Obama, Epic Scale Failure

I had never seen a major media outlet as openly partisan and an avowed propaganda arm of a major political party

Their performance prior to the 2012 election was laughable as was their coverage of Fast and Furious and Benghazi

:lmao:...you'd never watched ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS.. CNN or Public Broadcasting ?


Typical response...but FoxNews is not in the league of legitimate networks

No other network would offer employment to Glenn Beck, Hannity, Coulter, Palin and Newt

Of course not moron, they are firmly in the liberal camp.
Let's clarify

All of America except for Fox Nation

They still believe Romney is going to win

What's your fixation on Fox News?

I had never seen a major media outlet as openly partisan and an avowed propaganda arm of a major political party

Their performance prior to the 2012 election was laughable as was their coverage of Fast and Furious and Benghazi

both are cover ups you're just to stupid too see it.
What's your fixation on Fox News?

I had never seen a major media outlet as openly partisan and an avowed propaganda arm of a major political party

Their performance prior to the 2012 election was laughable as was their coverage of Fast and Furious and Benghazi

both are cover ups you're just to stupid too see it.

Both involved Monday Morning Quarterbacking and false outrage by the rightwing propaganda machine
I had never seen a major media outlet as openly partisan and an avowed propaganda arm of a major political party

Their performance prior to the 2012 election was laughable as was their coverage of Fast and Furious and Benghazi

both are cover ups you're just to stupid too see it.

Both involved Monday Morning Quarterbacking and false outrage by the rightwing propaganda machine



except in rightwingnuthackworld
:lmao:...you'd never watched ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS.. CNN or Public Broadcasting ?


Typical response...but FoxNews is not in the league of legitimate networks

No other network would offer employment to Glenn Beck, Hannity, Coulter, Palin and Newt

Of course not moron, they are firmly in the liberal camp.

no... because they're disgusting... liars... and in at least two of those cases, probably nuts.
Over 5.6 trillion added to the national debt by Obama/Democrats.

The business and economic climate showing no hope of restoration.

The natives or their leaders showing no signs of reconciliation or respect.

4 more years of this crap... What the Hell..???

Congress allocates the money, in every instance. No spending can occur without BOTH Houses of Congress passing the required legislation.

Since you claim that Obama and the Democrats are solely responsible, would you care to explain how that happened without the GOP dominated House approving of it?

Democrats Take Control on Hill

Friday, January 5, 2007

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was elected America's first female speaker of the House yesterday in a raucous, bipartisan celebration of a historic breakthrough, and hours later she presided over passage of the broadest ethics and lobbying revision since the Watergate era.

Democrats took control of the House and Senate after 12 years of nearly unbroken Republican rule, with resolute calls for bipartisan comity and a pledge to move quickly on an agenda of health-care, homeland security, education and energy proposals. Sen. Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), the soft-spoken son of a hard-rock miner, took the helm of the Senate, after a closed-door session in the Capitol's stately Old Senate Chamber. But with the eyes of history riveted on her, it was Pelosi's day.

"This is an historic moment, for Congress, and for the women of this country. It is a moment for which we have waited more than 200 years," Pelosi proclaimed, to a roaring ovation in the packed House chamber. "For our daughters and granddaughters, today we have broken the marble ceiling. To our daughters and our granddaughters, the sky is the limit

Democrats Take Control on Hill

Typical response...but FoxNews is not in the league of legitimate networks

No other network would offer employment to Glenn Beck, Hannity, Coulter, Palin and Newt

Of course not moron, they are firmly in the liberal camp.

no... because they're disgusting... liars... and in at least two of those cases, probably nuts.

And yet, you'd suck the black off of obama's cock...you know, that disgusting liar currently squatting in the People's House.
Then you're not paying attention to the lame stream media, are you?

Rightwinger believes the New York Times is ultra conservative..:lol:

New York Times has set Journalism standards unmatched in history

The New York Times is a discrace:mad:


Below I attach three articles from 1942 and 1945 from The Guardian newspaper, which was then known as The Manchester Guardian, and an account by Zalmen Gradowski, a Polish Jew, written shortly before his death in Auschwitz.

I attach the articles from The Guardian (which speaks in 1942 of "The German scheme for total extermination [of the Jews]") as a reminder that there were news reports concerning the genocide of European Jewry from 1941 but the Allied powers did next to nothing to stop it over the next four years.

As I have pointed out before on this list, the most influential paper in the world, the New York Times, fearing that people might think it a "Jewish" paper, deliberately suppressed coverage of the Holocaust. When it did carry reports, these were often brief and buried inside the paper.

Example 1:
The two inches (yes, that was all) that the New York Times devoted on June 27, 1942 to the news that "700,000 Jews were reported slain in Poland."

Example 2: Reports in December 1942 that "two million Jews had been killed and five million more faced extermination" appeared only on page 20 of the New York Times.

