Obama complained to Argentina that Americans are clueless with poor foreign language skills

"Obama complained to Argentina that Americans are clueless with poor foreign language skills"

No, he said that American conservatives are clueless with poor foreign language skills.

And he's right.
All of us that know there isn't shit on Obama's resume. Believe it, or not, "community organizer", isn't a real job.
Argumentum ad populum and argument from ignorance fallicies.
Wanna try for the trifecta?
It's a fact; community organizer isn't a real job.
Job Marketplace - Organizers for America
Decent pay and health insurance
Look like a real job to me , it also looks as always you're talking out your ass.

I guess that means, "snake oil salesman", is a real job, or, "carbon credit salesman".
As real as any jobs you've ever had.

Another personal attack...lol. The proverbial white flag for Lefties.
You know, there is a bit of truth to this, and I've experienced it firsthand.

Whenever I went overseas, one of the very first things that I did was get a phrase book for whatever country we happened to be in. I would take that phrase book with me and instead of going up to a person and asking them in slow English if they spoke English (like most of the people on the boat did), I would walk up with my phrase book and try to speak to them in their language. After all, I was the foreigner there.

What I found out later, was that over 80 percent of the people overseas actually DO speak English, and many of them are happy to practice their English with you, but they like it when you make an effort to communicate in their language. Usually, they would let me stumble around for a couple of minutes, but then would cheerfully tell me they spoke English, and ask if I preferred to speak that.

I also saw many of my shipmates go looking for places like Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King and McDonalds instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to sample food that isn't known over here in the USA, or would cost them a lot of money at a fancy eatery, because foreign cuisine is generally only served at high dollar places (at least the good stuff).

I also saw them making fun of people over there for doing things that Americans considered "strange" or "unusual", like Middle Eastern men walking down the street holding hands if they were friends, simply because they didn't take time to learn about some of the customs that were there.

No, sorry to say, but very few Americans are interested in speaking to someone in another country in their native language, or even learning about some of the customs of that country.

Got over 20 years of experience with that, and saw it first hand quite often.
200 years of the English-speaking British Empire, followed immediately by another 100 years of the English-speaking American Empire, all adds up to a lot of English-speakers.
He would have been more accurate had he said that most Americans are clueless, with poor English language skills; forget about actually learning and being able to speak a foreign language.

But then again, considering the dubious source, It's very likely he said no such thing.
Pardon me for asking.

Is this a reflection of America's education system or the failure of parents to actually participate in not only their education but that of their children?
Is there no end to these slanderous right wing propaganda stories that take cherry picked quotes out of context ?

Righties just lie and lie .

All of us that know there isn't shit on Obama's resume. Believe it, or not, "community organizer", isn't a real job.
Argumentum ad populum and argument from ignorance fallicies.
Wanna try for the trifecta?
It's a fact; community organizer isn't a real job.

Even if it was look at Chicago, its a war zone its not like the stupid clown accomplished anything as an organizer.
Argumentum ad populum and argument from ignorance fallicies.
Wanna try for the trifecta?
It's a fact; community organizer isn't a real job.
Job Marketplace - Organizers for America
Decent pay and health insurance
Look like a real job to me , it also looks as always you're talking out your ass.

I guess that means, "snake oil salesman", is a real job, or, "carbon credit salesman".
As real as any jobs you've ever had.

Another personal attack...lol. The proverbial white flag for Lefties.
False! what is certain is the faux claim of a victory or surrender by conservatives when they get their asses handed to them at every turn.
Obama's jobs have been and are just as real as , like I said any of the jobs you ever had.
If you wish to take that as an insult that's your malfunction.
It doesn't change the facts.

All of us that know there isn't shit on Obama's resume. Believe it, or not, "community organizer", isn't a real job.
Argumentum ad populum and argument from ignorance fallicies.
Wanna try for the trifecta?
It's a fact; community organizer isn't a real job.

Even if it was look at Chicago, its a war zone its not like the stupid clown accomplished anything as an organizer.
He would have been more accurate had he said that most Americans are clueless, with poor English language skills; forget about actually learning and being able to speak a foreign language.

But then again, considering the dubious source, It's very likely he said no such thing.

Remember his infamous reference to a Navy corpse-man?
Not learning another language or 2 is the perfect example of the dumbing down of this country.
Also it's one of the prime reason for the term ugly American.
How many languages do you speak?

You don't have to be multi lingual to avoid the term "ugly American". All you really have to do is put a phrase book in your pocket and use it when you go out. It's not being able to speak another language fluently that gets you around better, it's simply making the effort to try that does. Like I said, over 80 percent of the people not from the USA speak English.

I never learned to speak any language fluently, but I do know some phrases in Italian, Spanish, Greek, and a couple of others. Learned them from using the phrase book to get around while I was overseas, and some of them like "please", "thank you", and "where is", are some that I memorized because I used them so often.

Walking up to someone overseas and asking in a loud, slow voice "Do you speak English", and waiting for them to respond in English is how you get labeled an ugly American.
Obama didnt say anything aboyt phrase books. He complained Americans dont learn foreing languages.
It is no shock you knew how to say "blowjob" "assfuck" and "ladyboi" in about 10 different languages.

