Obama / EPA Broke the Law


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"The Environmental Protection Agency engaged in “covert propaganda” in violation of federal law when it blitzed social media to urge the general public to support President Obama’s controversial rule intended to better protect the nation’s streams and surface waters, congressional auditors have concluded."

“GAO’s finding confirms what I have long suspected, that EPA will go to extreme lengths and even violate the law to promote its activist environmental agenda,” Senator Jim Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma and chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee who is pressing to block the rule, said in a statement Monday.

“EPA’s illegal attempts to manufacture public support for its Waters of the United States rule and sway Congressional opinion regarding legislation to address that rule have undermined the integrity of the rule-making process and demonstrated how baseless this unprecedented expansion of EPA regulatory authority really is.”


The head of the EPA was caught using a personal e-mail account and an alias to do EPA business.

The EPA has been Un-Constitutionally pushing its own laws without Congress passing legislation.

And now the EPA has been caught breaking the law.

This administration is a complete Constitution / law-violating abomination...
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The EPA has been subverting federal law for decades through its sue and settle policies, they encourage groups to sue them and instead of defending US law, they opt to settle and get a court ruling contrary to the law. If you don't believe me just google EPA sue and settle, the courts are used as a defacto legislative body to alter environmental laws, against the countries interest.
Just showing a pattern of disregard for promises (most transparent evuh) and laws by Obama and his administration. If you are talking about Hillary's e-mails though, you might want to ask them about the Constitution AND the Espionage Act.

Interesting how you make light of yet ANOTHER case of Obama breaking / ignoring the law. I guess you have just gotten used to it like the rest of us have.
Just showing a pattern of disregard for promises (most transparent evuh) and laws by Obama and his administration. If you are talking about Hillary's e-mails though, you might want to ask them about the Constitution AND the Espionage Act. Interesting how you make light of yet ANOTHER case of Obama breaking / ignoring the law. I guess you have just gotten used to it like the rest of us have.
How does that compare to Bush lying us into war causing the deaths of thousands of Americans? Why do they mean less to you than the four that died in Benghazi?
Just showing a pattern of disregard for promises (most transparent evuh) and laws by Obama and his administration. If you are talking about Hillary's e-mails though, you might want to ask them about the Constitution AND the Espionage Act. Interesting how you make light of yet ANOTHER case of Obama breaking / ignoring the law. I guess you have just gotten used to it like the rest of us have.
How does that compare to Bush lying us into war causing the deaths of thousands of Americans? Why do they mean less to you than the four that died in Benghazi?
Hey Konrad, in case you missed it, this thread is about how OBAMA broke the law...AGAIN. Try to keep 'ON TOPIC'. I know you hate to acknowledge Obama's continuous violations of the Constitution and Law, but the thread is about Obama, not about your obsessive hatred of Bush. If you want to start a thread about your hatred for Bush please go do so. If you can NOT or will NOT discuss the topic please don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya on the way out.
Oh I think you guys need another investigation into this matter. Perhaps start an impeachment movement as well........Hillary and Lois, move over, your cell is gonna get mighty crowded. WTF is Trey?
Oh a committee might be formed, some investigating might be done, but in the end Congress - both sides - have proven they are un-willing to do anything...no matter what. Partisanship will prevent any charges being filed against ANY Liberal for ANYTHING, and GOP selfishness and cowardice will ensure no action is ever taken !

Eric Holder was a prime example of that. The man was caught dead-to-rights perpetrating 3 Felony Counts of Perjury under oath before Congress in an attempt to keep Fast-and-Furious covered up. Shamelessly the DOJ and Obama blocked any attempt to bring him to justice for his crimes....but at least Democrats joined the GOP in Sanctioning him, making him the 1st Atty General in US History to be Sanctioned.

The FBI, God bless their soul, is led by a man who does not give a damn about politics or partisanship, and he has the courage to do what is required by the law. I have little doubt that he WILL come up with 'criminal findings' against Hillary, as another example; however, he works for Loretta Lynch - the corrupt female version of Eric Holder. Obama and Lynch will NEVER allow criminal charges to be filed against Hillary Clinton.

