Obama Criticized by Latinos, Advocates for Not Fixing Broken Immigration System


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
President Barack Obama was criticized by Latino and immigrant advocates for failing to fix the country's flawed immigration system.

The critics questioned Obama's recent comment that he could not use his executive order powers to suspend deportations because doing so "would not conform with my appropriate role as president."

Obama made the comment at a town hall organized by Univision TV network. The statement has received a lot of attention in immigrant and some Latino communities.

Hispanics voted heavily for Obama in 2008 and some have felt he has let Latino supporters down by failing to move an immigration bill providing legal status to some undocumented immigrants, while deporting record numbers of immigrants, many of them Hispanics.

Eva Millona, executive director of Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Coalition, cited Obama's campaign promise made on July 13, 2008 at a National Council of La Raza conference.
"When communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing, when people are detained without access to legal counsel, when all that is happening, the system just isn't working and we need to change it," Obama said in the speech at the 2008 NCLR conference which is captured in video on the YouTube page of his campaign arm, Organizing for America.

Obama says he can't order halt to deportations

NGOs Urge Obama to Halt Deportations The administration argues that it has focused on arresting, detaining and deporting immigrants who are serious criminals and can't ignore people who are in the country without documents when Immigration and Customs Enforcement encounters them.

Cecilia Muñoz, a White House deputy assistant to the president, said in a conference call with reporters that the White House does not believe the broken immigration system allows the president to choose not to enforce certain laws. There are always going to be unfortunate examples of families being separated and painful events in immigrant communities, but administrative solutions are not feasible or do-able on a large scale, she said.

"At end of day we feel the answer to this problem is a legislative answer and we are working every day to reach the day when the president can sign an immigration reform that can fix this problem," Muñoz said.

On that call, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis announced her agency and the Homeland Security Department have signed an agreement that essentially says Immigration and Customs Enforcement will refrain from conducting raids or doing other immigration enforcement activities at most work places if there is an ongoing Labor Department investigation at the business.

The issue of children who are U.S. citizens being separated from parents has come into sharper focus in recent weeks after a young New York girl was forced to leave the country with her grandfather. They had been in Guatemala and were returning when the grandfather was detained at an airport and denied entry to the U.S. because of a decades-old violation on his record.

Her parents were waiting for the 4-year-old in New York but she was made to leave rather than be united with her parents. She was recently reunited with her parents.

In a separate incident, Maria Bolanos said at the news conference she called Prince George's County, Md., law officers after a fight with her husband, hoping for help. Instead they turned her over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and now she is fighting a deportation order.

"I don't want to be separated from my daughter," said Bolanos, who is from El Salvador.

Rep. Luís Gutiérrez, D-Ill., said the president "is only looking at one aspect of the law" by choosing not to suspend deportations by directing his administration to find ways to postpone them.

"We are asking for balance and for consideration of immigrants with deep, long-term equities in this country and for temporary relief until we are able to get legislation passed and implemented," Gutiérrez said.

Obama Criticized by Latinos, Advocates for Not Fixing Broken Immigration System - Fox News Latino
Children are sparated from parents ONLY because parents refuse to take the children with them when deported. The case of the 4 yr old child is an exception more than the rule. These parents enter the country ILLEGALLY to give birth to these children here as stepping stone to legal residence down the road. It is criminal what THEY do to their own children! This is a classic case of why the anchor baby perk should be abolished!!!!
'Obama made the comment at a town hall organized by Univision TV network. The statement has received a lot of attention in immigrant and some Latino communities.'

This program was suppose to focus on the importance of education among hispanics! Univision with the help of Jorge Ramos made it into an immigration issue! In my opinion Obama was railroaded. He participated on an issue that should not have been part of this program. They did Obama a great diservice and I believe it backfired on Univision - MHO.
Obama wants immigration reform but the Republicans refuse to consider it until the borders are secure. We had immigration reform in or around 1986 and look what happened. Today we got 25 million or so illegals.

The fact is the gov't picks and chooses what laws to inforce. The gov't is broken.

This stupid gov't is fighting 2 1/2 wars across the planet but cannot or refuses to protect its own citizens on the southern border and when a state tries to do it this moron we got as a President sues the state. Pitiful!
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NGOs Urge Obama to Halt Deportations The administration argues that it has focused on arresting, detaining and deporting immigrants who are serious criminals and can't ignore people who are in the country without documents when Immigration and Customs Enforcement encounters them.

All of these Latino invaders are serious criminals that steal from poor Americans.
Mexicans make up less that 2% of the world's population. Fair immigration would require throwing out millions of them. I'm all in favor of fair immigration.
Obama Criticized by Latinos, Advocates for Not Fixing Broken Immigration System President Barack Obama was criticized by Latino and immigrant advocates for failing to fix the country's flawed immigration system.

Our immigration system is neither “flawed” or “broken.” Our immigration system allows 500,000 to enter legally each year.

The critics questioned Obama's recent comment that he could not use his executive order powers to suspend deportations because doing so "would not conform with my appropriate role as president."