Example 3: The New York Times reported (accurately) on July 2, 1944 that 400,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported to their deaths so far and 350,000 more were to be killed in the next weeks. Yet this news received only four column inches on page 12. The Times found room on that edition's front page to analyze the problem of New York holiday crowds on the move.

The disgraceful lack of coverage by the New York Times and other American papers has been well documented by historians. The New York Times has never adequately apologized for it. Had the Times reported properly on the Holocaust at the time (this in an age before television), other papers would probably have followed suit, and US public opinion may have forced the US government to act

Mideast Dispatch Archive: The New York Times and the Holocaust, and other items
Over 5.6 trillion added to the national debt by Obama/Democrats.

The business and economic climate showing no hope of restoration.

The natives or their leaders showing no signs of reconciliation or respect.

4 more years of this crap... What the Hell..???

I just got done watching a show on doomsday prepers on National Geographic. Many of them cited the unsustainability of the current financial system, for which Obama even agreed was not sustainable, even though he does not flinch.

Wouldn't it be funny if all that is left after a financial calamity are really pissed off right wingers armed to the teeth?

For those of you who think these are radical fringe people and a miniority, they really don't seem to be. There are more than you realize and they won't be the ones standing on a bridge waving their arms for Obama to come save them.
Rightwinger believes the New York Times is ultra conservative..:lol:

New York Times has set Journalism standards unmatched in history

The New York Times is a discrace:mad:


Below I attach three articles from 1942 and 1945 from The Guardian newspaper, which was then known as The Manchester Guardian, and an account by Zalmen Gradowski, a Polish Jew, written shortly before his death in Auschwitz.

I attach the articles from The Guardian (which speaks in 1942 of "The German scheme for total extermination [of the Jews]") as a reminder that there were news reports concerning the genocide of European Jewry from 1941 but the Allied powers did next to nothing to stop it over the next four years.

As I have pointed out before on this list, the most influential paper in the world, the New York Times, fearing that people might think it a "Jewish" paper, deliberately suppressed coverage of the Holocaust. When it did carry reports, these were often brief and buried inside the paper.

Example 1:
The two inches (yes, that was all) that the New York Times devoted on June 27, 1942 to the news that "700,000 Jews were reported slain in Poland."

Example 2: Reports in December 1942 that "two million Jews had been killed and five million more faced extermination" appeared only on page 20 of the New York Times.

Example 3: The New York Times reported (accurately) on July 2, 1944 that 400,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported to their deaths so far and 350,000 more were to be killed in the next weeks. Yet this news received only four column inches on page 12. The Times found room on that edition's front page to analyze the problem of New York holiday crowds on the move.

The disgraceful lack of coverage by the New York Times and other American papers has been well documented by historians. The New York Times has never adequately apologized for it. Had the Times reported properly on the Holocaust at the time (this in an age before television), other papers would probably have followed suit, and US public opinion may have forced the US government to act

Mideast Dispatch Archive: The New York Times and the Holocaust, and other items

There was a lot of conflicting information and information suppressed For security during the war years.
Over 5.6 trillion added to the national debt by Obama/Democrats.

The business and economic climate showing no hope of restoration.

The natives or their leaders showing no signs of reconciliation or respect.

4 more years of this crap... What the Hell..???

LOL, another of your "ain't it awful" posts, why? I think we get it lumpy, you hate Obama, Democrats, liberals, RINOs and apparently our Constitution. Otherwise you would quit whining and man-up; post a thread wherein you and others so despondent by the election can work together to understand why you lost; consider it therapy.

Your side lost and you seem not to wonder why. Mature adults stop whining when they lose and evaluate the reasons for their loose. Whining and blaming isn't helpful. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try to understand this fact: The GOP has moved so far to the right they cannot win an election unless it occurs in a small region.

This is why Romney lost. He was promising jobs, and that's the last thing typical obama voters want when their lazy, illiterate asses can get a freebie obama phone... the TAKERS now outnumber the MAKERS... I hope you're proud of THAT, fool...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]
Of course not moron, they are firmly in the liberal camp.

no... because they're disgusting... liars... and in at least two of those cases, probably nuts.

And yet, you'd suck the black off of obama's cock...you know, that disgusting liar currently squatting in the People's House.

you're disgusting.

the fact that you say vile things like that to women for doing nothing more than disagreeing with your stupidity speaks volumes about the kind of lowlife you are.

you should be very proud.
Your side lost and you seem not to wonder why. Mature adults stop whining when they lose and evaluate the reasons for their loose. Whining and blaming isn't helpful. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try to understand this fact: The GOP has moved so far to the right they cannot win an election unless it occurs in a small region.

No... The left is willing to give away more of our sovereignty and are willing to print and barrow more money for entitlements than the right.

This is a fact... Obama Claus proved that.

