Obama Did Not Inherit a Mess, But a Great Opportunity--Which He Wasted

If losing 700,000 jobs a month, and GDP at minus 6%, just for starters, isn't a mess,

what is? How much worse would that have to be to be a mess?



We didn't lose those kind on jobs until Obama became President Elect.

A Marxist POTUS freaked out our business owners - and they rolled up the carpet.

They don't call it 'smart money' for nothing, do they?


Oh look a new myth.

You have no response.

Meme destroyed.

If losing 700,000 jobs a month, and GDP at minus 6%, just for starters, isn't a mess,

what is? How much worse would that have to be to be a mess?

So I guess 'stunned silence' is the answer?


lol, we would have also accepted 'unintelligible grumbling'.


We didn't lose those kind on jobs until Obama became President Elect.

A Marxist POTUS freaked out our business owners - and they rolled up the carpet.

They don't call it 'smart money' for nothing, do they?


Oh look a new myth.

You have no response.

Meme destroyed.


You didn't answer the question, because you couldn't. Posting some irrelevant deflection that contained no substance doesn't require a response.
Thanks for the DEPRESSION and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction, Pubs and silly dupes.

Assume the position. The battleground states have heard about Pubs'/Romney's BS if idiot Red states and this forum's nutters haven't.

Mr Obama had a democrat controlled house and senate for his first two years in office. It's only been the last 1.5 years that things have gotten any better, albeit anemically.


We didn't lose those kind on jobs until Obama became President Elect.

A Marxist POTUS freaked out our business owners - and they rolled up the carpet.

They don't call it 'smart money' for nothing, do they?


Let's look at the Big Picture:
If Romney/Ryan win next month do I expect the sluggish recovery to turn into a barn-burner recovery within a few months after they have been sworn in?
No and neither does anyone else, no matter their ideology.

Non sequitur. Business owners scared shitless that a Marxist just won the Presidency can chop jobs INSTANTLY.

And they did.

Much easier - and faster - to close down than to rebuild.

I'm no fan of Obama but I'm also not a fan of the ignorance of people who obviously have no clue about what Marxism/Socialism really is.
Some business owners seem to want something for nothing. They don't want to pay for the infrastructure they use. They don't want to pay taxes in the country that gave them the opportunity to be successful
They know the GOP will give them the free ride that they have been clamoring for at the expense of others.
I'm fully employed and I also own a small business on the side. I have no problem paying taxes for the opportunity that enables me to pad my income. But then I love America and appreciate the opportunity this country has given me.
"Something for nothing and tricks for free" isn't healthy.
Thanks for the DEPRESSION and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction, Pubs and silly dupes.

Assume the position. The battleground states have heard about Pubs'/Romney's BS if idiot Red states and this forum's nutters haven't.

Mr Obama had a democrat controlled house and senate for his first two years in office. It's only been the last 1.5 years that things have gotten any better, albeit anemically.

Well the way I look at it is that if your comment is true about the GOP not having the numbers to be able to do anything, how come some folks keep pointing at Dodd and Frank as being the responsible parties for blocking any reform ala Fannie Maw and Freddie Mac? It's the same scenario. The Dems must be smarter than the GOP then? I don't think so at all.
If losing 700,000 jobs a month, and GDP at minus 6%, just for starters, isn't a mess,

what is? How much worse would that have to be to be a mess?

What we have now is a mess. The recession did not do it, the policies of this administration created the mess.

An economy comes out of a deep recession at the same rate that it comes out of a shallow one. Unless, of course, dumbass politicians keep throwing monkey wrenches into the recovery.
The country was never more propsperous than when Obama took over. Then bingo, GM starts to fail, and jobs are lost all in a 24 hour period. But I stand corrected the nation was more prosperous when FDR took over. Strange how history get things all screwed up, next people will be saying we won WWII.
If losing 700,000 jobs a month, and GDP at minus 6%, just for starters, isn't a mess,

what is? How much worse would that have to be to be a mess?

What we have now is a mess. The recession did not do it, the policies of this administration created the mess.

An economy comes out of a deep recession at the same rate that it comes out of a shallow one. Unless, of course, dumbass politicians keep throwing monkey wrenches into the recovery.

Really? Got something to back that statement up?
Thanks for the DEPRESSION and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction, Pubs and silly dupes.

Assume the position. The battleground states have heard about Pubs'/Romney's BS if idiot Red states and this forum's nutters haven't.

Mr Obama had a democrat controlled house and senate for his first two years in office. It's only been the last 1.5 years that things have gotten any better, albeit anemically.

Well the way I look at it is that if your comment is true about the GOP not having the numbers to be able to do anything, how come some folks keep pointing at Dodd and Frank as being the responsible parties for blocking any reform ala Fannie Maw and Freddie Mac? It's the same scenario. The Dems must be smarter than the GOP then? I don't think so at all.

Dodd-Frank was a kneejerk reaction to a congress created problem.
It's the same scenario, politicians create a problem, then claim they are the solution to the problem they created.
Let's look at the Big Picture:
If Romney/Ryan win next month do I expect the sluggish recovery to turn into a barn-burner recovery within a few months after they have been sworn in?
No and neither does anyone else, no matter their ideology.

Non sequitur. Business owners scared shitless that a Marxist just won the Presidency can chop jobs INSTANTLY.

And they did.

Much easier - and faster - to close down than to rebuild.

I'm no fan of Obama but I'm also not a fan of the ignorance of people who obviously have no clue about what Marxism/Socialism really is.
Some business owners seem to want something for nothing. They don't want to pay for the infrastructure they use. They don't want to pay taxes in the country that gave them the opportunity to be successful
They know the GOP will give them the free ride that they have been clamoring for at the expense of others.

