Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Couldn't I make the case that reading the hateful, bigoted babble coming from your posts are "harmful (disturbing)" to me? Whats the difference between you feeling disturbed by others or others feeling disturbed by you?
1. NO, you couldn't make that case.

2. My feeling disturbed is based on seeing sex perverts. Others feeling disturbed by me is them being jerks.

Got it now ? :biggrin:
Couldn't I make the case that reading the hateful, bigoted babble coming from your posts are "harmful (disturbing)" to me? Whats the difference between you feeling disturbed by others or others feeling disturbed by you?
1. NO, you couldn't make that case.

2. My feeling disturbed is based on seeing sex perverts. Others feeling disturbed by me is them being jerks.

Got it now ? :biggrin:
1. Yes, because I am

2. My feeling disturbed is based on you being a bigoted hateful asshole. It breeds, fear, intolerance, bullying and violence. A much worse effect on society than a homophob feeling uncomfortable about two people kissing in public.
1. Yes, because I am

2. My feeling disturbed is based on you being a bigoted hateful asshole. It breeds, fear, intolerance, bullying and violence. A much worse effect on society than a homophob feeling uncomfortable about two people kissing in public.
WRONG and incredibly STUPID. How warped some Americans have become.
Bullshit. In the 60s and 70s, to say nothing of before that, if you caught a gay man alone, you could beat the shit out of him without much worry about the cops. Now? The cops will investigate. And the guilty will be prosecuted. Kill a man because he is gay? Someone goes to jail for life or gets strapped to a gurney and relieved of the burden of his life.
Yeah. You must be in San FranSICKO or some similar cesspool. Here in Tampa, queers are tarred & feathered (if they're lucky) :biggrin:

According to the American Civil Liberties Union's website, 22 states and the District of Columbia prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. The District and 19 states also ban discrimination based on gender identity. That makes Florida one of 28 states with no statewide protection against discrimination.

Aiken points to lack of employment protection for gays


In Tampa? LMAO!! I lived in Tampa for a few years. I remember seeing gay men holding hands in Ybor City. No one seemed undone about it. The same on nice days on Bayshore.

Oh, and Atlanta is certainly not San Fran.
You mean you've never received an answer with which you agree.

You freak lovers should get on the same page. Even those on your side like Slade say certain groups get special treatment.

When you consider certain groups a protected class status and apply in their favor what you don't do for other non-protected groups, that's special treatment. Hate crime legislation is just one example. When someone of one of those groups is a victim of a crime and there are punishments placed the perpetrator beyond what those punishments would be if the victim wasn't part of protected group (fill in the blank), that's special treatment. You don't have to agree for it to be true. That will never be a requirement. All you have to understand is it's true.
More horseshit! Hate crimes laws don't treat the victim differently. They treat the scum perpetrator differently because the crime is not just against the immediate target of their bias fueled wrath but against an entire community who they seek to intimidate and harass. The "protected class" status is with regards to both bias-intimidation crimes, and discrimination is not specific to any sexual orientation or gender identity but rather protects all sexual orientations and gender identities. That would even include you as a heterosexual, cisgender bigot the gay mafia came after you and I hope they will . Please try to learn something, bubba.

Hate crimes punish the perpetrators differently and more severely on behalf of the victim.

You call me a bigot then wish harm to me. Try not to be such a freak loving asshole. It makes you look foolish.
Reverse that, he just made you look foolish and completely debunked your lame argument. You lost, Take it like a man

I never said that hate crimes treat victims differently, therefore, what he did was address something that was never stated. That makes both of you look foolish. Him for saying it and you for agreeing with him.

Unlike you, I do it with women like a man should. You take it up the ass like a faggot.
Oh Christ! You claimed that the victims are get special rights because they are covered under hate crime laws. What the hell is the difference. Can you do anything besides play semantic word games?

Here's some special rights for people like you Orlando Highlights Islam's Complicated Relationship With Homosexuality
Horseshit! Those criminal cases are about pedophiles, not gay people who have adult relationships but I have no reason to think that you are even remotely capable of grasping that, not that you want to. Continue to wallow in your ignorance and bigotry bubba.

A deviant is a deviant rump ranger, and most of this perversion leads to the abuse of children, animals and God knows what else. You don't have the capacity to think.

If you were normal you'd know that but try and make yourself feel better insisting that the rest of the world that isn't consumed with perverse sex is the problem, not you and other deviants like you.

Ok I get it. You re
abscessed with sex and children .


There's probably a topical cream for that.
1. Yes, because I am

2. My feeling disturbed is based on you being a bigoted hateful asshole. It breeds, fear, intolerance, bullying and violence. A much worse effect on society than a homophob feeling uncomfortable about two people kissing in public.

