Obama Election Good for White Nationalism

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Hope so.

The Occidental Quarterly

The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States is a good thing for white nationalism.

Whites will regain control over our nation and our destiny only when we have a change of consciousness. First, we must again think of ourselves as a distinct ethnic group with distinct interests—interests that often conflict with those of other ethnic groups. Second, we must again believe that we are entitled—nay, obligated—to take our own side when our interests conflict with those of other groups.

Currently white identity and interests have been suppressed by the ideologies of universalism, multiculturalism, and white guilt. White consciousness and pride still exist, of course, but have been driven into the subconscious mind. Our race is a sleeping giant. The task of white nationalism is to waken it. And Barack Obama can only help us.
Hope so.

The Occidental Quarterly

The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States is a good thing for white nationalism.

Whites will regain control over our nation and our destiny only when we have a change of consciousness. First, we must again think of ourselves as a distinct ethnic group with distinct interests—interests that often conflict with those of other ethnic groups. Second, we must again believe that we are entitled—nay, obligated—to take our own side when our interests conflict with those of other groups.

Currently white identity and interests have been suppressed by the ideologies of universalism, multiculturalism, and white guilt. White consciousness and pride still exist, of course, but have been driven into the subconscious mind. Our race is a sleeping giant. The task of white nationalism is to waken it. And Barack Obama can only help us.

What is your nation William? The dirt between the Atlantic and the Pacific? White influence over any part of that land is less than 500 years... control has been less than 150 years - no time at all in the grand scheme of things. White Europeans carved 'America' out of the raw land they found here using the very profitable tools of genocide and slavery and now you're questioning the mess they made? The dirt between the Atlantic and Pacific does not belong to the white race, it belongs to the human race - that is concept of 'America'. If any dirt on the planet belongs to the white race exclusively it is their birthplace, Europe.

Is it the people? Is it the culture? I hope not, in America neither are pure. You are stuck in a country built by people who choose to add a little 'mocha to the family latte' rather than do the hard labor themselves. You plan to 'preserve white identity'... which is what, exactly? Do you plan to fence off Utah and Idaho? 66% of your neighbors do not identify with your white culture. Must they die, or will you give them some dirt to occupy as they see fit?

What about me? I'm only half white - the rest of me is Native American... I identify with white America, but I don't deny who I am. Is there a place for me in your vision of America? Why can't I take pride and shame in both sides of my heritage? You say the white race is a sleeping giant, but how big can it be if there are whites like me in the mix? How about the whites that carry the blood, but just don't care that much about race?

You seem to have an archaic view of race and culture on this planet... There is nothing wrong with preserving your culture, provided you don't infringe on the rights of others to do the same. In America, black and white are evolving into shades of grey... Will you and yours adapt, or will you die? Evolution offers no other choices...
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Hope so.

The Occidental Quarterly

The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States is a good thing for white nationalism.

Whites will regain control over our nation and our destiny only when we have a change of consciousness. First, we must again think of ourselves as a distinct ethnic group with distinct interests—interests that often conflict with those of other ethnic groups. Second, we must again believe that we are entitled—nay, obligated—to take our own side when our interests conflict with those of other groups.

Currently white identity and interests have been suppressed by the ideologies of universalism, multiculturalism, and white guilt. White consciousness and pride still exist, of course, but have been driven into the subconscious mind. Our race is a sleeping giant. The task of white nationalism is to waken it. And Barack Obama can only help us.

It's refreshing to see that ignorance is alive and well in America.

Every time I become concerned that intelligence has somehow creeped into the discourse taking place in our country, I'm always relieved to see someone like the above poster prove that many Amercians are as dim-witted, racist, and incredibly dense as ever.

My hats off to you sir. :clap2:

It's refreshing to see that ignorance is alive and well in America.

Every time I become concerned that intelligence has somehow creeped into the discourse taking place in our country, I'm always relieved to see someone like the above poster prove that many Amercians are as dim-witted, racist, and incredibly dense as ever.

My hats off to you sir.


