Obama demands yet another raise in postal rates


hey dildo....the President has nothing to do with Stamp prices.....or hiring and firing ....if you were not so fucking stupid you would know that.....

Hey stupid. Affirmative action is a program of the executive dept.!!! THINK

you dont get in the PO by affirmative action dumbass....you take a civil service exam and they go by your score fuckhead......and close to 30% of the workers are Vets.....people im sure you cant stand....and before i left, the PO had not hired anyone in 7 years....get some facts before you show everyone how stupid you are ......
you dont get in the PO by affirmative action dumbass....you take a civil service exam and they go by your score fuckhead...........

HAHAHA. Yeah and blacks need a score of 35 and the rest of us need 100. All govt jobs are handed out by affirmative action. THINK
There should be a special button to add to the "racism quotient" of certain posters on this message board. ShootSpeeders is consistently repulsive.
Since I live in an area of no black mail couriers since there are none allowed in this county due to Speedshooters type of people that live here. We can not believe that affirmative(Reagan) action is not in effect here.

BFS Liar :cool:
you dont get in the PO by affirmative action dumbass....you take a civil service exam and they go by your score fuckhead...........

HAHAHA. Yeah and blacks need a score of 35 and the rest of us need 100. All govt jobs are handed out by affirmative action. THINK

if you can prove that i will shut up.....but since you cant....you are looking even more stupid.....
he is the kind of person who cant get a 70% on the CS Exam....and is told...."sorry....maybe next time"....
That is (indirectly) exactly what I think it is. A loser in life who is bitter and resentful so grasping as anything he can to frame it as no fault of his own.

It can't be others are doing better than him because they are smarter or harder working.
he is the kind of person who cant get a 70% on the CS Exam....and is told...."sorry....maybe next time"....
That is (indirectly) exactly what I think it is. A loser in life who is bitter and resentful so grasping as anything he can to frame it as no fault of his own.

It can't be others are doing better than him because they are smarter or harder working.

well you notice he SEEMS to have dropped the thread.....nothing like starting a thread and then running from it....
What do you expect.? Obozo requires the PO to hire every illiterate, drug-crazed, ex-con black that comes thru the door and promise never to fire them!!! Affirmative action is destroying america.

News from The Associated Press

Sep 26, 1:55 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said Thursday the Postal Service had no choice but to ask for an emergency rate hike given the agency's dire finances.

One day after his cash-strapped agency proposed raising the first-class stamp price to 49 cents, Donohoe urged swift action by Congress to overhaul the Postal Service and fix its finances.

The post office expects to lose $6 billion this year. It wants to raise stamp prices by 3 cents next year. The request must be approved by the independent Postal Regulatory Commission.

You are truly an ignorant fuck. And a liar to boot.
Republican congresses forced the current rules on the USPS, not the president.

ShootSpeeders is a liar, simply put. SS knows that the USPS has to fund 75 years of retirement in 15 years, which no other entity in America has to do by law.


Jake....you do realize that 2 of the 4 sponsors of that bill were Democrats.....and the fucking Democrats are doing jack shit to do anything about this situation....you do know that right?....

Harry . . . you do realize two of the four sponsors were Republicans . . . and when the GOP had control of the government they did jack shit about the situation . . . you do know that right?
Republican congresses forced the current rules on the USPS, not the president.

ShootSpeeders is a liar, simply put. SS knows that the USPS has to fund 75 years of retirement in 15 years, which no other entity in America has to do by law.


Jake....you do realize that 2 of the 4 sponsors of that bill were Democrats.....and the fucking Democrats are doing jack shit to do anything about this situation....you do know that right?....

Harry . . . you do realize two of the four sponsors were Republicans . . . and when the GOP had control of the government they did jack shit about the situation . . . you do know that right?

Jake you are putting the blame for this bill on the Republicans......thats being kinda Deanish....the Democrats are just as much to blame for it and are just as much to blame for not doing anything about it....and if you dont believe me go to the Lite Blue website and read some of the comments by postal workers...
There should be a special button to add to the "racism quotient" of certain posters on this message board. ShootSpeeders is consistently repulsive.

HAHAHA. Not very logical are you? So now I"M racist because i oppose affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.
When I was a child, a first class stamp was a nickel. The same price as a candy bar. Today, what candy bar can you get for the price of a first class stamp? Then, the letter took a week or more to cross the nation, and an air mail stamp, at more cost, was required for a more speedy delivery. Today, most of the mail that moves any distance goes by air, at no special cost.

Our Postal Service is a bargain, and most of the people I have had contact with in that business are first class. Just another stupid and meaningless bitch by a 'Conservative'.
There should be a special button to add to the "racism quotient" of certain posters on this message board. ShootSpeeders is consistently repulsive.

HAHAHA. Not very logical are you? So now I"M racist because i oppose affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

You are a racist because you blame your own inadaquacies on those who are in any way differant than you.
When I was a child, a first class stamp was a nickel. The same price as a candy bar. Today, what candy bar can you get for the price of a first class stamp? Then, the letter took a week or more to cross the nation, and an air mail stamp, at more cost, was required for a more speedy delivery. Today, most of the mail that moves any distance goes by air, at no special cost.

Our Postal Service is a bargain, and most of the people I have had contact with in that business are first class. Just another stupid and meaningless bitch by a 'Conservative'.

If the PO is run so well, why is it bankrupt?? THINK
HAHAHA. Not very logical are you? So now I"M racist because i oppose affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

You are a racist because you blame your own inadaquacies on those who are in any way differant than you.

Nope - racism means passing laws that persecute people based on skin color and that's affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites. I'm the anti-racist.
HAHAHA. Not very logical are you? So now I"M racist because i oppose affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america.

You are a racist because you blame your own inadaquacies on those who are in any way differant than you.

Nope - racism means passing laws that persecute people based on skin color and that's affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites. I'm the anti-racist.

:lol:.....yea we can tell.....
When I was a child, a first class stamp was a nickel. The same price as a candy bar. Today, what candy bar can you get for the price of a first class stamp? Then, the letter took a week or more to cross the nation, and an air mail stamp, at more cost, was required for a more speedy delivery. Today, most of the mail that moves any distance goes by air, at no special cost.

Our Postal Service is a bargain, and most of the people I have had contact with in that business are first class. Just another stupid and meaningless bitch by a 'Conservative'.

its not managed to well.....the only reason it does as well as it does is because of those who actually work there and actually move the mail....

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