Obama Demagogues Immigration

If you don't have GOOD work ID card, the influx will continue, and the GOP never allows it. Communism! Actually, they love the cheap labor, the hypocrites, and distract the hater dupes with talk of useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws- only during their recessions, of course.
Tighten border security so the flow is a trickle.

Make business and employment law so tight that violators by boss and employee is incredibly painful.

A reasonable road to citizenship.

You could establish voter ID cards that's obtained through a social security number along with a government issued form of photo ID as proof of US citizenship. That's a guaranteed way to see who is illegal or not. Checks can be made by police during a law or traffic violation (a additional measure that goes right along with the routine check for warrants).

The whole argument that says "we can give them this amnesty route to becoming US citizens THEN if we find any illegals deport them", doesn't work. We gave hispanics their citizenship back in '83 and look where we are today, going over the same issues, talking about the SAME problems. You NEED to seal up the borders first. Install a concrete wall as well as electrified fences with high voltage warnings in Spanish. Allow states the ability to budget for patrolling their own borders. If we can budget for Obamacare and military spending, we can fund our borders, more ICE agents, and added support to crack down on border crossings.

Stop with the incentives of school assistance from the state (no taxpayer, state incentives towards assisting illegals), stop issuing them drivers licenses. Give them special work visas with a photo that allows them temporary driving privileges. An alternative to the voter ID is a photo work visa ID, that informs the authorities (should they get pulled over for a violation) that they hold only a temporary residence inside the United States.

What we really need are stricter regulations aimed at stopping the flow of illegals coming into this country, not a "quick fix", quick pathway to citizenship.

Doesn't matter if you are right or wrong. Your proposal does not and will never have the political push that it needs. It is what it is.
If you don't have GOOD work ID card, the influx will continue, and the GOP never allows it. Communism! Actually, they love the cheap labor, the hypocrites, and distract the hater dupes with talk of useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws- only during their recessions, of course.

The GOP will screw it up AGAIN.
Tighten border security so the flow is a trickle.

Make business and employment law so tight that violators by boss and employee is incredibly painful.

A reasonable road to citizenship.

You could establish voter ID cards that's obtained through a social security number along with a government issued form of photo ID as proof of US citizenship. That's a guaranteed way to see who is illegal or not. Checks can be made by police during a law or traffic violation (a additional measure that goes right along with the routine check for warrants).

The whole argument that says "we can give them this amnesty route to becoming US citizens THEN if we find any illegals deport them", doesn't work. We gave hispanics their citizenship back in '83 and look where we are today, going over the same issues, talking about the SAME problems. You NEED to seal up the borders first. Install a concrete wall as well as electrified fences with high voltage warnings in Spanish. Allow states the ability to budget for patrolling their own borders. If we can budget for Obamacare and military spending, we can fund our borders, more ICE agents, and added support to crack down on border crossings.

Stop with the incentives of school assistance from the state (no taxpayer, state incentives towards assisting illegals), stop issuing them drivers licenses. Give them special work visas with a photo that allows them temporary driving privileges. An alternative to the voter ID is a photo work visa ID, that informs the authorities (should they get pulled over for a violation) that they hold only a temporary residence inside the United States.

What we really need are stricter regulations aimed at stopping the flow of illegals coming into this country, not a "quick fix", quick pathway to citizenship.

Your system has no incentive for an illegal immigrant to join it and there aren't that many retarded illegal immigrants. How do you plan on getting 11 million people to agree to that? How much is your fence going to cost; is it going to cost more than the tunnel under it? Your system has nothing to determine identity theft or locate those illegals using it. Your system has no penalties for hiring an illegal immigrant, so it ignores the biggest part of the problem. The immigration reform happened in '86 and not '83. It failed because it wasn't enforced against employers who hired illegal immigrants. It failed because Republicans support getting cheap labor from illegal immigrants and never blaming the employers.

Obama Summons La Raza to Immigration Meeting

Monday, February 11, 2013


Take a look at the guest list. First, the “progressive and labor leaders”:

Deepak Bhargava, Center for Community Change

Marshall Fitz, Center for American Progress

Wade Henderson, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

Marielena Hincapie, National Immigration Law Center


Ben Jealous, NAACP

Cristina Jimenez, United We Dream

Eliseo Medina, SEIU

Janet Murguia, National Council of la Raza

Funny, Walmart isn’t represented.

Post Continues on www.breitbart.com

Read more: Obama Summons La Raza to Immigration Meeting ? Patriot Update

Obama Summons La Raza to Immigration Meeting

Monday, February 11, 2013


Take a look at the guest list. First, the “progressive and labor leaders”:

Deepak Bhargava, Center for Community Change

Marshall Fitz, Center for American Progress

Wade Henderson, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

Marielena Hincapie, National Immigration Law Center


Ben Jealous, NAACP

Cristina Jimenez, United We Dream

Eliseo Medina, SEIU

Janet Murguia, National Council of la Raza

Funny, Walmart isn’t represented.

Post Continues on www.breitbart.com

Read more: Obama Summons La Raza to Immigration Meeting ? Patriot Update

The list reads like the "Who's Who" of liberal racism.
Walmart would not be invited, but they will be made to comply.
In this order. One, tighten border illegal crossings to a managble trickle (divert DOD money to Border); two, enforce heavy fines for businesses that violate employee hiring of illegals; and, three, then enact immigration reform.

Only in that order.

queremos su dinero y las cosas

Obama Terrorizes Public with Illegal Alien Releases

February 28, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert

In one of the most politically despicable moves ever perpetrated by a sitting administration, federal immigration officials have released hundreds of illegal aliens from prison in anticipation of budget cuts produced by the sequester. “As fiscal uncertainty remains over the continuing resolution and possible sequestration, ICE has reviewed its detained population to ensure detention levels stay within ICE’s current budget,” said agency spokeswoman Gillian M. Christensen in a statement. Immigration officials further warned that even more releases are possible, if the anticipated cuts are realized.

In Arizona, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, who revealed that more than 500 inmates were released in his county alone, put this ploy in the proper perspective. “President Obama would never release 500 criminal illegals to the streets of his hometown, yet he has no problem with releasing them in Arizona. The safety of the public is threatened and the rule of law discarded as a political tactic in this sequester battle,” he said.


Obama Terrorizes Public with Illegal Alien Releases
Why do you not tell us that this admin is sending home, deporting, more aliens by far than Bush's administration?
Why do you not tell us that this admin is sending home, deporting, more aliens by far than Bush's administration?

Because that has nothing to do with the turn this tale has taken. Do you consider the release of uncounted criminals into your community acceptable?
Oblamer just ordered DHS to open the federal prisons in Arizona releasing illegal alien violent criminals. Hmm...?
Obama Demagogues Immigration

....And, it's lookin' like The Jebber has been bitten by one o' those Teabaggin' Walkers.

"Bush’s reversal created headaches for Republicans in the Gang of 8 and other reformers who have gone out on a limb. It is not clean whether Bush wanted to create a tempest, but he may have set back the cause with which he’s long been associated. As a practical matter, under Bush’s system we would then be creating two tiers of green cards, itself a verification and enforcement issue."

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