Obama cost me HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars.

Grampa, do you mean that you did not take federal contracts because you would have to pay union wages? If so, that's on you. As a subcontractor, you are bound by the rules of the work place.
Grampa, do you mean that you did not take federal contracts because you would have to pay union wages? If so, that's on you. As a subcontractor, you are bound by the rules of the work place.
Union wages were well below PREVAILING WAGE

Just stfu because it's VERY CLEAR you're still trying to fake it
Grampa, do you mean that you did not take federal contracts because you would have to pay union wages? If so, that's on you. As a subcontractor, you are bound by the rules of the work place.
Union wages were well below PREVAILING WAGE Just stfu because it's VERY CLEAR you're still trying to fake it
You were not paying the equal or above union wages.

You did not take those contracts because you would have had to pay more.
Grampa, do you mean that you did not take federal contracts because you would have to pay union wages? If so, that's on you. As a subcontractor, you are bound by the rules of the work place.
Union wages were well below PREVAILING WAGE Just stfu because it's VERY CLEAR you're still trying to fake it
You were not paying the equal or above union wages.

You did not take those contracts because you would have had to pay more.
I had no choice jackass. I worked for the ACOE.

You're a clueless faggot playing a game but I've got you number idiot
This is not 1995, and the GR began in late 2008. This is 2017. So if it was not the required pay scale (which it was), was Obama regulations hurt you. Be specific.
I worked under Bush, Clinton & Obama for the ACOE. You have no idea what youre talking about. I worked all over the country for near 20 years. Prevailing wage varied from one state to the next and was dependent on the job being performed. One president KILLED my productivity & revenue.
Prior to Obama I had 9 crews. During Obama I had 2. I just now hired my 3rd.
I worked under Bush, Clinton & Obama for the ACOE. You have no idea what youre talking about. I worked all over the country for near 20 years. Prevailing wage varied from one state to the next and was dependent on the job being performed. One president KILLED my productivity & revenue.
Prior to Obama I had 9 crews. During Obama I had 2. I just now hired my 3rd.
You kept saying so, but all you are doing is talking. Be specific.
I worked under Bush, Clinton & Obama for the ACOE. You have no idea what youre talking about. I worked all over the country for near 20 years. Prevailing wage varied from one state to the next and was dependent on the job being performed. One president KILLED my productivity & revenue.
Prior to Obama I had 9 crews. During Obama I had 2. I just now hired my 3rd.
You kept saying so, but all you are doing is talking. Be specific.
I built new officer quarters at Whiteman AFB under Clinton. I remodeled officers barracks at Ft Leavenworth under Bush. I remodeled EVERY ghetto high rise in KC (I-70&Paseo) under Bush/Clinton. I gutted & steal framed multiple government buildings in DC under both Clinton & Bush. I've done minor ACOE jobs in Denver, Dallas, Arlington, Chicago, Wichita and several other smaller cities.

EVERY SINGLE JOB LISTED ABOVE was a prevailing wage job and I was the owner of the company that took the contract. EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE received prevailing wage.

Specific enough fraud?
Whiteman AFB under Clinton.

He was making an unannounced visit to see the B2. On my job site 2 bus loads of wanted felons & illegals were hauled off the day before Clintons visit.
22% + decline in revenue over a 6 year period.


Ever consider you are a shit business man or business thant is out of date because it sure looks like a lot of Businesses did quite well under him..



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After the crash his policies all but put a chastity belt on our economy. As a business owner I have lost more than 6 figures easily thanks to his bullshit policies. Enough money to pay for BOTH of my grandsons educations.

Thanks to all you Dumbfucks who voted for him twice. Once? Perhaps forgivable. Twice? Where's the fucking revolver....
What policies, specifically, have lead to your loss as a business owner?

Also, why don't conservatives, in reality, care about personal responsibility? They love to tear down poor people, but they really dont take any responsibility for their own circumstances in life.

Obama's policies. Pure and simple.

For a couple decades I was rolling in fat cash. Granted the crash played a major role in my decline but it's pretty clear now. Trump's only been in office a couple months and my revenues are up huge. Obama ran on & had 8 years to right the ship. He put a bandaid on a cannon ball sized hole
Dude you are out of your mind. You can't even narrow down the actual causality and instead talk about timing. It's kind of pathetic. There is nothing Trump has done thus far that has weakened or strengthened the economy. Overall, job growth under Obama was unprecedented and consumer confidence specifically has made a 180 since the Great Recession.
"Dude" the timing was near a decade. Do you need a connect the dot puzzle?
No, but you need critical thinking skills and the emotional maturity to admit your personal misfortunes are your own if the actual national trends say the economy improved greatly under Obama.

I think he likes to blame the government and the talk about individual responsibility...
Whiteman AFB under Clinton.

He was making an unannounced visit to see the B2. On my job site 2 bus loads of wanted felons & illegals were hauled off the day before Clintons visit.
Felons because the GOP policies of privatising prisons.