As the EPA story breaks, exposing how Obama / his EPA broke the law the GOP has already been proven to be gutless cowards who refuse to stand up and defend the Constitution / Rule of Law for fear of losing their own wealth and power. 'To hell with the country, there might be a backlash and WE might be blamed. Such gutless self-serving cowards are trying to get rich while the nation slowly declines, trying to get as much as they can before it's too late.

Despite all of this, this new revelation of Obama and his administration once again BREAKING THE LAW, by-passing Congress to create and enforce their own laws, will be documented and recorded as part of Obama's shameless, lawless administration legacy that includes a long list of violations of both Constitutional and Law, Contempt of Court decisions, and actions blocked by federal courts repeatedly.
Just showing a pattern of disregard for promises (most transparent evuh) and laws by Obama and his administration. If you are talking about Hillary's e-mails though, you might want to ask them about the Constitution AND the Espionage Act. Interesting how you make light of yet ANOTHER case of Obama breaking / ignoring the law. I guess you have just gotten used to it like the rest of us have.
How does that compare to Bush lying us into war causing the deaths of thousands of Americans? Why do they mean less to you than the four that died in Benghazi?
Bush said no lies, been dubunked. Can't you get better talking points?
Such findings by the G.A.O. are infrequent but not without precedent. During George W. Bush’s administration, the G.A.O. concluded similarly that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services violated the anti-propaganda act in 2004 when it covertly paid for news videos distributed to television stations without disclosing that the government had financed the work. In 2005, the Department of Education was found to have violated the same law when it hired a public relations firm to covertly promote the No Child Left Behind Act

Such findings by the G.A.O. are infrequent but not without precedent. During George W. Bush’s administration, the G.A.O. concluded similarly that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services violated the anti-propaganda act in 2004 when it covertly paid for news videos distributed to television stations without disclosing that the government had financed the work. In 2005, the Department of Education was found to have violated the same law when it hired a public relations firm to covertly promote the No Child Left Behind Act

Booosh! Lol
Such findings by the G.A.O. are infrequent but not without precedent. During George W. Bush’s administration, the G.A.O. concluded similarly that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services violated the anti-propaganda act in 2004 when it covertly paid for news videos distributed to television stations without disclosing that the government had financed the work. In 2005, the Department of Education was found to have violated the same law when it hired a public relations firm to covertly promote the No Child Left Behind Act

Booosh! Lol

Federal agencies. None were acting on the orders of either president.

The G.A.O. has instead instructed the E.P.A. to find out how much money was spent by staff involved in these violations, then write a report to Mr. Obama and Congress acknowledging the violation.
So you are trying to justify Obama's EPA's actions / violation rather than condemning it?

There is a HUGE difference between Bush and Obama. Bush never claimed to want or tried to affect a 'fundamental change' in this country and never had the complete lack of respect for the Constitution and Rule of Law that Obama has:

Obama has allowed his agencies, especially the EPA, completely ignore the law and courts. This is not the 1st time his EPA has been busted and exposed for by-passing Congress, making it's own laws, and doing whatever it wants:

EPA carries on Obama's contempt for rule of law

LINK: EPA carries on Obama's contempt for rule of law

"Federal District Judge Ralph Erickson wrote that a delay to the rule, which redefines the Clean Water Act to dramatically expand EPA jurisdiction, "is in the best interests of the public" because it gives the courts an opportunity to decide the issue on the merits.

But instead of backing down as the court ordered, Obama's EPA went full speed ahead on Friday, announcing it would apply its new rule anyway in the 37 states not specifically involved in that case."

Obama himself has out-paced both Bush and Clinton for Federal Court losses on actions he / his agencies have tried to do above and beyond the law:

"“President Obama’s unanimous Supreme Court loss rate, for the five and half years of his presidency, is nearly double that of President Bush and is 25 percent greater than President Clinton”
LINK: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/381676/ted-cruz-obamas-20-unanimous-supreme-court-losses-outpace-bush-and-clinton-joel-gehrke

Obama likes to do what Obama wants to do...
Federal agencies. None were acting on the orders of either president.

The G.A.O. has instead instructed the E.P.A. to find out how much money was spent by staff involved in these violations, then write a report to Mr. Obama and Congress acknowledging the violation.

