Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

That we are heterosexuals and we want to be equal and have a month dedicated to us. Are you dense?
Not quite just looking for some reasoning behind your weak statement... There is long list of struggles and equality progress that is being celebrated in the LGBT proclamation. Its not a horray we are gay month. So if you want one for heterosexuals then lay out the reasoning. I'm sure if you find some worthy accomplishments or struggles that have been overcome there will be something signifying those attributes.

The struggles of the faggot and the mentally ill cross dresser LOL

Other than gay marriage what have gays and mentally ill cross dressers struggled with ? Were gays segregated from straights ? Were there straight only water fountains? Did fags have to sit at the back of the bus? How many years were mentally ill cross dressers considered to be sub human and thus kept as slaves?

If I were black I'd be disgusted at the comparison to what my ancestors went through.
Wow, you really are clueless about what gays have gone through. Go do some homework and educate yourself, i'm not here to be your history teacher.

Today, straight people have to go thru listening to fags and transies cry cry cry about who they are and why they have a problem being who they are. You should have stayed in the closet and then there would have been no problems for you.
Sorry, are you whining about having to listen to gays whine?? And then suggesting they go back in the closet and stripped of their first amendment rights? Are you seeing the hypocrisy?

What I am trying to say here is that the fags and transies need to shut the hell up. I don't need nor want to hear their whining and crying anymore and about how hard they are done by in life. Straights have their problems too. You don't see straights running around and whining about who we are and our rights. We keep it in the closet. So there. :321:
We have Miss America contests that let women of all colors compete but we have to have a special Miss Black America contest too. Or a special Congressional Black Caucus. No! You people feel entitled and are hypocrites.
And many people still remember a time when blacks could not even vote... there has been massive discrimination and racism in this country and you have the gull to bitch about a few "special" efforts to help with awareness, unity, expression, and inclusion? You completely lack perspective and empathy

Blacks can now ride the buses up front and can vote, and there is affirmative action, and they still are not happy. What the frig more do they want from whitey?
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE
What are you talking about? This proclamation for LGBT Months is simply about being gay... There is a laundry list of things that have been achieved over the years that have progressed the freedom of gay people and warrant celebration. Did you read the proclamation or are you just bitching about the headline?
Then stop acting like you're special needing special treatment from the gov along with needing parades, as well as a holiday, bathrooms, and start acting like you're an equal with the way everybody treat each other as equals and not special. Politically correct is special, equals don't have favoritism.
Just like these groups are "special and needing special treatment"

Being gay is not a group its a lifestyle. Being gay is not a cause like the monthly causes mentioned on calander months, it is a sexual preference which is not celebratory for a holiday. Why not give a holiday and favoritism to interracial couples who overcame but you don't see them requesting special treatment because they view themselves as equals to everybody else. You were born gay, therefore being born is not a holiday. Heritage holidays are based on historical events of a country, independence of a country and heroes in that country and culture. Gays don't have independence of a country, the country fought for your independence so you can be gay.
True, the country fought for independence so people can be gay... Then factions of our society proceeded to discriminate against people for being gay... It has taken years of "whining" as you call it to make progress to allow these people to come out of the shadows and feel like citizens with equal opportunity. Dipshits like you out there trying to push them back in the closet is about as anti-american as you can get.
Anti-American is when you want special treatment above Americans.
Nice try... you're done

Ok, so you won't answer that one about Michael/Michelle will you? Aw gee.
What exactly does "being your equal" mean?? What in the eyes of god? Amount of wealth? Number of friends and loved ones? Internal happiness? Rights of Liberty?

God has already made it clear about what you support.

In everything that makes someone a valuable person. You figure out what that means. I contribute to society. You try to pervert it.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about

You promote perversion and hide behind that as an excuse.

When you say certain groups that only want to be equal deserve special treatment, that's hardly promoting freedom and liberty. It giving certain groups you support things above and beyond what other have.

In other words, you think I should just accept what you believe and say nothing about it? Interesting how you say you believe in freedom and liberty then tell me I shouldn't express my opinion. You lie again. It's all you retard Liberals have.
Its a fact of life genius... When a group is treated unfairly then measures are taken to balance the scales. It happens in life and even our sporting contests as a part of fair play. What happens when a penalty is committed in Football? The offended team gets free yards... did they earn those yards in an equal way? No Is it fair and justified? Yes.

Do you really not understand this concept?

Not even a valid comparison with sports. The referees making the determination a team did something wrong are unbiased. Those making the determination you want made have an agenda and are biased.

