Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

There ya go... You feel validated now?

I'm feeling my superiority to you, liar. You blatantly lied, were called out on it, and act as if it's no big deal. Typical Liberal piece of shit.
you are unable to understand what I'm saying and too hardheaded to absorb it so you call me a liar... That's your problem not mine

You lied. I understood completely that you said freaks didn't want special but equal treatment then say they deserve special treatment.
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose
I'm feeling my superiority to you, liar. You blatantly lied, were called out on it, and act as if it's no big deal. Typical Liberal piece of shit.
you are unable to understand what I'm saying and too hardheaded to absorb it so you call me a liar... That's your problem not mine

You lied. I understood completely that you said freaks didn't want special but equal treatment then say they deserve special treatment.
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose

It becomes my business when those freaks start demanding they be treated special.

I win because I'm normal not some sexual deviant or pervert like you.

You freaks being losers doesn't have to do with what you can do but what you are.

I wouldn't expect anything less from that pandering porch monkey.
oh god. they overcame oppression. QUICK someone set up a month for Europeans leaving the authoritarians, americans being freed from muslim slave drivers and some more shit. I think that's "fair"
Wanna take another swing at that point? You completely missed the mark with that one.
How so? What if I said some of those guys liked penis?
Well Europeans leaving the authoritarians is celebrated every year on the 4th of July... and I don't know what exactly you are referring to with the americans being freed from muslim slave drivers... are you talking about POW Vets who have memorial day and veterans day? Or citizens like journalists who get captured? Either way I don't really get your point... Seems you are unsuccessfully trying to cherry pick other causes that what... you feel are more deserving of recognition than the LGBT cause?

I just don't get why you gotta hate... Why can't people celebrate and be happy and receive recognition? These are all good and positive things... I don't see anything productive, useful, or positive coming from the bitching you all are reacting with. Do you not think people that live differently than you deserve to be happy? What good is to come from your belittling and insulting comments about shutting them up and pushing them back in the closet? It's pretty pathetic if you really think about it.
So you would have no problem with a National White History Month? Good.
You have yet to lay out what that means... What is it that you want to celebrate? To be honest, I don't see how you are going to accomplish that without coming off as a bunch of privileged racists. It would be like having a Billionaires Month... Here' s a little insight White History... is pretty much called History. Your argument is super petty.
Your argument downright sucks, like you.
I'm feeling my superiority to you, liar. You blatantly lied, were called out on it, and act as if it's no big deal. Typical Liberal piece of shit.
you are unable to understand what I'm saying and too hardheaded to absorb it so you call me a liar... That's your problem not mine

You lied. I understood completely that you said freaks didn't want special but equal treatment then say they deserve special treatment.
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose
It is our business when they come out of the closet into our daughters restrooms, obuthole made it our business. Time for you to shut your pie hole and crawl back into your closet.
you are unable to understand what I'm saying and too hardheaded to absorb it so you call me a liar... That's your problem not mine

You lied. I understood completely that you said freaks didn't want special but equal treatment then say they deserve special treatment.
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose

It becomes my business when those freaks start demanding they be treated special.

I win because I'm normal not some sexual deviant or pervert like you.

You freaks being losers doesn't have to do with what you can do but what you are.

I wouldn't expect anything less from that pandering porch monkey.
Yeah dude, you also win over that kid in the wheelchair because you can walk... too bad you are a fucking imbecile bully who wants to spread discrimination and hate... No fixing that. There is more wrong with people like you than people who love members of their own sex, not even a close comparison... How about you mind your own business and stop being such a judgmental anti-liberty prick
Wanna take another swing at that point? You completely missed the mark with that one.
How so? What if I said some of those guys liked penis?
Well Europeans leaving the authoritarians is celebrated every year on the 4th of July... and I don't know what exactly you are referring to with the americans being freed from muslim slave drivers... are you talking about POW Vets who have memorial day and veterans day? Or citizens like journalists who get captured? Either way I don't really get your point... Seems you are unsuccessfully trying to cherry pick other causes that what... you feel are more deserving of recognition than the LGBT cause?

