Obama Focused Like A Laser On Averting Fiscal Cliff … No, Not Really … Has 25 White H

It's all politics!!
Obama has positioned himself to win. He wants to go over the Cliff!!!!

Once we go over they will blame it on the Republicans, then (since the Reps screwed it up) he will push to pass a separate tax cut bill for the middle class and military spending..which the Republicans can't vote against. Thus "saving" our Economy from the "Partisan" Republicans and making him the campion of the middle class and military.

..and a spending cut amendment is added as a poision pill which Obama has to sign or the gridlock continues. Point, counterpoint.
It's all politics!!
Obama has positioned himself to win. He wants to go over the Cliff!!!!

Once we go over they will blame it on the Republicans, then (since the Reps screwed it up) he will push to pass a separate tax cut bill for the middle class and military spending..which the Republicans can't vote against. Thus "saving" our Economy from the "Partisan" Republicans and making him the campion of the middle class and military.

..and a spending cut amendment is added as a poision pill which Obama has to sign or the gridlock continues. Point, counterpoint.

But he won't be blamed for it. Plus it will help lower the deficit. Win, win Obama.
It's all politics!!
Obama has positioned himself to win. He wants to go over the Cliff!!!!

Once we go over they will blame it on the Republicans, then (since the Reps screwed it up) he will push to pass a separate tax cut bill for the middle class and military spending..which the Republicans can't vote against. Thus "saving" our Economy from the "Partisan" Republicans and making him the campion of the middle class and military.

..and a spending cut amendment is added as a poision pill which Obama has to sign or the gridlock continues. Point, counterpoint.

But he won't be blamed for it. Plus it will help lower the deficit. Win, win Obama.

Your probably correct, you would need an honest press for that to happen, we know we don't.
one month after the elections, obama is still campaigning of adnauseum piles of shiite.
For real change to happen, to truly get away from this cliff or whatever, the first step is simple.

Democrats and the GOP need to get their heads out of their asses and focus on fixing things instead of blaming each other. I know it's a long shot, because career politicians are really fucking good at the blame game, but maybe, just maybe, they'll work something out...

...like giving themselves a raise!

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