Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

The situation sin't reversed. Freak LGBT people don't tolerate opinions of others that disagree with them yet they demand people tolerate them calling those that disagree bigots. Typical hypocrites but not surprised. Anyone that chooses to be attracted to the same sex, can't decide which one they're attracted to, and think they're a different gender than they were born is capable of all sorts of shitty behavior.
They don't tolerate opinions and actions of others that discriminate against them... And they shouldn't and you shouldn't... You wouldn't

They and you expect the rest of us to tolerate perversion. We shouldn't and you shouldn't yet you still do.

Expecting the freak, gender confused person to use the bathroom that matches what they were born isn't discriminating against them. Denying them the use of their perversion isn't discriminating against them. It's what sane people should do. If you enable the mentally ill to act on their mental illness, you shouldn't be surprised when they do.
Do you support extreme Muslims that think your lifestyle is perversion and you belong dead?
What about my lifestyle is a perversion? Give a list.
Look up sharia law I'm sure you will find many items

So you can't answer the question?
They don't fight for the same things. They want to be given protected status based on their perversions.

I know what the word means. I see those freaks act like it regularly. They demand others tolerate and accept their existence yet when someone says no to them, they refuse to accept and tolerate the opinions of others.
What protected status are you talking about?

Special legislation, there's that word again putting them above others, that protects certain groups making crimes against them hate crimes because of who they are not what the act one. In other words, a crime against one member of such a group can carry a stronger sentence than say a white male although the crime may be same.

You want equal results my ass.
So your upset that hate crimes carry harsher sentences? You consider that special treatment?? Ok :cuckoo: Anything else?

I have a problem with hate crime legislation in general. What makes the member of a certain group more important that an action against him/her should be punished because they're of that group. All crimes of one person against another are hate crimes.

To say there is such thing as a hate crime implies that crimes against those not in a protected can be done in a non hateful way.

Special by definition means doing something other than what is usual. Learn your vocabulary.
Do you think domestic violence should have a different treatment than two guys getting in a bar fight? How about child abuse?

Why should a homo getting beat up carry any more of a punishment than a non-homo getting beat up? If you punish the person more that beats up a homo, you're putting the value of the life of the homo on a higher level and that's not equal. So much for the claim of only wanting equality.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.
They don't tolerate opinions and actions of others that discriminate against them... And they shouldn't and you shouldn't... You wouldn't

They and you expect the rest of us to tolerate perversion. We shouldn't and you shouldn't yet you still do.

Expecting the freak, gender confused person to use the bathroom that matches what they were born isn't discriminating against them. Denying them the use of their perversion isn't discriminating against them. It's what sane people should do. If you enable the mentally ill to act on their mental illness, you shouldn't be surprised when they do.
Do you support extreme Muslims that think your lifestyle is perversion and you belong dead?
What about my lifestyle is a perversion? Give a list.
Look up sharia law I'm sure you will find many items

So you can't answer the question?
Sure I can... Here you go:

• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god of Islam is punishable by death.
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad's words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be Halal.
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
The list goes on.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
What protected status are you talking about?

Special legislation, there's that word again putting them above others, that protects certain groups making crimes against them hate crimes because of who they are not what the act one. In other words, a crime against one member of such a group can carry a stronger sentence than say a white male although the crime may be same.

You want equal results my ass.
So your upset that hate crimes carry harsher sentences? You consider that special treatment?? Ok :cuckoo: Anything else?

I have a problem with hate crime legislation in general. What makes the member of a certain group more important that an action against him/her should be punished because they're of that group. All crimes of one person against another are hate crimes.

To say there is such thing as a hate crime implies that crimes against those not in a protected can be done in a non hateful way.

Special by definition means doing something other than what is usual. Learn your vocabulary.
Do you think domestic violence should have a different treatment than two guys getting in a bar fight? How about child abuse?

Why should a homo getting beat up carry any more of a punishment than a non-homo getting beat up? If you punish the person more that beats up a homo, you're putting the value of the life of the homo on a higher level and that's not equal. So much for the claim of only wanting equality.
Its not a "value of life" thing, it is a severity of crime thing with factors like intent, motive, consequence for prevention.

Do you think a guy that punches another guy in a bar should receive the same punishment as a guy that punches his wife? How about a little girl in a playground? Same punch same punishment, is that your point?
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Special legislation, there's that word again putting them above others, that protects certain groups making crimes against them hate crimes because of who they are not what the act one. In other words, a crime against one member of such a group can carry a stronger sentence than say a white male although the crime may be same.

You want equal results my ass.
So your upset that hate crimes carry harsher sentences? You consider that special treatment?? Ok :cuckoo: Anything else?

I have a problem with hate crime legislation in general. What makes the member of a certain group more important that an action against him/her should be punished because they're of that group. All crimes of one person against another are hate crimes.

To say there is such thing as a hate crime implies that crimes against those not in a protected can be done in a non hateful way.

