Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs

Wow...I just put one and one together.

Blacks...the stars and bars.......you're a neo-confederate huh?

Please secede, make our day

And good riddance.

Just look at the money the blue states would save if we didn't have to support the free loaders.
Look it's the POS democrats threatening to withold SS checks.
If we can give you your chunk, and you'll leave...I'll pay extra myself.

I'm not sure you realize how poor your new country is gonna be, and how much less money you'll have for a military, and roads, if you don't get your welfare contributions from the federal government ala' tax dollars from the west coast and New England.

We'd be just fine.
You'll be poor, with fewer jobs, closed military bases, and probably come crawling back for relief, like the other third world countries ask for.

Nope. The new nation would soar with a healthy economy, lively trade and strong allies beside us.
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.


When Presidents Invoke Executive Privilege Government Elections Politics FRONTLINE PBS

James Cole, the deputy attorney general, said that handing over the Fast and Furious documents “would have significant, damaging consequences,” and that “it would inhibit the candor of such Executive Branch deliberations in the future and significantly impair the Executive Branch’s ability to respond independently and effectively to congressional oversight.”
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.


When Presidents Invoke Executive Privilege Government Elections Politics FRONTLINE PBS

James Cole, the deputy attorney general, said that handing over the Fast and Furious documents “would have significant, damaging consequences,” and that “it would inhibit the candor of such Executive Branch deliberations in the future and significantly impair the Executive Branch’s ability to respond independently and effectively to congressional oversight.”
Translation... if evidence of the truth got out they would have to stop lying about it.
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.


When Presidents Invoke Executive Privilege Government Elections Politics FRONTLINE PBS

James Cole, the deputy attorney general, said that handing over the Fast and Furious documents “would have significant, damaging consequences,” and that “it would inhibit the candor of such Executive Branch deliberations in the future and significantly impair the Executive Branch’s ability to respond independently and effectively to congressional oversight.”
Translation... if evidence of the truth got out they would have to stop lying about it.

  • In 2007, the Bush White House also declined to give Congress documents about the death of Pat Tillman, the football star-turned-Army Ranger, who was killed in Afghanistan. The military initially said Tillman was killed in a firefight with the enemy, but it was later discovered that he was shot in a friendly fire accident. In refusing to hand over the documents, Bush’s counsel said the documents “implicate Executive Branch confidentiality interests.”
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.


When Presidents Invoke Executive Privilege Government Elections Politics FRONTLINE PBS

James Cole, the deputy attorney general, said that handing over the Fast and Furious documents “would have significant, damaging consequences,” and that “it would inhibit the candor of such Executive Branch deliberations in the future and significantly impair the Executive Branch’s ability to respond independently and effectively to congressional oversight.”
Translation... if evidence of the truth got out they would have to stop lying about it.

  • In 2007, the Bush White House also declined to give Congress documents about the death of Pat Tillman, the football star-turned-Army Ranger, who was killed in Afghanistan. The military initially said Tillman was killed in a firefight with the enemy, but it was later discovered that he was shot in a friendly fire accident. In refusing to hand over the documents, Bush’s counsel said the documents “implicate Executive Branch confidentiality interests.”
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.

and you know for a fact he is not hiding something....LOL

Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs

The Obama administration is claiming executive privilege over more than 15,000 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious, including correspondence between Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife, according to records received Wednesday night by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Last month, a federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release to Judicial Watch the list of documents, known as a “Vaughn index,” that it is withholding from the public, calling its requests for further delays “unconvincing.”

The 1,307-page Vaughn index lists 15,662 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that the Obama administration is asserting executive privilege over—the first time that full list and description of the records has been released.

Obama claims executive privilege over 15 000 Fast and Furious docs Fox News

nothing to see here....most transparent administration ever

what is he hiding?
I always love how we've decided they're hiding something, before we even know what it is.

it doesn't matter what it is, they are in fact hiding it behind executive privilege....it can't be good for them or else they would release it
I'm not sure that's the case. Look at that whole birth certificate thing, and how Obama could have easilly offered it very early on, and that wound up making righties look stupid and paranoid.

It very well may be something bad they're holding back now...but we don't know what it is. Righty media seems to get more mileage out of suspicions than it does any actual wrong doing. Until we know what it is...it's just guess work.

So wouldn't that be an incentive for the Obama Administration to release the documents, Toxic?

Quite frankly...if you're going to proclaim that one of the bedrock principles of your administration will be "transparency" then why would you DO what the Obama Administration has done...which is to be one of the LEAST transparent administrations ever?
Go figure? Him and Holder are pieces of shit. Holder should be wearing an orange jumpsuit right now. He murdered Brian Terry.
No, Eric Holder did not murder, Brian Terry! Holder simply covered up the Administration's involvement in an ill advised Justice Department program that was only halted when Terry was killed. What's appalling is that from all appearances, Fast & Furious would have been allowed to continue if it weren't for the murder of Terry.
What's rather obvious at this point is that the invoking of E.P. was done to hide when it was that the Obama White House knew about Fast & Furious.
"Obama claims executive privilege."

As have other president over the decades, both democratic and republican, for perfectly appropriate and legitimate reasons.

Consequently, your inference that the president is 'hiding something' is yet another lie contrived by you and others on the partisan right.

Bullshit :)

Integrity, get some.
Integrity... yeah not gonna happen with this POTUS.

Nor with Clayton which who it was directed at ;)

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