Smart move. Obama.
Deportation of those who are here illegally is enforcing our immigration laws. Obama do not have the authority to stop it or fix something that is not broken. All he has the power to do is enforce the laws already on the book. Deportation is on the book

Obama made the comment at a town hall organized by Univision TV network. The statement has received a lot of attention in immigrant and some Latino communities.

Hispanics voted heavily for Obama in 2008 and some have felt he has let Latino supporters down by failing to move an immigration bill providing legal status to some undocumented immigrants, while deporting record numbers of immigrants, many of them Hispanics.

Obama’s jobs is to obey they laws and has no authority to change them. His jobs is to see that those who are here illegally is deported. That is way the number is up. And it is about time a president see that our laws are enforced. Let the chips fall as they may in 2012.

Eva Millona, executive director of Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Coalition, cited Obama's campaign promise made on July 13, 2008 at a National Council of La Raza conference.

“Obama broke promise to move an immigration bill providing legal status”
Promises during campaign should be taken lightly because a candidate will say almost anything to get elected. Obama no exception.

"When communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing, when people are detained without access to legal counsel, when all that is happening, the system just isn't working and we need to change it," Obama said in the speech at the 2008 NCLR conference which is captured in video on the YouTube page of his campaign arm, Organizing for America.

He lied but he said what they wanted to hear.

Obama says he can't order halt to deportations

He cannot order halt to deportation. He has focused on arresting, detaining and deporting immigrants who are serious criminal. But all illegal aliens are criminals and they make themselves criminals when they entered the country illegally. Immigration and Customs Enforcement don’t discriminate. If you don’t have documentation you can be deported.

NGOs Urge Obama to Halt Deportations The administration argues that it has focused on arresting, detaining and deporting immigrants who are serious criminals and can't ignore people who are in the country without documents when Immigration and Customs Enforcement encounters them.

Cecilia Muñoz, a White House deputy assistant to the president, said in a conference call with reporters that the White House does not believe the broken immigration system allows the president to choose not to enforce certain laws. There are always going to be unfortunate examples of families being separated and painful events in immigrant communities, but administrative solutions are not feasible or do-able on a large scale, she said.
If they entered legally they would not have to experience the little unplesanties of being “terrorized by immigration raids,“ “torn” from their “nursing babies,” “detained in dungeons,” without legal counsel? They are not really “visiting guest.”

"At end of day we feel the answer to this problem is a legislative answer and we are working every day to reach the day when the president can sign an immigration reform that can fix this problem," Muñoz said.

Fix the problem? “Mass deportation” will “fix the problem.” ASAP.

On that call, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis announced her agency and the Homeland Security Department have signed an agreement that essentially says Immigration and Customs Enforcement will refrain from conducting raids or doing other immigration enforcement activities at most work places if there is an ongoing Labor Department investigation at the business.

Then Homeland Security Department is not doing their job and should be relieved of duties immediately. Fired and replaced with someone who will get the job done.

The issue of children who are U.S. citizens being separated from parents has come into sharper focus in recent weeks after a young New York girl was forced to leave the country with her grandfather. They had been in Guatemala and were returning when the grandfather was detained at an airport and denied entry to the U.S. because of a decades-old violation on his record.

Her parents were waiting for the 4-year-old in New York but she was made to leave rather than be united with her parents. She was recently reunited with her parents.

If anchor babies are under aged they are wards of their parents or relatives and should be deported with the parents or family members. They are not our responsibility. And if they are left, parent should be charged with abandonment and any American parent would be.

In a separate incident, Maria Bolanos said at the news conference she called Prince George's County, Md., law officers after a fight with her husband, hoping for help. Instead they turned her over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and now she is fighting a deportation order.

What do these people expect when they are exposed as illegal aliens? A welcoming party? Native American should have done this when the white man entered the country. Instead of a welcoming party. Illegal aliens will do the very same thing that the white man did to the Indians. Take their land.
Excellent example of ICE doing their job and enforcing our immigration laws

"I don't want to be separated from my daughter," said Bolanos, who is from El Salvador.
Duh? Take your daughter with you. Along with those you brought with you.

Rep. Luís Gutiérrez, D-Ill., said the president "is only looking at one aspect of the law" by choosing not to suspend deportations by directing his administration to find ways to postpone them.

"We are asking for balance and for consideration of immigrants with deep, long-term equities in this country and for temporary relief until we are able to get legislation passed and implemented," Gutiérrez said.

Say "ILLEGAL ALIENS"Don’t hold your breath too long, Rep. Luis Gutierrez. That may take, lets’ see. How about never.

Obama Criticized by Latinos, Advocates for Not Fixing Broken Immigration System - Fox News Latino
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We let each other know how we feel. Now we need to let these organizations and Rep. Luis Gutierrez know.
On Obama and his administration.
Mexicans make up less that 2% of the world's population. Fair immigration would require throwing out millions of them. I'm all in favor of fair immigration.

2% of the world's population do not worry me. It is the 50% of the population of America that do. I am concerned about throwing our 20 million that are here illegally.

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