Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

There is no harm. That you hate it does not constitute harm. That people are grossed out by same gender sex acts does not constitute harm.

You are right that they don't want to be like anyone else. Why you think that is so horrible is beyond me.

I have not admitted they are abnormal. "Normal" and "abnormal" are irrelevant. They are people. They have lives, loves, and dreams. Allowing them to marry, keep their job, not be harassed ect ect is progress.
They DO harm people. They harm millions of children by indoctrinating them to believe that their sick lifestyle is normal, legitimate, valid. AS I stated in an earlier post, I see many more queers today than there used to be 50 years ago. That's because of these loons influencing kids to adopt their perversions.

It is also harmful (disturbing) to see them engaging in their perversions like the 2 guys sitting on a bench in the park, kissing, who got chased away.

And NO, they are NOT accepted by more than half the population, and the part of the population that does accept them is young, and brainwashed, and will change that perception as they get older, just as people of my generation have done.

And where I live, queers DO still have to hide, and they do.(or they get chased out of parks) :laugh:

And NO, it is NOT "progress" for people to accept the behaviors of sex perverts.
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Lucky to escape with their lives? For kissing each other?
Lucky to escape with their lives, for kissing each other in public, on a park bench, I think you heard me right. And I would imagine this happens all over the country, except for a few toilets like San Francisco and NYC.
What standards are lowered? Most heterosexual couples engage in the same sexual acts that gays do. The difference is that their genitals do not match. There is no "standard" there to be raised or lowered.

It is called "Minding your own business". Gay couples marrying or whatever, does not effect you.
Whaaaat ?? This sounds like you are just as sick as they are.

EARTH TO WB: Animals (including humans) are created by NATURE to engage in HETEROsexual sex, not homosexual. Engaging in practices that are contrary to nature, are aberrations of deranged individuals. And they shouldn't be going around pretending it's something to be proud of, when it obviously is something to be ashamed of.
Pride — it's that special time of year when LGBTQ folks and their allies come together to celebrate with parades, booze and free pens from Bank of America.

But there's more to Pride than corporate giveaways and house music floats, and it happens in more cities than New York, too. It can be difficult to travel to major metropolitan areas to enjoy the celebrations, however. Even inside big cities, there are smaller, creative celebrations that don't always get the attention they deserve.
It ISN'T "Pride" in the park. It is SHAME, trying to deflect the shame away by PRETENDING it is pride, Obviously, there is nothing to be proud about.
Lucky to escape with their lives? For kissing each other?
Lucky to escape with their lives, for kissing each other in public, on a park bench, I think you heard me right. And I would imagine this happens all over the country, except for a few toilets like San Francisco and NYC.

Oh I get that it would bother some people. And I would expect there would be people yelling shit to them, and maybe a few rednecks would chase them away. But kill them? Even for you, that is hilarious.
What standards are lowered? Most heterosexual couples engage in the same sexual acts that gays do. The difference is that their genitals do not match. There is no "standard" there to be raised or lowered.

It is called "Minding your own business". Gay couples marrying or whatever, does not effect you.
Whaaaat ?? This sounds like you are just as sick as they are.

EARTH TO WB: Animals (including humans) are created by NATURE to engage in HETEROsexual sex, not homosexual. Engaging in practices that are contrary to nature, are aberrations of deranged individuals. And they shouldn't be going around pretending it's something to be proud of, when it obviously is something to be ashamed of.

As far as Nature is concerned, sex is for procreation. Nothing more. Are you going to claim you have never engaged in any sexual act that would not produce offspring? And no, I don't mean with condoms or other birth control. I mean other things that could not produce a child.
Just more sick and hatful shit from you! There were many other victims besides Sheppard but I'm sure that you would not be interested. Dahmer was a psychotic cannibal.

dozens of queer freaks that kill someone's kid on a daily basis.?? WTF?? Where the hell does that come from? You just make shit up as you go! You are truly disgusting. You are another one who is losing his mind and on a downward spiral.

Trot out your list of fudge packer martyrs then fruitcake, but for everyone you can I can find a dozen records of some sick regressive fuck that was convicted of KILLING a young male victim or victims.

