Obama demands america accept AT LEAST 10,000 syrians

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson was asked how many Syrian refugees President Carson would admit.
Carson was very evasive, but the interviewer pressed him. Finally, Carson said he wouldn't allow any in, without an approved vetting process, etc.
"Why should we take any?" K3
Because we have important allies in the region. Jordan is suffering terribly for all the refugees it's got.
If Germany takes too many of them, we could lose a very valuable ally for perpetuity. Too many Syrian immigrants in Germany out-vote the native Germans.

There are numerous reasons this pain must be shared, distributed. Not the least of those reasons, humanitarian.
FIne. Let's dump them all on Iran - dump 'em off on some coastal port-city, and sail away.
Seems like the humanitarian thing to do

Conservatives rage about the horrors of ISIS but won't accept refugees

Ok then, we should settle them all in your neighborhood. Anyhow... who's to say they're all refugees and not ISIS?
They are certainly welcome in our town...we aren't scared xenophobia here.
Fortunately, those who think like this are going to be voted out of office, in overwhelming numbers, in about 14 months.
Fortunately, those who think like this are going to be voted out of office, in overwhelming numbers, in about 14 months.

I doubt that. We have 40 million illegals in america and obozo will make sure that all of them over 12 vote.
Exactly. But you think that DICKtator Obambam is going to listen to THE PEOPLE who he Represents? He hasn't before. Everything done is FOR HIM and we can go to hell in his little world

You're right but don't forget - republicans are just as bad. Nobody in govt asks what is best for america. They ask who will pay me the most and right now the business world is paying huge bribes to all of congress and obozo to support illegals.

I can't disagree with that. But Obama is the one who promised to Transform our country. and what other way was he going to it but flood us with illegal immigrants and now refugees.

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