Americans usually DON'T learn foreign languages. Here in America, another language is an elective, not a requirement. Overseas, English is a required class in school.

And no, even with phrase books available, most Americans won't make the little bit of extra effort required to communicate with people in foreign countries, they simply expect them to speak English, and get butt hurt when they are told that the person asked doesn't speak English.

Interestingly enough, learning how to swear and say dirty words in another language never had much appeal to me. I prefer to learn how to say things in a polite civil manner.

Wrong. In many cases, it is required. My wife, son, and youngest daughter all can speak Spanish, another daughter is fluent in American Sign Language, and I took German in college, and Latin in high school. Because of that, I can understand most Italian, French, and Spanish. Foreign language was required in all of our colleges.
... Here in America, another language is an elective, not a requirement. ....

That is not true in most cases.

What school system requires the learning of a language other than English as a requirement for graduation? There are none in the United States that I know of, and if there are, it's a rarity.

When I went to school (graduated in 1982), taking another language was an elective not a requirement.

If you know of a place where a second language is a requirement for graduation, please post a link. I've never heard of such a rule from ANY school district here in America.

If you are talking getting your high school equivalent to a GED, you would be correct. The high school where I teach requires two years of foreign language to meet almost every college's requirements for admission. Sadly, you are ignorant of the truth.
Obama complained to Argentina that Americans are clueless with poor foreign language skills | BizPac Review

Getting away with impeachable offenses, holding him to his own standard and not America's makes it easy for him (anyone) to destroy America. America(ns) did nothing to deserve this. Such a shame how shallow people in position of representation have become held to a standard of their own. Policies make everyone and thing into what anti-Americans with authority want where cowards of politics lead everyone to follow (by force of policy) .

First antiAmerican president? No. The first anti American that became president in the most sinister way possible...and with a lot of help beyond our ability but within expected duty of elected officials to stop!
Then why has the USA not been destroyed?
... Here in America, another language is an elective, not a requirement. ....

That is not true in most cases.

What school system requires the learning of a language other than English as a requirement for graduation? There are none in the United States that I know of, and if there are, it's a rarity.

When I went to school (graduated in 1982), taking another language was an elective not a requirement.

If you know of a place where a second language is a requirement for graduation, please post a link. I've never heard of such a rule from ANY school district here in America.

If you are talking getting your high school equivalent to a GED, you would be correct. The high school where I teach requires two years of foreign language to meet almost every college's requirements for admission. Sadly, you are ignorant of the truth.
Not required to graduate HS.
"Obama complained to Argentina that Americans are clueless with poor foreign language skills"

No, he said that American conservatives are clueless with poor foreign language skills.

And he's right.

Most liberals cannot speak English, nor read it, hence their liberalism.
Conservatives are proven to be more blissfully ignorant than liberals. And they get worse the longer they listen to Fox, Rush and the rest of the Pub propaganda machine. For example, 35% of GOPers believe Obama is a Kenyan muslim.
... Here in America, another language is an elective, not a requirement. ....

That is not true in most cases.

What school system requires the learning of a language other than English as a requirement for graduation? There are none in the United States that I know of, and if there are, it's a rarity.

When I went to school (graduated in 1982), taking another language was an elective not a requirement.

If you know of a place where a second language is a requirement for graduation, please post a link. I've never heard of such a rule from ANY school district here in America.

If you are talking getting your high school equivalent to a GED, you would be correct. The high school where I teach requires two years of foreign language to meet almost every college's requirements for admission. Sadly, you are ignorant of the truth.

I guess you missed the part where I said I didn't know of any school that required a second language as a graduation requirement, but said that if someone else did, please provide a link to show where a certain school required a second language as a graduation requirement.

Sadly, nobody has shown any links to any schools that require a second language as a graduation requirement.
You know, there is a bit of truth to this, and I've experienced it firsthand.

Whenever I went overseas, one of the very first things that I did was get a phrase book for whatever country we happened to be in. I would take that phrase book with me and instead of going up to a person and asking them in slow English if they spoke English (like most of the people on the boat did), I would walk up with my phrase book and try to speak to them in their language. After all, I was the foreigner there.

What I found out later, was that over 80 percent of the people overseas actually DO speak English, and many of them are happy to practice their English with you, but they like it when you make an effort to communicate in their language. Usually, they would let me stumble around for a couple of minutes, but then would cheerfully tell me they spoke English, and ask if I preferred to speak that.

I also saw many of my shipmates go looking for places like Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King and McDonalds instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to sample food that isn't known over here in the USA, or would cost them a lot of money at a fancy eatery, because foreign cuisine is generally only served at high dollar places (at least the good stuff).

I also saw them making fun of people over there for doing things that Americans considered "strange" or "unusual", like Middle Eastern men walking down the street holding hands if they were friends, simply because they didn't take time to learn about some of the customs that were there.

No, sorry to say, but very few Americans are interested in speaking to someone in another country in their native language, or even learning about some of the customs of that country.

Got over 20 years of experience with that, and saw it first hand quite often.
200 years of the English-speaking British Empire, followed immediately by another 100 years of the English-speaking American Empire, all adds up to a lot of English-speakers.

There is no American Empire.
There is no American Empire.


But your going public with that has produced a really tragic side effect:


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