Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway

It didn’t take but mere hours from Barack Obama’s victory speech, as the confetti was still being swept off the floor, for the reelected President to make a late night phone call giving a full and hearty endorsement of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Reuters reports that the backdoor gun control conversation, which was shot down earlier this year, is about to make a grand comeback at the UN. It is fully expected to pass:

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.​

Naysayers simply state that the UN Arms Trade Treaty has more to do with controlling the flow of guns into rogue, third-world nations, than restricting the 2nd Amendment. However, that doesn’t appear to be the language in the last draft. The New American writes:

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.​

Prediction of the reaction of the majority of lefties here:

I don't think the Senate would be dumb enough to ratify it, there would be some really nasty repercussions...
You couldn't come up with one real news source for this. Not even Fox.
I was told this crock of shit when I took My CCW classes by the NRA instructor no less. So when I got home I looked it up. Even If we were to sign it it wouldn't mean dick hear. Because according to The US Constitution. No treaty bill or agreement signed by the US takes precedence over the right given to us by the US Constitution.
Give me a fucking break.

OKAY...I'll play along. So, if the USA doesn't pass a law to confiscate small arms from its people (IT WONT), then the authority to do that falls under the UN.

So, the UN is gonna send their army with blue helmets HERE to take our guns from us? You mean THIS country?

Well, I know that wont happen. For one, you have about 800,000 US police officers all armed and trained. You have 1,500,000 military members, all armed and trained even more. You have who knows how many militias and just good old American rednecks, also heavily armed.

There is NO WAY the UN would dare try that shit.

Our own military would never disarm it's own citizens.
Our own cops would never disarm its own citizens en mass (legally disarming criminals are a different topic)

This story is dead in the water. Aint happening.
Give me a fucking break.

OKAY...I'll play along. So, if the USA doesn't pass a law to confiscate small arms from its people (IT WONT), then the authority to do that falls under the UN.

So, the UN is gonna send their army with blue helmets HERE to take our guns from us? You mean THIS country?

Well, I know that wont happen. For one, you have about 800,000 US police officers all armed and trained. You have 1,500,000 military members, all armed and trained even more. You have who knows how many militias and just good old American rednecks, also heavily armed.

There is NO WAY the UN would dare try that shit.

Our own military would never disarm it's own citizens.
Our own cops would never disarm its own citizens en mass
(legally disarming criminals are a different topic)

This story is dead in the water. Aint happening.

How soon you forget New Orleans...
Give me a fucking break.

OKAY...I'll play along. So, if the USA doesn't pass a law to confiscate small arms from its people (IT WONT), then the authority to do that falls under the UN.

So, the UN is gonna send their army with blue helmets HERE to take our guns from us? You mean THIS country?

Well, I know that wont happen. For one, you have about 800,000 US police officers all armed and trained. You have 1,500,000 military members, all armed and trained even more. You have who knows how many militias and just good old American rednecks, also heavily armed.

There is NO WAY the UN would dare try that shit.

Our own military would never disarm it's own citizens.
Our own cops would never disarm its own citizens en mass
(legally disarming criminals are a different topic)

This story is dead in the water. Aint happening.

How soon you forget New Orleans...

That was wrong, illegal and many got prosecuted. 5 Nawlins cops are in jail. And..I said "en mass". That was a nightmare.

I mean some order coming down from the UN or president telling all the states to have their cops round up guns in all 50 states? WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Military wouldnt do it either.

You tell me how to disarm 300,000,000 well armed people, with millions among them current or former military and police, with training, and who know the land and city better than any foreign force would?

No way! Obama already took our guns last term....the Right wing told us so.

I know. Obama's gnomes went into my safe and tried to take mine. I shoooed them off with a can of "Raid". Works on gays too (just joking!).
No way! Obama already took our guns last term....the Right wing told us so.

I know. Obama's gnomes went into my safe and tried to take mine. I shoooed them off with a can of "Raid". Works on gays too (just joking!).
You guys don't know how to read?
Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.
If the US won't do it, the UN will.

Remember when Obama AND Panetta said the US Military works for the UN now?

Is it beginning to sink in? Has that "Election Euphoria" worn off yet?

Obama is willing to go around the Constitution and he already has Supreme Court Justices in place who will back him up on it.

Obama is a Dictator. The sooner you admit that fact, the sooner we can start to get him out of office.
You couldn't come up with one real news source for this. Not even Fox.
I was told this crock of shit when I took My CCW classes by the NRA instructor no less. So when I got home I looked it up. Even If we were to sign it it wouldn't mean dick hear. Because according to The US Constitution. No treaty bill or agreement signed by the US takes precedence over the right given to us by the US Constitution.
Good, when the un troops and their obamaturd cohorts show up to take my guns there will be a fight with the US CONSTITUTION as my back up.
After Obama appoints two Supreme Court Justices to the bench, that's when Obama will bypass Congress and sign an Executive Order banning small arms to comply with the UN Resolution. When people try to fight it through the courts, when it gets to the SCOTUS, they will then say its Constitutional.


Because it will be considered a tax. Just like how the federal government can force the citizens of this country to buy health insurance and it's constitutional.
Give me a fucking break.

OKAY...I'll play along. So, if the USA doesn't pass a law to confiscate small arms from its people (IT WONT), then the authority to do that falls under the UN.

So, the UN is gonna send their army with blue helmets HERE to take our guns from us? You mean THIS country?

Well, I know that wont happen. For one, you have about 800,000 US police officers all armed and trained. You have 1,500,000 military members, all armed and trained even more. You have who knows how many militias and just good old American rednecks, also heavily armed.

There is NO WAY the UN would dare try that shit.