While others, like you, are forever stuck in the past.
What is your nation William? The dirt between the Atlantic and the Pacific? White influence over any part of that land is less than 500 years... control has been less than 150 years - no time at all in the grand scheme of things. White Europeans carved 'America' out of the raw land they found here using the very profitable tools of genocide and slavery and now you're questioning the mess they made? The dirt between the Atlantic and Pacific does not belong to the white race, it belongs to the human race - that is concept of 'America'. If any dirt on the planet belongs to the white race exclusively it is their birthplace, Europe.

Is it the people? Is it the culture? I hope not, in America neither are pure. You are stuck in a country built by people who choose to add a little 'mocha to the family latte' rather than do the hard labor themselves. You plan to 'preserve white identity'... which is what, exactly? Do you plan to fence off Utah and Idaho? 66% of your neighbors do not identify with your white culture. Must they die, or will you give them some dirt to occupy as they see fit?

What about me? I'm only half white - the rest of me is Native American... I identify with white America, but I don't deny who I am. Is there a place for me in your vision of America? Why can't I take pride and shame in both sides of my heritage? You say the white race is a sleeping giant, but how big can it be if there are whites like me in the mix? How about the whites that carry the blood, but just don't care that much about race?

You seem to have an archaic view of race and culture on this planet... There is nothing wrong with preserving your culture, provided you don't infringe on the rights of others to do the same. In America, black and white are evolving into shades of grey... Will you and yours adapt, or will you die? Evolution offers no other choices...

White Europeans carved 'America' out of the raw land they found here using the very profitable tools of genocide and slavery and now you're questioning the mess they made?

Man, I've been waiting for a long time for somebody to open that door.

First, my ancestors were part of the group that fought and died to free slaves and I resent being tied to a small group of fucking rich people who embodied the slavery of any man, woman, or child.

Second, it's time to stop holding anybody accountable for those who practiced genocide or slavery. THEY’RE ALL DEAD.

Third, WE, none of us, are responsible for the actions of our ancestors. If we were then most of us who are forever linked to European ancestry have a same or similar claim as the current-day claimants of slavery have, we just have to go back further in history to find them.

The point is: There is no mess. The mess of which you speak was cleaned up many years ago, long before any of us were born. It’s time to get over it. That’s not to say forget it, just quit fucking living it. It’s over. Today, in America, we hunt down people who enslave others and jail them. We have learned from the mistakes of history and, like the Holocaust, we will make sure it never happens again.

Is there prejudice and racism in the world? Of course there is and there probably will be until the end of days. Ignorance can be traced all the way back to that bitch who plucked the apple from the tree, so the story goes.

The bottom line, for me, is that I owe nobody anything, other than to acknowledge that history happened as it has been recorded.
Hope so.

The Occidental Quarterly

The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States is a good thing for white nationalism.

Whites will regain control over our nation and our destiny only when we have a change of consciousness. First, we must again think of ourselves as a distinct ethnic group with distinct interests—interests that often conflict with those of other ethnic groups. Second, we must again believe that we are entitled—nay, obligated—to take our own side when our interests conflict with those of other groups.

Currently white identity and interests have been suppressed by the ideologies of universalism, multiculturalism, and white guilt. White consciousness and pride still exist, of course, but have been driven into the subconscious mind. Our race is a sleeping giant. The task of white nationalism is to waken it. And Barack Obama can only help us.

There's only one possible explanation for this poster: He works for the Obama campaign. Basic intel operation.

But just in case the poster is truly this dumb I have one word for him: Iceland.
I suspect that would be you, actually, seems like you're caught somewhere in 1950.

Thank heaven people like you are dinosaurs and don't represent MY country.

What's it like being a stereotype?

My my my, living proof.

I rest my case.

Man, I've been waiting for a long time for somebody to open that door.

First, my ancestors were part of the group that fought and died to free slaves and I resent being tied to a small group of fucking rich people who embodied the slavery of any man, woman, or child.

Second, it's time to stop holding anybody accountable for those who practiced genocide or slavery. THEY’RE ALL DEAD.

Third, WE, none of us, are responsible for the actions of our ancestors. If we were then most of us who are forever linked to European ancestry have a same or similar claim as the current-day claimants of slavery have, we just have to go back further in history to find them.

