Obama Destroyed Europe: Are we next?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
No matter how you spin it, Obama's intervention in Libya resulted in the massive Muslim invasion that is overwhelming Europe. Was this one of the greatest blunders in history or part of his design to bring former colonial powers to their knees?

And what about his resentment of White America? Is there any doubt that, during his Presidency, race relations plummeted? Or that his dismal economic recovery was the only reason our porous southern border wasn't overwhelmed (until now)?

When elected, he pledged to transform America. Has he succeeded? Will we follow Europe down the road to destruction?
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I don't know if that is the greatest plunder or the fact that Obama got the peace prize while dropping more bombs than any other president in the entire history of the galaxy.

Send it to Trump, he did the Peace Landing, while Obama pressed some buttons shivering at home.
No matter how you spin it, Obama's intervention in Libya resulted the massive Muslim invasion that is overwhelming Europe. Was this one of the greatest blunders in history or part of his design to bring former colonial powers to their knees?

And what about his resentment of White America? Is there any doubt that, during his Presidency, race relations plummeted? Or that his dismal economic recovery was the only reason our porous southern border wasn't overwhelmed (until now)?

When elected, he pledged to transform America. Has he succeeded? Will we follow Europe down the road to destruction?

The European mass human wave migration from AFRICOM is/was caused by a number of factors. Some might argue it began with the invasion of Iraq in 2003, worsened due to Obama's almost personal drone war on Africa and the Middle East and became a sure thing after ISIS was created and funded by a certain superpower, and as you've already mentioned, the fall of Gaddafi. Additionally, the "right" national leaders had to be elected, primarily in France, the UK and Scandinavian nations, with Spain and Italy close second bricks in that crumbling Western European wall. And at the heart of it all? What else but postmodernism? The postmodernists rise to power enable leaders of those nations to make voters and citizens feel guilty for their history by revising it to fit their ideology, and for the color of their skin and their belief in Christianity. The postmodernists realized they could never successfully gain majority support for extreme abortion, transgender madness, homosexual normalization and drastic climate change reform among white Christian Europeans, so they installed the necessary national leaders and caused the flood of immigration to change their nations' demographic and replace their generational cultures with new one. Not exactly the first time in history waves of immigrants have been weaponized and surely not the last.

True enough, the same thing is happening here in America. The only key difference from the European version? Here in America generational American Citizens still hold the vast majority of electable political offices (save for California and maybe Washington State) where in Europe Muslims for instance have seized power over major seats of political power. The motivation is the same here in America for the weaponized human wave immigration, it's just taking longer to break our backs because Americans are fucking much stronger people, culturally, than Europeans . . . no offense intended. But if our course does not drastically change and very soon then yeah, we'll be bowing down to the same hostile cultures as our lads across the pond.
As much as I detest Obamaggot and would LOVE to blame him for it, it's a fact that Europeans were sucking muslim cock decades before Typhoid Barry came to power. Why? Because Islam is the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating hate ideology in history and it's an historical fact that Eurotrash has never met a Jew-killer on whom they wouldn't perform a blowjob AND rimjob. Nearly 20 centuries of history has proven that! That's a demonstrable FACT, not my opinion.
No matter how you spin it, Obama's intervention in Libya resulted in the massive Muslim invasion that is overwhelming Europe. Was this one of the greatest blunders in history or part of his design to bring former colonial powers to their knees?

And what about his resentment of White America? Is there any doubt that, during his Presidency, race relations plummeted? Or that his dismal economic recovery was the only reason our porous southern border wasn't overwhelmed (until now)?

When elected, he pledged to transform America. Has he succeeded? Will we follow Europe down the road to destruction?

Gaddhafi's ouster has next to nothing to do with the refugee streams, which are not overwhelming Europe. The current century's biggest blunder in foreign policy, the criminal invasion of Iraq, along with the destabilization of Syria because of it, constitutes a far bigger cause for the migration during the past decade.

Race relations plummeted because of the widespread and steadily radicalizing resentment toward a Black, Democratic President.

Yes, he transformed America from a failing economy into one with better health care and on a steady growth path, which continues to this day, despite the currently ruling goon's best efforts to remedy that.

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