Another problem with your comparison is you want to punish those that aren't members of the "team". I've heard the argument from the affirmative action supporters that blacks should have those benefits because of slavery. Tell you what, that's fine. Apply that to those that were slaves. Dig them up and give them what you think they are owed. However, to punish those alive today because they happen to be of the same race as those that owned slaves would be like penalizing a football team this year for a penalty the team did last year.

Invalid argument from an invalid freak.
Why do you keep bringing up AA that has nothing to do with the conversation and happens to be something that I don't think is a good idea. Try again you drone
God has already made it clear about what you support.

In everything that makes someone a valuable person. You figure out what that means. I contribute to society. You try to pervert it.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about

You promote perversion and hide behind that as an excuse.

When you say certain groups that only want to be equal deserve special treatment, that's hardly promoting freedom and liberty. It giving certain groups you support things above and beyond what other have.

In other words, you think I should just accept what you believe and say nothing about it? Interesting how you say you believe in freedom and liberty then tell me I shouldn't express my opinion. You lie again. It's all you retard Liberals have.
Its a fact of life genius... When a group is treated unfairly then measures are taken to balance the scales. It happens in life and even our sporting contests as a part of fair play. What happens when a penalty is committed in Football? The offended team gets free yards... did they earn those yards in an equal way? No Is it fair and justified? Yes.

Do you really not understand this concept?

Not even a valid comparison with sports. The referees making the determination a team did something wrong are unbiased. Those making the determination you want made have an agenda and are biased.

Another problem with your comparison is you want to punish those that aren't members of the "team". I've heard the argument from the affirmative action supporters that blacks should have those benefits because of slavery. Tell you what, that's fine. Apply that to those that were slaves. Dig them up and give them what you think they are owed. However, to punish those alive today because they happen to be of the same race as those that owned slaves would be like penalizing a football team this year for a penalty the team did last year.

Invalid argument from an invalid freak.
Why do you keep bringing up AA that has nothing to do with the conversation and happens to be something that I don't think is a good idea. Try again you drone

You use the same mindset about special treatment that the AA supporters do. They believe that blacks and other minorities deserve special treatment because of what they consider wrongs of the past. You believe freaks deserve special treatment for the same reason.
Too bad you're a freak that no matter how hard you try you'll never be my equal. No fixing that.

I'll stop saying a thing about you freaks when you stop expecting the rest of us to support your deviant and abnormal behavior. Get back in the closet where you belong.
What exactly does "being your equal" mean?? What in the eyes of god? Amount of wealth? Number of friends and loved ones? Internal happiness? Rights of Liberty?

God has already made it clear about what you support.

In everything that makes someone a valuable person. You figure out what that means. I contribute to society. You try to pervert it.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about
You lie.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing
Not quite just looking for some reasoning behind your weak statement... There is long list of struggles and equality progress that is being celebrated in the LGBT proclamation. Its not a horray we are gay month. So if you want one for heterosexuals then lay out the reasoning. I'm sure if you find some worthy accomplishments or struggles that have been overcome there will be something signifying those attributes.

The struggles of the faggot and the mentally ill cross dresser LOL

Other than gay marriage what have gays and mentally ill cross dressers struggled with ? Were gays segregated from straights ? Were there straight only water fountains? Did fags have to sit at the back of the bus? How many years were mentally ill cross dressers considered to be sub human and thus kept as slaves?

If I were black I'd be disgusted at the comparison to what my ancestors went through.
Wow, you really are clueless about what gays have gone through. Go do some homework and educate yourself, i'm not here to be your history teacher.

Today, straight people have to go thru listening to fags and transies cry cry cry about who they are and why they have a problem being who they are. You should have stayed in the closet and then there would have been no problems for you.
Sorry, are you whining about having to listen to gays whine?? And then suggesting they go back in the closet and stripped of their first amendment rights? Are you seeing the hypocrisy?

What I am trying to say here is that the fags and transies need to shut the hell up. I don't need nor want to hear their whining and crying anymore and about how hard they are done by in life. Straights have their problems too. You don't see straights running around and whining about who we are and our rights. We keep it in the closet. So there. :321:
You're whining right now you dumbshit... This whole thread was stated by an anti LGBT crying up a storm
What exactly does "being your equal" mean?? What in the eyes of god? Amount of wealth? Number of friends and loved ones? Internal happiness? Rights of Liberty?

God has already made it clear about what you support.