The point is: There is no mess. The mess of which you speak was cleaned up many years ago, long before any of us were born. It’s time to get over it. That’s not to say forget it, just quit fucking living it. It’s over. Today, in America, we hunt down people who enslave others and jail them. We have learned from the mistakes of history and, like the Holocaust, we will make sure it never happens again.

Is there prejudice and racism in the world? Of course there is and there probably will be until the end of days. Ignorance can be traced all the way back to that bitch who plucked the apple from the tree, so the story goes.

The bottom line, for me, is that I owe nobody anything, other than to acknowledge that history happened as it has been recorded.

Check my original post, dude... I never said anyone 'owed' anyone else anything for sins of the past.

I merely point out that the history of this nation, at least the history that counts, is for good or ill, multi-cultural and multi-racial, and that pluralism is not in spite of the historically economically dominate whites, it is because of them. This premise was necessary to support my thesis that because of our history in America, we are forever tied to each other and guys like William will do far more damage than good trying to un-blend the mix at this point in time.

Forward is the only direction we have until technology invents a time machine.

This is an idiotic thread. White is not a distinct ethnic group.
All those who cannot tell the difference between a white person and a black person please leave the room.

Eastern European is a distinct ethnic group, Scandinavian is a distinct ethnic group. White is generic. Black is generic. People who think in terms of black and white are a problem in America. It's just a matter of time before you end up with a little coffee in your bloodline's cream anyway, so it's really an idiotic premise.
Check my original post, dude... I never said anyone 'owed' anyone else anything for sins of the past.

I merely point out that the history of this nation, at least the history that counts, is for good or ill, multi-cultural and multi-racial, and that pluralism is not in spite of the historically economically dominate whites, it is because of them. This premise was necessary to support my thesis that because of our history in America, we are forever tied to each other and guys like William will do far more damage than good trying to un-blend the mix at this point in time.

Forward is the only direction we have until technology invents a time machine.


No, you didn't say: "The bottom line, for me, is that I owe nobody anything, other than to acknowledge that history happened as it has been recorded." I did, and it wasn't a standalone comment. Rather, it was the conclusion of a point I made in response to your comment about what a mess white people made, which I maintain most whites had no part in, nor are we responsible or liable for what they did, to anybody.
No, you didn't say: "The bottom line, for me, is that I owe nobody anything, other than to acknowledge that history happened as it has been recorded." I did, and it wasn't a standalone comment. Rather, it was the conclusion of a point I made in response to your comment about what a mess white people made, which I maintain most whites had no part in, nor are we responsible or liable for what they did, to anybody.

I will stand corrected in my statement that "European whites made the mess"... obviously you are correct in saying that slavery was a tool used by a percentage of Europeans that is less than 50 and perhaps as low as 10%. You are also quite correct in saying that the current generation of people of European descent in America cannot possibly make amends for wrongs done to previous generations of non-Europeans as they are dead. I also believe that the current generation of people descended from those so cruelly treated in the past is owed nothing, save a fair and level marketplace for all.

That being said, the fact that it was a small minority of whites who used slavery as a tool during Western 'Civilizations' conquest of the land and construction of America does not diminish the other fact that nearly 100% of slavery in America was used by people of European descent.

None of those facts changes or argues against my original thesis that the net result of the importation, by force or by choice, of peoples of many different colors into the land between the Atlantic and the Pacific over the last 500 years has created a nation of people that is diverse and mixed both racially and culturally. The point of my post being that any attempt, as Mr. Joyce proposes, to try to un-blend the American Nation at this time would be expensive, unfair, stupidly foolish and cruel.

What is your nation William? The dirt between the Atlantic and the Pacific? White influence over any part of that land is less than 500 years... control has been less than 150 years - no time at all in the grand scheme of things. White Europeans carved 'America' out of the raw land they found here using the very profitable tools of genocide and slavery and now you're questioning the mess they made? The dirt between the Atlantic and Pacific does not belong to the white race, it belongs to the human race - that is concept of 'America'. If any dirt on the planet belongs to the white race exclusively it is their birthplace, Europe.

