Obama Did Not Inherit a Mess, But a Great Opportunity--Which He Wasted

Thanks for the DEPRESSION and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction, Pubs and silly dupes.

Assume the position. The battleground states have heard about Pubs'/Romney's BS if idiot Red states and this forum's nutters haven't.

Mr Obama had a democrat controlled house and senate for his first two years in office. It's only been the last 1.5 years that things have gotten any better, albeit anemically.

Job losses around 700,000 a month and GDP negative in the period around Jan. 2009,

and you say things never got better until July of 2010?

Are you guys doing that 'let's bug the libs by all acting stupid' things that conservative trolls like to do?

Thanks for understanding the difference between the congress of 2008 and the congress of 2010.
I guess you don't pay attention to the rhetoric you spout. :D
Also, unlike you, I am not a goose-stepper to any ideology and specifically not yours, so that makes me a "Libtard? You have such a narrow mind.

You aren't the first Libtard on a message board who doesn't like to admit to being a Libtard, you know.


Oh I know there are those who claim not to be liberals. But my posts clearly show that I am what I say I am.
An Example? Post 8

In the Congressional hearings, Charolette Lamb specifically stated that funding had nothing to do with it. Obama wanted to reduce the security footprint in Lybia for apprearances purposes.

If you weren't such a vapid partisan, you would see the truth.
Thanks for the DEPRESSION and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction, Pubs and silly dupes.

Assume the position. The battleground states have heard about Pubs'/Romney's BS if idiot Red states and this forum's nutters haven't.

Mr Obama had a democrat controlled house and senate for his first two years in office. It's only been the last 1.5 years that things have gotten any better, albeit anemically.

Job losses around 700,000 a month and GDP negative in the period around Jan. 2009,

and you say things never got better until July of 2010?

Are you guys doing that 'let's bug the libs by all acting stupid' things that conservative trolls like to do?

The smart money saw we had elected a Marxist as POTUS to be the bookmark to fellow business haters Pelosi and Reid.

So they dumped employees, closed up shop and headed for the hills until the clear and present danger of the Obama regime is no more.

They don't call it 'smart money' for nuthin.
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Obama Did Not Inherit a Mess, But a Great Opportunity--Which He Wasted​


No, it really was a mess. 500,000 jobs a month being lost, the stock market losing half its value, home prices crashing.

Looks like Romney isn't the only one suffering from "Romnesia".
"ROMNESIA" rates right up there with "Don't end it, mend it", "If the glove don't fit you must acquit" and other catch phrases thought up by simple-minded fools, in order to play up to even more simple minded fools.


We didn't lose those kind on jobs until Obama became President Elect.

A Marxist POTUS freaked out our business owners - and they rolled up the carpet.

They don't call it 'smart money' for nothing, do they?


If that weren't nonsense then you shouldn't have any problem naming for us a few dozen businesses who had massive layoffs,

and their stated reason was, Obama won the election.

So let's hear it.

dude. Nobody dared be publicly critical of the Nation's first black POTUS.

The media still won't even dare.

So in other words you just made it up to be a shit. Okay, that's why I accurately labeled it a myth,

although one could argue that at least a real myth has some shred of believability to it.
Obama Did Not Inherit a Mess, But a Great Opportunity--Which He Wasted​

by Joel B. Pollak
Obama Did Not Inherit a Mess, But a Great Opportunity--Which He Wasted

21 Oct 2012

President Barack Obama has often lamented that he “inherited” a mess from George. W. Bush. His opponents acknowledge that, but argue that Obama made the situation worse. “Did they come in and inherit a tough situation? Absolutely. But we’re going in the wrong direction!” Ryan said during the Vice Presidential debate on Oct. 11.

The truth, however, is otherwise: Obama inherited a fantastic set of political circumstances.

