Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

You thinking certain groups deserve special treatment by having those committing crimes against them having more punishment is pathetic. You value the life of those groups more than you do the rest of us and that's pathetic.
What your tiny brain is unable to grasp is the concept that hate crimes are about the crime and the criminal, not about the victims. To commit an assault unprovoked only because of the race, religion, or sexual orientation is a higher degree of crime than two Giants/Dodger fans taking swings at the ball park. A straight guy can still get in a fight with a gay guy and not get charged with a hate crime. If the Giants fan is straight and the Dodgers fan gay and they are fighting over a sports argument, there is not hate crime. If somebody breaks a bottle over another guys head because he is wearing a rainbow shirt, that is a hate crime. Just as domestic abuse and child abuse constitute different types of punishments. The fact that you can't understand this and that you make a big deal about it just shows what a joke you are...

Only to another piece of shit Liberal like you are those two different.

That you claim to support equality then support certain groups being treated differently proves you're existence is a joke. You're a Liberal with is a synonym for joke.
You are obsessed with the word equality and very blind to the reality of the situation. You're little "gotchya" with the equality thing is laughable as is your weak "liberal" diss... Grow up

Liberals are the ones constantly talking about how they want everyone treated equally. You even said you supported equality right before saying you supported unequal treatment in certain situations. Not my words, hypocrite. YOURS.

It's not a Liberal diss. It's a fact of life that Liberals are worthless pieces of shit. Liberals are such worthless pieces of shit you couldn't make good fertilizer.
Again your little brain doesn't understand. The causes liberals fight for are about combating discrimination, bigotry, and oppression. Equal rights is a term that's used but it's about way more... If your gonna be a stickler about the equality term then senior citizens wouldn't get their discounts and handicapped wouldnt get to park closer, and vets wouldnt get the VA. Nobody is advocating for this literal equality that you are painting. Frankly, I think you are a complete idiot and I don't really know why I'm wasting my time explaining these basic things to you.

You have yet to come close to explaining anything. Proving you're a fucking worthless piece of shit Liberal is something you've done more than once.
What your tiny brain is unable to grasp is the concept that hate crimes are about the crime and the criminal, not about the victims. To commit an assault unprovoked only because of the race, religion, or sexual orientation is a higher degree of crime than two Giants/Dodger fans taking swings at the ball park. A straight guy can still get in a fight with a gay guy and not get charged with a hate crime. If the Giants fan is straight and the Dodgers fan gay and they are fighting over a sports argument, there is not hate crime. If somebody breaks a bottle over another guys head because he is wearing a rainbow shirt, that is a hate crime. Just as domestic abuse and child abuse constitute different types of punishments. The fact that you can't understand this and that you make a big deal about it just shows what a joke you are...

Only to another piece of shit Liberal like you are those two different.

That you claim to support equality then support certain groups being treated differently proves you're existence is a joke. You're a Liberal with is a synonym for joke.
You are obsessed with the word equality and very blind to the reality of the situation. You're little "gotchya" with the equality thing is laughable as is your weak "liberal" diss... Grow up

Liberals are the ones constantly talking about how they want everyone treated equally. You even said you supported equality right before saying you supported unequal treatment in certain situations. Not my words, hypocrite. YOURS.

It's not a Liberal diss. It's a fact of life that Liberals are worthless pieces of shit. Liberals are such worthless pieces of shit you couldn't make good fertilizer.
Again your little brain doesn't understand. The causes liberals fight for are about combating discrimination, bigotry, and oppression. Equal rights is a term that's used but it's about way more... If your gonna be a stickler about the equality term then senior citizens wouldn't get their discounts and handicapped wouldnt get to park closer, and vets wouldnt get the VA. Nobody is advocating for this literal equality that you are painting. Frankly, I think you are a complete idiot and I don't really know why I'm wasting my time explaining these basic things to you.

You have yet to come close to explaining anything. Proving you're a fucking worthless piece of shit Liberal is something you've done more than once.
Just because you can't understand my explanation doesn't mean I'm not explaining it. See, I use things like descriptions, comparisons, and examples. You respond with petty insults. You're done.
I'm not the only one speculating that Obama's "June LGBT Pride" declaration was a provocation to ISIS to hit directly at the heart of the root of "American infidelism". He declares this when he knows Ramadan is happening. I sometimes get the feeling like he is whipping on the conflict. What's the first thing he tells LGBTs to do after the massacre in FLA? Go out and congregate MORE and SOON in CONSPICUOUS FASHION. Is Obama passive-aggressive?
These "appreciation" months are retarded, and I'm a part of no "community". I'm autistic and bisexual. I'm not a part of some autism community, and I'm not a part of some LGBT community. I'm me.
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So you think anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a "child molesting faggot" ? Why am I not surprised by your ignorance.

