Obama demands america accept AT LEAST 10,000 syrians

Why should we take any?

Phukk 'em.

Let 'em rot.

Americans are sick of being the safety valve for the world. These people need to stay in their own country and straighten things out there. Instead they want to invade some first world country and go on welfare.
Seems like the humanitarian thing to do

Conservatives rage about the horrors of ISIS but won't accept refugees

You don't solve anything by taking in their refugees. If you want to deal with ISIS, go there and blow their heads off. That's how you deal with this problem.
Why can't these welfare trash syrians go to saudi arabia or israel or russia or china? Lots of room in russia. Or dump them in canada.

It would defeat DumBama's goal which is to make whites the minority in this country as quickly as possible. If we didn't have the 14 million illegals to deal with already, it might be a different situation. But right now, we have our own immigration mess to deal with.
If Obama had done anything but inspire more illegals to come here I might have considered his proposal. However Obama burned that bridge. We accept more than all these refugees combined near monthly on an illegal scale sooo, no.... I'm tired of the US forcing it's way back to a third world country.
10,000 means actually 10 million. And all of them disease-ridden illiterate usnkilled america-haters that will go on welfare and vote for the welfare party.

Obama Wants U.S. to Prepare for 10,000 Syrian Refugees Next Year -White House

sep 10 2015 President Barack Obama has ordered his team to admit at least 10,000 Syrian refugees next year, the White House said Thursday, amid criticism that the United States has not done enough.

Spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama had asked staff to "scale up" the number of refugee admissions from around 1,500 in this fiscal year, to 10,000 in the next, beginning October 1.
"He has informed his team that he would like them to... accept at least 10,000 refugees in the next fiscal year," said Earnest.

With global public opinion shocked by images of drowning refugees, the United States is under political pressure to act quickly.

The United States currently accepts around 70,000 refugees from conflicts and persecution each year, but has been slow to accept Syrians.
They will send 1000 ISIS members along with the crowd. Obama is thus retarded
It wasn't a "demand"; it was an ORDER, baby. At least we have a president who believes in America's ideals. What amazes me is that many of the same people against this, bash FDR for not doing the same for Jewish refugees prior to WW II.
Why can't these welfare trash syrians go to saudi arabia or israel or russia or china? Lots of room in russia. Or dump them in canada.

It would defeat DumBama's goal which is to make whites the minority in this country as quickly as possible. If we didn't have the 14 million illegals to deal with already, it might be a different situation. But right now, we have our own immigration mess to deal with.

Exactly. But you think that DICKtator Obambam is going to listen to THE PEOPLE who he Represents? He hasn't before. Everything done is FOR HIM and we can go to hell in his little world
I can see why this would piss you off, unintelligent racists like yourself don't have a brain.

Ok, brainiac, how is this going to benefit US? Ask not what more America can do for the World, yet just that the World be grateful to America.
With the situation of these 20MILLION illegal immigrants already in our country and our elected asses basically doing nothing that WE ASK be done about it. they just do nothing while telling us TOUGH SHIT.

and now they want to add all these so called. Refugees on us and thinks we'll just say ok because they are now called, Refugees. instead of Illegal INVADERS which is what they are NOW to us. we have ENOUGH problems in our country why the hell would we take on some other countries problems by taking on more people we can't afford what we have in here now

These are the GAMES these politicians are playing on US and people better start standing up and speaking up to them or they'll continue just doing whatever the hell they want to us
If Obama had done anything but inspire more illegals to come here I might have considered his proposal. However Obama burned that bridge. We accept more than all these refugees combined near monthly on an illegal scale sooo, no.... I'm tired of the US forcing it's way back to a third world country.

How true. In the last 40 years we've allowed something like 60 million poor illegals come here from latin america and go on welfare. We've done our share for helping the poor.

Actually no one should take in the poor of other countries. These poor countries need to take care of their own.
Exactly. But you think that DICKtator Obambam is going to listen to THE PEOPLE who he Represents? He hasn't before. Everything done is FOR HIM and we can go to hell in his little world

You're right but don't forget - republicans are just as bad. Nobody in govt asks what is best for america. They ask who will pay me the most and right now the business world is paying huge bribes to all of congress and obozo to support illegals.
It wasn't a "demand"; it was an ORDER, baby. At least we have a president who believes in America's ideals. What amazes me is that many of the same people against this, bash FDR for not doing the same for Jewish refugees prior to WW II.
ISIS will order that ISIS members be included in the supposed refugees. I hope that they all come to live with you...................baby.

Next sawed off head please U R A terrorist if you allow these people into the USA. They have forced this crisis for a reason, and Obama is the sucker who can not see it for what it is.

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Obama knows darn well how vicious these Syrians are. His regime has altered reports on their butchery so we wouldn't know what he knows. He wants them here by the millions. That is how Obama really feels about this country.
As for those who think this is America hating on ISIS, you're wrong. It is the love of this country that prompts our citizens to keep this horror out of our country.
You want to see hate?


This little boy's crime? He wasn't a Muslim. Are you?
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson was asked how many Syrian refugees President Carson would admit.
Carson was very evasive, but the interviewer pressed him. Finally, Carson said he wouldn't allow any in, without an approved vetting process, etc.
"Why should we take any?" K3
Because we have important allies in the region. Jordan is suffering terribly for all the refugees it's got.
If Germany takes too many of them, we could lose a very valuable ally for perpetuity. Too many Syrian immigrants in Germany out-vote the native Germans.

There are numerous reasons this pain must be shared, distributed. Not the least of those reasons, humanitarian.
It wasn't a "demand"; it was an ORDER, baby. At least we have a president who believes in America's ideals. What amazes me is that many of the same people against this, bash FDR for not doing the same for Jewish refugees prior to WW II.
ISIS will order that ISIS members be included in the supposed refugees. I hope that they all come to live with you...................baby.

Next sawed off head please
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U R A terrorist if you allow these people into the USA. They have forced this crisis for a reason, and Obama is the sucker who can not see it for what it is.
Dude, what the fuck?

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