Obama clueless on business, again.

He simply doesn't understand that businesses operate to make a profit for their owners. If conditions in the U.S. are not conducive, they will go elsewhere. The answer is not to brow beat business but make conditiosn conducive.
Obama to CEOs: Ask what you can do for America - Yahoo! News

as opposed to the GOP which is more than happy to allow business to do anything they want,and fuck over the citizens of america as often as possible.
as opposed to the GOP which is more than happy to allow business to do anything they want,and fuck over the citizens of america as often as possible.

Caveat Emptor.... Let the Buyer Beware. It is the Personal Responsibility of the individual to pay attention to what they're buying. Unless the product is truly defective, dangerous, or not as advertised it isn't the Government's responsibility to regulate it.
Thinking that business, any business, has some sort of allegiance other than to iteslf is broadcasting anti-Kenyisanism

which his SOTUAddy basically did, sending wall street out to gleefully slay the fattened lamb
So, he wants me to "get in the game" and help out by simply running out this morning and hiring more people?

Great idea. So simple. So obvious. So ignorant.

He really thought that one through, didn't he?

Hey obama......I am already "in the game."

In fact, as a small business owner, I AM the fucking game.

What a moron.

Not an ounce of business sense in his ocean-sized ego.
as opposed to the GOP which is more than happy to allow business to do anything they want,and fuck over the citizens of america as often as possible.

Caveat Emptor.... Let the Buyer Beware. It is the Personal Responsibility of the individual to pay attention to what they're buying. Unless the product is truly defective, dangerous, or not as advertised it isn't the Government's responsibility to regulate it.

Not according to our leftist retarded friends. Government is big brother. Government should ensure no poor schmuck is EVER responsible for anything UNLESS they are a CEO.
Sounds like Obama is trying to be "Kennedyesque". Lord knows "Obamaesque" doesn't work anymore.
What a loser

what would Obama know about jobs, he's never had a real one in his life.

Sure he got the job as President but he's piss poor even at that. The majority of people can't stand him and want him FIRED.
He simply doesn't understand that businesses operate to make a profit for their owners. If conditions in the U.S. are not conducive, they will go elsewhere. The answer is not to brow beat business but make conditiosn conducive.
Obama to CEOs: Ask what you can do for America - Yahoo! News

as opposed to the GOP which is more than happy to allow business to do anything they want,and fuck over the citizens of america as often as possible.

I would ask for some proof but that statement is so ill informed and inane none is possible. It is proof that you are a complete nincompoop.
Not according to our leftist retarded friends. Government is big brother. Government should ensure no poor schmuck is EVER responsible for anything UNLESS they are a CEO.


The phrase "leftist retarded" isn't necessary. Either word covers both concepts. They most definitely aren't MY friends, and I doubt they're yours either. Nice to see how these morons think that Government can solve ANY problem, nevermind ALL of them. What a load.
I have a question for obama, being the economic genius that he is and all.....

I'm all for doing everything I can to help my country, "get in the game," and do my part in stimulating the economy. If that means just running out and hiring some new people today, then I'll happily make that my priority. My only question is:

Who should I fire to make room for these new hires?
I'm in the middle of a book right now that covers this subject - in fact it shines a whole new light on Obama. Interesting read.
Obendover's fiscal year budget proposal w/b released soon. We'll find out his "game plan".
He simply doesn't understand that businesses operate to make a profit for their owners. If conditions in the U.S. are not conducive, they will go elsewhere. The answer is not to brow beat business but make conditiosn conducive.
Obama to CEOs: Ask what you can do for America - Yahoo! News

Another day, another clueless Obama. But he's only doing what he thinks is right. And since he has zero business experience and has chosen to fraternize with extremists, nobody should expect him to 'get it'.
Looks like most of us are in agreement, Obama is clueless when it come to business. EVERY business owner is there to make money for himself. To do that he has to have good employees and the only way to have good employees is to treat them right, good pay, benefits, and working conditions. He can not achieve his goal if the employees do benefit as well. Even the customer come out ahead. Why does Obama not get it. Our government has never run anything right but he keep pandering to the something for nothing voters hoping that enough of them are dumb enough to keep him in office.
So, he wants me to "get in the game" and help out by simply running out this morning and hiring more people?

Great idea. So simple. So obvious. So ignorant.

He really thought that one through, didn't he?

Hey obama......I am already "in the game."

In fact, as a small business owner, I AM the fucking game.

What a moron.

Not an ounce of business sense in his ocean-sized ego.

Amen to that truth!

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