Actually, no you can't make that case because it's absurd.

Like me trying to make the case that I am the anointed Emperor of the Western Hemisphere. While is is technically possible that with enough lawyers, guns and money I could actually become The EWH, I can never be a woman.

Period. There is no known possible way, or even any scientists looking into converting all my chromosomes into XX.

There are ways to make me the EWH though, and people pursuing that endeavor.

Your whittle feewings are of absolutely no concern to anyone. Bed wetters like you get butthurt so often because you make up reasons to be butthurt. It's as if you pretending to care about other people's asinine problems somehow elevates you in your "mind", but in reality you're just another annoying self righteous libturd with no life or mind of your own. Just food for thought here turd, even though I know a feeding tube of thought isn't going to make a difference to a brain dead drone.


You mean like the fear some people have over speaking their minds because some sniveling prick like you might get them fired?


You mean like when anyone who says anything fascist douchebags like you find intolerable is driven off of college campuses or off of stages in front of people who actually wanted to hear that person? Are bed wetting pukes like you "tolerant" when you pull fire alarms and call in bomb threats in order to prevent people from even speaking?


You mean like when people are assaulted, their property vandalized and their lives put in danger by libturds who are so tolerant of people who manage to make that speech on campus in spite of moonbat attempts to shut them down?


Like when bed wetters assault people leaving Trump rallies, or when leftist despots seize control of governments and slaughter millions of people?

Somehow I think those problems you're worried about "breeding" wouldn't happen at all if libturds would just grow the fuck up and get jobs.
1. Yes, because I am

2. My feeling disturbed is based on you being a bigoted hateful asshole. It breeds, fear, intolerance, bullying and violence. A much worse effect on society than a homophob feeling uncomfortable about two people kissing in public.

Actually, no you can't make that case because it's absurd.

Like me trying to make the case that I am the anointed Emperor of the Western Hemisphere. While is is technically possible that with enough lawyers, guns and money I could actually become The EWH, I can never be a woman.

Period. There is no known possible way, or even any scientists looking into converting all my chromosomes into XX.

There are ways to make me the EWH though, and people pursuing that endeavor.

Your whittle feewings are of absolutely no concern to anyone. Bed wetters like you get butthurt so often because you make up reasons to be butthurt. It's as if you pretending to care about other people's asinine problems somehow elevates you in your "mind", but in reality you're just another annoying self righteous libturd with no life or mind of your own. Just food for thought here turd, even though I know a feeding tube of thought isn't going to make a difference to a brain dead drone.


You mean like the fear some people have over speaking their minds because some sniveling prick like you might get them fired?


You mean like when anyone who says anything fascist douchebags like you find intolerable is driven off of college campuses or off of stages in front of people who actually wanted to hear that person? Are bed wetting pukes like you "tolerant" when you pull fire alarms and call in bomb threats in order to prevent people from even speaking?


You mean like when people are assaulted, their property vandalized and their lives put in danger by libturds who are so tolerant of people who manage to make that speech on campus in spite of moonbat attempts to shut them down?


Like when bed wetters assault people leaving Trump rallies, or when leftist despots seize control of governments and slaughter millions of people?

Somehow I think those problems you're worried about "breeding" wouldn't happen at all if libturds would just grow the fuck up and get jobs.
This is so off topic it doesn't warrant a response. You are creative with your spins, I'll give you that. Next time read the whole conversation before weighing in. I was responding to dipshits comment about being harmed by seeing two guys kiss
Obama periodically announces his support for the LGBT community yet, he keeps supporting the massive influx of people with the entrenched belief that gays should be killed and Sharia Law, the law of the land.
Are you talking about his support of a worldwide effort to help people fleeing a deathzone? And him doing this without a religious bias is something that you exploit and criticize... really?
This is so off topic it doesn't warrant a response. You are creative with your spins, I'll give you that. Next time read the whole conversation before weighing in. I was responding to dipshits comment about being harmed by seeing two guys kiss

I was commenting about how sniveling pukes like you are so intolerant of people who don't want to see anyone sucking face in public parks, least of all 2 perverts. Dipshits like you don't care if people are forced to leave public areas to avoid disgusting displays, but if the perverts are compelled to leave a public area because they're making the rest of the community sick that is the equivalent of genocide in whatever sphincter controls your reactions.

