obama constituents welfare cancelled in georgia county! Parents of starving children outraged!!

Maybe you shouldn't quote the Bible...stick with something you're familiar with...
Jesus said love your neighbor, not support their very existence. The neighbors that can't physically support themselves, yeah we should definitely help them. The ones that can don't deserve our support. That's not mocking our neighbor, it's just being honest. An illusive trait on the left.

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Maybe you shouldn't quote the Bible...stick with something you're familiar with..

Don't make the mistake of assuming I'm not familiar with it.
You can't feed your kids, don't have kids.

Because everybody knows exactly what's going to happen in the future.
If you do, then you should be a little more responsible when quoting from it.
The Bible wasn't written to support political arguments one way or the other. Jesus could care less about a R or a D. The left likes to bait conservatives with biblical back flips and it's disgusting really.

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The Bible wasn't written to support political arguments one way or the other. Jesus could care less about a R or a D.

I agree. And I see nothing political in Matthew 22:38-40. It's as pure as any guidance can be. Which is why it's always puzzled me that, as I mentioned in the other thread, so many self-professed Christians act online entirely differently than they do in person.

It suggests that their Christianity is a very thin veneer over their baser natures, and that's sad.
Just because someone says, "Imma Christian!" doesn't necessarily mean they are a practicing Christian. More likely, they relate to Christianity more than any other faith. I'm sure you realize from your Biblical knowledge, emulation of Christ is a pretty high standard.

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Just because someone says, "Imma Christian!" doesn't necessarily mean they are a practicing Christian. More likely, they relate to Christianity more than any other faith. I'm sure you realize from your Biblical knowledge, emulation of Christ is a pretty high standard.

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I couldn't agree more! :)
The largest single group receiving food stamps are Republicans.
Yeah, those were Republicans.

Anyway, not even close. Democrats are the party of parasites:

Of these, about one-in-five (22%) of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans. About 17% of political independents say they have received food stamps.

The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats (31%) and about half as many Republicans (17%) say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program.

You can't feed your kids, don't have kids.
Obviously you have no idea how stupid this is.

The board notes that we have reduced you to childish namecalling. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.
Ron White has an excellent one: "You can't fix Stupid."

Unless you can explain how someone who's had a catastrophic life event can put their children back up the chute, your observation is stupid.

Do you even know where babies come from?
Unless you can explain how someone who's had a catastrophic life event can put their children back up the chute, your observation is stupid.

Do you even know where babies come from?
Smoking crack causes crack babies, but is hardly a 'catastrophic event'.
You can't feed your kids, don't have kids.
Obviously you have no idea how stupid this is.

The board notes that we have reduced you to childish namecalling. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

The notion is stupid.

For example, a family whose parents are working are perfectly capable of feeding the children while employed, where one or both parents might subsequently suffer a job loss, necessitating applying for public assistance.

At the time the children were born the family could indeed feed them, rendering your statement false and idiotic.
Matthew 22:38-40


You can ALWAYS count on the demon to quote scripture out of context.

You want the entire Gospel of Matthew? I can do that. Or you can explain why Jesus said "love your neighbor" and you heard "mock your neighbor."

Noting that my neighbor is failing to bear her own responsibility to tend to her own needs and not burden me with her expenses, is a demonstration of my love for my neighbor, because it holds her lazy, shiftless ass: accountable.

You see, my neighbor has precisely the same opportunities as I have, precisely the same means as I have; a healthy mind, body and the spirit God gave her... . "I don't want to..." is simply not a viable defense, for my neighbor.

That you need to claim otherwise in propping up the illusion, doesn't actually alter reality.

You see, this is the United States, where we do not have a society wherein one is mired in the class into which they are born. We're free to make whatever we are able and willing to make... . Unless we hobble ourselves by lending credence to Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle, such as the drivel touted by you and the balance of the Leftist cult.
This is the problem, Republican economic policies are so disastrous the only way Red States survive is through an infusion of "free stuff(money)" from Blue States. Currently, only a hand full of Red States are in deep debt and that's because of the stellar stock market under Obama. The sparkling stock market is bringing up the state economies.
But whatever good Republicans are getting won't last long. To compete, you have to send your kids to school (not Bible college) and you need to invest in state infrastructure. Those things don't happen under Republicans. The brain washing against education and investment has run too deep and taken hold.

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