I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.
I believe anyone who is pro-LGBT is automatically a faggot and freak supporter. Is that you?
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see

Yep, still supporting people not being fired for being gay, not losing custody of their children because of being gay, not being afraid of physical violence because of their sexual orientation, not being harassed for who they are, being able to marry the person they love, and generally supporting opposition to the oppression gays have faced.
I believe that anyone who says stupid shit like that is just as responsible for instigating the Orlando shooter as radicalized Islamists, if not more so.

Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn't About Homophobia?


You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see
It is only that simple to simple people
You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see

Yep, still supporting people not being fired for being gay, not losing custody of their children because of being gay, not being afraid of physical violence because of their sexual orientation, not being harassed for who they are, being able to marry the person they love, and generally supporting opposition to the oppression gays have faced.

Yep, you're still supporting people born male thinking they can use the female restroom because they feel female. You left that part out, freak supporter.
You think being a faggot or a freak is normal. So much for the validity of what you believe.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see
It is only that simple to simple people

It is that simple. It's freak supporters like you that make it complicated.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see

Yep, still supporting people not being fired for being gay, not losing custody of their children because of being gay, not being afraid of physical violence because of their sexual orientation, not being harassed for who they are, being able to marry the person they love, and generally supporting opposition to the oppression gays have faced.

Yep, you're still supporting people born male thinking they can use the female restroom because they feel female. You left that part out, freak supporter.

Did I say that? You want to boil it all down to this ridiculous team bathroom thing. 59 people were just murdered for being gay. Trans people have been using the bathroom that fits who they identify as for decades. I am not derailing this thread on the narrow issue.
I dont think you or anybody else has the right to define normal. Normal is different for everybody. Let people do whatever they want to do. If they break laws then they get punished, other than that, get out of their business

You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see
It is only that simple to simple people

It is that simple. It's freak supporters like you that make it complicated.

Freak supporters like us are why rednecks can't get away with attaching gays. Why they don't automatically lose custody of their children. Why they can adopt. Why they are not fired for being gay.

I'm proud of the work I have done to help bring those changes about. I have done no campaigning or work on the bathroom issue.
You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see

Yep, still supporting people not being fired for being gay, not losing custody of their children because of being gay, not being afraid of physical violence because of their sexual orientation, not being harassed for who they are, being able to marry the person they love, and generally supporting opposition to the oppression gays have faced.

Yep, you're still supporting people born male thinking they can use the female restroom because they feel female. You left that part out, freak supporter.

Did I say that? You want to boil it all down to this ridiculous team bathroom thing. 59 people were just murdered for being gay. Trans people have been using the bathroom that fits who they identify as for decades. I am not derailing this thread on the narrow issue.

Afraid to discuss the issue?

I can promise no trans person has entered the restroom where my wife/daughters have been and I've known about it.

Where's your proof it was because they were gay? Oh, that's right, you assume that because they were gay it has to be the reason.
You just defined it, hypocrite.

I will not let someone born with a penis between his legs go into the restroom, shower, locker room, etc. with my wife and daughters.

Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see
It is only that simple to simple people

It is that simple. It's freak supporters like you that make it complicated.

Freak supporters like us are why rednecks can't get away with attaching gays. Why they don't automatically lose custody of their children. Why they can adopt. Why they are not fired for being gay.

I'm proud of the work I have done to help bring those changes about. I have done no campaigning or work on the bathroom issue.

You're proud of being a freak? Not surprised. You're the idiot that uses "we" referring to Alabama sports teams yet can't provide anything showing what your jersey number is in the program.
Lol. Yep
Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see
It is only that simple to simple people

It is that simple. It's freak supporters like you that make it complicated.

Freak supporters like us are why rednecks can't get away with attaching gays. Why they don't automatically lose custody of their children. Why they can adopt. Why they are not fired for being gay.

