Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Isn't affordable housing a priority to all seniors? Why just aged gay? Health disparities? Really? If they wore protection during sex would they have these health disparities? I am however happy that the wise one admits these behaviors put the LBGT community at higher risk for HIV/AIDS. That's something the left has vehemently denied.
Well Europeans leaving the authoritarians is celebrated every year on the 4th of July... and I don't know what exactly you are referring to with the americans being freed from muslim slave drivers... are you talking about POW Vets who have memorial day and veterans day? Or citizens like journalists who get captured? Either way I don't really get your point... Seems you are unsuccessfully trying to cherry pick other causes that what... you feel are more deserving of recognition than the LGBT cause?

I just don't get why you gotta hate... Why can't people celebrate and be happy and receive recognition? These are all good and positive things... I don't see anything productive, useful, or positive coming from the bitching you all are reacting with. Do you not think people that live differently than you deserve to be happy? What good is to come from your belittling and insulting comments about shutting them up and pushing them back in the closet? It's pretty pathetic if you really think about it.
I was referring to the Barbary slave trade. One day isn't a month.
I just think its fuckin retarded. Everything that he could be doing, and its this social bullshit..
I am glaf gays can marry. I think its fuckin ridiculous our govt had to give them permission, but nonetheless.. its stupid.
We wrote a freaking letter that gives excitement, support and validation to millions of LGBT supporters. What's "retarded" about that... It's not a big deal, but yall for some reason that baffles me decided to make a big deal about it. I could also say, why are you wasting your time and energy bitching about it when there are many other better things you could be doing with your time?

We have a month dedicated to mustaches for crying out loud... If you're into it then have fun with it if your not into it then don't participate... The bitching yall are doing is the rediculous part of this discussion
Then President declared a month for mustaches?
no he didn't... There hasn't been a legislative, human rights battle over the span of decades thats effected millions of people over moustaches... However, there is still a month dedicated to it...
"however"... lol
Isn't affordable housing a priority to all seniors? Why just aged gay? Health disparities? Really? If they wore protection during sex would they have these health disparities? I am however happy that the wise one admits these behaviors put the LBGT community at higher risk for HIV/AIDS. That's something the left has vehemently denied.
I was referring to the Barbary slave trade. One day isn't a month.
I just think its fuckin retarded. Everything that he could be doing, and its this social bullshit..
I am glaf gays can marry. I think its fuckin ridiculous our govt had to give them permission, but nonetheless.. its stupid.
We wrote a freaking letter that gives excitement, support and validation to millions of LGBT supporters. What's "retarded" about that... It's not a big deal, but yall for some reason that baffles me decided to make a big deal about it. I could also say, why are you wasting your time and energy bitching about it when there are many other better things you could be doing with your time?

We have a month dedicated to mustaches for crying out loud... If you're into it then have fun with it if your not into it then don't participate... The bitching yall are doing is the rediculous part of this discussion
Then President declared a month for mustaches?
no he didn't... There hasn't been a legislative, human rights battle over the span of decades thats effected millions of people over moustaches... However, there is still a month dedicated to it...
"however"... lol
Not special, just as an equal.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?
Which month particularly has been declared heterosexual month?
What exactly do you want to celebrate about heterosexuals?
That we are heterosexuals and we want to be equal and have a month dedicated to us. Are you dense?

Slade will oppose such a month for heterosexuals, support one for the LGBT crowd , and will claim the LGBT crown doesn't want special treatment.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?
Which month particularly has been declared heterosexual month?
What exactly do you want to celebrate about heterosexuals?
That we are heterosexuals and we want to be equal and have a month dedicated to us. Are you dense?

Slade will oppose such a month for heterosexuals, support one for the LGBT crowd , and will claim the LGBT crown doesn't want special treatment.
Correct. He has done so.
Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?

Which month is officially recognized as Heterosexual Pride Month?

You said that LGBT freaks don't want special treatment just to be treated equally yet you support a pride month for them and oppose one for other groups. Lying piece of shit.
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?
Which month particularly has been declared heterosexual month?
What exactly do you want to celebrate about heterosexuals?
That we are heterosexuals and we want to be equal and have a month dedicated to us. Are you dense?