Illegals??? Obama has deported more and has had a net exit to Mexico...

Do you seriously think Trump is changing any of that? Will he make it worse?

You are just playing on the Red team without actually looking at what their actions are doing to you personally...
Whiteman AFB under Clinton.

He was making an unannounced visit to see the B2. On my job site 2 bus loads of wanted felons & illegals were hauled off the day before Clintons visit.
Felons because the GOP policies of privatising prisons.

Illegals??? Obama has deported more and has had a net exit to Mexico...

Do you seriously think Trump is changing any of that? Will he make it worse?

You are just playing on the Red team without actually looking at what their actions are doing to you personally...
If I was playing red vs blue I wouldn't have credidited Clinton.

Try again?
oshitasss worshipers have no idea what his executive orders and superregulation cost because they don't have to deal with them. Business income is NOT the stock market. The stock market index, for you liberal idiots, is actually not worried about businesses, it can make money on the failure of a business just as on a stellar performance. The index is an actual-perceived-value.
I worked under Bush, Clinton & Obama for the ACOE. You have no idea what youre talking about. I worked all over the country for near 20 years. Prevailing wage varied from one state to the next and was dependent on the job being performed. One president KILLED my productivity & revenue.
Prior to Obama I had 9 crews. During Obama I had 2. I just now hired my 3rd.
You kept saying so, but all you are doing is talking. Be specific.
I built new officer quarters at Whiteman AFB under Clinton. I remodeled officers barracks at Ft Leavenworth under Bush. I remodeled EVERY ghetto high rise in KC (I-70&Paseo) under Bush/Clinton. I gutted & steal framed multiple government buildings in DC under both Clinton & Bush. I've done minor ACOE jobs in Denver, Dallas, Arlington, Chicago, Wichita and several other smaller cities.

EVERY SINGLE JOB LISTED ABOVE was a prevailing wage job and I was the owner of the company that took the contract. EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE received prevailing wage. Specific enough fraud?
Not in the slightest. Be specific how Obama regulations hurt you.
I worked under Bush, Clinton & Obama for the ACOE. You have no idea what youre talking about. I worked all over the country for near 20 years. Prevailing wage varied from one state to the next and was dependent on the job being performed. One president KILLED my productivity & revenue.
Prior to Obama I had 9 crews. During Obama I had 2. I just now hired my 3rd.
You kept saying so, but all you are doing is talking. Be specific.
I built new officer quarters at Whiteman AFB under Clinton. I remodeled officers barracks at Ft Leavenworth under Bush. I remodeled EVERY ghetto high rise in KC (I-70&Paseo) under Bush/Clinton. I gutted & steal framed multiple government buildings in DC under both Clinton & Bush. I've done minor ACOE jobs in Denver, Dallas, Arlington, Chicago, Wichita and several other smaller cities.

EVERY SINGLE JOB LISTED ABOVE was a prevailing wage job and I was the owner of the company that took the contract. EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE received prevailing wage. Specific enough fraud?
Not in the slightest. Be specific how Obama regulations hurt you.
Are you dense? My income dropped by a massive number. We can argue till the cows come home if Bush caused the crash but one thing is definitive. Obama took a bad situation & did virtually nothing with it.

Now pretend to be a conservative some more, I need a good laugh.
After the crash his policies all but put a chastity belt on our economy. As a business owner I have lost more than 6 figures easily thanks to his bullshit policies. Enough money to pay for BOTH of my grandsons educations.

Thanks to all you Dumbfucks who voted for him twice. Once? Perhaps forgivable. Twice? Where's the fucking revolver....
What policies, specifically, have lead to your loss as a business owner?

Also, why don't conservatives, in reality, care about personal responsibility? They love to tear down poor people, but they really dont take any responsibility for their own circumstances in life.

Obama's policies. Pure and simple.

For a couple decades I was rolling in fat cash. Granted the crash played a major role in my decline but it's pretty clear now. Trump's only been in office a couple months and my revenues are up huge. Obama ran on & had 8 years to right the ship. He put a bandaid on a cannon ball sized hole
Dude you are out of your mind. You can't even narrow down the actual causality and instead talk about timing. It's kind of pathetic. There is nothing Trump has done thus far that has weakened or strengthened the economy. Overall, job growth under Obama was unprecedented and consumer confidence specifically has made a 180 since the Great Recession.
"Dude" the timing was near a decade. Do you need a connect the dot puzzle?
No, but you need critical thinking skills and the emotional maturity to admit your personal misfortunes are your own if the actual national trends say the economy improved greatly under Obama.

Obama slowed down the economy not helped it for the millionth time

No, you have done nothing at all other than to say, Gramp, that your income went down in the Obama years and that happened because of Obama's regs and not other reasons.

That you believe it is so does not make it so. What regs? In what situations?

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