Obama Cracks Joke About Scalia's Death...

Stay classy Mr. President. :mad-61:

I started a thread on this yesterday.

No comment from the left.

But they love talking about Trump acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary.

"But they love talking about Trump acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary." Mudpacker

Now let's play a name game. For 7 years straight we have had:
"But they love talking about Obama acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary" from the hard right.
And now they are crying and bitching about something imaginary,,,again.
He wasn't making fun of Scalia. He was making fun of Republicans.

I'm the one who made fun of Scalia.
No respect for the dead....nothing....

Nothing at all.
He reminds me of Hitler.

In the words of the president himself....who believes in typical whites.....Obama is a typical black. A person who carries his race around on his sleeves and throws it up in everyone's face at a moment's notice. Obama spent 10 times as much time paying homage to Blacklivesmatters than to justice Scalia since his death. So Obama is a racist who makes deals with radical black supremacists on a regular basis. Call him a black KKK clan leader living in the White House. Do you think for one second that Democrats would allow a KKK leader to win the White House?
USMB nutbags must have an addiction to lying.

There was no joke about Scalia there.

I kept waiting to hear a joke of any kind, and it wasn't forthcoming. So, there isn't even any basis for outrage whatsoever.
Yeah, must be why they were all laughing their asses off.....cuz it wasn't a joke. Maybe they're all just bursting out in laughter at inappropriate times. I hear there's a name for that mental condition. It can't be a rational reaction because nothing was funny about the statement, was it? Maybe the White House is full of psychotics.

Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), emotional lability, labile affect, or emotional incontinence refers to a neurologic disorder characterized by involuntary crying or uncontrollable episodes of crying and/or laughing, or other emotional displays.[1] PBA occurs secondary to a neurologic disease or brain injury. Patients may find themselves crying uncontrollably at something that is only moderately sad, being unable to stop themselves for several minutes. Episodes may also be mood-incongruent: a patient might laugh uncontrollably when angry or frustrated, for example.Pseudobulbar affect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Stay classy Mr. President. :mad-61:

I started a thread on this yesterday.

No comment from the left.

But they love talking about Trump acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary.

"But they love talking about Trump acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary." Mudpacker

Now let's play a name game. For 7 years straight we have had:
"But they love talking about Obama acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary" from the hard right.
And now they are crying and bitching about something imaginary,,,again.

If it's imaginary why was everyone laughing, including the president?

I guess you haven't a clue to what context is.....you only want to parse words without taking into account sounds of laughter and body-language.

If you really want me to be specific.......Obama said his average day is filled with doing simple tasks and included appointing judges, like it happens every day. Everyone in the room knew it doesn't happen every day, and thus the joke.

It would happen every day if he went around murdering the ones he doesn't like and replacing them with radical activist judges who rule from the bench.

That's the funny part of it. Obama tells a joke about replacing judges within hours after one has been laid to rest, sort of a way of pissing on his grave. Totally inappropriate. But in this new America where spitting on the opposition has become commonplace, this type of classless behavior is acceptable.
Stay classy Mr. President. :mad-61:

I started a thread on this yesterday.

No comment from the left.

But they love talking about Trump acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary.

"But they love talking about Trump acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary." Mudpacker

Now let's play a name game. For 7 years straight we have had:
"But they love talking about Obama acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary" from the hard right.
And now they are crying and bitching about something imaginary,,,again.

If it's imaginary why was everyone laughing, including the president?

I guess you haven't a clue to what context is.....you only want to parse words without taking into account sounds of laughter and body-language.

If you really want me to be specific.......Obama said his average day is filled with doing simple tasks and included appointing judges, like it happens every day. Everyone in the room knew it doesn't happen every day, and thus the joke.

It would happen every day if he went around murdering the ones he doesn't like and replacing them with radical activist judges who rule from the bench.

That's the funny part of it. Obama tells a joke about replacing judges within hours after one has been laid to rest, sort of a way of pissing on his grave. Totally inappropriate. But in this new America where spitting on the opposition has become commonplace, this type of classless behavior is acceptable.

you are such a delicate little flower.
It's offensive to those of us who admired Scalia and offensive to his family.......but Obama couldn't give a flying-fuck.
How is Obama recognising he has to appoint a new judge offensive to you?
He won't appoint a new judge and he is crying about it. Even at a funeral. Reminds me how the liberals turned Paul Wellstone's into a campaign rally. You liberals have no class whatsoever.
It's offensive to those of us who admired Scalia and offensive to his family.......but Obama couldn't give a flying-fuck.
How is Obama recognising he has to appoint a new judge offensive to you?
He won't appoint a new judge and he is crying about it. Even at a funeral. Reminds me how the liberals turned Paul Wellstone's into a campaign rally. You liberals have no class whatsoever.
even at a funeral? wtf are you jabbering about?
USMB nutbags must have an addiction to lying.

There was no joke about Scalia there.

I kept waiting to hear a joke of any kind, and it wasn't forthcoming. So, there isn't even any basis for outrage whatsoever.
Yeah, must be why they were all laughing their asses off.....cuz it wasn't a joke. Maybe they're all just bursting out in laughter at inappropriate times. I hear there's a name for that mental condition. It can't be a rational reaction because nothing was funny about the statement, was it? Maybe the White House is full of psychotics.

Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), emotional lability, labile affect, or emotional incontinence refers to a neurologic disorder characterized by involuntary crying or uncontrollable episodes of crying and/or laughing, or other emotional displays.[1] PBA occurs secondary to a neurologic disease or brain injury. Patients may find themselves crying uncontrollably at something that is only moderately sad, being unable to stop themselves for several minutes. Episodes may also be mood-incongruent: a patient might laugh uncontrollably when angry or frustrated, for example.Pseudobulbar affect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And now you've got it up to "they were all laughing their asses off". Do you ever listen to yourself and how you tell these fish tails?
This thread should come with smelling salts and pearls to clutch.
It's offensive to those of us who admired Scalia and offensive to his family.......but Obama couldn't give a flying-fuck.
How is Obama recognising he has to appoint a new judge offensive to you?
He won't appoint a new judge and he is crying about it. Even at a funeral. Reminds me how the liberals turned Paul Wellstone's into a campaign rally. You liberals have no class whatsoever.
even at a funeral? wtf are you jabbering about?
He has to bring it up at a funeral? The sweet part is one of the first thing president Trump will do is to nominate a sc judge. Obama will probably still be crying in his last speech.
Stay classy Mr. President. :mad-61:

I didn't hear anything negative about Scalia

Only mocking that Republicans won't let him fill judicial vacancies in his last year

Why do you guys make shit up?
He has to bring it up at a funeral? The sweet part is one of the first thing president Trump will do is to nominate a sc judge. Obama will probably still be crying in his last speech.

Though it may look like one, The National Governor's Association isn't a funereal. If you're going to stomp your feet in fraudulent outrage, can you at least get the basics correct? lol

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