitutional scholar"..LMAO...and you fall for it hook, line and sinker...

So far....nobody who says Obama used affirmative action to his advantage can point to any instances of Obama getting a job for whch somone else was more qualified.
Let's see his college transcripts?..let's see if he was admitted as a foreign exchange student? oh, but no...

Its just like these emails.......presumption of guilt prior to examination

Release them then..Stop hiding behind EP.

Keep apologizing and keep playing :"what if..." and "maybe"....it's funny.
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.

Bullshit :)

Integrity, get some.
Integrity... yeah not gonna happen with this POTUS.
Wow...I just put one and one together.

Blacks...the stars and bars.......you're a neo-confederate huh?

Please secede, make our day

And good riddance.

Just look at the money the blue states would save if we didn't have to support the free loaders.
Look it's the POS democrats threatening to withold SS checks.
If we can give you your chunk, and you'll leave...I'll pay extra myself.

I'm not sure you realize how poor your new country is gonna be, and how much less money you'll have for a military, and roads, if you don't get your welfare contributions from the federal government ala' tax dollars from the west coast and New England.
Huh...the majority of Presidents had law degrees, and Obama was a law professor. Consitutional law at that.

Yeah..he knows so much about the constitution that he thought it was written TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO..LMFAO...yeah...the great "constitutional scholar"..LMAO...and you fall for it hook, line and sinker...

So far....nobody who says Obama used affirmative action to his advantage can point to any instances of Obama getting a job for whch somone else was more qualified.
Let's see his college transcripts?..let's see if he was admitted as a foreign exchange student? oh, but no...

Its just like these emails.......presumption of guilt prior to examination

Release them then..Stop hiding behind EP.

Keep apologizing and keep playing :"what if..." and "maybe"....it's funny.
You have only hysterical accusations you're parrotting after watching Fox or listening to Rush.

Obama has nothing to apologize for, and I certainly don't need to apologize for him. Furthermore I'm not.

Have fun in your own little world.
Wow...I just put one and one together.

Blacks...the stars and bars.......you're a neo-confederate huh?
I'm a southerner.

Please secede, make our day

collapse or secession...Sooner or later...one or the other
Southerner's in favor of secession are neo-Confederates.

you and your compulsion to label people...Sure, scooter..whatever you say, son.

You could have just said "yes"
Then we'd have both been wrong.

God I hope we don't waste northern lives trying to stop the south if they get going this time.

People who want to peacefully and legally secede shouldn't be attacked...it's like if your wife wants a divorce you should beat her harder...LMAO..

If dixie seceedes...you be a very poor country without New England and the west coast

sure scooter...whatever you say.
When this country collapses it will be more than just "dixie"...and we'll all be just fine. Stay up north where you belong. You wouldn't like it here anyway.
Wow...I just put one and one together.

Blacks...the stars and bars.......you're a neo-confederate huh?

Please secede, make our day

And good riddance.

Just look at the money the blue states would save if we didn't have to support the free loaders.
Look it's the POS democrats threatening to withold SS checks.
If we can give you your chunk, and you'll leave...I'll pay extra myself.

I'm not sure you realize how poor your new country is gonna be, and how much less money you'll have for a military, and roads, if you don't get your welfare contributions from the federal government ala' tax dollars from the west coast and New England.

We'd be just fine.
Wow...I just put one and one together.

Blacks...the stars and bars.......you're a neo-confederate huh?
I'm a southerner.

Please secede, make our day

collapse or secession...Sooner or later...one or the other
Southerner's in favor of secession are neo-Confederates.

you and your compulsion to label people...Sure, scooter..whatever you say, son.

You could have just said "yes"
Then we'd have both been wrong.

God I hope we don't waste northern lives trying to stop the south if they get going this time.

People who want to peacefully and legally secede shouldn't be attacked...it's like if your wife wants a divorce you should beat her harder...LMAO..

If dixie seceedes...you be a very poor country without New England and the west coast

sure scooter...whatever you say.
When this country collapses it will be more than just "dixie"...and we'll all be just fine. Stay up north where you belong. You wouldn't like it here anyway.
Thank you....you've just answered yes to all my questions...except you don't admit to thinking blacks are inferior to whites. I'm glad you don't think that, and I stand corrected
Wow...I just put one and one together.

Blacks...the stars and bars.......you're a neo-confederate huh?

Please secede, make our day

And good riddance.

Just look at the money the blue states would save if we didn't have to support the free loaders.
Look it's the POS democrats threatening to withold SS checks.
If we can give you your chunk, and you'll leave...I'll pay extra myself.

I'm not sure you realize how poor your new country is gonna be, and how much less money you'll have for a military, and roads, if you don't get your welfare contributions from the federal government ala' tax dollars from the west coast and New England.

We'd be just fine.
You'll be poor, with fewer jobs, closed military bases, and probably come crawling back for relief, like the other third world countries ask for.
Wow...I just put one and one together.

Blacks...the stars and bars.......you're a neo-confederate huh?

Please secede, make our day

And good riddance.

Just look at the money the blue states would save if we didn't have to support the free loaders.
Look it's the POS democrats threatening to withold SS checks.
If we can give you your chunk, and you'll leave...I'll pay extra myself.

I'm not sure you realize how poor your new country is gonna be, and how much less money you'll have for a military, and roads, if you don't get your welfare contributions from the federal government ala' tax dollars from the west coast and New England.
ROFL... it is you that are clueless. The democrats will flee the free states to your half because we'll turn off the welfare crap. The republicans will move to the free states from the socialist slave states of the west coast and new england and bring their money with them.
Last edited:
Huh...the majority of Presidents had law degrees, and Obama was a law professor. Consitutional law at that.

Yeah..he knows so much about the constitution that he thought it was written TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO..LMFAO...yeah...the great "constitutional scholar"..LMAO...and you fall for it hook, line and sinker...

So far....nobody who says Obama used affirmative action to his advantage can point to any instances of Obama getting a job for whch somone else was more qualified.
Let's see his college transcripts?..let's see if he was admitted as a foreign exchange student? oh, but no...

Its just like these emails.......presumption of guilt prior to examination

Release them then..Stop hiding behind EP.

Keep apologizing and keep playing :"what if..." and "maybe"....it's funny.

You have only hysterical accusations you're parrotting after watching Fox or listening to Rush.

Sure, scooter...whatever you say.

Obama has nothing to apologize for, and I certainly don't need to apologize for him. Furthermore I'm not.

He should at LEAST apologize for not knowing when the constitution was written. 5th graders know that.
..but you listen to your great "constitutional scholar"..who also thinks there are 57 or 58 states..he isn't sure...

Have fun in your own little world.

Too funny!..your "constitutional scholar" president doesn't know when the constitution was written or even how many states in this nation...but I'm in "my own little world"..You are FUNNY!, son!

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