Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Do you see the hypocrisy that you are typing?? It is right in front of you... You are criticizing people who are intolerant of people who are being intolerant.

You say I don't care that "people are forced to leave public areas to avoid disgusting displays" Is that a fucking joke? Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. Two people holding hands, or hugging or kissing is not harmful or illegal or even different in action than any other couple does. What a joke you are, stop trying to justify your homophobia... It is a personal choice of yours that is fine, but don't spread your hate in a society that is founded on freedom, liberty, and equal opportunity for all.

What bullshit.

There is nothing wrong with voicing objection when people shit in the street. We are supposed to have standards as a society. No one gives a shit if you're a pair of pillow biters slobbering all over each other or a couple of horny college kids. People don't want to see you getting off in public.

And fuck you for your stupid statement about "spreading hate" butt pirate. YOU are the one spreading hate and intolerance. People like me have to watch what we say and worry that we might offend the sensitivity of parasites like you or risk losing our jobs. We should have the freedom, liberty and opportunity to say loudly and proudly that we are straight Christians and we won't cater to gay weddings because we don't want to be involved. Sick fucks like you support courts that FORCE people to serve those perverts.

You're in way over your programming here bed wetter.

So let me get this straight. When gay people do exactly what straight people do in public like hold hands or hug or kiss you think it's ok for you to call them freak faggot perverts but when they stand up for themselves and tell you to shut up all of a sudden you are being oppressed?? What a joke.

Nobody is buttfucking in the park and nobody is doing anything other than trying to live and be happy like everybody else. They just want to stop the hate that people like you spew and feel comfortable living in society.

Your offense is created by your hate and intolerance and discrimination, theirs is in reaction to you trying to belittle and oppress. They are on defense and have been for decades. Pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to justify your bigotry... There is no room for it in this country. As Spock would say "live free and prosper... Or shut the fuck up"

He wants to sound all badass, but it is pure fantasy.
So let me get this straight. When gay people do exactly what straight people do in public like hold hands or hug or kiss you think it's ok for you to call them freak faggot perverts but when they stand up for themselves and tell you to shut up all of a sudden you are being oppressed?? What a joke.

Nobody is buttfucking in the park and nobody is doing anything other than trying to live and be happy like everybody else. They just want to stop the hate that people like you spew and feel comfortable living in society.

Your offense is created by your hate and intolerance and discrimination, theirs is in reaction to you trying to belittle and oppress. They are on defense and have been for decades. Pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to justify your bigotry... There is no room for it in this country. As Spock would say "live free and prosper... Or shut the fuck up"

No, you don't have it straight. You may have looked at what I wrote, but your programming rejected using that information or allowing an independent thought to cross your "mind". You simply returned and parroted some libturd gibberish.

Regardless, more and more regular people are getting sick of obnoxious queers like you and whatever "progress" you believe has been made will likely be rolled back as normal people just decide to stay away from you, avoid hiring you, or renting to you because you're a liability. All you do is piss and moan when people say things that hurt your whittle feewings, and now mooselimbs are going to start hunting down and killing you. So the best thing to do is let nature take it's course and before long the genepool will be cleansed of you.

So let me get this straight. When gay people do exactly what straight people do in public like hold hands or hug or kiss you think it's ok for you to call them freak faggot perverts but when they stand up for themselves and tell you to shut up all of a sudden you are being oppressed?? What a joke.

Nobody is buttfucking in the park and nobody is doing anything other than trying to live and be happy like everybody else. They just want to stop the hate that people like you spew and feel comfortable living in society.

Your offense is created by your hate and intolerance and discrimination, theirs is in reaction to you trying to belittle and oppress. They are on defense and have been for decades. Pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to justify your bigotry... There is no room for it in this country. As Spock would say "live free and prosper... Or shut the fuck up"

No, you don't have it straight. You may have looked at what I wrote, but your programming rejected using that information or allowing an independent thought to cross your "mind". You simply returned and parroted some libturd gibberish.

