Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap

There are projections that because of the 2 week extension for those who were partially signed up by 31 Mar, it could go as high as 8 million.

Uh huh.

Meanwhile, i'd like to offer you a good price on a bridge that i'm selling.

Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Team Obama reached out to the three major networks Tuesday, requesting a prime time slot for the president to announce that ObamaCare had achieved 7.1 million enrollees. The administration was rejected by all three.

Obama wanted to celebrate reaching the “7 million threshold,” a number widely disputed. Sources told Buzzfeed that the White House was seeking to “reintroduce” the law in an effort to shake off the negative stigma attached to it.

So the President opted instead for a Rose Garden announcement in the afternoon, and played to a much smaller TV audience than he had hoped. Of course, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a shot at Republicans, as is his habit whenever he touts one of his “successes.”

I have to wonder why? They all support it and him. ::::Scratching head ::::::

Perhaps the network heads know that 15% to 20% of the 7.1 million who signed up have not yet and probably won't pay the premiums. Then again, gloating is not very popular.
Ame®icano;8883193 said:
7.1 million signed up. That's not news. At current pace of 1 million per day we should already have 15 millions enrolled.

Actually, 7 million was the projected number when the ACA kicked off last Nov. in order for it to be viable.

That's called lowering the goal post, bub.
They probably realize everyone by now just tunes him out or OFF

They don't want to lose more money because he believes he's our dictator and thinks he should be seen and heard from 7days a week
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Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Team Obama reached out to the three major networks Tuesday, requesting a prime time slot for the president to announce that ObamaCare had achieved 7.1 million enrollees. The administration was rejected by all three.

Obama wanted to celebrate reaching the “7 million threshold,” a number widely disputed. Sources told Buzzfeed that the White House was seeking to “reintroduce” the law in an effort to shake off the negative stigma attached to it.

So the President opted instead for a Rose Garden announcement in the afternoon, and played to a much smaller TV audience than he had hoped. Of course, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a shot at Republicans, as is his habit whenever he touts one of his “successes.”

I have to wonder why? They all support it and him. ::::Scratching head ::::::

Is this another one of those "Three sources familiar with the request confirmed" anonymous source stories from a right wing rag?


Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Team Obama reached out to the three major networks Tuesday, requesting a prime time slot for the president to announce that ObamaCare had achieved 7.1 million enrollees. The administration was rejected by all three.

Obama wanted to celebrate reaching the “7 million threshold,” a number widely disputed. Sources told Buzzfeed that the White House was seeking to “reintroduce” the law in an effort to shake off the negative stigma attached to it.

So the President opted instead for a Rose Garden announcement in the afternoon, and played to a much smaller TV audience than he had hoped. Of course, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a shot at Republicans, as is his habit whenever he touts one of his “successes.”

I have to wonder why? They all support it and him. ::::Scratching head ::::::

So all the crap about the "Liberal" controlled media is false?

Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Team Obama reached out to the three major networks Tuesday, requesting a prime time slot for the president to announce that ObamaCare had achieved 7.1 million enrollees. The administration was rejected by all three.

Obama wanted to celebrate reaching the “7 million threshold,” a number widely disputed. Sources told Buzzfeed that the White House was seeking to “reintroduce” the law in an effort to shake off the negative stigma attached to it.

So the President opted instead for a Rose Garden announcement in the afternoon, and played to a much smaller TV audience than he had hoped. Of course, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a shot at Republicans, as is his habit whenever he touts one of his “successes.”

I have to wonder why? They all support it and him. ::::Scratching head ::::::

Perhaps the network heads know that 15% to 20% of the 7.1 million who signed up have not yet and probably won't pay the premiums. Then again, gloating is not very popular.

You DO realize that when you file your taxes this year, if you can't prove that you were enrolled by a certain date (15 Apr) this year, with continuous coverage for the rest of the year, you will pay a 95 dollar fine, or 1 percent of your total income (which for a minimum wage worker is around 185.00).

People who enrolled are already paying their premiums. Matter of fact, one of those people who enrolled in November, went to a doctor after coverage started on Jan 1st, and was able to get an MRI under the ACA (she wouldn't have gotten it otherwise, it's too expensive) and was able to get her cancer detected?

And that's just 1 story of the success of the ACA. Obama mentioned her in his speech stating that 7.1 million were already enrolled.

Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Obama Denied Coverage: All 3 Major Networks Refuse To Air ObamaCare ‘Victory’ Lap In Prime Time

Team Obama reached out to the three major networks Tuesday, requesting a prime time slot for the president to announce that ObamaCare had achieved 7.1 million enrollees. The administration was rejected by all three.

Obama wanted to celebrate reaching the “7 million threshold,” a number widely disputed. Sources told Buzzfeed that the White House was seeking to “reintroduce” the law in an effort to shake off the negative stigma attached to it.

So the President opted instead for a Rose Garden announcement in the afternoon, and played to a much smaller TV audience than he had hoped. Of course, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a shot at Republicans, as is his habit whenever he touts one of his “successes.”

I have to wonder why? They all support it and him. ::::Scratching head ::::::

He could have, but does Buzz Feed have actual evidence? I see these stories on right wing blogs and sites, they never have proof and link each other. This same story ran on other sites and they all link Buzz Feed. Then some moron like you posts it on here or Facebook. Why don't you guys like actual proof before you start spreading this around the internet.