Slade will oppose such a month for heterosexuals, support one for the LGBT crowd , and will claim the LGBT crown doesn't want special treatment.
Correct. He has done so.

He already stated to me that LGBT only wanted to be treated equal not special. Seems he lies about that, too.
Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

No, special.
Just like thes
Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

No, special.
Just like these groups are special:

Where's the one for Heterosexual Pride? That's right, idiots like you and Slade say the LGBT freaks only want to be treated equally. Unless the normal, heterosexual people get the same thing, seems the freaks are being treated special.
Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?

I don't accept perversion. That you do makes you a freak.
Perverts deserve recognition and praise?

For what exactly?

What have they accomplished? How does being a sexual deviant promote a higher standard of living for other people?

All they've done is make themselves feel better for being perverts.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

No, special.
Perhaps you are the special one... And all the "freaks" that don't share your enlightened, superior, moral point of view can go screw themselves... Right? You and your pea brain are a joke and this country has progressed to be way better than you deserve

You're the joke if you think sexual deviants and perverts is progress.

Seems you believe all those that don't accept perversion and abnormal behavior are pea brains. I don't accept abnormality. Seems you do. Maybe you are one of them.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?
Which month particularly has been declared heterosexual month?
What exactly do you want to celebrate about heterosexuals?
That we are heterosexuals and we want to be equal and have a month dedicated to us. Are you dense?

Slade will oppose such a month for heterosexuals, support one for the LGBT crowd , and will claim the LGBT crown doesn't want special treatment.
Thank you for speaking for me... I see no need for a heterosexual month and I shouldn't have to justify why... I do support the LGBT crowd... And I do think they want and deserve special treatment until the scales are balanced... As do all other minority/oppressed groups
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?

Which month is officially recognized as Heterosexual Pride Month?

You said that LGBT freaks don't want special treatment just to be treated equally yet you support a pride month for them and oppose one for other groups. Lying piece of shit.
I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad about how clueless you are... Where did all this hate come from?
The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?

Which month is officially recognized as Heterosexual Pride Month?

You said that LGBT freaks don't want special treatment just to be treated equally yet you support a pride month for them and oppose one for other groups. Lying piece of shit.
I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad about how clueless you are... Where did all this hate come from?

You're the one that said they don't want to be treated special then support them having a month that treats them special while opposing a heterosexual pride month. Liar.
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?
Which month particularly has been declared heterosexual month?
What exactly do you want to celebrate about heterosexuals?
That we are heterosexuals and we want to be equal and have a month dedicated to us. Are you dense?

Slade will oppose such a month for heterosexuals, support one for the LGBT crowd , and will claim the LGBT crown doesn't want special treatment.
Thank you for speaking for me... I see no need for a heterosexual month and I shouldn't have to justify why... I do support the LGBT crowd... And I do think they want and deserve special treatment until the scales are balanced... As do all other minority/oppressed groups

So you lied earlier when you said they want to be treated equally not special. Typical Liberal piece of shit. Worthless liar.
What exactly do you mean by pervert and sexual deviant? The accomplishment is equal rights, liberty and freedom... Ya know the backbone of our country?? Do you feel the same way about Blacks and women's rights?

The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

No, special.
Perhaps you are the special one... And all the "freaks" that don't share your enlightened, superior, moral point of view can go screw themselves... Right? You and your pea brain are a joke and this country has progressed to be way better than you deserve

You're the joke if you think sexual deviants and perverts is progress.

Seems you believe all those that don't accept perversion and abnormal behavior are pea brains. I don't accept abnormality. Seems you do. Maybe you are one of them.
Are you really promoting stiffling freedom of expression because you don't like the lifestyle? Is making rules against people who act in a "perverted" way worth giving up our liberty and freedom... Get your priorities straight man... not everybody lives and thinks like you
Not special, just as an equal.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?

Which month is officially recognized as Heterosexual Pride Month?

You said that LGBT freaks don't want special treatment just to be treated equally yet you support a pride month for them and oppose one for other groups. Lying piece of shit.
I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad about how clueless you are... Where did all this hate come from?

