Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Actually, I have trouble believing that anyone that vile and ignorant actually exists. Could be he is a zombie troll bot, or, maybe he's just playing a sick game and doesn't really believe his own bovine excrement. Same goes for Protectionist.
I don't believe that you "have trouble believing" Gays and their misguided supporters have a tendency to try to reconstruct reality to their own warped specifications. This is bolstered more if they live in pro-gay communities, where it's easy to be even more warped, due to the abundance of people around them affirming their ridiculous behavior.
LMAO!!! The gene pool will be cleansed of gays???? Too funny.

First, thanks for acknowledging it is not a choice.

Second, homosexuality has been around as long as mankind has been. And it even shows up in cultures where the punishment for it is death. But you think being ignored and having trouble renting a place will stamp it out??? Lol

Let me know how that works out for you.
1. Kleptomania, pyromania, and drug addiction, have been around as long as mankind has been. So ? This somehow legitimizes them ?

2. Very few bad things can be stamped out 100%. But they can be reduced to very, low levels. And ludicrously legitimizing them, sure doesn't help to reduce them.

In the 1970s the estimates were that between 3% & 5% of the population was homosexual. The same estimates we see now, some 40 years later and with much greater acceptance by the public in general.

The last survey I saw showed almost 60% of the nation is ok with gays getting married.
So you agree that homosexuality is genetic! Good!
Wouldn't matter much even if if was genetic. The point is it is abnormal and harmful to society, especially by spreading to young people who aren't mature enough to make correct value judgements yet. As such, it is harmful and should be eradicated as much as possible.

Oh please spare us the bogus "it's for the young people!" Bullshit. Young people are not turned gay.

It hurts no one to let gays be gays. The hostility is created by you and your ilk.
Actually, I have trouble believing that anyone that vile and ignorant actually exists. Could be he is a zombie troll bot, or, maybe he's just playing a sick game and doesn't really believe his own bovine excrement. Same goes for Protectionist.
I don't believe that you "have trouble believing" Gays and their misguided supporters have a tendency to try to reconstruct reality to their own warped specifications. This is bolstered more if they live in pro-gay communities, where it's easy to be even more warped, due to the abundance of people around them affirming their ridiculous behavior.
If you have a problem with it then don't fucking live there or go to those communities. Im sure there are many people that don't agree or like certain things that you do in life. But as long as your not causing harm to others and you are following the law then they don't have a right to tell you how to live... Just as you don't have the right to do that to others. Who the fuck do you think you are?
Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity have been around as long as mankind has been.
This somehow legitimizes them ?

Very few bad things can be stamped out 100%. But they can be reduced to very, low levels. And ludicrously legitimizing them, sure doesn't help to reduce them.
Another thing gays do is utilize bad behavior traits (Ex. Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity) and try to impugn these on their critics, thinking that will somehow silence them. Just more mental aberration on their part.
Agreed, if Karma is real then people like Pete have a world of hurt ahead of them. I just can't understand how these lunes actually think they are in the right... Do they have no empathy or consideration If the scripts were flipped and the majority of the world condemned their lifestyles? Ever heard of the Golden Rule?? It's mind boggling
The reason while only a small minority engages in this deranged lifestyle is because it is deranged, and most people are not.

Most people don't care. Only you nosy, self-appointed busybodies seem to think you have a say. You don't.
You are truly unhinged Pete! I may have to live in the same world and breath the same air as you, but I thank the gods and goddesses that I AM NOT YOU

I'm glad your parasitic ass is not in Texas, and our valuable air isn't being stolen by you.

Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity have been around as long as mankind has been.
This somehow legitimizes them ?

Very few bad things can be stamped out 100%. But they can be reduced to very, low levels. And ludicrously legitimizing them, sure doesn't help to reduce them.
Another thing gays do is utilize bad behavior traits (Ex. Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity) and try to impugn these on their critics, thinking that will somehow silence them. Just more mental aberration on their part.

What!???? Hello? If you want to see someone using fear, hate, bigotry, and stupifity, look to yourself and your cohorts. There is more bullshit & fear mongering from your quarter than from anywhere.

Gays are out. Get used to it.
Another thing gays do is utilize bad behavior traits (Ex. Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity) and try to impugn these on their critics, thinking that will somehow silence them. Just more mental aberration on their part.


No one is more hateful or more bigoted than libturd parasites like those two clowns, and the level of stupidity they suffer from is so intense it is literally dangerous to the rest of the population.

All of this is just made up in your head. Nothing real about.
ALL very real. A REAL CONTRADICTION of how nature has designed animals (including humans) to engage in sex. Simple as that. Like cats being placed in the ocean, or fish being placed on land. :biggrin:
Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity have been around as long as mankind has been.
This somehow legitimizes them ?

Very few bad things can be stamped out 100%. But they can be reduced to very, low levels. And ludicrously legitimizing them, sure doesn't help to reduce them.
Another thing gays do is utilize bad behavior traits (Ex. Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity) and try to impugn these on their critics, thinking that will somehow silence them. Just more mental aberration on their part.
I don't want to silence you. I want you to continue to rand and rave and spew hate by the light of day for all to see and hear rather than drive you underground were your hate will fester and grow undetected. That's the same reason that I don't want to silence Nazis either.
Oh please spare us the bogus "it's for the young people!" Bullshit. Young people are not turned gay.

It hurts no one to let gays be gays. The hostility is created by you and your ilk.
Oh please spare us YOUR "Bullshit". Of course young people are not yet able to judge in a mature way, and thus vulnerable to becoming caught up in homosexual lunacy. And it happens to them all the time, especially caused by people who talk like you do, endorsing this mental aberration.

