Obama Escalates Raids for Illegal Immigrants


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Obama Escalates Raids for Illegal Immigrants
US Chamber of Commerce is displeased By Kevin Spak, Newser Staff
Jun 16, 2011

(Newser) – The Obama administration has notified 1,000 businesses in all 50 states that it’ll be scouring their hiring records for signs of illegal immigrant employees, in a surge of so-called “silent raids,” the Wall Street Journal reports. ICE wouldn’t identify the targets, but did say that businesses of all sizes were included, and that they all traded in “critical infrastructure and key resources,” such as food production, IT, financial services, and construction.

Obama Escalates Raids for Illegal Immigrants - US Chamber of Commerce is displeased
These are staged immigration raids that are performed by ICE once a year or so to give the voters the impression that they are actually doing their jobs.

You gotta' ask yerself this question: "If ICE was actually doing their jobs would there be so many illegal aliens in the US?
Obummer is playing both sides of the coin. It's all a political ploy.

And he's doing better on this then Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush II.

You guys are in a rush to get "illegals" out..and he's on course.

But you can't even give him props for that.

Gotta love it.
These are staged immigration raids that are performed by ICE once a year or so to give the voters the impression that they are actually doing their jobs.

You gotta' ask yerself this question: "If ICE was actually doing their jobs would there be so many illegal aliens in the US?

WTH does ICE have to do with VOTERS and their JOBS?????:confused::cuckoo:?
Are insinuating that ALL ICE agents are LIBERALS???
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These are staged immigration raids that are performed by ICE once a year or so to give the voters the impression that they are actually doing their jobs.

You gotta' ask yerself this question: "If ICE was actually doing their jobs would there be so many illegal aliens in the US?

ICE Responsibilities
ICE is responsible for enforcing federal laws, both criminal and civil, that encompass border control, customs, trade, and immigration. Its job is to protect the integrity of the U.S. borders, and ICE special agents have been given the broadest investigative authority available from the United States government.

ICE's particular duties include identifying and investigating vulnerabilities in the nation's border, economic, infrastructure, and transportation security. In its investigations, ICE uses undercover agents, surveillance, confidential informants, and cooperating defendants.

What Does ICE Do? | CriminalDefenseLawyer.com

Not all about illegal aliens.
As much as I agree that going after employers of illegals is a primary tool in the fight against illegal immigration, 1,000 employers throughout all 50 states is a joke. Most medium-sized towns and cities have more than 1,000 employers using illegal labor. When he announces that he has targeted 1,000,000 employers, then I'll be impressed.
This is a sharp divestment from his original immigration plan.

This has always been Obama's plan. He is still planning a path to citizenship and dream act.
Nothing has changed.

Immigration raids generally result in deportations and the splitting of families. So, yeah, this far from his 'balanced' approach of sealing borders and a path for citizenship. If he had run on deportations and raids, he would've lost the primary.
Did someone fart?

Anyone in california will get a giggling fit after reading the OP. The ICE raids are just media events, part of BO's lead up to 2012, to show he's "doing something" about the illegal alien invasion. They won't have the slightest statistical effect on the millions and millions of invaders, and are basically political theater staged for the delectation of idiots-with-a-vote.
ICE raids matter in other areas, e.g., meat packing plants, construction sites...places like in Colorado...they matter.


It fucking sucks. Most of the time, kids lose a parent.

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