You're the one that said they don't want to be treated special then support them having a month that treats them special while opposing a heterosexual pride month. Liar.
A month that treats them as special? You mean shows support and acknowledgment to their struggles and progress?? Do you also oppose recognition of women and civil rights?? Do you oppose Christmas and cancer surviors?

I've asked multiple times what your "Hetero" month would be celebrating and there has been no answer. Stop putting words in my mouth you dipshit.
Which month particularly has been declared heterosexual month?
What exactly do you want to celebrate about heterosexuals?
That we are heterosexuals and we want to be equal and have a month dedicated to us. Are you dense?

Slade will oppose such a month for heterosexuals, support one for the LGBT crowd , and will claim the LGBT crown doesn't want special treatment.
Thank you for speaking for me... I see no need for a heterosexual month and I shouldn't have to justify why... I do support the LGBT crowd... And I do think they want and deserve special treatment until the scales are balanced... As do all other minority/oppressed groups

So you lied earlier when you said they want to be treated equally not special. Typical Liberal piece of shit. Worthless liar.
What comment of mine are you referring to?
The demand is to be treated special.
Not special, just as an equal.

No, special.
Perhaps you are the special one... And all the "freaks" that don't share your enlightened, superior, moral point of view can go screw themselves... Right? You and your pea brain are a joke and this country has progressed to be way better than you deserve

You're the joke if you think sexual deviants and perverts is progress.

Seems you believe all those that don't accept perversion and abnormal behavior are pea brains. I don't accept abnormality. Seems you do. Maybe you are one of them.
Are you really promoting stiffling freedom of expression because you don't like the lifestyle? Is making rules against people who act in a "perverted" way worth giving up our liberty and freedom... Get your priorities straight man... not everybody lives and thinks like you

Perversion is unacceptable.

Yet you think I should change my views to suit those that think differently from me.
Let us know when heterosexuals get a month!
Heterosexuals have plenty of months and holidays and celebrations... What do you want one for? Civil Rights? Women's rights? Cancer Survivors? Vets? Bosses? Secretaries? Siblings? Mothers? Fathers? Teachers? Do you even know what you are bitching about? Can't stand seeing gay's be accepted, are you that dense?

Which month is officially recognized as Heterosexual Pride Month?

You said that LGBT freaks don't want special treatment just to be treated equally yet you support a pride month for them and oppose one for other groups. Lying piece of shit.
I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad about how clueless you are... Where did all this hate come from?

You're the one that said they don't want to be treated special then support them having a month that treats them special while opposing a heterosexual pride month. Liar.
A month that treats them as special? You mean shows support and acknowledgment to their struggles and progress?? Do you also oppose recognition of women and civil rights?? Do you oppose Christmas and cancer surviors?

I've asked multiple times what your "Hetero" month would be celebrating and there has been no answer. Stop putting words in my mouth you dipshit.

You've already said they deserve to be treated special. Now you say it's only to acknowledge them. You can't quit lying can you?

A hetero month would celebrate the progress of heterosexuals. Are you opposed to celebrating progress when it's done by normal people?

You lied. In one post you said the freaks don't want special treatment just equal. In a subsequent post, you said they deserve to be treated special. It can't be both, liar.
What exactly do you want to celebrate about heterosexuals?
That we are heterosexuals and we want to be equal and have a month dedicated to us. Are you dense?

Slade will oppose such a month for heterosexuals, support one for the LGBT crowd , and will claim the LGBT crown doesn't want special treatment.
Thank you for speaking for me... I see no need for a heterosexual month and I shouldn't have to justify why... I do support the LGBT crowd... And I do think they want and deserve special treatment until the scales are balanced... As do all other minority/oppressed groups

So you lied earlier when you said they want to be treated equally not special. Typical Liberal piece of shit. Worthless liar.
What comment of mine are you referring to?

Post #61 - I said the freaks want to be treated special

Post #62 - You said not special just equal

Post #210 - You said they deserve to treated special

Post 62 and 210 contradict. Means you lied, freak.
Not special, just as an equal.
Then stop acting like you're special needing special treatment from the gov along with needing parades, as well as a holiday, bathrooms, and start acting like you're an equal with the way everybody treat each other as equals and not special. Politically correct is special, equals don't have favoritism.
Amazing how many men admit to being afraid of women.

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