Obama declared a national crisis at the boarder

And build 95 miles of boarder . but it was ok .
Why isnt it ok for trump to do so

It surprises me that oh so many just don't get it. The difference is the way Trump politicized the wall in how he spoke of the Mexicans. He poisoned the issue with me when he expressed those that are doing the back breaking task of working our farm fields and doing other physical labor as the exception and not the rule. Thus I see Trump's wall as a representation of bigotry rather than security.

Illegals are killing thousands of Americans you traitor.
I like many others, do not believe you. Maybe you could prove or show evidence of your claim.

Its all over the news pull your head out of your ass.
And build 95 miles of boarder . but it was ok .
Why isnt it ok for trump to do so

It surprises me that oh so many just don't get it. The difference is the way Trump politicized the wall in how he spoke of the Mexicans. He poisoned the issue with me when he expressed those that are doing the back breaking task of working our farm fields and doing other physical labor as the exception and not the rule. Thus I see Trump's wall as a representation of bigotry rather than security.

Illegals are killing thousands of Americans you traitor.
I like many others, do not believe you. Maybe you could prove or show evidence of your claim.

Its all over the news pull your head out of your ass.
I would guess it is difficult to determine the actual number of Americans murdered by illegal aliens, but we know it happens. How many murders are acceptable to the left?

I doubt very much the FBI identifies whether a murderer is illegal or not in their stats, which allows the left to minimize these terrible events.

I would guess the Angel Moms have some thoughts on this.
And build 95 miles of boarder . but it was ok .
Why isnt it ok for trump to do so

Link please?
Obama called it a "national crisis" in a speech. He didn't declare a national emergency.
Assuming that is true, then Obama should support Trump’s action. LOL.

He won't.... Because if he does the cartel money will dry up.


Are you saying Obama is into drug cartels? Specify what you are insinuating.
I don’t, but he or Holder came up with what they thought was a great idea. To covertly supply the cartels with lots of automatic weapons, in an effort to terminate the 2A. A false flag of sorts the American Ruling Class loves.

For this he should have been impeached and removed.
Link please?
Obama called it a "national crisis" in a speech. He didn't declare a national emergency.
Assuming that is true, then Obama should support Trump’s action. LOL.

He won't.... Because if he does the cartel money will dry up.


Are you saying Obama is into drug cartels? Specify what you are insinuating.
I don’t, but he or Holder came up with what they thought was a great idea. To covertly supply the cartels with lots of automatic weapons, in an effort to terminate the 2A. A false flag of sorts the American Ruling Class loves.

For this he should have been impeached and removed.
Fast & Furious was indeed an Obama operation. It may have been a step-child of some previous program, but even so, the Obama admin owns this part, and it was a risky idea that turned bad, ugly even. But I will never believe as you do, gipper, that it was a covert op to supply cartels in an effort to terminate 1A. It was simply a stupid idea.

It is an error on the part of many to keep the 'confiscate ALL guns' screed going. Nobody wants to eliminate 2A. Nobody wants to ban scissors, but that doesn't mean it is OK to let kids run with them in hand either. I'm a gun owner too. But all rights have limits of responsibility.
Obama called it a "national crisis" in a speech. He didn't declare a national emergency.
Assuming that is true, then Obama should support Trump’s action. LOL.

He won't.... Because if he does the cartel money will dry up.


Are you saying Obama is into drug cartels? Specify what you are insinuating.
I don’t, but he or Holder came up with what they thought was a great idea. To covertly supply the cartels with lots of automatic weapons, in an effort to terminate the 2A. A false flag of sorts the American Ruling Class loves.

For this he should have been impeached and removed.
Fast & Furious was indeed an Obama operation. It may have been a step-child of some previous program, but even so, the Obama admin owns this part, and it was a risky idea that turned bad, ugly even. But I will never believe as you do, gipper, that it was a covert op to supply cartels in an effort to terminate 1A. It was simply a stupid idea.

It is an error on the part of many to keep the 'confiscate ALL guns' screed going. Nobody wants to eliminate 2A. Nobody wants to ban scissors, but that doesn't mean it is OK to let kids run with them in hand either. I'm a gun owner too. But all rights have limits of responsibility.
Yes. Of course, Obama gets the beneft of doubt. You would never give that to Trump.

Holder was directly involved in this criminal operation that resulted in the deaths of many including an American, from the gun running. Holder was every close to BO. No way he does this stupid criminal act without BO’s full support.

Never underestimate the ruthlessness and stupidity of politicans.
Assuming that is true, then Obama should support Trump’s action. LOL.

He won't.... Because if he does the cartel money will dry up.


Are you saying Obama is into drug cartels? Specify what you are insinuating.
I don’t, but he or Holder came up with what they thought was a great idea. To covertly supply the cartels with lots of automatic weapons, in an effort to terminate the 2A. A false flag of sorts the American Ruling Class loves.

For this he should have been impeached and removed.
Fast & Furious was indeed an Obama operation. It may have been a step-child of some previous program, but even so, the Obama admin owns this part, and it was a risky idea that turned bad, ugly even. But I will never believe as you do, gipper, that it was a covert op to supply cartels in an effort to terminate 1A. It was simply a stupid idea.

It is an error on the part of many to keep the 'confiscate ALL guns' screed going. Nobody wants to eliminate 2A. Nobody wants to ban scissors, but that doesn't mean it is OK to let kids run with them in hand either. I'm a gun owner too. But all rights have limits of responsibility.
Yes. Of course, Obama gets the beneft of doubt. You would never give that to Trump.

Holder was directly involved in this criminal operation that resulted in the deaths of many including an American, from the gun running. Holder was every close to BO. No way he does this stupid criminal act without BO’s full support.

