Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

You mean like male dogs humping other male dogs... That would just be crazy and ridiculous... ohh wait... it happens all the time. My friends bulldog will hump a chairleg if it is soft.
Face it dude, your objections are on a sociological level not a natural level. How us animals decide to get their rocks off is really none of your business and has nothing to do with natural order.
1. What you describe with dogs is also abnormal behavior. You cannot excuse away one abnormal behavior, just by pointing to other abnormal behavior. If I am a kleptomanic, that isn't validated by someone else being bipolar.

2. You just openly proclaimed your perversion by saying >> "How us animals decide to get their rocks off is really none of your business and has nothing to do with natural order" You are in denial. That's a major part of the mental aberration of homosexuality. What else is new ? Ho hum.

3. I already described how it is my business, and the business of everyone in society.
Spare me your claims of intellect.

And as far as hatred goes, your buddy talked about two people being lucky they weren't MURDERED for kissing in a park. And you have the gall to accuse gays of using fear & hatred? You are truly disgusting.

That is not using fear & hatred in any way, whatsoever. It is just a statement of the level of unacceptance of homosexuality existing around us, in 2016. Please don't go off the deep end on us now.
Please explain the bigotry of the libturd parasites... This ought to be good. You might want to look up "bigot" first


Bed wetting pukes like you hate gun owners. You believe most straight white Christians are racists, their religion is to be ridiculed and if they complain, they're just being "sensitive" and whining. They're "privileged" just because they're white. You believe people who oppose gay marriage do so entirely out of hate and that is has nothing to do with actual concern for the morality of the country, and it's a morality you reject anyway because you hate Christians.

You believe people who are concerned with islamic radicals are islamophobes, hate brown people who talk funny, and are the equivalent of the American Taliban with their own sort of murderous zealotry.

Parasites like you can not tolerate when the people you're programmed to hate assemble and discuss matters in a different perspective. At campuses across the country speakers leftist sycophants hate are threatened, their speeches interrupted by pieces of shit who pull fire alarms, or their assemblies are infiltrated and interrupted by childish hecklers.

Please explain the bigotry of the libturd parasites... This ought to be good. You might want to look up "bigot" first


Bed wetting pukes like you hate gun owners. You believe most straight white Christians are racists, their religion is to be ridiculed and if they complain, they're just being "sensitive" and whining. They're "privileged" just because they're white. You believe people who oppose gay marriage do so entirely out of hate and that is has nothing to do with actual concern for the morality of the country, and it's a morality you reject anyway because you hate Christians.

You believe people who are concerned with islamic radicals are islamophobes, hate brown people who talk funny, and are the equivalent of the American Taliban with their own sort of murderous zealotry.

Parasites like you can not tolerate when the people you're programmed to hate assemble and discuss matters in a different perspective. At campuses across the country speakers leftist sycophants hate are threatened, their speeches interrupted by pieces of shit who pull fire alarms, or their assemblies are infiltrated and interrupted by childish hecklers.

Nature? Really? Let me clue you in. Nature uses sex for procreation. Unless you are going to claim that this is the ONLY reason people gave sex, your claims are ridiculous.

And look up the percentage of straight couples who engage in the various acts that fall under Sodomy before you try too hard to cast disparaging comments at gays.
1. There is nothing written in the sky that says that nature uses sex ONLY for procreation.

2. Straight couples engaging in sodomy are also doing unnatural acts. So ? That has nothing to do with gays and their unnaturalness. One unnatural thing does not become natural, by the presence of another unnatural thing. I think this is the second time I've had to say this now.
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Thats a very nobel way to paint yourself when you are simply just being a hateful ignorant bully trying to oppress the actions and rights of innocient law abiding citizens. Don't fool yourself by thinking you are the hero, you are absolutely the villain in this story.
YOU are the PAINTER here, quite obviously. But your picture of normal people being painted as "hateful ignorant bully" simply doesn't fly, because (as I already described), there is no "hate" against anybody (a little pity maybe). There also is nothing to be "ignorant" about. You think you know something, I don't ? If so, let's hear it. I haven't heard anything like that so far in this thread. And "bully" - I don't even see how or where that comes in.

As for "villain" and "hero" that's just more of your paint job, coming from your deep sense of DENIAL. Which is YOUR problem, not mine. :biggrin:
Please explain the bigotry of the libturd parasites... This ought to be good. You might want to look up "bigot" first
I looked it up in my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed)

I says >> Bigot - 1 a person who holds blindly and intolerantly to a particular creed opinion, etc. 2 a narrow-minded, prejudiced person.