You really think multiple Obama agencies have ignored court orders, violated court rulings, and broke the law without Obama ever knowing? That's one of the oldest excuses someone in charge could make...sorta like Hillary claiming how she did not know her State Department Manager had denied OVER 600 REQUESTS by Stevens for additional security.

In cases like this and where judge's orders are ignored and laws are broken, 'ignorance' is no excuse for the law or for failed leadership. Someone should be held accountable.... Somehow they never are....because in the end they are carrying out their boss' agenda / wishes... In MY opinion.
Federal agencies. None were acting on the orders of either president.

The G.A.O. has instead instructed the E.P.A. to find out how much money was spent by staff involved in these violations, then write a report to Mr. Obama and Congress acknowledging the violation.

You really think multiple Obama agencies have ignored court orders, violated court rulings, and broke the law without Obama ever knowing? That's one of the oldest excuses someone in charge could make...sorta like Hillary claiming how she did not know her State Department Manager had denied OVER 600 REQUESTS by Stevens for additional security.

In cases like this and where judge's orders are ignored and laws are broken, 'ignorance' is no excuse for the law or for failed leadership. Someone should be held accountable.... Somehow they never are....because in the end they are carrying out their boss' agenda / wishes... In MY opinion.

And you think the EPA employee who posted that shit informed the President?
Federal agencies. None were acting on the orders of either president.

The G.A.O. has instead instructed the E.P.A. to find out how much money was spent by staff involved in these violations, then write a report to Mr. Obama and Congress acknowledging the violation.

You really think multiple Obama agencies have ignored court orders, violated court rulings, and broke the law without Obama ever knowing? That's one of the oldest excuses someone in charge could make...sorta like Hillary claiming how she did not know her State Department Manager had denied OVER 600 REQUESTS by Stevens for additional security.

In cases like this and where judge's orders are ignored and laws are broken, 'ignorance' is no excuse for the law or for failed leadership. Someone should be held accountable.... Somehow they never are....because in the end they are carrying out their boss' agenda / wishes... In MY opinion.

And you think the EPA employee who posted that shit informed the President?

You think the head of the EPA did not tell Obama that a Federal Court had blocked their actions? You think an EPA employee or the head of the EPA simply ignored the judge, didn't tell Obama what they were about to do, and pushed their plans into action - going around the Federal Judge to do so - without telling Obama anything 1st? You think the head of the EPA didn't tell Obama they had broken the law?

Sounds like you think Obama has no control of his agencies and has no clue what is going on, which sounds a lot like Hillary as Sect of State. Maybe you have a point - this could sum up the entire Obama administration.
Federal agencies. None were acting on the orders of either president.

The G.A.O. has instead instructed the E.P.A. to find out how much money was spent by staff involved in these violations, then write a report to Mr. Obama and Congress acknowledging the violation.

You really think multiple Obama agencies have ignored court orders, violated court rulings, and broke the law without Obama ever knowing? That's one of the oldest excuses someone in charge could make...sorta like Hillary claiming how she did not know her State Department Manager had denied OVER 600 REQUESTS by Stevens for additional security.

In cases like this and where judge's orders are ignored and laws are broken, 'ignorance' is no excuse for the law or for failed leadership. Someone should be held accountable.... Somehow they never are....because in the end they are carrying out their boss' agenda / wishes... In MY opinion.

And you think the EPA employee who posted that shit informed the President?

You think the head of the EPA did not tell Obama that a Federal Court had blocked their actions? You think an EPA employee or the head of the EPA simply ignored the judge, didn't tell Obama what they were about to do, and pushed their plans into action - going around the Federal Judge to do so - without telling Obama anything 1st? You think the head of the EPA didn't tell Obama they had broken the law?

Sounds like you think Obama has no control of his agencies and has no clue what is going on, which sounds a lot like Hillary as Sect of State. Maybe you have a point - this could sum up the entire Obama administration.

Do you think any president has control of every single employee in the federal bureaucracy? Or that they all answer to him( or soon to be her)?

It is a minor infraction of a non propaganda rule which the EPA disputes. No one is even getting charged with anything.

But you RWNJ's see "Obama broke the law" and go absolutely ape-shit with your phony sense of outrage.......again!

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