You remember that famous line "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" ?
Unfortunately, they got it ass-backwards. "Choke your country to death for all its cash in the treasury and then some. Then pass enough laws where you won't have to work another day in your leisurely life to pay rent, medical, food, and all other aspects of welfare. Take 2 names and vacation with the bonus." Isn't what goes down the pike screwy. :cuckoo:
Rightwinger believes the New York Times is ultra conservative..:lol:

New York Times has set Journalism standards unmatched in history

The New York Times is a discrace:mad:


Below I attach three articles from 1942 and 1945 from The Guardian newspaper, which was then known as The Manchester Guardian, and an account by Zalmen Gradowski, a Polish Jew, written shortly before his death in Auschwitz.

I attach the articles from The Guardian (which speaks in 1942 of "The German scheme for total extermination [of the Jews]") as a reminder that there were news reports concerning the genocide of European Jewry from 1941 but the Allied powers did next to nothing to stop it over the next four years.

As I have pointed out before on this list, the most influential paper in the world, the New York Times, fearing that people might think it a "Jewish" paper, deliberately suppressed coverage of the Holocaust. When it did carry reports, these were often brief and buried inside the paper.

Example 1:
The two inches (yes, that was all) that the New York Times devoted on June 27, 1942 to the news that "700,000 Jews were reported slain in Poland."

Example 2: Reports in December 1942 that "two million Jews had been killed and five million more faced extermination" appeared only on page 20 of the New York Times.

Example 3: The New York Times reported (accurately) on July 2, 1944 that 400,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported to their deaths so far and 350,000 more were to be killed in the next weeks. Yet this news received only four column inches on page 12. The Times found room on that edition's front page to analyze the problem of New York holiday crowds on the move.

The disgraceful lack of coverage by the New York Times and other American papers has been well documented by historians. The New York Times has never adequately apologized for it. Had the Times reported properly on the Holocaust at the time (this in an age before television), other papers would probably have followed suit, and US public opinion may have forced the US government to act
Mideast Dispatch Archive: The New York Times and the Holocaust, and other items
Those were very egregious lies of omission on their part, and they got worse as years went by. Their rag isn't even fit to line your garbage any more. It smells too bad.
no... because they're disgusting... liars... and in at least two of those cases, probably nuts.

And yet, you'd suck the black off of obama's cock...you know, that disgusting liar currently squatting in the People's House.

you're disgusting.

the fact that you say vile things like that to women for doing nothing more than disagreeing with your stupidity speaks volumes about the kind of lowlife you are.

you should be very proud.

Vagina says what?
Let's clarify

All of America except for Fox Nation

They still believe Romney is going to win

What's your fixation on Fox News?

I had never seen a major media outlet as openly partisan and an avowed propaganda arm of a major political party

Their performance prior to the 2012 election was laughable as was their coverage of Fast and Furious and Benghazi

Obviously, you never watched MSNBC.

MSNBC from early morning to late night broadcasts nothing but Democrat propaganda and hatred for anything and anybody Republican.

Unlike FOXnews that presents several hours of actual hard news, MSNBC just spews its never ending liberal love fest for Obama. They are just as obsessed with FOX as you, while FOX hardly ever bothers to lower themselves to the gutter level of MSNBC.

I must give MSNBC credit for one thing, though. On weekends, starting about 9:00 PM they broadcast show after show about the future residences of Democrats.

Look into it.
I had never seen a major media outlet as openly partisan and an avowed propaganda arm of a major political party

Their performance prior to the 2012 election was laughable as was their coverage of Fast and Furious and Benghazi

:lmao:...you'd never watched ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS.. CNN or Public Broadcasting ?


Typical response...but FoxNews is not in the league of legitimate networks

No other network would offer employment to Glenn Beck, Hannity, Coulter, Palin and Newt

Of course, no network, other other than MSNBC would offer employment to lying shake down artists like Al Sharpton, to ungrateful Limeys like Martin Bashir or screeching shemales like Rachel Maddow.
Someone needs to clue their Campaigner-in-Chief that apparently he won and it's time to actually do some work. If only we could harness the energy he expends beating his gums, we wouldn't have an energy crisis, either. It's time the guy STFU, quit bloviating, and actually applied his alleged intelligence to healing this country.

Obama pushing for 'fiscal cliff' deal with Tinkertoy factory tour - San Jose Mercury News

Fuck, I need to get some Tinkertoys before they get hit by the Obamacurse.
Over 5.6 trillion added to the national debt by Obama/Democrats.

The business and economic climate showing no hope of restoration.

The natives or their leaders showing no signs of reconciliation or respect.

4 more years of this crap... What the Hell..???

Congress allocates the money, in every instance. No spending can occur without BOTH Houses of Congress passing the required legislation.

Since you claim that Obama and the Democrats are solely responsible, would you care to explain how that happened without the GOP dominated House approving of it?

Did you miss all the threads about how the deficit decreasing at record rates the last two years?

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