Comments about me worshiping Obama and drinking kool aid to follow. When in reality you posted an article with no proof. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I have to wonder why? They all support it and him. ::::Scratching head ::::::

Perhaps the network heads know that 15% to 20% of the 7.1 million who signed up have not yet and probably won't pay the premiums. Then again, gloating is not very popular.

You DO realize that when you file your taxes this year, if you can't prove that you were enrolled by a certain date (15 Apr) this year, with continuous coverage for the rest of the year, you will pay a 95 dollar fine, or 1 percent of your total income (which for a minimum wage worker is around 185.00).

People who enrolled are already paying their premiums. Matter of fact, one of those people who enrolled in November, went to a doctor after coverage started on Jan 1st, and was able to get an MRI under the ACA (she wouldn't have gotten it otherwise, it's too expensive) and was able to get her cancer detected?

And that's just 1 story of the success of the ACA. Obama mentioned her in his speech stating that 7.1 million were already enrolled.

You don't have to prove it. They just asked. I said yes, and that was it.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Perhaps the network heads know that 15% to 20% of the 7.1 million who signed up have not yet and probably won't pay the premiums. Then again, gloating is not very popular.

You DO realize that when you file your taxes this year, if you can't prove that you were enrolled by a certain date (15 Apr) this year, with continuous coverage for the rest of the year, you will pay a 95 dollar fine, or 1 percent of your total income (which for a minimum wage worker is around 185.00).

People who enrolled are already paying their premiums. Matter of fact, one of those people who enrolled in November, went to a doctor after coverage started on Jan 1st, and was able to get an MRI under the ACA (she wouldn't have gotten it otherwise, it's too expensive) and was able to get her cancer detected?

And that's just 1 story of the success of the ACA. Obama mentioned her in his speech stating that 7.1 million were already enrolled.

You don't have to prove it. They just asked. I said yes, and that was it.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I finished doing my taxes and mailed them off yesterday. NOWHERE on the tax form was there any mention of health care. No................you don't need to have coverage for filing LAST YEAR'S (2013) taxes.

However....................on the form for this years (2014)? You can bet there's gonna be a place where you have to prove your insurance by providing your coverage number and who your provider is.

I have to wonder why? They all support it and him. ::::Scratching head ::::::

Perhaps the network heads know that 15% to 20% of the 7.1 million who signed up have not yet and probably won't pay the premiums. Then again, gloating is not very popular.

You DO realize that when you file your taxes this year, if you can't prove that you were enrolled by a certain date (15 Apr) this year, with continuous coverage for the rest of the year, you will pay a 95 dollar fine, or 1 percent of your total income (which for a minimum wage worker is around 185.00).

People who enrolled are already paying their premiums. Matter of fact, one of those people who enrolled in November, went to a doctor after coverage started on Jan 1st, and was able to get an MRI under the ACA (she wouldn't have gotten it otherwise, it's too expensive) and was able to get her cancer detected?

And that's just 1 story of the success of the ACA. Obama mentioned her in his speech stating that 7.1 million were already enrolled.

I filed my taxes and there was NO question about proving I had health insurance.
Actually, 7 million was the projected number when the ACA kicked off last Nov. in order for it to be viable.

If they are all paying full price,we don't know if the 7 mill are visitors to the site,fully signed up and paid,or any combination there of. If those 7 mill are all heavily subsided,then where the hell does it leave this turd??

Actually, the 7.1 million figure is for those who are already fully signed up.

There are projections that because of the 2 week extension for those who were partially signed up by 31 Mar, it could go as high as 8 million.

Did you get that info from the same people that touted" if you like your current plan, you can keep it, period." ?..........:eusa_whistle:
7 million - the 4 million that lost their insurance = 3 million.

45 million uninsured Americans - 3 million actual signups = 42 million to go.

Good job Obama! Good job.

Except they didn't permanent "lose" their insurance.

Repeating lies just makes you a liar.
well how lovely

they didn't permanently lose their insurance

oh no, they were FORCED by Obama and his comrades in arms to PURCHASE new policies from his insurance scam, or go without and get FINED by your Master leader President and all his new IRS agents

what damn country are we living in?

frikken sick you people who cheer this crap
7 million - the 4 million that lost their insurance = 3 million.

45 million uninsured Americans - 3 million actual signups = 42 million to go.

Good job Obama! Good job.

Except they didn't permanent "lose" their insurance.

Repeating lies just makes you a liar.

He didn't say permanent, you did. However, those people did permanently lose the plans they were currently on.

So to recap, you had to put words in someone else's mouth in a feeble attempt to call them a liar. In typical fashion though, you end up being the liar. Defending this abomination is making you clowns more batshit crazy by the minute...... :thup:
That is incorrect, the current insurance plan these people were on and liked is permanently gone.........

I know that...I was quoting the Obama cult member Sallow

That is correct, sallow is a member of the Obama cult.......

It's scary to see this "cultish" following of a man who is President...
like the title of his other thread makes me sick...It's a good day for Obama
not a good day for us and our country, no it's a good wonderful day for his Master Obama

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