I'm fully employed and I also own a small business on the side. I have no problem paying taxes for the opportunity that enables me to pad my income. But then I love America and appreciate the opportunity this country has given me.
"Something for nothing and tricks for free" isn't healthy.

You need more than empty Libtard rhetoric to convince me.

If losing 700,000 jobs a month, and GDP at minus 6%, just for starters, isn't a mess,

what is? How much worse would that have to be to be a mess?

What we have now is a mess. The recession did not do it, the policies of this administration created the mess.

An economy comes out of a deep recession at the same rate that it comes out of a shallow one. Unless, of course, dumbass politicians keep throwing monkey wrenches into the recovery.

Say, I found this article in the conservative The Economist. It's a interesting read.
Economist - Is the slow recovery unusual?
Non sequitur. Business owners scared shitless that a Marxist just won the Presidency can chop jobs INSTANTLY.

And they did.

Much easier - and faster - to close down than to rebuild.

I'm no fan of Obama but I'm also not a fan of the ignorance of people who obviously have no clue about what Marxism/Socialism really is.
Some business owners seem to want something for nothing. They don't want to pay for the infrastructure they use. They don't want to pay taxes in the country that gave them the opportunity to be successful
They know the GOP will give them the free ride that they have been clamoring for at the expense of others.

I'm fully employed and I also own a small business on the side. I have no problem paying taxes for the opportunity that enables me to pad my income. But then I love America and appreciate the opportunity this country has given me.
"Something for nothing and tricks for free" isn't healthy.

You need more than empty Libtard rhetoric to convince me.


I guess you don't pay attention to the rhetoric you spout. :D
Also, unlike you, I am not a goose-stepper to any ideology and specifically not yours, so that makes me a "Libtard? You have such a narrow mind.
I'm no fan of Obama but I'm also not a fan of the ignorance of people who obviously have no clue about what Marxism/Socialism really is.
Some business owners seem to want something for nothing. They don't want to pay for the infrastructure they use. They don't want to pay taxes in the country that gave them the opportunity to be successful
They know the GOP will give them the free ride that they have been clamoring for at the expense of others.

I'm fully employed and I also own a small business on the side. I have no problem paying taxes for the opportunity that enables me to pad my income. But then I love America and appreciate the opportunity this country has given me.
"Something for nothing and tricks for free" isn't healthy.

You need more than empty Libtard rhetoric to convince me.


I guess you don't pay attention to the rhetoric you spout. :D
Also, unlike you, I am not a goose-stepper to any ideology and specifically not yours, so that makes me a "Libtard? You have such a narrow mind.

You aren't the first Libtard on a message board who doesn't like to admit to being a Libtard, you know.

If losing 700,000 jobs a month, and GDP at minus 6%, just for starters, isn't a mess,

what is? How much worse would that have to be to be a mess?



We didn't lose those kind on jobs until Obama became President Elect.

A Marxist POTUS freaked out our business owners - and they rolled up the carpet.

They don't call it 'smart money' for nothing, do they?


If that weren't nonsense then you shouldn't have any problem naming for us a few dozen businesses who had massive layoffs,

and their stated reason was, Obama won the election.

So let's hear it.
If losing 700,000 jobs a month, and GDP at minus 6%, just for starters, isn't a mess,

what is? How much worse would that have to be to be a mess?

What we have now is a mess. The recession did not do it, the policies of this administration created the mess.

An economy comes out of a deep recession at the same rate that it comes out of a shallow one. Unless, of course, dumbass politicians keep throwing monkey wrenches into the recovery.

Currrently: Job growth positive, GDP growth positive, housing situation improving: A mess.

Jan. 2009: Job growth collapsing, GDP growth negative, housing situation disastorous: Not a mess.

You're a real genius.
Thanks for the DEPRESSION and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction, Pubs and silly dupes.

Assume the position. The battleground states have heard about Pubs'/Romney's BS if idiot Red states and this forum's nutters haven't.

Mr Obama had a democrat controlled house and senate for his first two years in office. It's only been the last 1.5 years that things have gotten any better, albeit anemically.

Job losses around 700,000 a month and GDP negative in the period around Jan. 2009,

and you say things never got better until July of 2010?

Are you guys doing that 'let's bug the libs by all acting stupid' things that conservative trolls like to do?
Obama, who never ran so much as a lemonade stand in his life, was created by the media and given the hardest executive job in the World.

And we are surprised he shit all over himself?

We told you so.
You need more than empty Libtard rhetoric to convince me.


I guess you don't pay attention to the rhetoric you spout. :D
Also, unlike you, I am not a goose-stepper to any ideology and specifically not yours, so that makes me a "Libtard? You have such a narrow mind.

You aren't the first Libtard on a message board who doesn't like to admit to being a Libtard, you know.


Oh I know there are those who claim not to be liberals. But my posts clearly show that I am what I say I am.
An Example? Post 8
If losing 700,000 jobs a month, and GDP at minus 6%, just for starters, isn't a mess,

what is? How much worse would that have to be to be a mess?



We didn't lose those kind on jobs until Obama became President Elect.

A Marxist POTUS freaked out our business owners - and they rolled up the carpet.

They don't call it 'smart money' for nothing, do they?


If that weren't nonsense then you shouldn't have any problem naming for us a few dozen businesses who had massive layoffs,

and their stated reason was, Obama won the election.

So let's hear it.

dude. Nobody dared be publicly critical of the Nation's first black POTUS.

The media still won't even dare.

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