Regardless, more and more regular people are getting sick of obnoxious queers like you and whatever "progress" you believe has been made will likely be rolled back as normal people just decide to stay away from you, avoid hiring you, or renting to you because you're a liability. All you do is piss and moan when people say things that hurt your whittle feewings, and now mooselimbs are going to start hunting down and killing you. So the best thing to do is let nature take it's course and before long the genepool will be cleansed of you.

LMAO!!! The gene pool will be cleansed of gays???? Too funny.

First, thanks for acknowledging it is not a choice.

Second, homosexuality has been around as long as mankind has been. And it even shows up in cultures where the punishment for it is death. But you think being ignored and having trouble renting a place will stamp it out??? Lol

Let me know how that works out for you.
So let me get this straight. When gay people do exactly what straight people do in public like hold hands or hug or kiss you think it's ok for you to call them freak faggot perverts but when they stand up for themselves and tell you to shut up all of a sudden you are being oppressed?? What a joke.

Nobody is buttfucking in the park and nobody is doing anything other than trying to live and be happy like everybody else. They just want to stop the hate that people like you spew and feel comfortable living in society.

Your offense is created by your hate and intolerance and discrimination, theirs is in reaction to you trying to belittle and oppress. They are on defense and have been for decades. Pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to justify your bigotry... There is no room for it in this country. As Spock would say "live free and prosper... Or shut the fuck up"

No, you don't have it straight. You may have looked at what I wrote, but your programming rejected using that information or allowing an independent thought to cross your "mind". You simply returned and parroted some libturd gibberish.

Regardless, more and more regular people are getting sick of obnoxious queers like you and whatever "progress" you believe has been made will likely be rolled back as normal people just decide to stay away from you, avoid hiring you, or renting to you because you're a liability. All you do is piss and moan when people say things that hurt your whittle feewings, and now mooselimbs are going to start hunting down and killing you. So the best thing to do is let nature take it's course and before long the genepool will be cleansed of you.

So you agree that homosexuality is genetic! Good!
So let me get this straight. When gay people do exactly what straight people do in public like hold hands or hug or kiss you think it's ok for you to call them freak faggot perverts but when they stand up for themselves and tell you to shut up all of a sudden you are being oppressed?? What a joke.

Nobody is buttfucking in the park and nobody is doing anything other than trying to live and be happy like everybody else. They just want to stop the hate that people like you spew and feel comfortable living in society.

Your offense is created by your hate and intolerance and discrimination, theirs is in reaction to you trying to belittle and oppress. They are on defense and have been for decades. Pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to justify your bigotry... There is no room for it in this country. As Spock would say "live free and prosper... Or shut the fuck up"

No, you don't have it straight. You may have looked at what I wrote, but your programming rejected using that information or allowing an independent thought to cross your "mind". You simply returned and parroted some libturd gibberish.

Regardless, more and more regular people are getting sick of obnoxious queers like you and whatever "progress" you believe has been made will likely be rolled back as normal people just decide to stay away from you, avoid hiring you, or renting to you because you're a liability. All you do is piss and moan when people say things that hurt your whittle feewings, and now mooselimbs are going to start hunting down and killing you. So the best thing to do is let nature take it's course and before long the genepool will be cleansed of you.

You probably also believe this deranged horseshit :

Donald Trump Taps Michele Bachmann, James Dobson &
Other Far-Right Leaders For Advisory Board

Today, Donald Trump’s campaign announced the formation of his Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, which includes right-wing figures ranging from ex-Rep. Michele Bachmann to Focus on the Family founder James Dobson.

After retiring from Congress on the heels of a campaign scandal, Bachmann has not let up in her radical preaching.

According to Bachmann, the September 11 attacks represented God’s judgment on America; President Obama and gay rights advocates are bringing about the End Times; homosexuality is “personal enslavement” and “part of Satan”; gay people want to change laws “so that adults will be able to freely prey on little children sexually; and Obamacare death panels will literally kill people any day now.

Bachmann: Rapture Imminent Thanks To Gay Marriage & Obama
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 4/20/2015 12:30 pm
In an interview with End Times broadcaster Jan Markell that was aired this weekend, former Rep. Michele Bachmann said that people should “not despair but rejoice” that the world has reached the “midnight hour” and that “we in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the Rapture of the church.”