Never underestimate the ruthlessness and stupidity of politicans.
I don't know where the benefit of the doubt comes in. But I do know that I know of NOBODY that wants to eliminate 2A. However, I grudgingly concede you may be right about my not giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, and I don't like that about myself. I actually have done so on this board on occasion in that I doubt he is a racist. He is a businessman, and if business (or his base) calls for a racist-type action, he will do it, but not because he is a racist...rather because he wants the win. I see nothing trustworthy about the man.
But yes, if you want to take a side between the Russian influencers or the MSM, I'll go with the latter.
This insultingly presumes that if we question the MSM's "information" we automatically are susceptible to Russian influence. For that, go fuck yourself.

Awww, you insinuated that the MSM information is always incorrect. And then decided to be a child about it. So sad. Sorry, I'll give you your safe space since you seem so triggered.
He won't.... Because if he does the cartel money will dry up.


Are you saying Obama is into drug cartels? Specify what you are insinuating.
I don’t, but he or Holder came up with what they thought was a great idea. To covertly supply the cartels with lots of automatic weapons, in an effort to terminate the 2A. A false flag of sorts the American Ruling Class loves.

For this he should have been impeached and removed.
Fast & Furious was indeed an Obama operation. It may have been a step-child of some previous program, but even so, the Obama admin owns this part, and it was a risky idea that turned bad, ugly even. But I will never believe as you do, gipper, that it was a covert op to supply cartels in an effort to terminate 1A. It was simply a stupid idea.

It is an error on the part of many to keep the 'confiscate ALL guns' screed going. Nobody wants to eliminate 2A. Nobody wants to ban scissors, but that doesn't mean it is OK to let kids run with them in hand either. I'm a gun owner too. But all rights have limits of responsibility.
Yes. Of course, Obama gets the beneft of doubt. You would never give that to Trump.

Holder was directly involved in this criminal operation that resulted in the deaths of many including an American, from the gun running. Holder was every close to BO. No way he does this stupid criminal act without BO’s full support.

Never underestimate the ruthlessness and stupidity of politicans.
I don't know where the benefit of the doubt comes in. But I do know that I know of NOBODY that wants to eliminate 2A. However, I grudgingly concede you may be right about my not giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, and I don't like that about myself. I actually have done so on this board on occasion in that I doubt he is a racist. He is a businessman, and if business (or his base) calls for a racist-type action, he will do it, but not because he is a racist...rather because he wants the win. I see nothing trustworthy about the man.
I can’t agree on nobody wants to eliminate the 2A. Members of the Left have spoken out against it. They clearly want to impose harsh gun laws, if not total confiscation. F&F was a covert effort to achieve their goal.

Regarding Trump, there is no doubt he is a narcissist egotistical buffoon but anyone who claims he is also a racist, has outed themselves as fools and tools of the DNCMSM.
I can’t agree on nobody wants to eliminate the 2A. Members of the Left have spoken out against it. They clearly want to impose harsh gun laws, if not total confiscation. F&F was a covert effort to achieve their goal.

Regarding Trump, there is no doubt he is a narcissist egotistical buffoon but anyone who claims he is also a racist, has outed themselves as fools and tools of the DNCMSM.

Yeah because you can still be a very good person and go to a rally promoted and put on by the KKK and White Supremacist groups... lol.

Remind me who the ONLY President in US history is who multiple times was charged with racial profiling with his companies?

He literally said a judge couldn't preside over his case solely because of his race.

He lied saying Obama only issued a statement for Kwanzaa but not Christmas.

He retweets White Supremacists.

He supported candidates who said slavery was a good thing and are avowed white nationalists.

He supports neo-nazi founded conspiracy theories.

These aren't things either media has done. These are things Trump himself has done (and of course jumping on the birther crap, and multiple associates of his talking about his racism in private).
I can’t agree on nobody wants to eliminate the 2A. Members of the Left have spoken out against it. They clearly want to impose harsh gun laws, if not total confiscation. F&F was a covert effort to achieve their goal.

Regarding Trump, there is no doubt he is a narcissist egotistical buffoon but anyone who claims he is also a racist, has outed themselves as fools and tools of the DNCMSM.

Yeah because you can still be a very good person and go to a rally promoted and put on by the KKK and White Supremacist groups... lol.

Remind me who the ONLY President in US history is who multiple times was charged with racial profiling with his companies?

He literally said a judge couldn't preside over his case solely because of his race.

He lied saying Obama only issued a statement for Kwanzaa but not Christmas.

He retweets White Supremacists.

He supported candidates who said slavery was a good thing and are avowed white nationalists.

He supports neo-nazi founded conspiracy theories.

These aren't things either media has done. These are things Trump himself has done (and of course jumping on the birther crap, and multiple associates of his talking about his racism in private).
Well it didn’t take long for TDS to rear it’s ugly head.

Proof the DNCMSM still has enormous power over some Americans.
Well it didn’t take long for TDS to rear it’s ugly head.

Proof the DNCMSM still has enormous power over some Americans.

Lol, all taken straight from Trump and his associates. Trump = DNCMSM is your rebuttal...

And build 95 miles of boarder . but it was ok .
Why isnt it ok for trump to do so

Because there WAS a crisis on the border at the time. Unaccompanied minors by the thousands were arriving, and there were no facilities to deal with them. Border patrol was ill equipped to deal with underage minors.

Trump has admitted "I didn't have to do this". And Trump just signed a Bill forbidding him to build more fence.

There is a process for appropriations and Trump hasn't followed it. He has to provide numbers of how much the wall will cost, in total. The cost of emminent domain to get the land, and the cost of guarding and maintaining a wall. He has prove cost effectiveness of the expenditure. Trump never did any of those things.

Trump wants to snap his fingers and things happen. Like when he fan a company which he owned and went bankrupt 7 times because he's an idiot. Government isn't like that.

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