Obama.. Flaming out..

Dude, it was Churchill's cabinet that drew up the plan for the British Welfare State. The people loved the plan, but they didn't trust Churchill to implement it. So, they booted his butt out of office.
Dude, it was Churchill's cabinet that drew up the plan for the British Welfare State. The people loved the plan, but they didn't trust Churchill to implement it. So, they booted his butt out of office.

Google Clement Atlee, you silly moron.
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Uh, yes he has. The GM takeover and ObamaCare are to glaring examples (although they are fascist-socialists hybrids).

Obama is a totalitarian statist, fo shizzle.

I am sick of hearing "Obama took over GM". He supported a bail out. This is akin to arguing "Obama took over AIG".

Falsehoods do not become true merely because millions repeat them.
The Obama Administration interfered in what should have been an orderly bankruptcy proceeding overseen by a judge. They forced bond holders to take pennies on the dollar for the benefit of the UAW. It was a gross violation of binding contracts and the rule of law.

The government owns 61% of GM - that is a takeover.
The U.S. government currently owns 61% of GM. That is a controlling stake of the means of production, distribution and exchange.

Really. Try reading. You might learn something.

Obama has replaced the CEO and vetoed advertising policy. If that isn't control, I really don't know what is.
Huh? Employee wages and pensions have priority in bankruptcy, boedicca. What was the "perversion of the rule of law"?

It was a bizarrely fast proceeding, I'll give ya that.
One of our most important tasks will be to pass into law and bring into action as soon as we can a nation-wide and compulsory scheme of National Insurance based on the plan announced by the Government of all Parties in 1944.

----Mr. Churchill's Declaration of Policy to the Electors; 1945
In a real reorganization, those contracts would be subject to renegotiation. The GM bondholders had a superior claim, which was de facto voided by the pressure the Obama Administration put upon them to settle for less than they should have received under the law. This was a pay off to the union.
In return for a single consolidated contribution there will be new and increased benefits, amongst which is to be an old age or retirement pension of 20/- for single people and 35/- for married couples.

--CONSERVATIVE PARTY: 1945; Mr. Churchill's Declaration of Policy to the Electors
(Yet more quotes out of context and without the courtesy of any commentary.)

Read up on what the British economy was like after WWII and get back to us, you ignorant twit.
Read up on what the British economy was like after WWII.

The new Ministry of National Insurance has been set up to prepare, administer and control the whole of this great legislation. So massive and complex a task can only be discharged by a large and highly-trained staff, which has to be assembled and accommodated.

--CONSERVATIVE PARTY: 1945; Mr. Churchill's Declaration of Policy to the Electors​
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The Obama Administration interfered in what should have been an orderly bankruptcy proceeding overseen by a judge. They forced bond holders to take pennies on the dollar for the benefit of the UAW. It was a gross violation of binding contracts and the rule of law.

The government owns 61% of GM - that is a takeover.

The U. S. Government doesn't control GM's production, distribution and exchange.

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