Special by definition means doing something other than what is usual. Learn your vocabulary.
Do you think domestic violence should have a different treatment than two guys getting in a bar fight? How about child abuse?

Why should a homo getting beat up carry any more of a punishment than a non-homo getting beat up? If you punish the person more that beats up a homo, you're putting the value of the life of the homo on a higher level and that's not equal. So much for the claim of only wanting equality.
Its not a value of life is a severity of crime with factors like intent, motive, consequence for prevention.

Do you think a guy that punches another guy in a bar should receive the same punishment as a guy that punches his wife? How about a little girl in a playground? Same punch same punishment, is that your point?

Hate crimes place special protections on certain groups and that's not equal.

I think anyone that punches anyone else, outside of self defense, should receive the same punishment. You want to base punishment on who it is rather than what it is and that's not equal treatment.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I'm sure you do believe that... But the reality is, people who talk like you are mindless degenerates, a worthless product from a stale and outdated generation in desperate need of weeding out through our path of progress and evolution. The clock can't tick fast enough to get rid of the likes of you.
So your upset that hate crimes carry harsher sentences? You consider that special treatment?? Ok :cuckoo: Anything else?

I have a problem with hate crime legislation in general. What makes the member of a certain group more important that an action against him/her should be punished because they're of that group. All crimes of one person against another are hate crimes.

To say there is such thing as a hate crime implies that crimes against those not in a protected can be done in a non hateful way.

Special by definition means doing something other than what is usual. Learn your vocabulary.
Do you think domestic violence should have a different treatment than two guys getting in a bar fight? How about child abuse?

Why should a homo getting beat up carry any more of a punishment than a non-homo getting beat up? If you punish the person more that beats up a homo, you're putting the value of the life of the homo on a higher level and that's not equal. So much for the claim of only wanting equality.
Its not a value of life is a severity of crime with factors like intent, motive, consequence for prevention.

Do you think a guy that punches another guy in a bar should receive the same punishment as a guy that punches his wife? How about a little girl in a playground? Same punch same punishment, is that your point?

Hate crimes place special protections on certain groups and that's not equal.

I think anyone that punches anyone else, outside of self defense, should receive the same punishment. You want to base punishment on who it is rather than what it is and that's not equal treatment.
So your answer is yes... a guy in a bar fight should get the same punishment as a guy who punches a women or children?

Hate crimes don't place "special protections" you dumb ass... They place more severe punishments on criminals.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?

Supporter? Yes. But I am straight. I simply refuse to sit by and watch a wrong. I was taught better.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?

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More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?

Supporter? Yes. But I am straight. I simply refuse to sit by and watch a wrong. I was taught better.

No one ever assumed otherwise about your preferences.

Apparently you weren't taught that someone born with a penis is a male and a vagina a female despite what they THINK they are. Seems those teaching you didn't have a clue, either.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.

I didn't say it was normal. But not being normal is not s justification for a use.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.

I didn't say it was normal. But not being normal is not s justification for a use.

Do you think that someone born with a penis between his legs is justified in using a restroom meant for those born with a vagina between their legs?
I have a problem with hate crime legislation in general. What makes the member of a certain group more important that an action against him/her should be punished because they're of that group. All crimes of one person against another are hate crimes.

To say there is such thing as a hate crime implies that crimes against those not in a protected can be done in a non hateful way.

Special by definition means doing something other than what is usual. Learn your vocabulary.
Do you think domestic violence should have a different treatment than two guys getting in a bar fight? How about child abuse?

Why should a homo getting beat up carry any more of a punishment than a non-homo getting beat up? If you punish the person more that beats up a homo, you're putting the value of the life of the homo on a higher level and that's not equal. So much for the claim of only wanting equality.
Its not a value of life is a severity of crime with factors like intent, motive, consequence for prevention.

Do you think a guy that punches another guy in a bar should receive the same punishment as a guy that punches his wife? How about a little girl in a playground? Same punch same punishment, is that your point?

Hate crimes place special protections on certain groups and that's not equal.

I think anyone that punches anyone else, outside of self defense, should receive the same punishment. You want to base punishment on who it is rather than what it is and that's not equal treatment.
So your answer is yes... a guy in a bar fight should get the same punishment as a guy who punches a women or children?

Hate crimes don't place "special protections" you dumb ass... They place more severe punishments on criminals.

They place more severe punishments on those committing a crime against certain groups and that put those certain groups in a special light not an equal one.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I'm sure you do believe that... But the reality is, people who talk like you are mindless degenerates, a worthless product from a stale and outdated generation in desperate need of weeding out through our path of progress and evolution. The clock can't tick fast enough to get rid of the likes of you.

If you support someone born with a penis going into a restroom meant for those born with a vagina, you're a worthless product and definitely not normal.

Weed me out if you're man enough.
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016

Presidential Proclamation -- LGBT Pride Month, 2016


Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society. They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment -- under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business
More proof we have a child-molesting faggot in the WH.

So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

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