The former Republican congresswoman from Minnesota said that President Obama’s policies, including support for marriage equality and nuclear negotiations with Iran, are to blame for the world’s imminent demise. “We need to realize how close this clock is to getting towards the midnight hour,” Bachmann said. “Barack Obama is intent, it is his number one goal, to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon.”

Bachmann made similar comments in the first half of her interview with Markell, which aired last week, insisting that Obama’s presidency will bring about natural and economic disasters along with the arrival of the Last Days.
So you agree that homosexuality is genetic! Good!

No, libturds lack a frontal lobe. It's a genetic defect. The fact that you're a pillow biter is besides the point, because not all queers are moonbats like you.

Some of them carry guns, mind their own business, and carry on with life like normal people. Muzbots won't make easy victims of them, but will kill sniveling pukes like you.

That is good.
You probably also believe this deranged horseshit

I don't care what you cut/pasted, I just wanted to reaffirm my stance that you should:

So you agree that homosexuality is genetic! Good!

No, libturds lack a frontal lobe. It's a genetic defect. The fact that you're a pillow biter is besides the point, because not all queers are moonbats like you.

Some of them carry guns, mind their own business, and carry on with life like normal people. Muzbots won't make easy victims of them, but will kill sniveling pukes like you.

That is good.
You are truly unhinged Pete! I may have to live in the same world and breath the same air as you, but I thank the gods and goddesses that I AM NOT YOU
So you agree that homosexuality is genetic! Good!

No, libturds lack a frontal lobe. It's a genetic defect. The fact that you're a pillow biter is besides the point, because not all queers are moonbats like you.

Some of them carry guns, mind their own business, and carry on with life like normal people. Muzbots won't make easy victims of them, but will kill sniveling pukes like you.

That is good.
You are truly unhinged Pete! I may have to live in the same world and breath the same air as you, but I thank the gods and goddesses that I AM NOT YOU
Agreed, if Karma is real then people like Pete have a world of hurt ahead of them. I just can't understand how these lunes actually think they are in the right... Do they have no empathy or consideration If the scripts were flipped and the majority of the world condemned their lifestyles? Ever heard of the Golden Rule?? It's mind boggling
One guy was attacked in July of 2015, and you think that proves your point??? LMAO!!!

You thought I was presenting one guy to prove the point that gays are still not accepted ? Wow. maybe you need to take more vitamins.

You might also note what was mentioned in the link. >>> "Hillsborough County deputies are looking for a suspect and into hundreds of similar attacks that have happened nearby."
LMAO!!! The gene pool will be cleansed of gays???? Too funny.

First, thanks for acknowledging it is not a choice.

Second, homosexuality has been around as long as mankind has been. And it even shows up in cultures where the punishment for it is death. But you think being ignored and having trouble renting a place will stamp it out??? Lol

Let me know how that works out for you.
1. Kleptomania, pyromania, and drug addiction, have been around as long as mankind has been. So ? This somehow legitimizes them ?

2. Very few bad things can be stamped out 100%. But they can be reduced to very, low levels. And ludicrously legitimizing them, sure doesn't help to reduce them.
LMAO!!! The gene pool will be cleansed of gays???? Too funny.

First, thanks for acknowledging it is not a choice.

Second, homosexuality has been around as long as mankind has been. And it even shows up in cultures where the punishment for it is death. But you think being ignored and having trouble renting a place will stamp it out??? Lol

Let me know how that works out for you.
1. Kleptomania, pyromania, and drug addiction, have been around as long as mankind has been. So ? This somehow legitimizes them ?