This is so off topic it doesn't warrant a response. You are creative with your spins, I'll give you that. Next time read the whole conversation before weighing in. I was responding to dipshits comment about being harmed by seeing two guys kiss

I was commenting about how sniveling pukes like you are so intolerant of people who don't want to see anyone sucking face in public parks, least of all 2 perverts. Dipshits like you don't care if people are forced to leave public areas to avoid disgusting displays, but if the perverts are compelled to leave a public area because they're making the rest of the community sick that is the equivalent of genocide in whatever sphincter controls your reactions.

Do you see the hypocrisy that you are typing?? It is right in front of you... You are criticizing people who are intolerant of people who are being intolerant.

You say I don't care that "people are forced to leave public areas to avoid disgusting displays" Is that a fucking joke? Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. Two people holding hands, or hugging or kissing is not harmful or illegal or even different in action than any other couple does. What a joke you are, stop trying to justify your homophobia... It is a personal choice of yours that is fine, but don't spread your hate in a society that is founded on freedom, liberty, and equal opportunity for all.
Obama periodically announces his support for the LGBT community yet, he keeps supporting the massive influx of people with the entrenched belief that gays should be killed and Sharia Law, the law of the land.

What a bunch of horseshit! Are you calling Obama a hypocrite? What should he do ? Deny entry to oppressed refuges-who are oppressed and facing death- because they might not share the same cultural values as the majority of Americans now do? Would you have us believe that you would oppose the immigration of those who are opposed to gay rights? If Obama can’t support gay rights while allowing these refuges in, maybe he should be deporting the Christians who oppose gay rights- just to be consistent. ?

What you have done here is to commit one of the most egregious logical fallacies- the appeal to hypocrisy:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

If that’s all you have you have nothing at all, and that is truly pathetic and obviously desperate.
Do you see the hypocrisy that you are typing?? It is right in front of you... You are criticizing people who are intolerant of people who are being intolerant.

You say I don't care that "people are forced to leave public areas to avoid disgusting displays" Is that a fucking joke? Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. Two people holding hands, or hugging or kissing is not harmful or illegal or even different in action than any other couple does. What a joke you are, stop trying to justify your homophobia... It is a personal choice of yours that is fine, but don't spread your hate in a society that is founded on freedom, liberty, and equal opportunity for all.

What bullshit.

There is nothing wrong with voicing objection when people shit in the street. We are supposed to have standards as a society. No one gives a shit if you're a pair of pillow biters slobbering all over each other or a couple of horny college kids. People don't want to see you getting off in public.

And fuck you for your stupid statement about "spreading hate" butt pirate. YOU are the one spreading hate and intolerance. People like me have to watch what we say and worry that we might offend the sensitivity of parasites like you or risk losing our jobs. We should have the freedom, liberty and opportunity to say loudly and proudly that we are straight Christians and we won't cater to gay weddings because we don't want to be involved. Sick fucks like you support courts that FORCE people to serve those perverts.

You're in way over your programming here bed wetter.

Do you see the hypocrisy that you are typing?? It is right in front of you... You are criticizing people who are intolerant of people who are being intolerant.

You say I don't care that "people are forced to leave public areas to avoid disgusting displays" Is that a fucking joke? Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. Two people holding hands, or hugging or kissing is not harmful or illegal or even different in action than any other couple does. What a joke you are, stop trying to justify your homophobia... It is a personal choice of yours that is fine, but don't spread your hate in a society that is founded on freedom, liberty, and equal opportunity for all.

What bullshit.

There is nothing wrong with voicing objection when people shit in the street. We are supposed to have standards as a society. No one gives a shit if you're a pair of pillow biters slobbering all over each other or a couple of horny college kids. People don't want to see you getting off in public.

And fuck you for your stupid statement about "spreading hate" butt pirate. YOU are the one spreading hate and intolerance. People like me have to watch what we say and worry that we might offend the sensitivity of parasites like you or risk losing our jobs. We should have the freedom, liberty and opportunity to say loudly and proudly that we are straight Christians and we won't cater to gay weddings because we don't want to be involved. Sick fucks like you support courts that FORCE people to serve those perverts.

You're in way over your programming here bed wetter.

So let me get this straight. When gay people do exactly what straight people do in public like hold hands or hug or kiss you think it's ok for you to call them freak faggot perverts but when they stand up for themselves and tell you to shut up all of a sudden you are being oppressed?? What a joke.

Nobody is buttfucking in the park and nobody is doing anything other than trying to live and be happy like everybody else. They just want to stop the hate that people like you spew and feel comfortable living in society.

Your offense is created by your hate and intolerance and discrimination, theirs is in reaction to you trying to belittle and oppress. They are on defense and have been for decades. Pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to justify your bigotry... There is no room for it in this country. As Spock would say "live free and prosper... Or shut the fuck up"

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