Obama DOJ ignored State Dept Decision of Biden Conflict of Interest


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
State Dept. official flagged Hunter Biden's 'conflict of interest' in Ukraine, testimony shows

"George Kent, a career official at the State Department, told House investigators conducting the impeachment inquiry against President Trump that he raised concerns about Hunter Biden's lucrative service on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company -- but was told that it wasn't appropriate to discuss the matter because of the health struggles of Biden's eldest son, Beau."


You can't bring up the fact that Hunter Biden working for a notorious criminal Ukranian with ties to Putin being a Conflict of Interest because of the health issues of the VP's other son?!


So if you are the a DEMOCRAT VP and have an ill son you can get away with extorting a foreign leader and your other son working for foreign criminals seeking favors from you & your administration....

Got it.
To anyone NOT a Trump-hating, coup-participating Democrat or traitor-supporting snowflake it is obvious that...

'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' was a coup attempt partially run to distract from and protect Hillary from being identified. Indicted, and charged for illegally colluding with / purchasing Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy working for Obama's FBI...


'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine's was / is in part being run to distract from and protect VP Biden from the Biden's conflict if interest and Joe's video-taped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM to protect his son.
To anyone NOT a Trump-hating, coup-participating Democrat or traitor-supporting snowflake it is obvious that...

'Collusion Delusion 1.0: Russia' was a coup attempt partially run to distract from and protect Hillary from being identified. Indicted, and charged for illegally colluding with / purchasing Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy working for Obama's FBI...


'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine's was / is in part being run to distract from and protect VP Biden from the Biden's conflict if interest and Joe's video-taped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM to protect his son.
I think it's distracting from far, far more than just the Bidens....That one I'd give odds on.
Ever wonder why Dems are making a big deal of military aid being delayed but delivered to Ukraine by the Trump administration yet never mention how Barry and Joe refused to provide military aid and refused to allow military weapons sales to Ukraine to protect themselves from Putin's pending invasion and annexation of Crimea?!

In 2012 Barry told Medvedev to pass on to Vlad he would be more flexible after re-election...2 years later Barry withholds military aid to Ukraine, making Vlad's invasion a lot easier.

Meanwhile Biden extorts the Ukraine PM into firing their top prosecutor who says he was just about to call Hunter Biden to testify in his corruption case against the notorious Ukraine criminal and his corrupt energy company Hunter worked for. The Ukrainian criminal and his energy company stood to gain from Russia taking Crimea, solidifying its chokehold on European energy dependence. The Ukrainian criminal was known to have worked with Putin before ... And company reps were showing up at the State Dept demanding a meeting with the State Dept's #3 man to request US pressure be put on Ukraine to stop the investigation of their company because Biden's son was on their Board of Directors.
- The State Dept has testified they saw Hunter's position with this company & Biden's new role as Obama's Top Ukraine Point Man as a Conflict of Interest they were not allowed to bring up.

'nothing to see here - move along'
-- Every Democrat, the MSM, & snowflakes
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