Is it the people? Is it the culture? I hope not, in America neither are pure. You are stuck in a country built by people who choose to add a little 'mocha to the family latte' rather than do the hard labor themselves. You plan to 'preserve white identity'... which is what, exactly? Do you plan to fence off Utah and Idaho? 66% of your neighbors do not identify with your white culture. Must they die, or will you give them some dirt to occupy as they see fit?

What about me? I'm only half white - the rest of me is Native American... I identify with white America, but I don't deny who I am. Is there a place for me in your vision of America? Why can't I take pride and shame in both sides of my heritage? You say the white race is a sleeping giant, but how big can it be if there are whites like me in the mix? How about the whites that carry the blood, but just don't care that much about race?

You seem to have an archaic view of race and culture on this planet... There is nothing wrong with preserving your culture, provided you don't infringe on the rights of others to do the same. In America, black and white are evolving into shades of grey... Will you and yours adapt, or will you die? Evolution offers no other choices...

Some fair questions in here. But would you EVER ask the same of Native Americans who sought to preserve their people, their land, their culture? Give them a lecture about how they fought amongst themselves instead of uniting against the invading whites, and now find themselves herded onto reservations and cut off from the rest of America? Would you deny the existence of Native Americans because some have white blood, and others black?

Guess what... Native Americans did. When a tribe with some part-black members was realigning... they KICKED THE BLACKS OUT. Neat trick, huh? What did you think of that episode?

I think the point that life isn't all black and white comes with diminishing returns. You can "deconstruct" pretty much anything, including deconstructionism. But in the end, you still have this pulsating, raw thing that is very, very real.

One of those things is race.

I know damn well I feel better, communicate better and just plain GET ALONG better with other whites. I know when I'm in Harlem, they don't "have my back," if you will.

It's called reality. I'm trying to deal with it, not cover it up with rose petals.
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This is an idiotic thread. White is not a distinct ethnic group.

Ethnic: & Prejudice :Main Entry: 1prej·u·dice
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'pre-j&-d&s
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin praejudicium previous judgment, damage, from prae- + judicium judgment -- more at JUDICIAL
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights ; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
synonym see PREDILECTION

Pronunciation Key

More Information: Audio ~~~~ {2.a(1)} Ethnic & {2b} Prejudice: Thats Me! & PROUD OF IT!!! :cool:

Next»Back to resultsMain Entry: 1eth·nic
Function: adjective
Pronunciation: 'eth-nik
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin ethnicus, from Greek ethnikos national, gentile, from ethnos nation, people; akin to Greek ethos custom -- more at SIB
2 a : of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background <ethnic minorities> <ethnic enclaves> b : being a member of an ethnic group c : of, relating to, or characteristic of ethnics <ethnic neighborhoods> <ethnic foods>

Pronunciation Key

More Information: Audio
Some fair questions in here. But would you EVER ask the same of Native Americans who sought to preserve their people, their land, their culture? Give them a lecture about how they fought amongst themselves instead of uniting against the invading whites, and now find themselves herded onto reservations and cut off from the rest of America? Would you deny the existence of Native Americans because some have white blood, and others black?

Guess what... Native Americans did. When a tribe with some part-black members was realigning... they KICKED THE BLACKS OUT. Neat trick, huh? What did you think of that episode?

I think the point that life isn't all black and white comes with diminishing returns. You can "deconstruct" pretty much anything, including deconstructionism. But in the end, you still have this pulsating, raw thing that is very, very real.

One of those things is race.

I know damn well I feel better, communicate better and just plain GET ALONG better with other whites. I know when I'm in Harlem, they don't "have my back," if you will.

It's called reality. I'm trying to deal with it, not cover it up with rose petals.

One of the more interesting things about genealogical research is the ancestors that you come up with. As one with roots back to the original colonists in New Amsterdam, I have also found one branch with some roots rather far south of Europe. Now, by appearance, I am definately North European, pink skin, reddish hair, ect. But if worst comes to worst, and one of you bigots think I've got your back by my appearance, you will find your throat cut. For my children are part Lakota, and your attitude toward them says all I need to know about you.

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