I just don't get why you gotta hate... Why can't people celebrate and be happy and receive recognition? These are all good and positive things... I don't see anything productive, useful, or positive coming from the bitching you all are reacting with. Do you not think people that live differently than you deserve to be happy? What good is to come from your belittling and insulting comments about shutting them up and pushing them back in the closet? It's pretty pathetic if you really think about it.
So you would have no problem with a National White History Month? Good.
You have yet to lay out what that means... What is it that you want to celebrate? To be honest, I don't see how you are going to accomplish that without coming off as a bunch of privileged racists. It would be like having a Billionaires Month... Here' s a little insight White History... is pretty much called History. Your argument is super petty.
Your argument downright sucks, like you.
Good one... you think of that all by yourself?
You lied. I understood completely that you said freaks didn't want special but equal treatment then say they deserve special treatment.
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose

It becomes my business when those freaks start demanding they be treated special.

I win because I'm normal not some sexual deviant or pervert like you.

You freaks being losers doesn't have to do with what you can do but what you are.

I wouldn't expect anything less from that pandering porch monkey.
Yeah dude, you also win over that kid in the wheelchair because you can walk... too bad you are a fucking imbecile bully who wants to spread discrimination and hate... No fixing that. There is more wrong with people like you than people who love members of their own sex, not even a close comparison... How about you mind your own business and stop being such a judgmental anti-liberty prick

Too bad you're a freak that no matter how hard you try you'll never be my equal. No fixing that.

I'll stop saying a thing about you freaks when you stop expecting the rest of us to support your deviant and abnormal behavior. Get back in the closet where you belong.
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose

It becomes my business when those freaks start demanding they be treated special.

I win because I'm normal not some sexual deviant or pervert like you.

You freaks being losers doesn't have to do with what you can do but what you are.

I wouldn't expect anything less from that pandering porch monkey.
Yeah dude, you also win over that kid in the wheelchair because you can walk... too bad you are a fucking imbecile bully who wants to spread discrimination and hate... No fixing that. There is more wrong with people like you than people who love members of their own sex, not even a close comparison... How about you mind your own business and stop being such a judgmental anti-liberty prick

Too bad you're a freak that no matter how hard you try you'll never be my equal. No fixing that.

I'll stop saying a thing about you freaks when you stop expecting the rest of us to support your deviant and abnormal behavior. Get back in the closet where you belong.
What exactly does "being your equal" mean?? What in the eyes of god? Amount of wealth? Number of friends and loved ones? Internal happiness? Rights of Liberty?
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose

It becomes my business when those freaks start demanding they be treated special.

I win because I'm normal not some sexual deviant or pervert like you.

You freaks being losers doesn't have to do with what you can do but what you are.

I wouldn't expect anything less from that pandering porch monkey.
Yeah dude, you also win over that kid in the wheelchair because you can walk... too bad you are a fucking imbecile bully who wants to spread discrimination and hate... No fixing that. There is more wrong with people like you than people who love members of their own sex, not even a close comparison... How about you mind your own business and stop being such a judgmental anti-liberty prick

Too bad you're a freak that no matter how hard you try you'll never be my equal. No fixing that.

I'll stop saying a thing about you freaks when you stop expecting the rest of us to support your deviant and abnormal behavior. Get back in the closet where you belong.
And I'm not gay you dipshit... Isn't it unfathomable that I could support them while not sharing their lifestyle?? Baffling how us evolved folks can do that...
affirmative action? Where did that come from? That's not even part of the conversation. Are you drunk?

You're the one talking about equal rights. How can you liberals fight for that when you also support handing out jobs based on race and sex.??

THINK - you miserable maggot-infested white-hating racist.
What is there to celebrate?
How about that they're not being persecuted any more, they're able to enjoy the same freedoms as everyone else now, and more people are tolerant of them now.
Sounds like a lot to celebrate.

Fags never were persecuted. Only SWMs are persecuted in america. It's called affirmative action and you fags love it.
Here's how faggots are destroying america

1. They support child molesting

2. They bankrupt our health care system by their self inflicted diseases

3. They are another special group demanding affirmative action.
[QUOTE="Political Junky, post: 14407132, [/QUOTE]
Amazing how many men admit to being afraid of women.[/QUOTE]
Amazing how many men are bitches afraid to say no to women and don't have the balls to say anything about them without being afraid. PUSSY!
What is there to celebrate?
How about that they're not being persecuted any more, they're able to enjoy the same freedoms as everyone else now, and more people are tolerant of them now.
Sounds like a lot to celebrate.

Fags never were persecuted. Only SWMs are persecuted in america. It's called affirmative action and you fags love it.

Are you talking about these fags?

