Obama cuts deal with Iran over nukes

Iran is afraid of Romney, so they convienently made this "deal" right before the foreign policy debate to score Obama some points.

It won't change Irans ambition for nuclear power (and possibly weapons).
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Turkey and Brazil did it in 2011. It worked but for some reason they were saying it was undermining our efforts. He just doesn't want to tell the neo cons this yet.
Works for me. At least Obama is willing to talk with Iran instead of going head on with Willard's plan of attacking them.

IF this is true I applaud him a ton! He has been the best damn president on foreign policy in a very very long time...this is called diplomacy neo cons.....where we TALK to other nations instead of bombing them into democracy.

We've been fucking around in the middle east since the 1930's. We have military presence in 170 countries of the world. We sit over here and act like some supreme power and if any country were to bring a warship within 15 miles of our shores we would tear them a new arsehole. Obama's foreign policy has done more for countries than drop bombs on their people. Sometimes one would think we're in the medieval age when Republicans are running things. Wars and rumors of wars.....that's what they're good at.
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One more thing that Romney will reverse. Obama probably told IRAN their nuclear bomb ambitions were OK provided they would immediately wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

IF this is true I applaud him a ton! He has been the best damn president on foreign policy in a very very long time...this is called diplomacy neo cons.....where we TALK to other nations instead of bombing them into democracy.

Now all we have to do is wait for Iran to bomb us into oblivion.
Nice work, Bamhack.

You are ok with the US dishing it out but ya can't handle if someone fights back? Fucking hypocrite..there is no reason they would attack us unless they were attacked first...Either NO ONE in the ME gets nukes or everyone is entitled to them....seeing how Iran allows inspectors in,israel doesn't and won't,Iran says they don't want nukes they want nuclear power for electricity,israel refuses to acknowledge they even have nukes....I say israel is the one we should be going after not Iran.
What a cheap, obvious ploy! This way if Obama is reelected you can kiss the USA and Israel goodbye
One more thing that Romney will reverse. Obama probably told IRAN their nuclear bomb ambitions were OK provided they would immediately wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

Sure thing. Because anyone proudly displaying the confederate flag should really be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning cerebral cortex.
Israel has an insane neighbor who keeps threatening to wipe them out one night. That they might have have a nonaggression pact with Obama changes nothing
Is war preferable to diplomacy?

When Diplomacy fails, what follows? Are you people going to actually use the argument that were trying to Rush to war and not use Diplomacy? The US and UN have been using Diplomacy, and Sanctions for over a 2 Decades trying to Stop Iran's Nuke program and the net Result is Iran much closer to having a Bomb.

When do you decide Diplomacy is not going to work? Is that a decision Liberals can ever make?

IF this is true I applaud him a ton! He has been the best damn president on foreign policy in a very very long time...this is called diplomacy neo cons.....where we TALK to other nations instead of bombing them into democracy.

Omg...Obama got screwed...

We give in on the sanctions and they double the effort on producing

And this somehow is another major victory for this President.
We are gonna trust these fucks to live up to their end of the deal...
I can't believe this is possible that our government would make such a deal...
Our resident conspiracy nutter using the pseudonym "Dissent" posts a link to a story on an off-off-off-brand web site which was posted by someone else using a pseudonym ("liberating elder") who did nothing more than copy and paste a World News Daily story that was written by yet another person using a pseudonym. And THAT person is using a "source who remains anonymous for security reasons" for the entire basis of the story.


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If this is true Israel is gonna have to move fast.
Why in the world would we trust these Iranians.
I think the President made a huge blunder caving in to these guys.

IF this is true I applaud him a ton! He has been the best damn president on foreign policy in a very very long time...this is called diplomacy neo cons.....where we TALK to other nations instead of bombing them into democracy.

Gotta hand it to ya Dissent. You are an effective Propagandist. You got a few people to react to this silly Conspiracy theory as if it's already fact. Even though you yourself even used the Words "if this is True" in your post.

Good show :)

I will say this, If and that's one very Big if. This story is true. I would Hope the American People are wise enough to see a Political Stunt like this for what it is. It's pretty clear to anyone who has been paying attention for the last 10 to 20 years. That Iran want's Nukes, and will not stop trying, and that their word is meaningless. To enter in to such a weak ass agreement as this, backed up only by the Iranians Word they will halt part of the Program would be the personification of Obama's Whole foreign policy. Projecting weakness, and just trying to get along, and Hoping it does not blow up in our fucking faces.
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