What I'm saying is not blind. It is seeing behavior CONTRARY TO NATURE'S DESIGN. And the "creed" is simply the creed of being in conformance with nature's design, which is what SHOULD be held to. And nothing of that is "narrow-minded, prejudiced" :biggrin:
The question was how liberals are bigots... I wasn't asking for you to defend why you aren't
Nature? Really? Let me clue you in. Nature uses sex for procreation. Unless you are going to claim that this is the ONLY reason people gave sex, your claims are ridiculous.

And look up the percentage of straight couples who engage in the various acts that fall under Sodomy before you try too hard to cast disparaging comments at gays.
1. There is nothing written in the sky that says that nature uses sex ONLY for procreation.

2. Straight couples engaging in sodomy are also doing unnatural acts. So ? That has nothing to do with gays and their unnaturalness. One unnatural thing does not become natural, by the presence of another unnatural thing. I think this is the second time I've had to say this now.
Where is it written that a dick is meant only for a pussy? I missed that cloud. Is masterbation also the same unnatural offense as sodomy in your mind?
By Obama declaring June to be LGBT Pride Month, he once again shows off his insincerity.. Here a guy who endorses Hillary Clinton for president, who is pro-Islamist and therefore very ANTI-Gay, who has taken big $$$ from Islamist countries who have national policies to flog, kill, or imprison gays, and who do just that. (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Morroco, Algeria, United Arab Emirates, Oman. Brunei,

Hillary Clinton Took Millions from Anti-LGBT Countries That Jail and Execute Gays - Breitbart

Obama also has filled his administration with Muslim Brotherhood creeps, who all hold policies against gays, if not are homicidal to them. What a phony and hypocrite.

Where is it written that a dick is meant only for a pussy? I missed that cloud. Is masterbation also the same unnatural offense as sodomy in your mind?

You missed a lot. maybe you should go back to the 8th grade and study biology all over again. "Where is it written"!! Sheeesh. In every biology textbook in the world, that's where, you idiot. This must be the dumbest I've ever heard anybody say in this forum.. I mean really.

You thought you were going to get by with that ? Pheeeeeww! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head) You guys are so deeply immersed in your own imbecile propaganda, that you go around making fools out of yourselves
The question was how liberals are bigots... I wasn't asking for you to defend why you aren't
I don't know where it came from, but sure, I can give you an example of the bigotry of liberals >> The # 1 biggest bigotry over the past 55 years, discriminating against, by far, the largest number of people (Whites), and that would be AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
Please explain the bigotry of the libturd parasites... This ought to be good. You might want to look up "bigot" first
I looked it up in my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed)

I says >> Bigot - 1 a person who holds blindly and intolerantly to a particular creed opinion, etc. 2 a narrow-minded, prejudiced person.

What I'm saying is not blind. It is seeing behavior CONTRARY TO NATURE'S DESIGN. And the "creed" is simply the creed of being in conformance with nature's design, which is what SHOULD be held to. And nothing of that is "narrow-minded, prejudiced" :biggrin:
Except that you're not God and not a prophet therefore do not get to decide what natures design is.
Where is it written that a dick is meant only for a pussy? I missed that cloud. Is masterbation also the same unnatural offense as sodomy in your mind?

You missed a lot. maybe you should go back to the 8th grade and study biology all over again. "Where is it written"!! Sheeesh. In every biology textbook in the world, that's where, you idiot. This must be the dumbest I've ever heard anybody say in this forum.. I mean really.

You thought you were going to get by with that ? Pheeeeeww! (high-pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head) You guys are so deeply immersed in your own imbecile propaganda, that you go around making fools out of yourselves
Answer the question dumbshit... Is Masterbation the same unnatural offense as sodomy?
The question was how liberals are bigots... I wasn't asking for you to defend why you aren't
I don't know where it came from, but sure, I can give you an example of the bigotry of liberals >> The # 1 biggest bigotry over the past 55 years, discriminating against, by far, the largest number of people (Whites), and that would be AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
Ok, now per your definition of bigot, justify that statement.
The question was how liberals are bigots... I wasn't asking for you to defend why you aren't

That question has been answered ad nauseum all over this forum for years. It has been demonstrated by bed wetters themselves, it has been illustrated, documented, studied and proven over and over.

The fact that you vapid tools ignore it is an entirely different issue.

The question was how liberals are bigots... I wasn't asking for you to defend why you aren't

That question has been answered ad nauseum all over this forum for years. It has been demonstrated by bed wetters themselves, it has been illustrated, documented, studied and proven over and over.

The fact that you vapid tools ignore it is an entirely different issue.

Nice dodge... Back to the trailer park with you, i'm tired of dealing with your kind... I"m gonna go shower.

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