Obama draws a red line in Syria then runs away

Like we waited for a response in Benghazi?



Please, Benghazi is a totally different situation. Don't even go there.

Syria is a country with an effective military. We can't just make a couple of targeted airstrikes and fly a Mission Accomplished banner. We'll have to put 'boots on the ground'. Are you willing to pay for it? Are you willing to take the chance that these reports of chemical weapons are accurate? Yes? Well, thankfully, you're not in charge.

Syria has an effective military? Compared to what? The boy scouts?

Who the fuck are you? This is serious business; not some macho look-whose-dick-is-bigger-fest. Get off your lazy ass and volunteer for military service if you think it's no big deal to invade a nation with a mechanized army and an airforce.
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That's some fantastic implementation of foreign policy.

Wonder what Iran is thinking right now?

The line in the sand was in regard to Syria using chemical weapons against its citizens. As far as I know, there is no verifiable proof that Syria has done so.

He's being cautious. Something that Bush should have done. Do you want another Iraq on our hands?

Be patient and wait for the evidence to come in -- if it even exists. Save your war drum beating for that day.

Excellent points, plus I don't think that either Assad or the "rebels" are our friends or will be Our friends in the future, in fact they are both most likely Our enemies, so why not let them off each other for a while. Less for us to deal with in the future.

Please, Benghazi is a totally different situation. Don't even go there.

Syria is a country with an effective military. We can't just make a couple of targeted airstrikes and fly a Mission Accomplished banner. We'll have to put 'boots on the ground'. Are you willing to pay for it? Are you willing to take the chance that these reports of chemical weapons are accurate? Yes? Well, thankfully, you're not in charge.

Syria has an effective military? Compared to what? The boy scouts?

Who the fuck are you? This is serious business; not some macho look-whose-dick-is-bigger-fest. Get off your lazy ass and volunteer for military service if you think it's no big deal to invade a nation with a mechanized army and an airforce.

You just don't get it. OBAMA was the one who threw down the fucking gauntlet. He pulled out HIS dick and said this far and no further. If he didn't have the capability to determine if or when the damn line was crossed he should have kept his mouth shut.

Credibility is a HUGE issue on the national stage. Just ask NK if you don't believe me.
He should either stop drawing lines in the sand or follow through with his promise to do something about it.
Now he looks even weaker. Which I was sure wasn't possible.
Live and learn I guess.

Who cares if Syria thinks he looks weaker? They are still getting dealt with by Our proxy Israel. Secondly, I would prefer him to err on the side of caution instead of getting us into another cluster fuck over WMD'S. Many people have, much to their own peril, thought that we were "weak"...............

When dealing with Israel, I am always left wondering just who is the proxy.

LOL, funny and true!
That's some fantastic implementation of foreign policy.

Wonder what Iran is thinking right now?

The line in the sand was in regard to Syria using chemical weapons against its citizens. As far as I know, there is no verifiable proof that Syria has done so.

He's being cautious. Something that Bush should have done. Do you want another Iraq on our hands?

Be patient and wait for the evidence to come in -- if it even exists. Save your war drum beating for that day.

Excellent points, plus I don't think that either Assad or the "rebels" are our friends or will be Our friends in the future, in fact they are both most likely Our enemies, so why not let them off each other for a while. Less for us to deal with in the future.

I agree with you there but there are three things to consider.

1. Civillians are dying in the 10's of thousands
2. We MUST control the chemicals if the regime falls least they wind up on our shores.
3. Obama must not make threats if he has no intention of making good on them.
I believe as POTUS if you are going to make threats you damn sure better be prepared to back up your rhetoric.

This type of meandering led us to where we are with NK.

We have been through things with NK for decades now. Do you think he should have followed through with that "red line" and deployed troops into Syria?

Why does everyone always assume that troops on the ground are our only weapons and deterrents?

See Iraq, A'stan, Serbia, etc. It usually starts with "advisers"..............
US, UK and France training Syrian rebels in Jordan - reports ? RT News
That's some fantastic implementation of foreign policy.

Wonder what Iran is thinking right now?

The line in the sand was in regard to Syria using chemical weapons against its citizens. As far as I know, there is no verifiable proof that Syria has done so.

He's being cautious. Something that Bush should have done. Do you want another Iraq on our hands?

Be patient and wait for the evidence to come in -- if it even exists. Save your war drum beating for that day.

Like we waited for a response in Benghazi?


That's apples and oranges.
Obama has to be most coordinated, well balanced president of the modern age ...he can draw a line in the sand with his finger while simultaneously erasing it with his foot.
Obama Aide On Syria's Assad: 'If He Drops Sarin On His Own People, What’s That Got Do Do With Us?'
“How can we attack another country unless it’s in self-defense and with no Security Council resolution?” an unnamed Obama administration official tells the paper. “If he drops sarin on his own people, what’s that got to do with us?”