And if there is any "hostility" to this perfectly logical discussion, it's coming from YOU, and your use of words like "ilk"
Another thing gays do is utilize bad behavior traits (Ex. Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity) and try to impugn these on their critics, thinking that will somehow silence them. Just more mental aberration on their part.


No one is more hateful or more bigoted than libturd parasites like those two clowns, and the level of stupidity they suffer from is so intense it is literally dangerous to the rest of the population.

Please explain the bigotry of the libturd parasites... This ought to be good. You might want to look up "bigot" first
All of this is just made up in your head. Nothing real about.
ALL very real. A REAL CONTRADICTION of how nature has designed animals (including humans) to engage in sex. Simple as that. Like cats being placed in the ocean, or fish being placed on land. :biggrin:
You mean like male dogs humping other male dogs... That would just be crazy and ridiculous... ohh wait... it happens all the time. My friends bulldog will hump a chairleg if it is soft.
Face it dude, your objections are on a sociological level not a natural level. How us animals decide to get their rocks off is really none of your business and has nothing to do with natural order.
If you have a problem with it then don't fucking live there or go to those communities. Im sure there are many people that don't agree or like certain things that you do in life. But as long as your not causing harm to others and you are following the law then they don't have a right to tell you how to live... Just as you don't have the right to do that to others. Who the fuck do you think you are?
Thanks coach. Of course, I don't live there or go to those communities. :laugh: But there you go again, acting like queers are not causing harm. Yes they are, as I described twice here, in the last hour.

Who I think I am is one person in a democratic republic, with free speech, who is interested in PROTECTING the American people, in many different ways including protecting them from the spread of sex=perverted lunacy. :biggrin:
What!???? Hello? If you want to see someone using fear, hate, bigotry, and stupifity, look to yourself and your cohorts. There is more bullshit & fear mongering from your quarter than from anywhere.

Gays are out. Get used to it.
What!???? Hello? I wasn't talking about gays or their supporters using fear, hate, bigotry, and stupidity. Once again, since you seem to be having reading comp problems, >> "gays do is utilize bad behavior traits (Ex. Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity) and try to impugn these on their critics, thinking that will somehow silence them"

Some people need to be told twice.

Gays (excuse me, QUEERS that is) are out but still not accepted, and where I live, are in some danger if they openly show off the sex pervert behavior they engage in.
If you have a problem with it then don't fucking live there or go to those communities. Im sure there are many people that don't agree or like certain things that you do in life. But as long as your not causing harm to others and you are following the law then they don't have a right to tell you how to live... Just as you don't have the right to do that to others. Who the fuck do you think you are?
Thanks coach. Of course, I don't live there or go to those communities. :laugh: But there you go again, acting like queers are not causing harm. Yes they are, as I described twice here, in the last hour.

Who I think I am is one person in a democratic republic, with free speech, who is interested in PROTECTING the American people, in many different ways including protecting them from the spread of sex=perverted lunacy. :biggrin:
Thats a very nobel way to paint yourself when you are simply just being a hateful ignorant bully trying to oppress the actions and rights of innocient law abiding citizens. Don't fool yourself by thinking you are the hero, you are absolutely the villain in this story.
I don't want to silence you. I want you to continue to rand and rave and spew hate by the light of day for all to see and hear rather than drive you underground were your hate will fester and grow undetected. That's the same reason that I don't want to silence Nazis either.
There isn't any "hate". When the news reports showed hundreds of queers holding vigils for the slain people in Orlando, they all seemed like very nice people. I would not "hate" them one iota. I simply see them as people who are afflicted with a mental disturbance that has them behaving in very odd, unnatural ways, and I describe it as I objectively see it. If I have any kind of emotional feeling about it, I'd say I feel a little sorry for them, as one would for anyone who has some type of sickness.

But whether you want to silence anyone or not, many queers DO want to do that, and they use every tool they can find.
Please explain the bigotry of the libturd parasites... This ought to be good. You might want to look up "bigot" first
I looked it up in my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed)

I says >> Bigot - 1 a person who holds blindly and intolerantly to a particular creed opinion, etc. 2 a narrow-minded, prejudiced person.

What I'm saying is not blind. It is seeing behavior CONTRARY TO NATURE'S DESIGN. And the "creed" is simply the creed of being in conformance with nature's design, which is what SHOULD be held to. And nothing of that is "narrow-minded, prejudiced" :biggrin:
Another thing gays do is utilize bad behavior traits (Ex. Hate, fear, bigotry and stupidity) and try to impugn these on their critics, thinking that will somehow silence them. Just more mental aberration on their part.


No one is more hateful or more bigoted than libturd parasites like those two clowns, and the level of stupidity they suffer from is so intense it is literally dangerous to the rest of the population.

Spare me your claims of intellect.

And as far as hatred goes, your buddy talked about two people being lucky they weren't MURDERED for kissing in a park. And you have the gall to accuse gays of using fear & hatred? You are truly disgusting.
All of this is just made up in your head. Nothing real about.
ALL very real. A REAL CONTRADICTION of how nature has designed animals (including humans) to engage in sex. Simple as that. Like cats being placed in the ocean, or fish being placed on land. :biggrin:

Nature? Really? Let me clue you in. Nature uses sex for procreation. Unless you are going to claim that this is the ONLY reason people gave sex, your claims are ridiculous.

And look up the percentage of straight couples who engage in the various acts that fall under Sodomy before you try too hard to cast disparaging comments at gays.

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