In everything that makes someone a valuable person. You figure out what that means. I contribute to society. You try to pervert it.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about
You lie.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing
No, they do not deserve special treatment. Friggin retard.
The struggles of the faggot and the mentally ill cross dresser LOL

Other than gay marriage what have gays and mentally ill cross dressers struggled with ? Were gays segregated from straights ? Were there straight only water fountains? Did fags have to sit at the back of the bus? How many years were mentally ill cross dressers considered to be sub human and thus kept as slaves?

If I were black I'd be disgusted at the comparison to what my ancestors went through.
Wow, you really are clueless about what gays have gone through. Go do some homework and educate yourself, i'm not here to be your history teacher.

Today, straight people have to go thru listening to fags and transies cry cry cry about who they are and why they have a problem being who they are. You should have stayed in the closet and then there would have been no problems for you.
Sorry, are you whining about having to listen to gays whine?? And then suggesting they go back in the closet and stripped of their first amendment rights? Are you seeing the hypocrisy?

What I am trying to say here is that the fags and transies need to shut the hell up. I don't need nor want to hear their whining and crying anymore and about how hard they are done by in life. Straights have their problems too. You don't see straights running around and whining about who we are and our rights. We keep it in the closet. So there. :321:
You're whining right now you dumbshit... This whole thread was stated by an anti LGBT crying up a storm

I am not whining you dumb stupid shit. I am just giving my opinion and point of view. Where the hell did get that stupid idea that I was whining anyway?
What exactly does "being your equal" mean?? What in the eyes of god? Amount of wealth? Number of friends and loved ones? Internal happiness? Rights of Liberty?

God has already made it clear about what you support.

In everything that makes someone a valuable person. You figure out what that means. I contribute to society. You try to pervert it.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about
You lie.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

That you promote giving them special treatment means you think they deserve more than equal rights and freedoms.

They deserve nothing but to stay in the closet where perverts belong.
What exactly does "being your equal" mean?? What in the eyes of god? Amount of wealth? Number of friends and loved ones? Internal happiness? Rights of Liberty?

God has already made it clear about what you support.

In everything that makes someone a valuable person. You figure out what that means. I contribute to society. You try to pervert it.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about
You lie.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

I guess that when the guberment decides that people who want pedophilia, beastiality and incest to be regarded and seen as rights, then you will be right there and trying to tell us that they deserve special treatment also, uhmm? Your support for perversion is beyond stupidity.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about

You promote perversion and hide behind that as an excuse.

When you say certain groups that only want to be equal deserve special treatment, that's hardly promoting freedom and liberty. It giving certain groups you support things above and beyond what other have.

In other words, you think I should just accept what you believe and say nothing about it? Interesting how you say you believe in freedom and liberty then tell me I shouldn't express my opinion. You lie again. It's all you retard Liberals have.
Its a fact of life genius... When a group is treated unfairly then measures are taken to balance the scales. It happens in life and even our sporting contests as a part of fair play. What happens when a penalty is committed in Football? The offended team gets free yards... did they earn those yards in an equal way? No Is it fair and justified? Yes.

Do you really not understand this concept?

Not even a valid comparison with sports. The referees making the determination a team did something wrong are unbiased. Those making the determination you want made have an agenda and are biased.

Another problem with your comparison is you want to punish those that aren't members of the "team". I've heard the argument from the affirmative action supporters that blacks should have those benefits because of slavery. Tell you what, that's fine. Apply that to those that were slaves. Dig them up and give them what you think they are owed. However, to punish those alive today because they happen to be of the same race as those that owned slaves would be like penalizing a football team this year for a penalty the team did last year.

Invalid argument from an invalid freak.
Why do you keep bringing up AA that has nothing to do with the conversation and happens to be something that I don't think is a good idea. Try again you drone

You use the same mindset about special treatment that the AA supporters do. They believe that blacks and other minorities deserve special treatment because of what they consider wrongs of the past. You believe freaks deserve special treatment for the same reason.
Besides AA, which I'm not a big supporter of, What special treatment are you so opposed to?
Wow, you really are clueless about what gays have gone through. Go do some homework and educate yourself, i'm not here to be your history teacher.

Today, straight people have to go thru listening to fags and transies cry cry cry about who they are and why they have a problem being who they are. You should have stayed in the closet and then there would have been no problems for you.
Sorry, are you whining about having to listen to gays whine?? And then suggesting they go back in the closet and stripped of their first amendment rights? Are you seeing the hypocrisy?

