Obama demands a new constitution - 2,300 PAGES LONG

Of course we do. So many of you people are fucking idiots. You do this shit over and over. And you never retract anything or act in the least bit embarrassed by it.

What are we supposed to do, pretend that you did not believe this bullshit AND announce it? You deserve to be insulted. Don't you?

Whatever you say Chief


Let me help you. Try something like this:

" I apologize for starting a thread about the President's attempt to rewrite the US Constitution. It was a poor decision on my part. I fully understand that this is an entirely impossible thing to imagine....let alone believe. I am not a supporter of this President. I dislike him very, very much. Therefore, I tend to get very excited by any hint of his being wrong about anything in any way. I often play very loose with facts as I rush to announce this man's faults. I am guilty of occasionally repeating falsehoods about him and his administration. It makes me feel better." Geaux4it

Maybe then, the rest of us will cut you a break.

You should know by now, for the most part I don't care what others do.

Have at it

BTW- You sound like 'the rest of us' is a majority or something else equally insignificant.

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I heard something about this a while back...
Seems Michele and Valerie Jarrett proposed this to the President and he totally loved it.
He's waiting for the right time to make his move.

Word has it he will find a way to get it done before he leaves office.
It will be his crowning achievement.

If the Democrat party gets control of the House it will pretty much be a done deal.

You're wrong there. Changes to our present constitution (amendments) must be ratified by 3/4 of the states.

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