The economy was near the trough of the recession, and would likely have rebounded quickly, had Obama not intervened with radical new policies such as Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. Even allowing for the (disputed) argument that financial collapses lead to slower, longer recoveries, it is likely that the economy would have rebounded far more quickly had Obama not created new uncertainty, new business costs, and new debt.

The controversial bailouts--the Troubled Asset Relief Program and the auto bailout--were already under way, with the former passing Congress with bipartisan majorities and the latter initiated by Bush when Congress rejected it. Both of these massive expenditures, which also gave the government unprecedented economic control, could have been fodder for intense opposition under Obama--but he was spared the task.

On the war front, the Bush “surge” in Iraq--which Obama had opposed vigorously--had been a success, enabling Obama to devote more attention and resources to securing gains in Afghanistan. The key intelligence that would later be critical to locating Osama bin Laden had already been gathered, thanks to the capture in Iraq of Hassan Ghul and the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed--which Obama had also opposed.

There was little, in fact, that Obama needed to do, other than that which ought to have come naturally to any new President: focus on the economy, with small adjustments to regulations, perhaps a few interventions (Obama’s original stimulus proposal was $50 billion), and maybe some appropriate prosecutions (which, curiously, never happened).

With the economy on the rebound, Obama would likely have coasted to re-election, and he could have used his second term to attempt more ambitious, transformative plans.

But Obama refused. He and his advisers chose to seize the crisis to implement radical changes, while his Democratic allies helped themselves to massive helpings of pork. The ill-fated stimulus of February 2009 rallied the opposition; the Obamacare push only galvanized it; and the 2010 midterm elections halted Obama’s transformative plans.

President Obama had a second chance--many second chances, in fact. He could have done what Bill Clinton did after his party lost control of Congress in 1994, and moved toward the center. He could have brokered a “grand bargain” with Republicans to cut the deficit and the national debt, much as Clinton had done in 1996 with welfare reform. But Obama refused, doubling down on “change” and causing the debt deal to collapse.

This is so fucking delusional it's not funny.

They loved us in Iraq. They even gave Bush "shoes".


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Mr Obama had a democrat controlled house and senate for his first two years in office. It's only been the last 1.5 years that things have gotten any better, albeit anemically.

Job losses around 700,000 a month and GDP negative in the period around Jan. 2009,

and you say things never got better until July of 2010?

Are you guys doing that 'let's bug the libs by all acting stupid' things that conservative trolls like to do?

The smart money saw we had elected a Marxist as POTUS to be the bookmark to fellow business haters Pelosi and Reid.

So they dumped employees, closed up shop and headed for the hills until the clear and present danger of the Obama regime is no more.

They don't call it 'smart money' for nuthin.

So the SP500 going from 683 in March 2009 to 1433 currently is sign of what?

Entertain us with some more malarkey.
You aren't the first Libtard on a message board who doesn't like to admit to being a Libtard, you know.


Oh I know there are those who claim not to be liberals. But my posts clearly show that I am what I say I am.
An Example? Post 8

In the Congressional hearings, Charolette Lamb specifically stated that funding had nothing to do with it. Obama wanted to reduce the security footprint in Lybia for apprearances purposes.

If you weren't such a vapid partisan, you would see the truth.

Not surprisingly, you have an issue with reading comprehension, I guess that's why you don't have a job.

Sallow, the author of the post was trying to blame the GOP for the lack of security that led to the killing of 4 Americans because they cut funding.

So my reply to his post was the following:
Seriously,,,,the Obama Administration screwed up. It is true the the GOP has been trying to cut embassy security the last few years for some very lame reasons, but this falls squarely on Obama & gang.

As anyone with a reading comprehension of say, a 5th grader would understand from my post. A, I put the blame on Obama (twice) and B, I noted (which is true) that the GOP did try to cut funding for embassy security, but it still fell on Obama's

Your problem is that you are such a narrow-minded and blind political hack you don't have the intellectual ability to fucking read something as it was clearly meant to say.
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Yeah yeah, that's the ticket. He missed.....yeah he missed, an opportunity.

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