Our own military would never disarm it's own citizens.
Our own cops would never disarm its own citizens en mass
(legally disarming criminals are a different topic)

This story is dead in the water. Aint happening.

How soon you forget New Orleans...

That was wrong, illegal and many got prosecuted. 5 Nawlins cops are in jail. And..I said "en mass". That was a nightmare.

I mean some order coming down from the UN or president telling all the states to have their cops round up guns in all 50 states? WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Military wouldnt do it either.

You tell me how to disarm 300,000,000 well armed people, with millions among them current or former military and police, with training, and who know the land and city better than any foreign force would?


I used to think a lot of things would never happen.
Give me a fucking break.

OKAY...I'll play along. So, if the USA doesn't pass a law to confiscate small arms from its people (IT WONT), then the authority to do that falls under the UN.

So, the UN is gonna send their army with blue helmets HERE to take our guns from us? You mean THIS country?

Well, I know that wont happen. For one, you have about 800,000 US police officers all armed and trained. You have 1,500,000 military members, all armed and trained even more. You have who knows how many militias and just good old American rednecks, also heavily armed.

There is NO WAY the UN would dare try that shit.

Our own military would never disarm it's own citizens.
Our own cops would never disarm its own citizens en mass
(legally disarming criminals are a different topic)

This story is dead in the water. Aint happening.

How soon you forget New Orleans...

That was wrong, illegal and many got prosecuted. 5 Nawlins cops are in jail. And..I said "en mass". That was a nightmare.

I mean some order coming down from the UN or president telling all the states to have their cops round up guns in all 50 states? WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Military wouldnt do it either.

You tell me how to disarm 300,000,000 well armed people, with millions among them current or former military and police, with training, and who know the land and city better than any foreign force would?


I'd be willing to bet AT LEAST half of them would comply without a whimper.
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway

It didn’t take but mere hours from Barack Obama’s victory speech, as the confetti was still being swept off the floor, for the reelected President to make a late night phone call giving a full and hearty endorsement of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Reuters reports that the backdoor gun control conversation, which was shot down earlier this year, is about to make a grand comeback at the UN. It is fully expected to pass:

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.​

Naysayers simply state that the UN Arms Trade Treaty has more to do with controlling the flow of guns into rogue, third-world nations, than restricting the 2nd Amendment. However, that doesn’t appear to be the language in the last draft. The New American writes:

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.​

Prediction of the reaction of the majority of lefties here:


Let’s hope the OP isn’t this dishonest in real life.

snopes.com: U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway

It didn’t take but mere hours from Barack Obama’s victory speech, as the confetti was still being swept off the floor, for the reelected President to make a late night phone call giving a full and hearty endorsement of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Reuters reports that the backdoor gun control conversation, which was shot down earlier this year, is about to make a grand comeback at the UN. It is fully expected to pass:

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.​

Naysayers simply state that the UN Arms Trade Treaty has more to do with controlling the flow of guns into rogue, third-world nations, than restricting the 2nd Amendment. However, that doesn’t appear to be the language in the last draft. The New American writes:

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.​

Prediction of the reaction of the majority of lefties here:


Isn't this from 08?. I swear to god these people are idiots and the only ones laughing are the gun dealers. Fucking idiots.
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway

No way! Obama already took our guns last term....the Right wing told us so.

I know. Obama's gnomes went into my safe and tried to take mine. I shoooed them off with a can of "Raid". Works on gays too (just joking!).
You guys don't know how to read?
Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.
If the US won't do it, the UN will.

Remember when Obama AND Panetta said the US Military works for the UN now?

Is it beginning to sink in? Has that "Election Euphoria" worn off yet?

Obama is willing to go around the Constitution and he already has Supreme Court Justices in place who will back him up on it.

Obama is a Dictator. The sooner you admit that fact, the sooner we can start to get him out of office.
Let us know how this prediction turns out. Of course when this same shit was predicted pre election 08 and nothing came of it except record gun sales, I laughed then as well.
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway

It didn’t take but mere hours from Barack Obama’s victory speech, as the confetti was still being swept off the floor, for the reelected President to make a late night phone call giving a full and hearty endorsement of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Reuters reports that the backdoor gun control conversation, which was shot down earlier this year, is about to make a grand comeback at the UN. It is fully expected to pass:

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.​

Naysayers simply state that the UN Arms Trade Treaty has more to do with controlling the flow of guns into rogue, third-world nations, than restricting the 2nd Amendment. However, that doesn’t appear to be the language in the last draft. The New American writes:

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.​

Prediction of the reaction of the majority of lefties here:


Let’s hope the OP isn’t this dishonest in real life.

snopes.com: U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

Date of your article: April 2010.

Date of my article: November 10, 2012

I suppose you'd like to pretend that Reuters is nothing more than a radical right mouthpiece, but I'd don't think you'd get much traction with it.

Are you this dishonest in real life?
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway
Obama endorses UN Arms Trade Treaty: Massive gun control effort underway

It didn’t take but mere hours from Barack Obama’s victory speech, as the confetti was still being swept off the floor, for the reelected President to make a late night phone call giving a full and hearty endorsement of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Reuters reports that the backdoor gun control conversation, which was shot down earlier this year, is about to make a grand comeback at the UN. It is fully expected to pass:

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.​

Naysayers simply state that the UN Arms Trade Treaty has more to do with controlling the flow of guns into rogue, third-world nations, than restricting the 2nd Amendment. However, that doesn’t appear to be the language in the last draft. The New American writes:

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.​

Prediction of the reaction of the majority of lefties here:


Isn't this from 08?. I swear to god these people are idiots and the only ones laughing are the gun dealers. Fucking idiots.
"NOVEMBER 10, 2012"

Any more stupid questions?

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