Matt Sheppard was a stupid queer who should have carried a 9mm if he was going to go into a den of wolves like he did. Don't go looking for cock in a bull pen if all you want to do is cuddle.

Did he deserve to die? Not for being a fag like you, but for being stupid like you and not packing a self defense tool.

Dahmer was a faggot. First and foremost. He sought sex with dudes. Simple math...

Dude+taste for cock=faggot (like you).

Dahmer obviously escalated his deviance, but to begin with he was just another faggot (like you).

There are volumes of criminal cases surrounding men who abuse small boys, and they're not all priests. They're sicker fucks that carry on to murders and cannibalism. Your crusade to make deviance "normal" will create a world ruled by calligulas.
Horseshit! Those criminal cases are about pedophiles, not gay people who have adult relationships but I have no reason to think that you are even remotely capable of grasping that, not that you want to. Continue to wallow in your ignorance and bigotry bubba.
There is no harm. That you hate it does not constitute harm. That people are grossed out by same gender sex acts does not constitute harm.

You are right that they don't want to be like anyone else. Why you think that is so horrible is beyond me.

I have not admitted they are abnormal. "Normal" and "abnormal" are irrelevant. They are people. They have lives, loves, and dreams. Allowing them to marry, keep their job, not be harassed ect ect is progress.
They DO harm people. They harm millions of children by indoctrinating them to believe that their sick lifestyle is normal, legitimate, valid. AS I stated in an earlier post, I see many more queers today than there used to be 50 years ago. That's because of these loons influencing kids to adopt their perversions.

It is also harmful (disturbing) to see them engaging in their perversions like the 2 guys sitting on a bench in the park, kissing, who got chased away.

And NO, they are NOT accepted by more than half the population, and the part of the population that does accept them is young, and brainwashed, and will change that perception as they get older, just as people of my generation have done.

And where I live, queers DO still have to hide, and they do.(or they get chased out of parks) :laugh:

And NO, it is NOT "progress" for people to accept the behaviors of sex perverts.

If you see more gays these days, it is because it stopped being illegal, it stopped being acceptable to physically attack them, or you are watching more closely. The number is about the same, according to ever study I have seen. Nobody is "turning kids gay".
If you see more gays these days, it is because it stopped being illegal, it stopped being acceptable to physically attack them, or you are watching more closely. The number is about the same, according to ever study I have seen. Nobody is "turning kids gay".
It has become MORE acceptable to attack them recently. Where do you live ? San FranSICKO ?

PS - I can't take the time to educate you any more now. I'm busy in my other thread about the # 1 tune in the world, which nobody seems to be able to guess (most played, most listened to, most danced to)

QUIZ - What IS the # 1 Most Listened to Tune in the World ?
There is no harm. That you hate it does not constitute harm. That people are grossed out by same gender sex acts does not constitute harm.

You are right that they don't want to be like anyone else. Why you think that is so horrible is beyond me.

I have not admitted they are abnormal. "Normal" and "abnormal" are irrelevant. They are people. They have lives, loves, and dreams. Allowing them to marry, keep their job, not be harassed ect ect is progress.
They DO harm people. They harm millions of children by indoctrinating them to believe that their sick lifestyle is normal, legitimate, valid. AS I stated in an earlier post, I see many more queers today than there used to be 50 years ago. That's because of these loons influencing kids to adopt their perversions.

It is also harmful (disturbing) to see them engaging in their perversions like the 2 guys sitting on a bench in the park, kissing, who got chased away.

And NO, they are NOT accepted by more than half the population, and the part of the population that does accept them is young, and brainwashed, and will change that perception as they get older, just as people of my generation have done.

And where I live, queers DO still have to hide, and they do.(or they get chased out of parks) :laugh:

And NO, it is NOT "progress" for people to accept the behaviors of sex perverts.
Couldn't I make the case that reading the hateful, bigoted babble coming from your posts are "harmful (disturbing)" to me? Whats the difference between you feeling disturbed by others or others feeling disturbed by you?
What standards are lowered? Most heterosexual couples engage in the same sexual acts that gays do. The difference is that their genitals do not match. There is no "standard" there to be raised or lowered.

It is called "Minding your own business". Gay couples marrying or whatever, does not effect you.
Whaaaat ?? This sounds like you are just as sick as they are.