Obama Aide On Syria's Assad: 'If He Drops Sarin On His Own People, What?s That Got Do Do With Us?' | The Weekly Standard

I have to agree here. Not our fight.
Who cares if Syria thinks he looks weaker? They are still getting dealt with by Our proxy Israel. Secondly, I would prefer him to err on the side of caution instead of getting us into another cluster fuck over WMD'S. Many people have, much to their own peril, thought that we were "weak"...............

So the rest of the world doesn't have the internet or news casts?
I had no idea we were the only one.
Dont make threats if you dont plan on following through with them. Kind of like the boy who cried wolf. After awhile no one's going to believe you.

Gramps, what don't you get? The red line was in regard to chemical weapons. There is no verifiable proof that chem weapons have been used. This isn't the wild west. This is serious international business.

Ask Bin Laden about Obama following through on plans.

Yeah obama knew where laden was for nine months. Then he was forced to make the call.
We have been through things with NK for decades now. Do you think he should have followed through with that "red line" and deployed troops into Syria?

Why does everyone always assume that troops on the ground are our only weapons and deterrents?

See Iraq, A'stan, Serbia, etc. It usually starts with "advisers"..............
US, UK and France training Syrian rebels in Jordan - reports ? RT News

While I wasn't sure if Lybia was something to support or not I gave obama credit for the way he handled it Militarily when it started. The same could be said for this situation if he wasn't so busy stepping on his own toes.
He should either stop drawing lines in the sand or follow through with his promise to do something about it.
Now he looks even weaker. Which I was sure wasn't possible.
Live and learn I guess.

Who cares if Syria thinks he looks weaker? They are still getting dealt with by Our proxy Israel. Secondly, I would prefer him to err on the side of caution instead of getting us into another cluster fuck over WMD'S. Many people have, much to their own peril, thought that we were "weak"...............

So the rest of the world doesn't have the internet or news casts?
I had no idea we were the only one.
Dont make threats if you dont plan on following through with them. Kind of like the boy who cried wolf. After awhile no one's going to believe you.

Talking is his strong point, not action. I wouldn't expect anything else from this president.
I think the rest of the world knows that, too, so no one will take him seriously.
The line in the sand was in regard to Syria using chemical weapons against its citizens. As far as I know, there is no verifiable proof that Syria has done so.

He's being cautious. Something that Bush should have done. Do you want another Iraq on our hands?

Be patient and wait for the evidence to come in -- if it even exists. Save your war drum beating for that day.

Excellent points, plus I don't think that either Assad or the "rebels" are our friends or will be Our friends in the future, in fact they are both most likely Our enemies, so why not let them off each other for a while. Less for us to deal with in the future.

I agree with you there but there are three things to consider.

1. Civillians are dying in the 10's of thousands
2. We MUST control the chemicals if the regime falls least they wind up on our shores.
3. Obama must not make threats if he has no intention of making good on them.

I agree that it's bad regarding the civilians. I think that we should let the UN handle it and let troops from countries other than Ours have some "skin in the game".

I agree that we should use intel and Spec Ops to monitor and secure those items if and when the regime falls.

I am ignorant of the exact context of this alleged "red line" President Obama mentioned.
Obama draws a red line in Syria then runs away

Did you want him to drop the bomb on the first reports, before they are confirmed?

And are you willing to borrow more from China to finance the next war?
Grampa conveniently sidesteps this post. :lol:

I've been pretty clear for MONTHS now. Bomb the military facilities as necessary and institute a no-fly zone to protect the civillians.

Syria has an effective military? Compared to what? The boy scouts?

Who the fuck are you? This is serious business; not some macho look-whose-dick-is-bigger-fest. Get off your lazy ass and volunteer for military service if you think it's no big deal to invade a nation with a mechanized army and an airforce.

You just don't get it. OBAMA was the one who threw down the fucking gauntlet. He pulled out HIS dick and said this far and no further. If he didn't have the capability to determine if or when the damn line was crossed he should have kept his mouth shut.

Credibility is a HUGE issue on the national stage. Just ask NK if you don't believe me.

He drew the line at CHEMICAL WEAPONS. There is no proof that Syria has used CHEMICAL WEAPONS. Get it?
So the rest of the world doesn't have the internet or news casts?
I had no idea we were the only one.
Dont make threats if you dont plan on following through with them. Kind of like the boy who cried wolf. After awhile no one's going to believe you.

Gramps, what don't you get? The red line was in regard to chemical weapons. There is no verifiable proof that chem weapons have been used. This isn't the wild west. This is serious international business.

Ask Bin Laden about Obama following through on plans.

Yeah obama knew where laden was for nine months. Then he was forced to make the call.

You're full of shit. Go play in your sand box.

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