I'm proud of the work I have done to help bring those changes about. I have done no campaigning or work on the bathroom issue.

You're proud of being a freak? Not surprised. You're the idiot that uses "we" referring to Alabama sports teams yet can't provide anything showing what your jersey number is in the program.

Yep. I use "we" to refer to the team representing my school.
Missing the point and diverting topic.

The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see

Yep, still supporting people not being fired for being gay, not losing custody of their children because of being gay, not being afraid of physical violence because of their sexual orientation, not being harassed for who they are, being able to marry the person they love, and generally supporting opposition to the oppression gays have faced.

Yep, you're still supporting people born male thinking they can use the female restroom because they feel female. You left that part out, freak supporter.

Did I say that? You want to boil it all down to this ridiculous team bathroom thing. 59 people were just murdered for being gay. Trans people have been using the bathroom that fits who they identify as for decades. I am not derailing this thread on the narrow issue.

Afraid to discuss the issue?

I can promise no trans person has entered the restroom where my wife/daughters have been and I've known about it.

Where's your proof it was because they were gay? Oh, that's right, you assume that because they were gay it has to be the reason.

Are you saying you think those people were murdered for some other reason?
The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see

Yep, still supporting people not being fired for being gay, not losing custody of their children because of being gay, not being afraid of physical violence because of their sexual orientation, not being harassed for who they are, being able to marry the person they love, and generally supporting opposition to the oppression gays have faced.

Yep, you're still supporting people born male thinking they can use the female restroom because they feel female. You left that part out, freak supporter.

Did I say that? You want to boil it all down to this ridiculous team bathroom thing. 59 people were just murdered for being gay. Trans people have been using the bathroom that fits who they identify as for decades. I am not derailing this thread on the narrow issue.

Afraid to discuss the issue?

I can promise no trans person has entered the restroom where my wife/daughters have been and I've known about it.

Where's your proof it was because they were gay? Oh, that's right, you assume that because they were gay it has to be the reason.

Are you saying you think those people were murdered for some other reason?

I don't know why they were murdered and neither do you despite you believing that you do.

That's the problem with you idiots. When a homosexual is the victim of a crime, your first, last, and only assumption is that it had to be due to their lifestyle choice.
Lol. Yep
The point is that men go to men's restrooms and women to women's restrooms based on what you were born not how you feel. It really is that simple.

Still supporting freaks, I see
It is only that simple to simple people

It is that simple. It's freak supporters like you that make it complicated.

Freak supporters like us are why rednecks can't get away with attaching gays. Why they don't automatically lose custody of their children. Why they can adopt. Why they are not fired for being gay.

I'm proud of the work I have done to help bring those changes about. I have done no campaigning or work on the bathroom issue.

You're proud of being a freak? Not surprised. You're the idiot that uses "we" referring to Alabama sports teams yet can't provide anything showing what your jersey number is in the program.

Yep. I use "we" to refer to the team representing my school.

We means you're a part of that team doing the playing and you aren't.
Yep, still supporting people not being fired for being gay, not losing custody of their children because of being gay, not being afraid of physical violence because of their sexual orientation, not being harassed for who they are, being able to marry the person they love, and generally supporting opposition to the oppression gays have faced.

Yep, you're still supporting people born male thinking they can use the female restroom because they feel female. You left that part out, freak supporter.

Did I say that? You want to boil it all down to this ridiculous team bathroom thing. 59 people were just murdered for being gay. Trans people have been using the bathroom that fits who they identify as for decades. I am not derailing this thread on the narrow issue.

Afraid to discuss the issue?

I can promise no trans person has entered the restroom where my wife/daughters have been and I've known about it.

Where's your proof it was because they were gay? Oh, that's right, you assume that because they were gay it has to be the reason.

Are you saying you think those people were murdered for some other reason?

I don't know why they were murdered and neither do you despite you believing that you do.

That's the problem with you idiots. When a homosexual is the victim of a crime, your first, last, and only assumption is that it had to be due to their lifestyle choice.
I guess the character interviews from the killers father, ex-wife, co-workers and friends that all attest to the fact that he was very outspoken about his hatred towards homosexuals plus the testimony from the Killer the night of the murders pledging to ISIS, a group that believes homosexuality should be punished by death all means nothing to you?? You aren't very good at putting the pieces together are you... even when there are right in front of you... amazing how blind you are

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