2. Very few bad things can be stamped out 100%. But they can be reduced to very, low levels. And ludicrously legitimizing them, sure doesn't help to reduce them.
"Bad Things" being the key phrase. Why are two people of the same sex being in love and wanting to live a life together a bad thing? Who does it harm? Anything negative that comes from it is from you calling it sick, disgusting or harmful, which it isn't

So you agree that homosexuality is genetic! Good!
Wouldn't matter much even if if was genetic. The point is it is abnormal and harmful to society, especially by spreading to young people who aren't mature enough to make correct value judgements yet. As such, it is harmful and should be eradicated as much as possible.
"Bad Things" being the key phrase. Why are two people of the same sex being in love and wanting to live a life together a bad thing? Who does it harm? Anything negative that comes from it is from you calling it sick, disgusting or harmful, which it isn't
It's a bad thing because it is a mental aberration which has people acting in deranged ways. It is also disturbing to see. It should be illegal all over America, and all queers should be given psychiatric treatment to cure them.

As for additional harm, it spreads to young people who aren't mature enough to make correct value judgements yet
So you agree that homosexuality is genetic! Good!

No, libturds lack a frontal lobe. It's a genetic defect. The fact that you're a pillow biter is besides the point, because not all queers are moonbats like you.

Some of them carry guns, mind their own business, and carry on with life like normal people. Muzbots won't make easy victims of them, but will kill sniveling pukes like you.

That is good.
You are truly unhinged Pete! I may have to live in the same world and breath the same air as you, but I thank the gods and goddesses that I AM NOT YOU
Agreed, if Karma is real then people like Pete have a world of hurt ahead of them. I just can't understand how these lunes actually think they are in the right... Do they have no empathy or consideration If the scripts were flipped and the majority of the world condemned their lifestyles? Ever heard of the Golden Rule?? It's mind boggling
Actually, I have trouble believing that anyone that vile and ignorant actually exists. Could be he is a zombie troll bot, or, maybe he's just playing a sick game and doesn't really believe his own bovine excrement. Same goes for Protectionist.
Agreed, if Karma is real then people like Pete have a world of hurt ahead of them. I just can't understand how these lunes actually think they are in the right... Do they have no empathy or consideration If the scripts were flipped and the majority of the world condemned their lifestyles? Ever heard of the Golden Rule?? It's mind boggling
The reason while only a small minority engages in this deranged lifestyle is because it is deranged, and most people are not.
One guy was attacked in July of 2015, and you think that proves your point??? LMAO!!!

You thought I was presenting one guy to prove the point that gays are still not accepted ? Wow. maybe you need to take more vitamins.

You might also note what was mentioned in the link. >>> "Hillsborough County deputies are looking for a suspect and into hundreds of similar attacks that have happened nearby."

Oh the horror! There was a stalker who MAY have done this to others?

Sorry, that is a far cry from the "they were lucky to get away with their lives" bullshit.

Yeah, there are a few crackpots and nut cases. But if the worst Tampa can offer is this year old case, it sounds like the area is as gay friendly as I remember it.
LMAO!!! The gene pool will be cleansed of gays???? Too funny.

First, thanks for acknowledging it is not a choice.

Second, homosexuality has been around as long as mankind has been. And it even shows up in cultures where the punishment for it is death. But you think being ignored and having trouble renting a place will stamp it out??? Lol

Let me know how that works out for you.
1. Kleptomania, pyromania, and drug addiction, have been around as long as mankind has been. So ? This somehow legitimizes them ?

2. Very few bad things can be stamped out 100%. But they can be reduced to very, low levels. And ludicrously legitimizing them, sure doesn't help to reduce them.
Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity have been around as long as mankind has been.
This somehow legitimizes them ?

Very few bad things can be stamped out 100%. But they can be reduced to very, low levels. And ludicrously legitimizing them, sure doesn't help to reduce them.
"Bad Things" being the key phrase. Why are two people of the same sex being in love and wanting to live a life together a bad thing? Who does it harm? Anything negative that comes from it is from you calling it sick, disgusting or harmful, which it isn't
It's a bad thing because it is a mental aberration which has people acting in deranged ways. It is also disturbing to see. It should be illegal all over America, and all queers should be given psychiatric treatment to cure them.

As for additional harm, it spreads to young people who aren't mature enough to make correct value judgements yet
All of this is just made up in your head. Nothing real about.

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