What I am trying to say here is that the fags and transies need to shut the hell up. I don't need nor want to hear their whining and crying anymore and about how hard they are done by in life. Straights have their problems too. You don't see straights running around and whining about who we are and our rights. We keep it in the closet. So there. :321:
You're whining right now you dumbshit... This whole thread was stated by an anti LGBT crying up a storm

I am not whining you dumb stupid shit. I am just giving my opinion and point of view. Where the hell did get that stupid idea that I was whining anyway?
Listen to yourself... You and your buddy's sound like spoiled little brats. You want some cheese?
God has already made it clear about what you support.

In everything that makes someone a valuable person. You figure out what that means. I contribute to society. You try to pervert it.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about
You lie.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

That you promote giving them special treatment means you think they deserve more than equal rights and freedoms.

They deserve nothing but to stay in the closet where perverts belong.
That sounds less than equal to me...
God has already made it clear about what you support.

In everything that makes someone a valuable person. You figure out what that means. I contribute to society. You try to pervert it.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about
You lie.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

I guess that when the guberment decides that people who want pedophilia, beastiality and incest to be regarded and seen as rights, then you will be right there and trying to tell us that they deserve special treatment also, uhmm? Your support for perversion is beyond stupidity.
Haha, yeah keep dreaming buddy... Whatever makes you feel better
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about
You lie.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

I guess that when the guberment decides that people who want pedophilia, beastiality and incest to be regarded and seen as rights, then you will be right there and trying to tell us that they deserve special treatment also, uhmm? Your support for perversion is beyond stupidity.
Haha, yeah keep dreaming buddy... Whatever makes you feel better

You already said LGBT perverts deserve special rights. You admitted you put their desires to be perverts above the interests of you own daughter. You don't deserve to be a father.
I promote liberty and freedom... You try and oppress it and impose your "values" on others. It's pretty simple.

You know there are some religions that believe wearing shorts and drinking a beer is a perversion and insult to God... Your viewpoint is just a watered down version of sharia law. Personally, I think people like you should mind your own business and let people live free, it's what our country is all about
You lie.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

That you promote giving them special treatment means you think they deserve more than equal rights and freedoms.

They deserve nothing but to stay in the closet where perverts belong.
That sounds less than equal to me...

You don't want equal. You want special treatment and rights for them.

It's where they belong. That's where you put things that need to stay hidden where others can't see or encounter them.

He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

That you promote giving them special treatment means you think they deserve more than equal rights and freedoms.

They deserve nothing but to stay in the closet where perverts belong.
That sounds less than equal to me...

You don't want equal. You want special treatment and rights for them.

It's where they belong. That's where you put things that need to stay hidden where others can't see or encounter them.
So you want them to live in an oppressed way with sub equal freedoms, thus giving your kind special treatment... And you bitch when they fight for the same thing for themselves. Do you know what the word hypocrite means?
He lied when he said the LGBT crowd only wanted equality. He believes that they deserve special rights.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

That you promote giving them special treatment means you think they deserve more than equal rights and freedoms.

They deserve nothing but to stay in the closet where perverts belong.
That sounds less than equal to me...

You don't want equal. You want special treatment and rights for them.

It's where they belong. That's where you put things that need to stay hidden where others can't see or encounter them.
So you want them to live in an oppressed way with sub equal freedoms, thus giving your kind special treatment... And you bitch when they fight for the same thing for themselves. Do you know what the word hypocrite means?

They don't fight for the same things. They want to be given protected status based on their perversions.

I know what the word means. I see those freaks act like it regularly. They demand others tolerate and accept their existence yet when someone says no to them, they refuse to accept and tolerate the opinions of others.
Yes they want equal rights and freedoms, yes they deserve special treatment to get there. What's so hard for you to understand? Are you a 3 rd grader using your daddy's computer, your lack of understanding is astonishing

That you promote giving them special treatment means you think they deserve more than equal rights and freedoms.

They deserve nothing but to stay in the closet where perverts belong.
That sounds less than equal to me...

You don't want equal. You want special treatment and rights for them.

It's where they belong. That's where you put things that need to stay hidden where others can't see or encounter them.
So you want them to live in an oppressed way with sub equal freedoms, thus giving your kind special treatment... And you bitch when they fight for the same thing for themselves. Do you know what the word hypocrite means?

They don't fight for the same things. They want to be given protected status based on their perversions.

I know what the word means. I see those freaks act like it regularly. They demand others tolerate and accept their existence yet when someone says no to them, they refuse to accept and tolerate the opinions of others.
And if the situation was reversed you'd be totally cool with it?

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