EARTH TO WB: Animals (including humans) are created by NATURE to engage in HETEROsexual sex, not homosexual. Engaging in practices that are contrary to nature, are aberrations of deranged individuals. And they shouldn't be going around pretending it's something to be proud of, when it obviously is something to be ashamed of.
Perhaps nature created homosexuality to limit the population so we don't kill the earth any faster than we currently are? This would make it a natural occurrence, wouldn't it?
If you see more gays these days, it is because it stopped being illegal, it stopped being acceptable to physically attack them, or you are watching more closely. The number is about the same, according to ever study I have seen. Nobody is "turning kids gay".
It has become MORE acceptable to attack them recently. Where do you live ? San FranSICKO ?

PS - I can't take the time to educate you any more now. I'm busy in my other thread about the # 1 tune in the world, which nobody seems to be able to guess (most played, most listened to, most danced to)

QUIZ - What IS the # 1 Most Listened to Tune in the World ?

Bullshit. In the 60s and 70s, to say nothing of before that, if you caught a gay man alone, you could beat the shit out of him without much worry about the cops. Now? The cops will investigate. And the guilty will be prosecuted. Kill a man because he is gay? Someone goes to jail for life or gets strapped to a gurney and relieved of the burden of his life.
Horseshit! Those criminal cases are about pedophiles, not gay people who have adult relationships but I have no reason to think that you are even remotely capable of grasping that, not that you want to. Continue to wallow in your ignorance and bigotry bubba.

A deviant is a deviant rump ranger, and most of this perversion leads to the abuse of children, animals and God knows what else. You don't have the capacity to think.

If you were normal you'd know that but try and make yourself feel better insisting that the rest of the world that isn't consumed with perverse sex is the problem, not you and other deviants like you.

So what does his declaring June LGBT Pride Month mean?

Who does he expect to celebrate?
That question is almost as stupid as the comments by the OP

And yet you cannot but answer stupidly.
You think that my answer is stupid only because you are living in some strange, dark, alternate universe that only exists for zombie troll bots like you. People like you are already dead but just don't know it.

Au contraire. I am undead. :laugh:

"Da spider, spinning his veb for da unvary fly."
- Bela, 1931
Horseshit! Those criminal cases are about pedophiles, not gay people who have adult relationships but I have no reason to think that you are even remotely capable of grasping that, not that you want to. Continue to wallow in your ignorance and bigotry bubba.

A deviant is a deviant rump ranger, and most of this perversion leads to the abuse of children, animals and God knows what else. You don't have the capacity to think.

If you were normal you'd know that but try and make yourself feel better insisting that the rest of the world that isn't consumed with perverse sex is the problem, not you and other deviants like you.

Wow, I didn't know your kind still existed. So clueless
Horseshit! Those criminal cases are about pedophiles, not gay people who have adult relationships but I have no reason to think that you are even remotely capable of grasping that, not that you want to. Continue to wallow in your ignorance and bigotry bubba.

A deviant is a deviant rump ranger, and most of this perversion leads to the abuse of children, animals and God knows what else. You don't have the capacity to think.

If you were normal you'd know that but try and make yourself feel better insisting that the rest of the world that isn't consumed with perverse sex is the problem, not you and other deviants like you.

Ok I get it. You re
abscessed with sex and children .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bullshit. In the 60s and 70s, to say nothing of before that, if you caught a gay man alone, you could beat the shit out of him without much worry about the cops. Now? The cops will investigate. And the guilty will be prosecuted. Kill a man because he is gay? Someone goes to jail for life or gets strapped to a gurney and relieved of the burden of his life.
Yeah. You must be in San FranSICKO or some similar cesspool. Here in Tampa, queers are tarred & feathered (if they're lucky) :biggrin:

According to the American Civil Liberties Union's website, 22 states and the District of Columbia prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. The District and 19 states also ban discrimination based on gender identity. That makes Florida one of 28 states with no statewide protection against discrimination.

Aiken points to lack of employment protection for gays

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Perhaps nature created homosexuality to limit the population so we don't kill the earth any faster than we currently are? This would make it a natural occurrence, wouldn't it?
You're sound asleep and dreaming out loud, right ? Ssshhh! Somebody might hear you (and have you committed)

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