Here's how faggots are destroying america

1. They support child molesting

2. They bankrupt our health care system by their self inflicted diseases

3. They are another special group demanding affirmative action.

Well, if you will live in a fantasy world, you'll end up talking fantasy..... get real.
you are unable to understand what I'm saying and too hardheaded to absorb it so you call me a liar... That's your problem not mine

You lied. I understood completely that you said freaks didn't want special but equal treatment then say they deserve special treatment.
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose

It becomes my business when those freaks start demanding they be treated special.

I win because I'm normal not some sexual deviant or pervert like you.

You freaks being losers doesn't have to do with what you can do but what you are.

I wouldn't expect anything less from that pandering porch monkey.
It's June! Insult a homo month. There should be a prize for the person who racks up the most points.
affirmative action? Where did that come from? That's not even part of the conversation. Are you drunk?

You're the one talking about equal rights. How can you liberals fight for that when you also support handing out jobs based on race and sex.??

THINK - you miserable maggot-infested white-hating racist.
I am thinking and affirmative action has nothing to do with the conversation... You have no clue what you're talking about do you?
You lied. I understood completely that you said freaks didn't want special but equal treatment then say they deserve special treatment.
How is demanding the right to marry and have spousal privileges, to serve in the military, to make life/death decisions for their partner in a hospital, to adopt a child, to feel safe and equal in a public and work environment and not be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation... how is any of the demanding special treatment? The are demanding equal treatment. In that process to get pissheads like yourself out of the way we pass laws and stage demonstrations that include special and specific laws, rules, and circumstances to progress the groups cause. This is how any major human rights movement has gone including blacks and women... I shouldn't have to explain this to your dumbass. Keep on trying to demonize me and call me a liar... you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and the world is passing your outdated sorry ass by... See ya in the rearview

They have a lost cause. What you're trying to do is backstop and cover for your sorry, lying ass. It doesn't work with me. I have your kind figured out.

You can't pass me by. I'm so far ahead of you, you think you're in first place. Something that is made up of a bunch of born losers can never win.

Supporting normalcy and opposing abnormal perversion isn't and can't be outdated.
Whether somebody is a "pervert" or not is none of your business... You think you are winning? Really? Open your eyes, these "losers" can now get married, adopted, serve in the military, etc. etc. etc. The president just lit up the white house in rainbow and dedicated a month to their cause... The next president (Hillary or Trump) will continue on this path as they are both supporters of their cause... You lose

It becomes my business when those freaks start demanding they be treated special.

I win because I'm normal not some sexual deviant or pervert like you.

You freaks being losers doesn't have to do with what you can do but what you are.

I wouldn't expect anything less from that pandering porch monkey.
It's June! Insult a homo month. There should be a prize for the person who racks up the most points.

Yeah, they get to go back to primary school, do not stop at go, do not collect $200.
Nobody is demanding you celebrate anything. And since when is celebrating something a bad thing... We just celebrated Memorial Day, is that justifiably shunned by those who didn't agree with the war? We have multiple holidays and cause celebrations every month, from Christmas, to Halloween, to Breast Cancer Awareness month... We celebrate, we remember, we reflect, we acknowledge, and we raise awareness... all good things. Why you gotta hate and make it a negative thing?

Maybe even someday we will even celebrate your kind and have an inverted penis month... Will that make you happy?

Bullshit you jizz dumpster, that is exactly what the whole concept of this thread is about. How fucking vapid can you be? The meat puppet faggot declared June to be butt pirate month. Is that anything besides a celebration of deviance?

Why does tit cancer deserve a month where people wear pink shit to pretend they care? How about prostate cancer? How about anal cancer? That took out Farrah Fawcett's awesome ass, it deserved more awareness than fruitcake bathrooms.

We celebrate, remember, reflect, acknowledge, "raise awareness" and otherwise piss and moan about trivial insignificant shit when our country has more debt than it can pay off in a century but we have an incompetent meat puppet faggot "president" whose most significant "achievement" is lighting the White House up in rainbow colors because pillow biters can get "married".
When have you been forced to go to a Gay Pride event and celebrate?

Don't give me that bullshit, you know damn well people have been prosecuted for refusing to be involved with deviant ceremonies.

Christian bakers fined $135,000 for refusing to make wedding cake for lesbians | Fox News

Florist Sued for Refusing Service to Gay Couple Pens Defiant Letter Rejecting Gov’t Settlement Offer — and Her Attorney Reveals What’s Next

Indiana pizza shop that won't cater gay weddings to close

That's just a quick search. Everyone who isn't a servile fascist drone weighs their options on how they deal with these deviants and more people than not are sick of bowing to these perverts.


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